З. И. Вайнштейн Л. С. Плебейская

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1 Andrew asked himself that question Эндрю задавал себе этот вопрос (himself возвр. местоим.).
IV*. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова, и переведите их:
1. The patient had a bad ache in his ear. 2. My head aches so badly that 1 cannot read. 3. The X-ray examination did not reveal any lung trouble.

  1. The doctor wants to know what troubles the patient. 5. I do not doubt that the patient will feel well after the treatment. 6. There is no doubt that the pain will be controlled soon. 7. During the operation the approach to the diseased portion of the colon was difficult. 8. The surgeon approached the valve on which he had to operate.

V*. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на многозначность слова as:
1. Му brother wants to become a surgeon as he likes surgery. 2. As the physician was examining the patient he revealed moist rales in the lungs.

  1. In the human being the size of the heart is as large as his fist (кулак).

  2. My father works as a therapeutist at the polyclinic.


  1. Analyse the word-building elements of the following words and translate them:

  1. 1) ache, headache, earache, stomachache, toothache; 2) trouble, lung- trouble, heart trouble, liver trouble; 3) a ward, a ward doctor, a ward nurse;

  1. an immediate response, an immediate relief, immediate measures.

  1. 1) doubt, doubtful, undoubtful, undoubtedly; 2) approach, approaching, approachable, unapproachable; 3) definite, definitely, indefinite, indefinitely; 4) dry, to dry, dried, drying, dryish, dryness, dryly; 5) warm, to warm, warmed, warming, warmish, warmly, warmth; 6) moist, moistly, moisture, moistness.

  1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meanings of the word bad:

1. He has a bad cold. 2. I have a bad pain in the left side. 3. He is in a bad health. 4. The dentist has revealed two bad teeth. 5. He developed a bad


Cycle V. Medical Institutions

cough. 6. She got a bad wound of her arm. 7. Why do you feel bad? 8. This juice tastes bad.

  1. Put the verbs given in the brackets in the appropriate tense. Translate the sentences:

1. While the properties of filterable viruses (исследовались) the scientist (проводил) numerous experiments. 2. When the physician (приближался) the patient’s bedside loud coughing (послышался) in the ward. 3. Now the professor (читает) a lecture in which the properties of anaerobic microorganisms (анализируются).

  1. 1. Read Text D. 2. Try to understand the meaning of the words in bold type from the context. 3. Retell the text.

Text D. Tracheitis
Tracheitis l.treiki'aitis] is the disease in which the mucous membrane of the trachea [tra'kis] is impaired. The disease usually develops in a weak organism, after a person has been in the cold environment for a long period of time, or after some infectious disease.
In such conditions the microorganisms such as pneumococci, staphylococci and streptococci which usually invade the upper respiratory tract multiply rapidly and produce the inflammation of the mucous membrane.
The main symptom of tracheitis is the cough, usually dry at first. But in a day or two it becomes productive. After the attack of cough the patient feels pain in the substernal area and in the throat. The general condition becomes worse. When the attacks of cough are particularly long, a bad headache may develop. In adults the temperature may not be high, but in children it may be as high as 39 °C.
The patient with tracheitis usually follows home treatment receiving a sick- leave for the period of his disease. The patient must be in a warm room well aired. He may be administered aspirin or codein which gives some relief. He may also be recommended to have warm milk with slbda several times a day.

Словообразование: префиксы intra-, over-.
формы причастий. Отглагольное имя существительное. Герундий, его форма и функции.

Unit 2. Hospitals



  1. Префикс intra- [intra] означает внутри: cellular клеточный intracellular внутриклеточный.

  2. Префикс over- ['auva] придает слову значение сверх, чрезмерно: dosage дозировка overdosage передозировка.

  1. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова:

a) intracranial, intramuscular, intravenous, intracardiac, intrapleural, intrathoracic, intratracheal, intraspinal; 6) overweight, overgrowth, overestimate, overgrow.

  1. Запомните чтение следующих слов. Переведите их: hospitalize ['hraspitalaiz], intravenous [.intra'vimas), instruction |in'strAkfn],

electrocardiogram [i.lektrau'kaidiagram], intramuscular [.lntra'mAskjola], result [ri'zAlt],

  1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

department [di'paitmant] п
отделение; in-patient department стационарное отделение; out-patient department амбулаторное отделение reception ward |ri'sepJh'wo:d| приемная, приемный покой initial [I’nifl] а начальный, первоначальный; предварительный apply [o'plai] v применять, прикладывать; to apply cups ставить банки prescribe [pri'skraib] v прописывать; предписывать dose [daus] n доза dosage ['dausicfe] n дозировка
indicate ['indikeit] v указывать, показывать; обозначать keep [ki:p] (kept, kept [kept]) v держать; хранить poisonous Cpaiznas] а ядовитый, отравляющий, токсический cause [ko:z] v причинять, вызывать; n причина death [de9] n смерть; death rate смертность
round [raund] n обход (больных врачом)', to make one’s daily rounds делать ежедневный обход
relieve [rUkv] v облегчать; освобождать; снимать (боль) prevent [pri'vent] v предотвращать, предупреждать recovery [ri'kAvori] n выздоровление; восстановление IV.

IV. Переведите следующие словосочетания:
to be admitted to the in-patient department, to fill in a case history, to make an initial diagnosis, to estimate the initial findings, to apply a new


Cycle V. Medical Institutions

method of treatment, over dosage of a drug may cause death, to take the patient’s temperature, to give injections, to take an electrocardiogram.

  1. Найдите корень и определите часть речи корня и производного:

hospitalize, unfavourable, instruction, injection, poisonous, reaction, direction.

  1. Переведите следующие однокоренные слова:

prevent, prevention, preventive, preventing; indicate, indicated, indicating, indicative, indication; apply, applied, applying, application; recovery, recover, recovered, recovering.

  1. Сгруппируйте парами слова, близкие по значению (письменно):

a disease, to start, not to be able to do smth, to hospitalize, a medicine, a polyclinic, a hospital, to produce, a response, a trouble, a reaction, to begin, to cause, in-patient department, to admit to the hospital, a drug, an out-patient department, to fail to do smth.
VIII*. Измените время глагола-сказуемого придаточного предложения так, чтобы оно выражало действие, предшествующее действию в главном предложении:
1. We thought that you were hospitalized to the surgical in-patient department. 2. The surgeon considered that the new remedy was hot indicated in that particular case. 3. The patient said that the prescribed dose of the drug failed to relieve the pain.
IX*. Определите выделенные ing-forms и их синтаксические функции. Переведите их:
1. Any drug causing a strong reaction must be taken only if the doctor has administered it. 2. Hospitalizing a patient the doctor on duty examines him in the reception ward. 3. The approaching car will take the patient to the hospital.

  1. The nurse was applying cups when the ward doctor entered the ward.


  1. 1. Прочтите текст A. 2. Найдите и переведите предложения, в которых глагол to be выполняет роль модального глагола (3 случая).

  1. Выпишите и переведите слова с префиксами intra- и over- (3 случая).

  2. Напишите план текста и перескажите его.

Text A. Work of an In-patient Department
When patients are admitted to the hospital first of all they are received by a nurse on duty1 at the reception ward.

Unit 2. Hospitals


Those patients who are to be hospitalized have already received the direction from the polyclinic. The nurse on duty fills in patients’ case histories in which she writes down their names, age, place of work, occupation, address and the initial diagnosis made by a doctor at the polyclinic.
Then a doctor on duty examines the hospitalized patients and gives his instructions what department and wards the patients are to be admitted to.
At the in-patient departments of a hospital life begins early in the morning. The nurses on duty take the patients’ temperature, give them intramuscular and intravenous injections, take stomach juice for analysis, apply cups and give all the prescribed remedies in the doses indicated by the ward doctors.
The nurses keep all the drugs in special drug cabinets2. All the drugs have special labels (этикетки). The names of drugs are indicated on them. Patients are not allowed to take the medicines themselves because some drugs are poisonous, the overdosage of some other drugs may cause unfavourable reactions and even death.
At about 9 o’clock in the morning the doctors begin the daily rounds of the wards during which they examine all the patients. After the medical examination the doctors administer the patients different procedures: electrocardiograms are taken, laboratory analyses of blood, urine and gastric juice are made. Some patients are administered a bed regimen, others are allowed to walk; some are to follow a diet to relieve stomachache or prevent unfavourable results in case of stomach troubles. All the doctors always treat the patients with great attention and care. There is no doubt that such a hearty attitude of the doctors to the patients helps much in their recovery.

  1. a nurse (a doctor) on duty дежурная сестра (дежурный врач); to be on duty дежурить, быть дежурным

  2. a drug cabinet шкаф для лекарств, аптечный,шкаф


  1. Use the active vocabulary of the lesson instead of the following:

1) to advise and order the patient some medicine; 2) to produce; 3) to put cups; 4) a definite amount of the drug; 5) to stop the spread of inflammation;

  1. a toxic medicine; 7) to make the pain less; 8) to be allowed and used.

  1. Choose the sentences corresponding to Text A:

1. a) At the in-patient department the nurses give the patients intramuscular and intravenous injections, b) At the in-patient department the ward doctors give the patients intramuscular and intravenous injections. 2. a) Some


Cycle V. Medical Institutions

patients are to follow a diet to decrease weight, b) Some patients are to follow a diet to relieve stomachache. 3. a) The overdosage of some drugs may cause a considerable change in the white blood cell count, b) The overdosage of some drugs may cause unfavourable reactions.

  1. Read the passages and answer the questions:

  1. Patient Ivanov was treated at the hospital. His temperature was taken every morning. He was given the prescribed medicine and the intramuscular injection of vitamin B. Who carried out the administrations?

  2. My sister has a high temperature. Her blood analysis shows a considerable increase of the white blood cell count. Her first and second heart sounds are greatly decreased. Her electrocardiogram shows abnormal findings. Where must she be treated?

  1. Make up the sentences corresponding to the Russian ones out of the words given in brackets:

1. Ядовитые лекарства могут вызывать неблагоприятные реакции, (reactions, poisonous, drugs, unfavourable, cause, may) 2. Названия лекарств указываются на этикетках (on, the, of, names, medicines, the, labels, are, indicated) 3. Назначенное лекарство не снимало боль в загрудинной области (in, area, the, administered, the, drug, failed, substernal, pain, to relieve, the). .

  1. Find the sentences in which ‘if’ is translated as 'если’ and then — as particle 'ли’:

1. The surgeon asked the patient if he had been operated on the year before 2. If you have a sore throat, you must gargle it several times a day.

  1. I shall investigate this case again if the findings are not clear. 4. I asked the nurse if ail the findings were clear.

  1. Read Text В and entitle it.

Text В
As soon as the patient is admitted to the in-patient department the ward doctor fills in the patient’s case history. It must include the information about the patient’s parents — if they are living or not. If they died, the doctor must know at what age and of what causes they died. The doctor must know if any of the family has ever been ill with tuberculosis or has had any mental or emotional impairments. This information composes the family history.
The patient’s medical history must include the information about the diseases which the patient had both being a child and an adult, about the

Unit 2. Hospitals


operations which were performed, about any traumas he had. The patient’s blood group and his sensitivity to antibiotics must be determined and the obtained information written down in the case history. These findings compose the past history.
The attending doctor (лечащий врач) must know what the patient’s complaints and symptoms are. He must know how long and how often the patient has had these complaints.
The information on the physical examination of the patient on his admission to the hospital, the results of all the laboratory tests and X-ray examinations, the description of the course of the disease with any changes in the symptoms and the condition of the patient, the administered medicines in their exact doses and the produced effect of the treatment all these findings which compose the history of the present illness must always be written down in the case history.
The case history must always be written very accurately and consist of exact and complete information.


I. Прочтите предложения по колонкам. Ответьте на вопросы:

а) ...
б) ...
в) ...
г) 1. The reading man is my friend.

  1. The man reading a book is my friend.

д) Reading a book I did not hear when she came in.
е) He stood nearby reading a book.

а) Reading is useful.
б) 1 like his rapidly reading.
в) His favourite occupation is reading.
r) 1 like your idea of reading this book.
д) After reading 1 began to write a letter. .
е) We cannot gain knowledge without reading.

1*. Знакома ли вам форма на -ing в предложениях г, д, е левой колонки, как она называется и как переводится на русский язык? 2*. Какими членами предложения являются эти ing-forms в предложениях г, д, е левой колонки? 3*. Знакомы ли вам ing-forms во всех предложениях правой колонки, какими частями речи их можно перевести?

  1. Есть ли подобная неличная форма в русском языке? 5. Определите синтаксические функции герундия во всех предложениях правой


Cycle V. Medical Institutions

колонки. 6. Сравните правую и левую колонки. Какими синтаксическими функциями отличается герундий от причастия? 7. Какие общие синтаксические функции выполняют герундий и причастие? 8. Какой формальный признак отличает герундий от причастия в этих общих синтаксических функциях? 9. Как переводится герундий на русский язык? 10. Чем определяется герундий?

  1. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. The scientist continued investigating the properties of blood gases. 2. Your rapid recovery depends on properly following the administered treatment. 3. He works on determining the increase of white blood cells in this disease. 4. In making observations particular care to obtain exact findings is necessary.
III*. Определите, в каких из следующих предложений употреблен герундий. Переведите эти предложения:
1. His bad condition prevented him from attending the lecture in Microbiology. 2. The microorganisms invading the human body are able to develop an infection. 3. The process of growth is due to the increasing number of cells. 4. The patient had to give up going in for sports because of the disease of the joints: 5. It is no use extending our investigations as the nature of this phenomenon has become clear.

  1. Прочтите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

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