undergo [.лпбэ'дэи] (underwent [/mds'went], undergone [.Anda'gnn]) v подвергаться; испытывать, переносить. The patient underwent (he operation last month. recurrence [п'клгэпв] nвозвращение; повторение; рецидив. The recurrence of the disease was rather unexpected. .. CLASS ASSIGNMENTS Use the Complex Object instead of the subordinate clause:
1. The therapeutist did not think that chills would recur after this course of treatment. 2. At the follow-up examination the surgeon noticed that the patient had become better nourished. 3. Everybody believed that the initial diagnosis would be confirmed by the X-ray and laboratory examinations. Finish the sentences using the Complex Object:
1. I have never seen... (а) как больному снимают электрокардиограмму, (б) как сестра делает внутривенное вливание. 2. I would like... (а) чтобы больной прошел курс рентгенотерапии; (б) чтобы мой диагноз был подтвержден рентгенологическим обследованием. 3. We did not expect... (а) что у этого больного будет обнаружена сердечнососудистая недостаточность, (б) что воспалительный процесс в сердечных клапанах будет таким тяжелым.
Unit 2. The Diseases of the Cardiovascular System
191 Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meaning of the word ‘follow’ and its derivatives:
1. The rupture of the lung abscess was followed by a gradual impove- ment of the patient’s general condition. 2. Her daughter was followed up at the out-patient department because of the possible recurrence of rheumatic endocarditis. 3. Those patients who have suffered tuberculosis must undergo follow-up examinations regularly. 4. In unfavourable cases the follow-up may reveal the recurrence of typical tuberculous impairment of the lung. 1. Read Text B. 2. What treatment would you administer a patient with rheumatic endocarditis? 3. Why must such a patient be followed up?
Text B. The Treatment of Rheumatic Endocarditis The patient with the diagnosis of rheumatic endocarditis was treated at the in-patient department. He was administered antibiotic therapy to eliminate the primary focus of infection. He was also administered Adonis preparations to control cardiovascular insufficiency. The preparations of Adonis were administered in the dosage of a tablespoonful three times a day. The patient took aspirin in the dosage of 1 g four times a day. The physician recommended the patient’s diet to be nourishing and containing many vitamins. But his diet had to be limited in salt. The patient was allowed only a limited amount of fluid. The patient had been following the administered treatment for 45 days. By that time his condition had become much better. Having been discharged from the hospital he had to come to the outpatient department for regular follow-up examinations. In spring and autumn he had to undergo aspirin and bicillin treatment to prevent the recurrence of the disease. Choose the sentences corresponding to Texts A and B:
1. a) The patient was administered vitamin therapy for his better nourishing. b) The patient was administered antibiotic therapy to eliminate the primary focus of infection. 2. a) The patient complained of a general malaise, early fatigue on exertion, cardiac discomfort and palpitation, b) The patient complained of cold perspiration at night, loss of appetite and weight. Choose the correct answer:
1. What disease may the onset of rheumatic endocarditis be preceded by? (a) It may be preceded by tonsillitis; (b) It may be preceded by lung abscess.
Cycle VI. Diseases What examination can the enlargement of the heart be determined by? (a) It can be determined by percussion and the X-ray examination; (b) It can be determined by electrocardiogram. 3. What must the diet of a patient with rheumatic endocarditis contain? (a) It must contain much salt; (b) It must contain many vitamins.
LESSON 38 HOME ASSIGNMENTS По данным словам переведите однокоренные: