Янги Ўзбекистонни қуриш ва ривожланишида ёшларнинг фаоллиги
закпны.‖ Такпй‖ же‖ мпжет‖ быть‖ и линиѐ‖ сазвитиѐ‖ твпйттв‖ умнпжениѐ,‖
между‖ ѐвлениѐми,‖ трптпбттвуящей‖ нпсмальнпму‖ рсптекания‖ рспчетта‖
рспредевтики‖ и‖ ресеушиваниѐ.‖ Этим‖ не‖ итшесрываеттѐ‖ тритпк‖ впрсптпв,‖ длѐ‖
С‖ этпй‖ же‖ тпшки‖ зсениѐ,‖ веспѐтнп,‖ былп‖ бы‖ рплезным‖ рсптледить‖ сазвитие‖
вышитлительных‖ навыкпв,‖ рп‖ ксайней‖ месе‖ т‖ I‖ рп‖ VIII‖ клатт,‖ рсименение‖
усавнений‖ к‖ сешения‖ текттпвых‖ задаш,‖ птмытлить‖ пзнакпмление‖ ушащихтѐ‖
младшегп‖ и‖ тседнегп‖ впзсатта‖ т‖ элементами‖ дпказательттва‖ и‖ рспанализиспвать‖
Тписок литературы
1. Акимпва,‖М.К.‖Урсажнениѐ‖рп‖сазвития‖мытлительных‖навыкпв‖
младших‖шкпльникпв‖*Тектт+‖/‖М.К.‖Акимпва,‖В.Т.‖Кпзлпва.‖– Обнинтк:‖Пешать,‖
2003. – 242‖т.
2. Бантпва‖М.А.‖Метпдика‖рсерпдаваниѐ‖математики‖в‖нашальных‖клаттах‖
*Тектт+‖/‖М.А.‖Бантпва,‖Г.В.‖Бельтякпва.‖– М.:‖Псптвещение,‖2002.‖– 420‖т.
Teacher at Tashkent State
Pedagogical University Shakhrisabz Branch
Smith (2010) claims that assessment of teaching skills or competences constitute
an area of debate and development. This is because of widespread dissatisfaction with
the professional assessment processes that are being used. Therefore, it is crucial to be
aware of different capabilities, be familiar with the tasks that effectively measure each
type, and be able to classify test items according to the type of capability each measures
while designing and developing assessments. According to Morse (2003), such
assessment has value beyond success that it nurtures beginning language teachers,
which learners to personally take care of their own professional development with
minimal‖ supervision.‖ One‖ of‖ the‖ most‖ effective‖ tools‖ in‖ assessing‖ learners’‖ procedural‖
knowledge is considered developing portfolios.
It should be stated that according to Gips (1997) good assessment is assessment
that not only supports reflection and learning but also includes formative assessment
.She and many others stressed that the need for evaluation should be open and related
to clear criteria, and also advocate the use of range assessment strategies such as
portfolio assessment, which enables all students to be able to work well.Many
researchers in language testing have defined it as a collection of student work which
represents both the capability and the progress of a learner. Cameron (2001:237) has
explained‖ the‖ original‖ use‖ of‖ portfolios‖ by‖ saying:‖ ‚Artists,‖ photographers‖ and‖
architects often build up portfolios, in which they put together pictures they feel best
represents their style and skills. They then use the portfolios to demonstrate what they
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