improving people s lives and reducing suffering 10 Noun Plural Opinions that have been reached after thinking about different possibilities or arguments 12 Noun A large corporation that is made up of many companies, which are involved in many different types of businesses 14 Noun Person who starts his or her own business 15 Noun Plural Districts that have a member of parliament 16 Noun The deliberate ending of a pregnancy, usually by a drug or medical operation 17 Noun Formal public statement 18 Noun Plural: Heights of something above sea level D
own 1 Verb To attack suddenly from a place of hiding 2 Noun A quick look 3 Verb To steal valuable items from a town, building or church 5 Noun The systems for taking waste products and dirty water away from buildings to protect people s health 6 Noun Gas in the stomach and bowels 7 Noun The first example of a product from which all later versions are developed 8 Noun Plural Rivers or streams flowing into larger rivers or lakes 9 Noun A serious and sometimes fatal medical condition when the body gets too cold for its natural processes to warm it up 11 Noun Items associated with a person or event that other