Acknowledgements Thanks to Ben Pister, Sam Sublett and Jake Gregg for SCUBA assistance in the
field. For helpful discussions that improved this work we thank Timothy Wootton,
Cathy Pfister, Greg Dwyer, Joy Bergelson, Mathew Leibold, Spencer Hall and
Bret Elderd. Yvonne Buckley, Barney Davies and an anonymous referee provided
very helpful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. The director
and staff of Friday Harbor Laboratories provided logistical support and access
to laboratory and SCUBA facilities. The field research was funded by a grant to
Timothy Wootton from The SeaDoc Society at UC Davis, and both authors
were supported by a Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Training
Grant (P200A040070) during the completion of this work.
142 K. H. Britton-Simmons & K. C. Abbott