Why do you want to be a waitress or waiter?
Answer: Waitressing allows me to get to know other people which I enjoy, but it also allows me to learn quickly and develop new skills, and ensure I can deliver the top-notch service everyone expects when they go out to eat.
Nega ofitsiant yoki ofitsiant bo'lishni xohlaysiz?
Javob: Ofitsiantlik menga o'zim yoqtirgan boshqa odamlar bilan tanishishimga imkon beradi, lekin bu menga tez o'rganishga va yangi ko'nikmalarni rivojlantirishga imkon beradi va men har kim ovqat eyish uchun kutgan eng yuqori darajadagi xizmatni taqdim etishimga imkon beradi.
What is your greatest strength as a server?
Answer: In my ten years serving people I’ve always been prompt and attentive and never left a table sitting for long. I am dedicated to a higher level of service and making sure everyone works together as a team.
Sizning server sifatida eng katta kuchingiz nimada?
Javob: Odamlarga xizmat qilgan o'n yil mobaynida men har doim tez va ehtiyotkorlik bilan ishlaganman va hech qachon stoldan uzoq o'tirmaganman. Men yuqori darajadagi xizmatga bag'ishlanganman va hamma bir jamoa bo'lib ishlashiga ishonch hosil qilaman.
What is your biggest weakness when serving?
Answer: My weakness is trying to do too much at once, because I want every customer to be happy and feel comfortable and taken care of. But I do need to learn to slow down and prioritize so I don’t get overwhelmed.
Xizmat qilishda sizning eng katta zaifligingiz nima?
Javob: Mening ojizligim birdaniga ko'p ish qilishga harakat qilyapti, chunki men har bir mijoz baxtli bo'lishini, o'zlarini qulay va g'amxo'rlik qilishlarini xohlayman. Lekin men sekinlashib, ustuvorlik berishni o'rganishim kerak, shunda men g'azablanmayman.
What do you love most about being a waiter or waitress?
Answer: I love being a server because it allows me to interact with people, think on my feet and each day I can learn one new way to deliver better service. I love seeing customers smile and enjoy themselves. I love staying busy and there’s always a million things to do when you are a server.
Ofitsiant yoki ofitsiant bo'lish sizga nimani ko'proq yoqtiradi?
Javob: Men server bo'lishni yaxshi ko'raman, chunki bu menga odamlar bilan muloqot qilishimga, oyog'im ustida o'ylashga va har kuni yaxshiroq xizmat ko'rsatishning yangi usulini o'rganishimga imkon beradi. Men xaridorlarning tabassumini va zavqlanishini ko'rishni yaxshi ko'raman. Men band bo'lishni yaxshi ko'raman va siz server bo'lganingizda har doim millionlab ishlar qilish kerak.
What is your favourite part about being a waitress?
"Waitressing gives me the opportunity to learn on my feet and I get to serve different customers. As there are new people in the restaurant every day, it means every day is different."
Ofitsiant bo'lishning sizga yoqadigan qismi nima?
"Ofitsiantlik menga oyoqqa turib o'rganish imkoniyatini beradi va men har xil xaridorlarga xizmat ko'rsatish imkoniyatiga ega bo'laman. Restoranda har kuni yangi odamlar bo'lgani uchun, demak har kun boshqacha".
What experience do you have?
"I have experience working in another restaurant, I worked busy shifts and I'm used to serving large parties. From my experience I feel comfortable talking to customers."
Sizda qanday tajriba bor?
"Menda boshqa restoranda ishlash tajribasi bor, men juda ko'p smenada ishlaganman va katta ziyofatlarga xizmat qilishga o'rganib qolganman. O'z tajribamdan kelib chiqib, men mijozlar bilan gaplashishni qulay his qilaman".
Describe a time you had to overcome a challenge. Describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult situation and how you resolved the issue.
Answer: One time I had a large table of 15 people and they all had complicated drink orders. Our bar was understaffed, and our kitchen was short a few line cooks. I made sure the kitchen was prepared for my orders and made some of the drinks at the bar. In the end, my manager thanked me for handling the rush so professionally.
Qiyinchilikni engish kerak bo'lgan vaqtni tasvirlab bering. Qachon qiyin vaziyatni boshdan kechirganingizni va muammoni qanday hal qilganingizni tasvirlab bering.
Javob: Bir marta menda 15 kishilik katta stol bor edi va ularning hammasida ichimlik buyurtmalari murakkab edi. Bizning barda xodimlar kam edi, oshxonamizda esa oshpazlar kam edi. Men oshxona mening buyurtmalarim uchun tayyorlanganligiga ishonch hosil qildim va barda ichimliklar tayyorladim. Oxir -oqibat, menejerim shoshilinchlik bilan professional tarzda shug'ullanganim uchun minnatdorchilik bildirdi.
Why do you want to work at this restaurant?
Answer: This restaurant has the best food in the neighborhood, and I think I will really be able to connect with the customers here because I actually enjoy coming here. My true love for the food and atmosphere will show through.
Nega bu restoranda ishlashni xohlaysiz?
Javob: Bu restoranda mahallaning eng yaxshi taomlari bor va menimcha, men bu erdagi xaridorlar bilan bog'lana olaman, chunki men bu erga kelishni yaxshi ko'raman. Ovqat va atmosferaga bo'lgan haqiqiy muhabbatim namoyon bo'ladi.
Tell me about a time you had an angry guest and how you dealt with it.
Answer: A customer once became angry because their steak was not cooked properly. So, after hearing their complaint I calmly replied that I would be happy to take it back to the kitchen and have it cooked properly.
Qachon g'azablangan mehmoningiz borligi va u bilan qanday munosabatda bo'lganingiz haqida gapirib bering.
Javob: Bir marta mijozning bifteklari to'g'ri pishirilmaganidan jahli chiqqan. Shunday qilib, ularning shikoyatini eshitganimdan so'ng, men uni oshxonaga olib borib, to'g'ri pishirilganidan xursand bo'lardim, deb xotirjam javob berdim.
Why do you think you would make a great addition to our team?
Answer: I am a hardworking server and I want to make every guest feel welcome. I always try to be positive and this shows through in everything I do. This leading by example approach rubs off on other servers, so I think having me around will be a positive for everyone.
Nima deb o'ylaysiz, nima uchun siz bizning jamoamizga a'lo darajada qo'shilasiz?
Javob: Men mehnatkash serverman va har bir mehmonni xush kelibsiz his qilishni xohlayman. Men har doim ijobiy bo'lishga harakat qilaman va bu mening hamma ishimda namoyon bo'ladi. Namunaviy yondashuv boshqa serverlarga yoqadi, shuning uchun men bilan bo'lish hamma uchun ijobiy bo'ladi.
Are you comfortable working long shifts and being on your feet all day?
Answer: I have worked long shifts before and at my other position I was on my feet all day. I am a high energy person and I like to be moving around. Working long shifts won’t bother me. I am used to it.
Uzoq smenada ishlash va kun bo'yi oyoqqa turish sizga qulaymi?
Javob: Men oldin ko'p smenalarda ishlaganman va boshqa lavozimda kun bo'yi oyoqqa turardim. Men yuqori energiyali odamman va harakat qilishni yaxshi ko'raman. Uzoq smenada ishlash meni bezovta qilmaydi. Men bunga o'rganib qolganman.
How would you handle multiple tables and orders at the same time?
Answer: I always handle large groups and multiple tables well. I keep track of all my orders and have a specific way of writing them down, so I keep track of everything more easily. I visit each table and make sure every guest is accommodated.
Bir vaqtning o'zida bir nechta jadval va buyurtmalarni qanday qabul qilasiz?
Javob: Men har doim katta guruhlar va bir nechta jadvallarni yaxshi boshqaraman. Men barcha buyurtmalarimni kuzatib boraman va ularni yozishning o'ziga xos usuli bor, shuning uchun men hamma narsani osonroq kuzataman. Men har bir stolga tashrif buyuraman va har bir mehmonning joylashishiga ishonch hosil qilaman.
If we hire you as a server, what responsibilities do you think your daily tasks will be?
Answer: Well, I would be waiting tables, taking orders, serving food and using the POS system. It also mentioned table setting and prep work.
Agar biz sizni server sifatida ishga olsak, sizningcha, sizning kundalik vazifalaringiz qanday javobgarlikka ega bo'ladi?
Javob: Xo'sh, men stol kutardim, buyurtmalar qabul qildim, ovqat berdim va POS tizimidan foydalanardim. Shuningdek, u stol tuzilishi va tayyorgarlik ishlarini eslatib o'tdi.
How important is it to maintain a safe workplace and how do you contribute to a safe work environment for yourself and others?
Answer: I always watch my step, wear comfortable, stable shoes and avoid wearing loose clothing. I also communicate with other servers and make sure they are aware when I am carrying plates near them.
Xavfsiz ish joyini saqlash qanchalik muhim va o'zingiz va boshqalar uchun xavfsiz ish muhitiga qanday hissa qo'shasiz?
Javob: Men har doim qadamimni kuzataman, qulay, barqaror poyabzal kiyaman va bo'shashgan kiyim kiyishdan saqlanaman. Men boshqa serverlar bilan ham muloqot qilaman va ular yonida plastinka tashayotganimda ular xabardor bo'lishlariga ishonch hosil qilaman.
Why do you want to work at this restaurant?
“I really like the kind of food the restaurant serves. I love Italian food and I wanted to apply for a job where I could show my passion for the food when customers ask
Nega bu restoranda ishlashni xohlaysiz?
"Menga restoran ko'rsatadigan taomlar juda yoqadi. Men italyan taomlarini yaxshi ko'raman va mijozlar so'raganda, men ovqatga bo'lgan ishtiyoqimni ko'rsatadigan ishga joylashmoqchi edim
Can you prepare tables?
“Yes, in my last job as a waitress I had to set out cutlery correctly. I know how to set out dierent types of wine glasses when preparing a table.”
Siz stol tayyorlay olasizmi?
"Ha, oxirgi ofitsiantlik ishimda pichoqni to'g'ri tanlashim kerak edi. Men dasturxon tayyorlayotganda turli xil sharob stakanlarini qanday ajratishni bilaman ».
Are you comfortable carrying serving plates?
“I can comfortably carry two plates from the kitchen to the restaurant. Depending on the plates, I can sometimes carry three at a time.”
Sizga xizmat ko'rsatish plitalarini tashish qulaymi?
"Men bemalol oshxonadan restoranga ikkita plastinka olib o'tishim mumkin. Plitalarga qarab, men ba'zida bir vaqtning o'zida uchta yuk ko'tarishim mumkin ».
How would you deal with an angry customer?
“After listening to the customer, I would try and think of a solution. If I’m unable to deal with the problem myself, I’d find my manager or another senior member of staff”
G'azablangan mijoz bilan qanday munosabatda bo'lar edingiz?
"Xaridorni tinglagandan so'ng, men echim topishga harakat qilardim. Agar men bu muammoni o'zim hal qila olmasam, menejerimni yoki boshqa yuqori lavozimli xodimni topardim ".
Do you have bar experience?
“I used to work on a bar a couple of years ago. I learned how to make cocktails and pour draught beer.”
Sizda bar tajribasi bormi?
"Men bir necha yil oldin barda ishlaganman. Men mexnat tayyorlashni va pivo quyishni o'rgandim ”.
Can you make coffees using a coffee machine?
“I have experience working as a barista, so I’m happy to use the machines when I need to.”
Kofe mashinasi yordamida qahva tayyorlash mumkinmi?
"Men barista bo'lib ishlash tajribasiga egaman, shuning uchun kerak bo'lganda mashinalarni ishlatishdan xursandman."
What do you do in your free time?
“In my free time I like going out with my friends. On the weekends, we enjoy going shopping. I particularly like going in clothes shops like H&M and Zara. When I can, I like going to the cinema and seeing the latest blockbuster films like Avengers Assemble.”
Sen bo'sh vaqtingda nima qilasan?
"Bo'sh vaqtimda do'stlarim bilan sayr qilishni yaxshi ko'raman. Dam olish kunlari biz xarid qilishni yoqtiramiz. Men, ayniqsa, H&M va Zara kabi kiyim -kechak do'konlariga borishni yaxshi ko'raman. Iloji bo'lsa, men kinoteatrga borishni va "Qasoskorlar yig'ilishi" singari so'nggi filmlarni ko'rishni yaxshi ko'raman. "
What is your knowledge like on wines?
“I’m not much of a wine drinker but I have a good sense of which wines pair well with certain foods, because of my previous experience as a waitress.
Sharob haqida sizning bilimingiz qanday?
"Men vino ichishni unchalik yaxshi ko'rmayman, lekin avvalgi ofitsiantlik tajribam tufayli ba'zi sharoblar qaysi ovqatlar bilan yaxshi birlashishini yaxshi bilaman.
Have you worked long shifts before? Do you feel comfortable working on your feet?
“I’ve worked in similar busy jobs where I’ve had to be on my feet for most of my shift. I’m used to it and I enjoy this type of work.”
Siz ilgari uzoq smenalarda ishlaganmisiz? O'zingizni oyoq ustida ishlashda o'zingizni qulay his qilyapsizmi?
"Men shunga o'xshash band bo'lgan ishlarda ishlaganman, u erda ko'p smenada oyoqqa turishim kerak edi. Men bunga o'rganib qolganman va bu ishdan zavqlanaman ".
Describe a time you made a mistake when serving a customer
“I took a food order and accidentally wrote down chicken burger instead of beef burger. When I brought the order, I realised I had made a mistake, I was obviously embarrassed. I apologised to the customer, who was thankfully very nice about it and then I went to the chefs who were about to get a beef burger ready in 10 minutes. I served it to the customer and apologised again.”
Mijozga xizmat ko'rsatishda xato qilgan vaqtingizni tasvirlab bering
"Men ovqat buyurtma qildim va tasodifan mol go'shti burgerining o'rniga tovuq burgerini yozdim. Buyurtmani olib kelganimda, men xato qilganimni tushundim, men xijolat bo'ldim. Men mijozdan kechirim so'radim, shukurki, bu juda yoqimli edi, keyin men 10 daqiqada mol go'shti burgerini tayyorlamoqchi bo'lgan oshpazlar oldiga bordim. Men uni xaridorga xizmat qilib, yana kechirim so'radim ”.
What do you expect your daily job responsibilities will be?
“From your job advert, I thought it would be a normal waitress role. Taking orders, serving meals, cleaning tables and helping with drink orders. I remember the advert saying that you would need the candidate to work every other Sunday, which I’m happy to do.”
Sizning kundalik ish mas'uliyatingiz qanday bo'lishini kutasiz?
"Sizning ishingiz haqidagi reklamadan men bu oddiy ofitsiantlik roli bo'ladi deb o'yladim. Buyurtma qabul qilish, ovqat berish, stollarni tozalash va ichimlik buyurtmalariga yordam berish. Men reklamani eslayman, sizga har yakshanba kuni ishlash uchun nomzod kerak bo'ladi, men bundan mamnunman ".
As a waitress, it is important to maintain health & safety, how would you keep yourself & your colleagues, safe at work?
“For health and safety, I always keep my hair tied back at work. In the past, I’ve worn blue plasters on my fingers if they’ve been cut. When there is broken glass on the floor, I know to alert another colleague and get it cleaned up quickly to avoid injuring our diners or sta. At work I always make sure to wear appropriate work shoes, to reduce the chance of slipping or falling.”
Ofitsiant sifatida sog'liq va xavfsizlikni saqlash muhim, o'zingizni va hamkasblaringizni ishda qanday xavfsiz saqlagan bo'lardingiz?
"Salomatlik va xavfsizlik uchun men har doim ish joyimda sochimni bog'lab qo'yaman. Ilgari, agar men kesilgan bo'lsam, barmoqlarimga ko'k rangli plasterlarni kiyib olganman. Polda oynalar singan bo'lsa, men boshqa hamkasbimga ogohlantirishni va tez ovqatlanuvchilarga yoki xodimlarimizga shikast etkazmaslik uchun uni tezda tozalashni bilaman. Ish paytida men har doim to'g'ri ish poyafzalini kiyib yuraman, yiqilish yoki yiqilish ehtimolini kamaytiraman ”.
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