Waterford Township Supervisors
Regular Business Meeting
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Waterford Township was held on April 6, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Waterford Township Municipal Building. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman Coffin presided, with Supervisors Stull and Malinowski in attendance. Also present were Roadmaster Kevin Cromwell, Secretary Wendy Burbules, Marilyn Evans, Larry Thompson, and Sylvia Skelton.
Motion to approve the March 16, 2016 minutes made by Jack, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Kevin looked into a new cold chute for the F550 but he doesn’t think the measurements would work out; it’s not wide enough. We should be ok without one. We can use the tailgate for now. Jack mentioned he would like the loose stone swept off the road when they cold patch. Kevin said they’ll work on that.
Kevin received a quote from Sanner’s for the cabinets but they only support 50 pounds and are not strong enough. Staples have heavy duty metal cabinets. They can support 250-400 pounds. The cost for the five cabinets would be about $2500.
Albrecht has finished cutting the trees on Loop Road. Some logs are still there. The landowners should be getting them soon. Kevin received a quote from Showman Excavating to remove the stumps on Loop Road. They have a stump grinder on the excavator. The rate is $175/hour plus a $320 hauling fee. Jack would like to get more bids. Bruce agrees that is usually a good idea but this is a large machine and they should have it done in no time. Kevin says the stumps are on a bank and hard to reach. Tim and Bruce agreed it is a fair price for that type of machine.
Motion by Bruce to have Showman Excavating grind the stumps on Loop Road at a rate of $175/hour plus the $320 hauling fee. We will see how far they are after 8 hours. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried 3/0.
They’ve gotten about 80% of the anti-skid off the roads. They’ve graded up some of the bad roads and fixed some washouts that needed filled.
Kevin is looking into getting funding for the grader roller. One suggestion was a Multi-Municipal Grant through the Gaming Authority. He contacted Waterford Boro about it. It's a dollar for dollar program. We have some shared responsibilities with the Boro. Even if the Boro could come up with 10% it would be Multi-Municipal.
Kevin would like to look into hiring Chuck Kennedy part-time, for the summer. He’s from Wattsburg and a retired CDL driver. He does still have his CDL. Jack would like to meet him.
The Waterford Cemetery wondered if we would donate a dump truck and driver to haul gravel for the driveways. Oberlander has donated the gravel. Kevin said he would donate his time.
Motion by Jack to have Kevin use one of the Township dump trucks to haul gravel for the Cemetery Association. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried 3/0.
We are ready to advertise for paving bids on the six intersections:2- Old Wattsburg, Donation, Benson, Greenlee and Lane and a bridge deck on Trask Road. Opening for bids would be on May 4th; completion prior to the end of June.
Motion by Jack to advertise to accept bids for paving the six intersections and a bridge deck for 2016. Seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Seal Coat bid has gone out. Kevin rode with Suit Kote to check things out.
We've spent $1100 to get the dump bed on the #4 patched up. It's getting bad. The back corners are bad, floors have been replaced, sides rotted in the back. Hopefully it will hold up for the summer. Kevin checked into prices for new dump beds. Trux has a steel bed and air tailgate. J&J deals through Walsh. Walsh has an armor plated one. Good for rocks, light, smooth on the bottom. They also have an aluminum one. There is also a used one in Maryland; it's probably not worth the drive. Peterbilt is going to look at ours and give a trade in price on a new truck.
The Ferraro property on Sharp Road is up for Sheriff Sale; Marilyn doesn't think it's necessary to send any more letters. Bruce agreed. She still hasn't gotten any pictures from Mr. Simmonelli about the apartment on Trask Road. She sent another letter. Marilyn wants to know why McCall is permitted to have apartments. Bruce stated that Paul Burroughs told him that Mr. McCall's correspondences stated they were there prior to zoning. Marilyn believes Mr. Rearick has documentation stating when the apartments were put in. Bruce was told that Mr. Rearick would not get back to Attorney Burroughs. So we don't have the documents to support our case. We tried to contact the previous owners but couldn't. The decision was made by the two attorneys to cancel the hearing. We can discuss this further with Attorney Burroughs at the next meeting. Marilyn stated Mr. McCall came in Thursday to get his $500 back. Marilyn thinks he should pay for something. Jack believes if we cancelled the hearing we need to reimburse him. Marilyn and Kevin are going to go to Seroka Road to check some properties. She would like to make sure it’s ok with the Supervisors to talk to Steve Halmi in regards to Woodland Hills' Storm Water Management Application. There’s also a variance hearing for Mr. Suprynowicz Thursday at 7pm; a reorganization meeting will be at 6:45. Bruce asked Marilyn to check the Department of Labor or Erie County Planning in regards to Occupancy Permits.
Cabinets for Records Room- Jack likes the prices on the Staples cabinets and thinks they’re more heavy duty cabinets.
Motion by Jack to purchase the cabinets for the records room from Staples for $2500. Seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Appoint a signatory for the Niemeyer Road Bridge for PennDot’s RAS (Reimbursement Agreement). The previous Resolution 07-10 must be updated; the current signatory is Gary White. We need to pick a current supervisor.
Motion by Jack to adopt Resolution 02-16 designating a signature authority for the Niemeyer Road Bridge Rehabilitation Project and appoint Tim Malinowski as the signatory for this project. Seconded by Bruce. Motion carried 3/0.
Waterford Fair – They would like to investigate the possibility of extending the municipal water and sewer lines to supply the fairgrounds. Bruce thinks it would be best to forward the letter to the Water/Sewer Authority and let them look into it.
Motion by Tim to forward the letter to the Water/Sewer Authority and give them authority to look into it. Seconded by Bruce. Motion carried 3/0.
Website – Vista Print. Wendy needs reimbursed $53.95 for paying webhosting Oct. 15 – April 16. We can pay this monthly, $10.79, with the Township’s credit card or pay $121/year.
Motion by Bruce to reimburse Wendy $53.95 and to pay the webhosting to Vista Print at the yearly rate. Seconded by Jack. Motion carried 3/0.
Harrington Laundry Contract
Motion to cancel the Harrington Laundry Contract by Jack. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried 3/0.
ASA Committee – Al O’Connell requested he have someone with farming experience also be on the Agricultural Security Area Committee. Jim Kula was suggested.
Motion by Bruce to nominate Jim Kula to the Agricultural Security Area Committee. Seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Motion by Tim to pay bills, seconded by Jack. Motion carried 3/0.
556421 Bradley Moore Sign 75.00
556422 Woodland Hills Inv. T2016.02 953.88
556423 Beeman Estates Sewer 63.26
556424 William Cook Small Flow Treatment 500.00
556425 Erie Cnty Clerk of Records Realty Transfers 1830.73
556426 Washington Township 2016 Turnbacks 93.60
556427 Magisteral District March fines 339.42
556428 ADP Employee Reim 157.66
556429 Ronald Troyer Sewer 31.63
556431 Cass Information Sewer 63.26
The motion to adjourn at 8:11 p.m. was made by Jack, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Approved: Respectfully Submitted:
Bruce C. Coffin Date Wendy Burbules
Chairman, Board of Supervisors Secretary
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