Vestminster universiteti
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Vestminster universiteti
Lotin tili: Dominus fortitudo nostra
Ingliz tilida shior
Rabbiy bizning kuchimiz
Tashkil etilgan
1838: Royal Politexnika Muassasasi
1891: Politexnika-Regent Ko'chasi
1970: Polytechnic of Central London
1992: University of Westminster
£5.1 million (2017-18)[1]
£205.1 million (2017-18)[1]
Lady Frances Sorrell
Dr Peter Bonfield OBE
19,470 (2019/20)[2]
15,385 (2019/20)[2]
4,085 (2019/20)[2]
United Kingdom
Royal blue, Fuchsia
Bu Vestminster universiteti Buyuk Britaniyaning London shahrida joylashgan publicresearch universiteti. Yilda tashkil etilgan 1838 sifatida Qirollik Politexnika Instituti, birinchi bo'ldi politexnika Londonda ochish uchun.[3] Politexnika rasmiy qabul a Royal nizom avgust oyida 1839, va Vestminster universiteti bo'ldi 1992.[4]
Westminster uning asosiy kampus bor Regent Ko'chasi Markaziy London, Fitzroviyada qo'shimcha kampuslar bilan, Marylebone vashafirma. va Harrow. Bundan tashqari, faoliyat Xalqaro vestminster Universiteti Toshkent O'zbekiston.[5] Universitet uch kollej va o'n ikki maktab ichiga tashkil etiladi, qaysi atrofida bor doirasida 65 idoralar va markazlari, aloqa va Media tadqiqot instituti, shu jumladan, (CAMRI) va demokratiya o'rganish markazi. Bundan tashqari, uning Siyosatshunoslik Instituti, Biznes Maktab vashafirma. va Huquq Maktabi. Vestminster 205.1-2018 uchun £22 million daromadga ega edi, ulardan £22 million grant, tadqiqot grantlari va shartnomalarni moliyalashtirishdan iborat edi.[6] "\/Da \ / www \ / sbornaya. ru" Hamdo'stlik universitetlari uyushmasi, Mbalar birlashmasi, EFMD, EQUIS, va Yevropa Universiteti Uyushmasi.
Westminster ning bitiruvchilari tibbiyot bo'yicha Nobel laureati o'z ichigaoladi , kordit ixtirochi, davlat rahbarlari, siyosatchilar va hokimlar, Olimpiya, olimlar, -g'olib kinoijodkorlar, Shuhrat inductees Rok va Roll Hall, -musiqachilar qozongan, jurnalistlar, va shoirlar.
1Tarix. uz
1.11837-1881: Royal Politexnika Muassasasi
1.21881-1970: Politexnika Regent Ko'chasi
1.31970-1992: Markaziy London Politexnika
1.41992–bugun: Westminster Universiteti
3Tashkilot va ma'muriyat
3.1Colleges and Schools
3.3Coat of arms
5Student life
5.1Students' Union
5.2Student and university media
6Notable people
6.1Notable alumni
6.2Notable faculty and staff
7See also
9Further reading
10External links
1837–1881: Royal Polytechnic Institution[edit]
The interior of the Polytechnic in 1847, as drawn by G.F. Sargeant.
The Royal Polytechnic Institution was built by William Mountford Nurse in 1837[8] and opened at 309 Regent Street on 6 August 1838 to provide (in the words of its prospectus of 1837) “an institution where the Public, at little expense, may acquire practical knowledge of the various arts and branches of science connected with manufacturers, mining operations and rural economy.”[9]
Sir George Cayley (1773–1857), the "father of aeronautical engineering",[10] was the first chairman and the Polytechnic formally received a Royal charter in August 1839.[4] The Polytechnic housed a large exhibition hall, lecture theatre and laboratories, and public attractions included working machines and models, scientific lectures and demonstrations, rides in a diving bell and, from 1839, demonstrations of photography. Prince Albert visited the institution in 1840, when he descended in the diving bell, and became a patron in 1841. The first public photographic portrait studio in Europe opened on the roof of the Polytechnic in March 1841.[11]
In 1847, John Henry Pepper joined the Polytechnic and oversaw the introduction of evening lectures in engineering, applied science and technical subjects for young working Londoners. Pepper wrote several important science education books, one of which is regarded as a significant step towards the understanding of .
The entrance to the university's headquarters at 309
In 1848, a theatre was added to the building, purpose-built to accommodate the growing audiences for the Polytechnic's optical shows. These combined magic lantern images with live performances, music, ghosts and spectres, spreading the fame of what was arguably the world's first permanent projection theatre.[12]
In 1862, inventor Henry Dircks Dircksian Phantasmagoria, where it was seen by Pepper in a booth set up by Dircks at the Polytechnic.[4] Pepper first showed the effect during a scene of Charles Dickens's novella The Haunted Man (1848) at the Regent Street theatre to great success. However, Pepper's implementation of the effect tied his name to it permanently. Though he tried many times to give credit to Dircks, the title "Pepper's ghost" has endured.
Expansion gradually gave way to financial difficulty, reflecting a long-standing tension between education and the need to run a successful business. A fatal accident on the premises in 1859 caused the first institution to be wound up and a new one formed. Turli regeneratsiya sxemalari ko'rib chiqildi, ammo 1879 da yong'in tomni shikastlab, yakuniy inqirozni keltirib chiqardi.[4]
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