Straightforward Pre-intermediate Date__29/05/2021
Name Tojaliyev Akmal Group 7-19 Score _____
1.Translate the words into Uzbek or Russian and make up sentences on each words
1) practice- mashq qilish, amaliyot. We went to the FOTON factory for a practice class.
2) painful-alamli Today, the Chelsea football team suffered a painful defeat.
3) crazy-aqldan ozgan Saida Rametova plays the role of a crazy mother in a new film project.
4) farm-ferma My dad’s chicken farm makes $ 500 million a year
5) memory-xotira Today my grandparents and I visited the memorial area.
II. Choose the correct proposition to complete these sentences.
1) 1434 The Portuguese explorer, Gil Eannes , was the first European to sail past Cape on the coast of Africa.
2) 1492 Columbus first sailed across the Atlantic Ocean.
3) 1522 Juan Sebastian del Cano became the first man to sail around the world.
4) around 1800The Scottish explorer , Mungo Park , travelled on the horse and on foot along the Niger River in West Africa.
5) Around 1800 The German explorer ,Alexander von Humboldt ,travelled through the Amazon jungle and collected plants.
6) 1928 Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly over Atlantic Ocean.
7) 1961 Yuri Gagarin was the first man to go into space.
III. Translate into Uzbek or Russian
Global language
Because English is so widely spoken, it has been referred to as a «global language». While English is not an official language in many countries, it is the language most often taught as a second language around the world. It is also, by international treaty, the official language for aircraft/airport communication. Its widespread acceptance as a first or second language is the main indication of its worldwide status.
There are numerous arguments for and against English as a global language. On one hand, having a global language aids in communication and in pooling information (for example, in the scientific community). On the other hand, it leaves out those who, for one reason or another, are not fluent in the global language. It can also lead to a cultural hegemony of the populations speaking the global language as a first language.
Global til
Ingliz tili juda keng tarqalganligi sababli, u «global til» deb nomlangan. Ko'pgina mamlakatlarda ingliz tili rasmiy til bo'lmasa-da, butun dunyoda bu til ko'pincha ikkinchi til sifatida o'qitiladi. Shuningdek, bu xalqaro shartnomaga binoan aeroport aloqasi uchun rasmiy tildir. Uning birinchi yoki ikkinchi til sifatida keng qabul qilinishi uning dunyo miqyosidagi maqomining asosiy ko'rsatkichidir.
Ingliz tilini global til sifatida qabul qilish va unga qarshi ko'plab dalillar mavjud. Bir tomondan, aloqa qilishda va ma'lumotni birlashtirishda (masalan, ilmiy jamoatchilikda) global til yordamiga ega bo'lish. Boshqa tomondan, u yoki boshqa sabablarga ko'ra global tilni yaxshi bilmaydiganlarni qoldiradi. Shuningdek, bu global tilni birinchi til sifatida gapiradigan populyatsiyalarning madaniy gegemonligiga olib kelishi mumkin.
Head of the department “Uzbek language and literature” doc. Tavaldieva G.
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