Note: This gas has a much higher density than air. Basically the opposite of helium. Crazy!
Br tegi bu faqat chiziqni tugatishni bildiradi
P elementi - bu blok element deb ataydigan narsa, chunki u ko’rinmas qutichalardan biri bo’lgan blokn yaratadi.
Em,mark va hatto br kabi elementlarni yaratmaydigan elemantlar ichki (inline) elementladeyiladi.
Bu yerda blok va ichkielementlarning yana bir nechta namunalari hozir ularni eslab qolishiniz haqida qauyg’urmang.
B lock va inline elementlar
The following is a complete list of all HTML "block-level" elements (although "block-level" is not technically defined for elements that are new in HTML5).