1. Mat haqidagi fikrlaringiz bilan o`rtoqlashing.
Transport yoki transport bu odamlar, hayvonlar va tovarlarning bir joydan ikkinchi joyga harakatlanishi . Boshqacha qilib aytganda transport harakatini ma`lum bir harakat sifatida tavsiflanadi organism yoki narsa a nuqtadan A nuqtaga transport usullari havo, quruqlik(temir yo`l) suv, kabel, quvr linyasi makonini o`z ichiga oladi. Maydonni infira tuzilma transport vositalari va operatsiyalarga bo`lish mumkin. Transport muhim ahamiyatga ega chunki u svilizatsiyalarni rivojlantirish uchun zarur bo`lgan odamlar o`rtasida savdo sotiqni ta` minlaydi . Transport infira tuzilmasi yollar , havo yo`llari, kanallar va quvurlar, hamda aeraportlar temiryo`l stansiyalari , avtovokzallar, omborlar, yuk tashish terminallari, yoqilg`I quyish omborlari (shu jumladan yoqilg`I quyish shaxobchalari ) va dengiz port lari kabi belgilangan inshoatlardan iborat. Terminalllardan yo`lovchilar va yuklarni almashtirish uchun xam , texnik xizmat ko`rsatish uchun xam foydalaniladi. Bu sayohat transport vositalar mayda transport tarmoqlari avtamabillar, velosipedlar, avtobuslar, poezdlar, yuk mashinalari , vertaliyotlar, suv kemalari, kosmik kemalar va samolyotlarni o`z ichiga oladi. Operatsiyalar transport vositalarini boshqarish usuli va shu maqsadda belgilangan protseduralar, shu jumladan molyalashtiriash , qoninyatlar va siyosat bilan bog`liq.
1: Transport is important because it enables trade between people, which is essential for the development of civilizations.
2:If you look back on a long history, many years ago, in ancient times, people wanted to get comfortable. Animals went into action, and then they used various heat, steam and vehicles for their own needs.
3:Transport or transportation is the movement of humans, animals and goods from one location to another.Vehicles traveling on these may networks include automobiles, bicycles, buses, trains, trucks, helicopters, watercraft, space craft and aircraft.
1:The price doesn`t include export totally.
2:When a company exports its damage abroad there are many problems concerning transportation, insurance and payment.
3:Frist of all goods must be packed carefully.
4: It is necessary to protect equipment from goods.
5:Tashkent is the packing of science, industry, culture and education of Uzbekistan.
6:Our company has got a fleet of trucks, an office, a warehouse and other premises.
7: Uzbekistan has become a hub new market for some western companies.
Packed,totally, damage, hub, goods, packing, payment, premises
1: I will do my homework tomorrow.
2: I will be doing my homework at 6 o`clock tomorrow.
3: I will have done my homework by 6 o`clock tomorrow.
4: Tomorrow I will begin doing my homework as soon as I come from the institute.
I will do my homework from three till six . My father will come home at 7o`clock tomorrow. I will have done all my homework by the time he comes, and We will go for a walk together.
5: When I come home tomorrow, my family will be having supper.
1: to utilize
F) use something;
2: competency
c) the ability to do something in a satisfactory way;
3: to tackle
j) make an organized and determined attempt to deal with a problem, often a social one;
4: wired
g) feeling nervous or excited
5: to unfold
i) happen or develop in this or that way;
6: to aspire
b) want to achieve something especially in career;
7: to crave
e) want something very much and in a waythat is very;
8: Innate
d) quality or ability is one you have always had ;
9: affiliation
h) a connection with a religious or political;
10: immoral
a) something which is considered to morally wrong;
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