Hayotni sevsang, vaqtni boy berma, chunki vaqtdan hayot yaraladi, degan ekan faylasuflardan biri. Inson uchun eng qimmatli narsa vaqt va bu ayni haqiqatdir. Yo‘qotilgan har qanday narsani, masalan boylik, amal yoki uy-joyni topish mumkin, lekin o‘tgan vaqtni topish yoki orqaga qaytarishning iloji yo‘q. Shunday ekan, vaqtning har bir daqiqasidan unumli foydalanmog‘imiz lozim.
Inson o‘z kuchi, imkoniyatlariga ishonib, orzulariga yetish yo‘llarini izlab yashaydi. Buning uchun unga ma’lum vaqt kerak, vaqt esa har doim yetishmaydi. Yoshlarda orzularini ro‘yobga chiqarish, ularga tezroq erishish uchun imkoniyatlar bor. Lekin bu intilishlar samarali bo‘lmasa, vaqt o‘tgani sezilmay qoladi, kunlar ketidan kunlar, oylar ketidan oylar o‘tadi. Shu tariqa ba’zilar yoshi bir joyga borgach, umrim besamar, izsiz o‘tdi, degan afsus-nadomat chekadilar.
Globallashuv dunyoni o‘zgartirmoqda. Yangi-yangi kashfiyotlar insonning yashash tarziga ham ijobiy, ham salbiy ta’sir ko‘rsatmoqda. Kim o‘z ustida ishlamasa, hayotdan orqada qolmoqda va bu o‘z navbatida vaqtning bekorga yo‘qolishiga olib kelayapti.
Vaqt tushunchasini talabalar hayoti, amaliy faoliyatining xronometraji tarzida talqin qilib ko‘raylik. U bir kunda, haftada qanday ishlar bilan shug‘ullanadi, ularga qancha vaqt sarflaydi? Buni uyqu, ertalabki jismoniy tarbiya mashqlari, nonushta, yo‘l, darsga qatnashish, tushlik, kechki ovqatlanish, ota-ona va oilaning boshqa a’zolari bilan muloqot, dars tayyorlash, uy ishlari, kitob, gazeta va jurnallar o‘qish, sport bilan shug‘ullanish, jamoat ishlari, kino, teatr, konsert, muzeylarga borish, televizor ko‘rish, internetdan foydalanish, do‘stlar bilan uchrashish, bozor va hokazolarga qancha vaqt sarflashi, qachon va qanday dam olish orqali aniqlash mumkin. Bu muammoning to‘la yechimi bo‘lmasa-da, har holda yoshlarning vaqtdan unumli foydalanishi haqida muayyan tasavvur uyg‘otadi.
Bugungi kunda o‘z sohasida katta yutuqlarga erishgan taniqli insonlar hayoti va faoliyati tahlillari, ular muvaffaqiyatining asosiy kalitlaridan biri — bu vaqtni to‘g‘ri taqsimlay olganliklarida ekanligini ko‘rsatmoqda. Dunyoning katta muvaffaqiyatga erishgan ishbilarmonlari o‘z vaqtini kelajakda ularga foyda keltiradigan ilm-fanning eng so‘nggi yutuqlarini o‘rganishga sarflashadi, faoliyatini yanada kengaytirishga kafolat bo‘la oladigan barcha yangiliklarga sarmoya tikishadi. Muvaffaqiyatlar darhol sezilmasligi mumkin, uzoq muddatli sarmoyalar samarasi o‘laroq, oxir-oqibat, misli ko‘rilmagan cho‘qqilarni zabt etishadi.
Olimlarning ilmiy izlanishlari natijasida to‘g‘ri taqsimlangan vaqt katta daromad (daromad deb erishilgan yutuqlar, natijalar nazarda tutilmoqda) keltiradi. Shundan kelib chiqqan holda, uni daromadli vaqt deb atab va har kuni samarasiz o‘tayotgan umrni — vaqtni oddiy vaqt deb belgilasak, jadvalda ko‘rsatilganidek, vaqtimizni qanday sarflashimizga qarab ishda qanday natijalarga erishishimizni yaqqol ko‘rsatib bersa bo‘ladi.
If you love life, don’t waste time, because one of the philosophers said that time hurts life. The most precious thing for a human being is time, and that is the truth. Anything lost, such as wealth, possessions, or housing, can be found, but it is impossible to find or bring back the past. So we need to make the most of every minute of our time
People believe in their own strengths and abilities and look for ways to achieve their dreams. It takes time, but not always. Young people have the opportunity to realize their dreams and achieve them faster. But if these efforts are not successful, time will not pass, days after days, months after months. And for some as a baby gets older, he or she will outgrow this.
Globalization is changing the world. New discoveries are having both positive and negative effects on people's lifestyles. Those who do not work on themselves are left behind in life, which in turn leads to a waste of time.
Let's interpret the concept of time in terms of student life, chronometry of practical activities. What activities does he do in a day or a week, and how much time does he spend on them? This includes sleep, morning physical activity, breakfast, travel, attendance, lunch, dinner, communication with parents and other family members, lesson preparation, homework, reading books, newspapers and magazines, sports engaging in social activities, going to the movies, theater, concerts, museums, watching TV, using the internet, meeting friends, going to the market, etc., can be determined by how much time, when and how to relax. While this is not a complete solution to the problem, it does provide some insight into how young people make the most of their time.
An analysis of the lives and activities of celebrities who have made great strides in their field today shows that one of the keys to their success is that they are able to manage their time well. Successful entrepreneurs around the world spend their time researching the latest advances in science that will benefit them in the future, investing in all the innovations that can guarantee their further expansion. Success may not be immediately apparent, but as a result of long-term investments, it will eventually reach unprecedented heights.
As a result of scientific research, the right distribution of time brings great benefits (achievements, results). Therefore, if we call it profitable time and define the inefficient life of each day as normal time, as shown in the table, we can clearly see what results we will achieve in work depending on how we spend our time.
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