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Answer the questions:

  1. How long had the restaurant been burning before somebody noticed it?

  2. How long had the house been on fire before the firefighters arrived?

  3. Whi ch fi re will the fi re fighters put out fi rst?

  4. How l ong wi 11 the house have been burni ng when the fi re stops?

  5. What will the house will like?

  6. How l ong wi 11 the restaurant have been burni ng at ten o’ cl ock?

  7. How long will the firefighters have been working?

  8. What wi 11 have they been doi ng to put out the fi re?

  9. Why wi 11 the owner lose his restaurant?

  10. Should the restaurant owner be angry with the firefighters?

Unit 3. Radio and TV. Lesson 3.
Ex 1. Read and speak.
A. In 1936 the BBC British broadcasting cog pace launched the tom world’s first’s public television service. In 1958 this service was transmitted from 20 stations and was available to over 28 per cent of population. They BBC television service broadcasts a maximum of 50 hours a week.
The First regular independent television (ITV) service was opened in Semtember 1955. From 1958 programmers were being transmitted for 50 hours a week from 7 stations in all parts of Great Britain.
TV’S programmers are produced at modern studio centers in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Cardiff, Southampton and Newcastle. Broadcasts for school are produced five days a week.
(Teachers must give other i nformations about channels).
(BBC Four, MTV, ITV. Com, BBC; , CNN, com U, abc 7).
Unit -3 Lesson 4.
Ex 5
Work with the partner:
Make up your own dialogue with the Director or Uzbek broadcasting corporation.
Ex 5b Act the Dialogue (ex 5)
Lesson 5. Project.
4. Answer the questions

  1. What is the main. aim of watching TV or us tenning the radio?

  2. Afrantages and disadvantages of Radio and TV.

  3. If you were a journalist (presenter) were you would li ke to work?

  4. What would you do if you were a di rector of Broadcasti ng company?

Unit 4. Lesson 6.
Ex 4

  1. Write about your favorite writer.

  2. About your favorite book / poem

  3. Work i n groups Discussi ng.

Unit 9 uchun Grammatik mashqlar. Ex 1. Match a line in A with a line in B.



I’m hot

I’d like to go to bed

I’m thirsty

I’d like to have a swim

I’m hungry

I’d like to be on a beach in Florida

I’m tired

I’d like to go out with my friends

11’s Sunday and I’m bored

I’d like to be a millionaire

I don’t have any money

I’d like a cold beer

It ‘s winter and I’m cold

I’d like a sandwich

Ex .2. linking words: because, when, until

Make sentences using a line in A, a line in B, and a li

ne in C.




I left the party early


She was thirsty

Ron couldn’ speak

They came for dinner

Nick didn’t see the colosseum

I was at school

Sarah didn’t start learning English

She didn’t like them

I didn’t enjoy Maths lessons

After midnight

Sally didn’t buy the red shoes

He was nearly four

They didn’t go to bed

I didn’t feel well

We met Ken’s wife last Saturday

He was in Rome

Ex 3. Odd man out:

  1. fading away, yellow, red, leaves, buds, overcast sky, flying away, birds.

  2. to sl edge, sl i ppery roads, to skate, to ri pen, to ski, frost, snow.

  3. Indian summer, awakening nature, buds, blossom, new leaves, snowing.

  4. to fade, to cast off, to awaken, to fly away, to fal l

  5. March, June, May, April.

  6. rainy, foggy, dusty, slippery, warm, nasty, windy.

To be introduced:
Likes/dislikes, countable/uncountable nouns, how much/how many, because, when, until, some, any, would like.
Ex 4. Use derivatives of some, any:

  1. I s on TV toni ght?

  2. I’m bored. I want to go ni ce tonight.

  3. Dose have change for a pound? I want to make a phone cal l.

  4. Close your eyes! I have for you.

  5. took my newspaper, but I couldn’t find it .

  6. I looked for my newspaper, but I could find it .

  7. Jane works i n the center of town.

  8. Tom’s on the phone for you.

  9. I don’t understand about computers.

j. Were did you put my coat? in the kitchen.
k. There’s at the door. Can you open it, please.
Ex 5. Put some or any i nto gaps:

  1. I don’t have money in my pocket, but I have money in the bank.

  2. Are there l etters for me this morni ng?

  3. I never have break fast I’m not hungry. I n the morni ng.

  4. You have lovely pictures in your house.

  5. Are you Canadian? I have good friends in Canada.

  6. Don’t buy bread at the shops. There’s a lot in the kitchen.

  7. Do you have brothers or si sters?

  8. There aren’t shops in my village, just a post-office and a pub.

  9. I want cheese. I s there i n the fri dge?

j. people like flying, but other people don’t.
k. There was rain during the night.
Ex 6. Complete the sentences with some, any and a word from the box.
Petrol, food, music, shampoo, stamps, books, people, chairs, photo.
Exampl e: Would you like to li sten to some musi c?
I have a new CD.

  1. People couldn’t sit down at the party because there weren’t .

  2. I couldn’t take on hol i day because the weather was so bad.

  3. We couldn’t buy i n the supermarket because our money was i n the car.

  4. I’d like to wash my hair, so I want

  5. I need to put i n the car. It’s nearly empty.

  6. Do you have ? I want to post these letters.

  7. There were very i nteresti ng at the party l ast ni ght.

  8. I want form the library.

Ex 7. Match the pairs:


You can’t walk in the street without an umbrella


it’s a sunny hot weather


To be out in the drizzling rain


i n January


Uzbekistan is famous for


i n wi nter


In autumn the sky is


I n summer


I n Uzbeki stan wi nter sets


If it is raining cats and dogs


I n autumn


I n autumn


Ponds, lakes, rivers are frozen


Overcast with low, black heavy clouds


Thunder, lightening and nail is observed


In late spring


The grass is cut


The ground is covered with red leaves


Leaves begi n to fall from the trees


Isn’t harmful ... but pleasant in a way.

The Present Perfect.

Ex.8. Make the sentences1.I’ve had a headache

  1. The cost of living in creased

  2. The television has gone wrong.

  3. Cars replaced horse-drawn vehicles

  1. haven’t passed my driving test

  1. didn’t sleep very well

  1. Y ou’ re too l ate! The fi l m began

  2. He’s been a vegetari an

  3. Did you have breakfast

  4. He has become more soci abl e

  1. for several years

  2. get

  3. this morning?

  4. last night

  5. in the last few weeks.

  6. at least an hour ago.

  7. nearly a hundred years ago.

  8. last year

  9. since lunchtime.

j) several ti mes in the last mont


Ex. 9. Odd man out:

  1. tea, hot water, bread, milk, coffee.

  2. sandwiches, bread, trolley, butter, jam, cakes.

  3. Mr. White, Mrs. White, me wife, my niece, the maid.

  4. To greet, to pour, to hand in, to shake hands, to curse.

  5. To kiss, to greet, to arrive, to hear, to stay, to hand.

  6. At, in, with, of, it, on, into, from.

  7. To shake, cake, jam, maid, a neighbour.

Ex. 10. Write the the following sentences paying attention to the verbs in The Perfect T ense and transl ate i nto Uzbek.
When we came to the box-office we found out that they had already sold all the tickets. 2. I knew that he had seen the film. 3. His friend informed him that he had come from his trip to England. 4. I knew that they had enjoyed the performance. 5. Halima had finished her homework by seven o’clock. 6. Ahmed had passed ah his exams by the end of June. 7. He had transl ated the article by Saturday. 8. I sent hi m a telegram as I had not received any letters from him for a long time. 9. We bought a ticket for him to “The Sleeping Beauty” as we didn’t know if he had got any. 10. He came home late as he had been at the theatre that eveni ng.
9-синф Инглиз тили фанидан укув дастурига киритилган
узгартиришлар буйича тавсиялар
Таквим-мавзу режадаги “Иктисодиёт” бобидаги “К,ишлок; хужалиги” ва “Савдо” мавзулари урнига кенгайтириб утиш учун “ Саноат” ва “ M аиший хизмат” мавзулари 5 соат, “ Алока тизими” бобига 3 соат, “ Узбекистан ва Франциянинг давлат тизими” бобидаги “Давлат тизими” мавзусига 2 соат, “Мен ёктирган касб” бобига 2 соат учун куйидаги материаллардан фойдаланиш тавсия этилади


Unit 1. Lesson 1 Homework
Ex. 1 p. 7 home-reading. Read the text and answer the questions.
International communication Nowadays English is worth not just knowing but it is worth really knowing. We do
live behind the "iron curtain" any more. There is a great importance to understand up-to- date English. English is the chief language of international business and academic conferences, and the leading language of international tourism. English is the main language of popular music, advertising, home computers and video games. Most of the scientific, technological and academic information in the world is expressed in English. International communication expends very fast. The English language becomes the means of
international communication, the language of trade, education, politics, and economics. People have to communicate with each other. It is very important for them to understand foreigners and be understood by them. In this case the English language comes to be one but very serious problem. A word comes to be a very powerful means of communication but
also can be a cause of a great misunderstanding if it is not clearly understood by one of the speakers.
The understanding of the native speakers' language is the international problem for our students. Our secondary schools teach the students only the bases of the English language. Our universities do not prepare them to the American streets, accommodations, pubs where A meri can teenagers use their own l anguage, the l anguage that di ffers from that of their parents. They use other words they use slang. None of the most advanced and flexible ways of teaching English of any country can catch modern quickly developing English. But our educational system is at the very end. Now it is well known that none of the Americans speak English we study.
Some scholars divide the English language into two different languages: the Standard English language and slang. This fact proves that slang comes to be a very numerous part of English. Slang covers a lot of drawbacks of the English language and it is one-third part of the colloquial speech.
There are a lot of debates about thi s phenomenon. M ost of the teachers consi der sl ang to be the vulgar part of the language. They state that only the uneducated part of the Americans uses slang words. It results into consideration that slang is not worth studying at all.
Ignorance of slang causes a great miscommunication between students and
speakers. All this gives the sense for asking the following question: “Is it worth studying English for many years in order to understand none of the words of the native speaker?"
The language of the previous centuries contrasts from the modern language. The life does not freeze in the same position. It always develops. And it makes the language develop too.
But almost none of us know even a few slang words. That is why the present work is devoted to this social phenomenon.
The objective of the work is an attempt to study al l the aspects of slang, the cases of its usage and to analyze the frequency of slang words usage referring to different soci al groups i n vari ous sources.
T o achi eve the set aim we determi ne the fol l owi ng tasks:

  1. to search the origin of sl ang;

  2. to study the words' transition through English vocabulary;

  3. to study the problem of the definition of slang;

  4. to understand the aim of the modern usage of slang;

  5. to distinguish different kinds of slang;

  6. to study the ways of slang words formation;

  7. to analyze literary sources for the presence of sl ang words referri ng to different social groups;

  8. to anal yze di cti onari es for the presence of sl ang words referri ng to different social groups;

  9. to compare the results of the analysis.

Unit 1. Lesson 2
Ex.2d p. 8 make handout 4.
Name an ocean beginning with A?
Name a sort of food beginning with B?
Name a country begi nni ng with C?
Name a part of a house beginning with D?
Name a high mountain beginning with E?
Name a day of a week beginning with F?
Name a Europian language beginning with G?
Name a type of Japanese car beginning with H?
Name an American state beginning with I?
Name a month of the year beginning with J?
Name a part of body beginning with K?
Name a job beginning with L?
Name a large sea beginning with M?
Name a planet beginning with N?
Name a fruit beginning with O?
Name a farm animal beginning with P?
Name an Australian state beginning with Q?
Name a flower beginning with R?
Name a peace of clothing beginning with S?
Name a large bird beginning with T?
Name an international organization beginning with U?
Name a Canadian city beginning with V?
Name a al cohol ic drink begi nni ng wi th W?
Name a musical instrument beginning with X? Name a colour beginning with Y?
Name a country in Africa beginning with Z?_Unit 1 Lesson 5.
x 1 p. 13 . Do the tests.

  1. Can you hear what he is ?

  1. saying

  2. speaking

  3. telling

  4. talking

  1. She hasn't come home

  1. viewed

  2. watched

  1. We live the city centre.

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