58.5 Possible answers: usage grammar quick
something that takes a short time,
adjective only; can be used with ‘to’, e.g. She
e.g. quick snack; quick phone call
was quick to respond
more formal; used for things like ‘rapid
adjective only
more restricted generally; used for things
adjective only; can be used with ‘to’, e.g. He
like ‘swift-flowing stream’; swift response/
was swift to point out how wrong I was
58.6 Possible situations: 1 If you are very late for something.
2 If you
want to be late for something, e.g. something unpleasant.
3 If you aren’t in a hurry. You can also say this about your studies, if you are not going either particularly
fast or slowly.
4 If you were hiding from someone, e.g. under a bed or behind a door.
5 If you really don’t want to meet them or talk to them, or don’t want them to see you.
6 If it’s late and everyone else is asleep.
English Vocabulary in Use Upper-intermediate 235