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Basic Literature: Norris, R. (2013). “Ready for First”. Third Edition 2012. Macmillan.

Other References: Foley, M. & Hall, D. 2005 “Advanced Learners’ grammar; A self-study reference and Practice Book”. Longman
Methods of Teaching: Seminars and practice classes

Assessment Methods: Written examination by the end of the course

Language of Teaching: English


Course Code: B-HL

Type of the course: Compulsory

Course level: Upper Intermediate

Year of study: 1st

Semester: 2nd


Course Work Load: Lectures 15 classes, seminars 22 classes

Name of Lecturer: Erinda Papa

Course Goals: The course aims to enable students to:

• discover the joys of reading Literature and become aware of new ways of perceiving the world around them;

• appreciate the aesthetic value of language;

• engage personally with a variety of texts and draw connections between self, texts and the world in order to develop intellectual, emotional, socio-cultural and global awareness;

• articulate perceptive and analytical thinking when discussing and writing about literary texts;

• explore how the elements of different genres function in literary works to achieve specific effects; and

• appreciate the importance of the contexts in which literary texts are written and understood.

Course Contents:

Nature and forms of prose

Prose fiction

Elements of fiction: the plot

Elements of fiction: setting in relation to other elements

Description and point of view

Linking your scene: the structure of sequel

Description and style

Elements of fiction: character and characterization

Poetry: An introduction


Contemporary Literary Theory: Russian formalism; Marxism

New literary criticism; Psychoanalysis; Structuralism; Post-structuralism; Feminism

Timothy Clark. 2011. An Introduction to Literature. UK: Cambridge University Press (www.bookos-z1.org)

X. J. Kennedy. 1993 Introduction to Literature. New York: New York Press.

Other References:

Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick. 1997. Novel Gazing: Queer Readings in Fiction. Duke University Press

Jerome Klinkowitz. 1984. The Self-Apparent Word: Fiction as Language/Language as Fiction. Southern Illinois University Press.

Barbara B. Stern.1991. Literary Theory and Narrative: Point of View, Journal of Advertising, Vol.20

Hamilton and Jefferson. 2000. A study in Character. OUP

Philip G. Zimbardo. 1995. What it Is, What to about It. Perseus Books.

Course title: SPOKEN ENGLISH

Course Code: AFO - D

Course Level: First Certificate

Type of the Course: Elective

Year of Study: 1st

Semester: 1st and 2nd


Credits: 6

Course Work Load: 75 hours (Seminars)

Name of lecturer: Olsa Pema

Course Goals:

  • To provide students with a rich teaching environment to foster speaking skills in English at FCE level.

  • To enhance and enrich students' fluency of articulation in English.To increase students' exposure to language

  • To enrich their vocabulary and grammatical knowledge

  • To improve speaking skills through reciprocal interaction

  • To motivate and guide students to become autonomous learners by searching for new sources to use their English

  • To develop students' critical and creative thinking

  • To increase students' confidence in communicating with native and non-native speakers.

  • To consolidate previous knowledge

  • To raise students' awareness of the role of English in the context of global society

Course Content:

Feelings: An embarrassing situation

Love is blind – Marriage customs

Is this progress? Cultural invasions


Energy crisis

Aging and retirement

My first job

Young people today

Debate 1: Introduction to Carl Popper debates.

Debate 1: Part-time jobs and teenage students


Holiday & Traveling

Recent news discussion on illiteracy in the USA: Enrique’s Story (w)


My autism and me (w)

Antibiotic resistance (w)

A Story – telling

Individual differences (discussion)

How you see yourself

How others see you

Becoming an adult abortion in Ireland (w)


FCE Speaking Test

The Need for a green world (w)

Project Presentation 1: Public Health issues

Debate 2: Internet Technologies &their effects on human relations

Poetry Analysis

Overpopulation pollution (w)

Boy/girl relationships

What is a family?

How families change

Natural Disasters (w)

Ozone depletion (w)

You and your family

Children’s needs

Design and the Home

Debate 3: Public vs. Private Education

Story – telling/predicting

Health and home safety

The History of Antarctica (w)

Decisions for everyday living

Natural resources

The computer as a resource

Debate 4: Novels are an important part of life. The novel is dead.

Liberty (w)

Eating out

Kitchen equipment

Going on a diet

Poetry analysis

Debate 5: Open societies require open borders

The Iron Lady – M. Thatcher (w)

VIP news: A.Jolie breast surgery (w)

College life (w)

Short story (Bestsellers of the 20th cent)

Poetry interpretation

News contrast – Protests in Turkey (w)

My future career

Debate 6: The ideal living situation for a university student – an apartment/house or a dormitory?
Basic Literature:

Chamberlain, P. Budinger B., Jones J.P., Teen Guide, Webster/McGraw-Hill, 1984

Byrd D.R., Clemente, I.C., React and Interact, Longman, 2001

Other References:

Beatty K., Read and Think, Longman, 2004

Obee B. & Evans V., Upstream, Express Publishing, 2003




Methods of teaching: Project work, debates, interactive discussions

Assessment Methods: project presentation, debate performance, oral exam

Language of Teaching: English


Course Code: MSH-MH-AF-105

Type of the course: Compulsory

Course level: Upper Intermediate

Year of study: 1st

Semester: 1st


Course Load Work: Lectures 13 hours, seminars 25 hours

Name of Lecturer: Pavllo Cicko

Course Goals: By the end of this course students should be able to:

Know about the history, the language and the culture of France and to widen their cultural horizon about the French society and life of nowdays.

Course Contents:

General view over French Republic. History, politics, geography and administrative divisions. Part I. Environment, demography, economy and development.

French culture. General characteristics. The place of French culture.

Literature. Fine arts. Architecture. Music and French songs. Theatre and cinema. Cultural heritage.

French schools. Students’ preparation, featureas and the problems.

History of French univeristies.

Universities in the Middle Ages .

Universities in the period 1896-1968. Universities after May 1968.

Universities. Their development, mision and organisation. Family. Couple. Children. The third age.

Family relationships.

Labour. Activ population. Professional life.

Media and politic life. The main media groups

Europe. European Union.

Europa. Institucionet Europiane (pjesa e II)

Basic Literature:

Civilisation progressive du Francais. Jacques pecheur. CLE INTERNATIONAL. 2010

La france Civilisation Francoscopie Gerard Mermet Larousse 1991.

Other References:

Civilisation française   http://www.cortland.edu/www/flteach/civ/

Marie Ponterio - SUNY Cortland - International Communications and Culture

 La cuisine,  l' habitat,  les transports,  le vie culturelle,    l' histoire  etc http://www.France.diplomatie.fr/index.html

Le système éducatif en France       http://www.edutel.fr/mid.htm

Methods of Teaching: Lecture, Seminars and practice classes

Assessment Methods: Written examination by the end of the course

Language of Teaching: Albanian


Course Code: MSH-MH-AF-105

Type of the course: Compulsory

Course level: Pre-intermediate

Year of study: 1st

Semester: 1st


Course Work Load: Seminars 38 classes

Name of Lecturer: Doc.Robert Stratoberdha
Course Goals: By the end of this course students should be able to:

  • acquire knowledge in lexical, grammatical and especially communicative aspects of French language in accordance with the required level of the programme

  • be able to involve themselves in simple conversations and different lexical environment.

  • express simply and clearly their opinions in a simple and correct language

  • be able to communicate through writing and everyday speaking

  • obtain extra linguistic knowledge on French present day reality and society

  • master the French Language of A1 level

Course Content:

- Unité 1. Un printemps a Paris

Vocabulaire : Professions et nationalités, vie quotidienne et loisirs, description physique et psychologique, nombres cardinaux.

Grammaire : Articles définis et indéfinis, genre et nombres des noms et des adjectifs, interrogation et négation, conjugaison du présent.

Phonétique : Intonation, liaison, voyelles orales et nasales.

Communication : Faire connaissance, inviter et répondre a une invitation, décrire les personnes.

Civilisation : Paris, monuments et lieux publics.

  • Unité 2. Aventure en Bourgogne.

Vocabulaire : Logement et nourriture, vêtements et couleurs, fêtes et faits divers, nombres ordinaux.

Grammaire : Articles partitifs, adjectifs démonstratifs et possessifs, prépositions et adverbes de quantité et de lieu, pronoms toniques, conjugaison de l’impératif, verbes pronominaux.

Phonétique : Intonation, semi-voyelles, liaison, consonnes sonores et sourdes.

Communication : Exprimer l’ordre et l’obligation, demander et commander, évaluer et apprécier, féliciter et remercier.

Civilisation : Vie quotidienne a la campagne.
Basic Literature: “ Le nouveau sans frontières 1 ” Jeanne Vassal Brumberg. CLE International. “Cahier d’exercices 1”, CD.

Other References: Le Nouvel espace 1.CLE International.

“ La France d’aujourd’hui” Civilisation.

“ Panorama” 1 CLE International

Bescherelle, conjugaison des verbes, grammaire

BLED, Orthographe, Grammaire, Conjugaison, Vocabulaire

Methods of Teaching: Discussions, reading, listening, writing and practice classes
Assessment Methods: Written examination by the end of the course

Language of Teaching: French


Course Code: GJ F

Type of the course: Compulsory

Course level: Intermediate

Year of study: 1st

Semester: 2nd

Course Work Load: Seminars 75 classes
Name of Lecturer: Doc.Robert Stratoberdha
Course Goals: By the end of this course students should be able to:

  • acquire knowledge in lexical, grammatical and especially communicative aspects of French language in accordance with the required level of the programme

  • improve the ability to express themsevles correctly

  • increase their vocabulary with words, phrases and terminology used in their field of study

  • improve their ability of get involved in conversations in French

  • be able to communicate through writing and everyday speaking

  • obtain extra linguistic knowledge on French present day reality and society

Course Content:

- Unité 3. L’enquête de l’inspecteur Darot.

Vocabulaire : Travail et études, famille et sante, transport et télécommunications.

Grammaire : pronoms compléments, futur proche, passé composé et imparfait.

Phonétique : Intonation, liaison et enchainements, groupes consonantiques.

Communication : Raconter et rapporter, donner son avis, se plaindre et réprimander, expliquer et justifier.

Civilisation : Plusieurs régions de France. Différents univers sociaux.

- Unité 4. La reine des sables.

Vocabulaire : Presse et medias, villes et voies de communication, temps et saisons.

Grammaire : pronoms « en » et « y », pronoms relatifs, comparatifs et superlatifs, conjugaison du futur, présent continu et passé récent.

Phonétique : Intonation, sons complexes.

Communication : Demander l’autorisation, interdire, formuler des projets, discuter et débattre.

Civilisation : La vie administrative et régionale. Problèmes économiques et écologiques. Traditions et modernité.
Basic Literature: “ Le nouveau sans frontières 1 ” Jeanne Vassal Brumberg. CLE International. “Cahier d’exercices 1”, CD.

Other References: Le Nouvel espace 1.CLE International.

“ La France d’aujourd’hui” Civilisation.

“ Panorama” 1 CLE International

Bescherelle, conjugaison des verbes, grammaire

BLED, Orthographe, Grammaire, Conjugaison, Vocabulaire

Sans Frontières perfectionnement, Cahier d’entrainement, Clé International.

Henri Bonnard, Exercices de langue française, Magnard.
Methods of Teaching: Lecture, Seminars and practice classes

Assessment Methods: Written examination by the end of the course

Language of Teaching: French

Course Title: TEXT ANALYSIS 3

Course code: B-ATE-3

Type of the course: Compulsory

Course level: Advanced

Year of study: 2nd

Semester: 1ST


Course work load: 75 classes, Seminars

Name of lecturer: Edlira Xega

Course goal: By the end of this course, the students should be able to:

  • comprehend authentic texts of advanced level of difficulty

  • increase their lexical knowledge, understand and control elements of language; i.e. lexis, word formation, lexical and grammatical transformations and spelling.

  • analyze and use correctly the advanced grammar points

  • improve their ability to express ideas in coherent, connected speech by initiating, responding and developing the interaction

  • develop their listening skills and pronunciation focusing on sounds, stress and intonation

Prerequisites: It helps students to prepare for the Cambridge certificate in Advanced English examination, level C1, by providing relevant practice in the 4 skills and the sections of :Reading, speaking, language focus, vocabulary, use of English, listening, writing.

Course contents:

Unit 1. Aiming high. Speaking: Long turn

Reading: Around the world in 94 days

Language focus: Modal verbs 1. Spelling

Vocabulary: Collocations

Listening: Awards in your country. Multiple choice

Writing: Competition entries

Unit 2. Time change. Speaking. Collaborative task

Use of English: Open cloze.

Language focus: Talking about the past. Nouns in formal English

Writing. Formal letter

Reading: Multiple matching: A guide to great walls

Listening: Changes in life. Multiple matching

Vocabulary: Changes

Unit 3. Gathering information. Speaking : Collaborative task

Reading 1: Extracts. Multiple choice

Language focus: Hypothetical past situations. Present and future conditionals

Writing: reports

Listening: Minority languages- Multiple choice

Reading 2: Gapped text: Scents and Sensitivity

Vocabulary: Adjective +noun collocations, Review

Unit 4. Work time. Languages focus 1 and 2: Punctuation. Gerunds and Infinitives

Writing1. Formal letters :application

Listening1 and 2: Multiple matching. Sentence completion

Reading: The fast track to Burnout

Use of English. Gapped sentences

Writing 2: Character reference

Progress test nr. 2

Unit 5. Getting on. Speaking 1 and 2 Long turn. Collaborative task

Listening 1 and 2. Multiple choices

Reading. Gapped text: Motherhood’s best- kept secret.

Language focus1and 2. Reference and ellipsis. Relative clauses.

Vocabulary: verb+ noun collocations. Relationships

Writing. Essays

Unit 6. All in the mind? Speaking and reading. Multiple choice: “My constant flight to stay awake”.

Listening 1 and 2: Multiple matching. Sentence completion.

Language focus 1 and 2 :Passives

Vocabulary 1 and 2. Intelligence and ability. Sleep

Writing. Reviews

Use of English. Gapped sentences.

Unit 7. Feeling good.Reading: Advertisement, Magazine article, novel.

Vocabulary. Health. Word formation : Verbs

Use of English. Multiple choice.

Speaking 1 and 2 : Collaborative task.

Listening : Multiple choice

Language focus. Reported speech

Writing. Letter

Unit 8. This is the modern world. Listening 1 and 2. Sentence completion. Multiple matching

Language focus. Determiners and pronouns. Future

Basic literature:

Norris R. French A. Ready for CAE (2015) coursebook (updated for the revised CAE exam), Macmillian exams

Norris R. French A. Ready for CAE. (2015) workbook (updated for the revised CAE exam), Macmillian exams

Rezmuves Z. Ready for CAE. ( 2015) Teacher’s book third edition (updated with Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) revisions, Macmillian exams.

Other references:

Ready for advanced 3rd edition class CDs, Macmillian publishers limited 2014

Ready for advanced 3rd edition DVD-ROM with photocopiable and resource activities Macmillian dictionary for advanced learners. (2002) new edition

Methods of teaching: Seminars, resource activities, project work

Language of teaching: English

Assessment methods: Progress tests, participation, projects, presentation

Course Title: TEXT ANALYSIS 4

Course code: B-ATE-4

Type of the course: Compulsory
Course level: Advanced
Year of study: 2nd

Semester: 2nd


Course work load: 75 classes, seminars

Name of lecturer: Edlira Xega
Course goal: By the end of this course, the students should be able to:

  • comprehend authentic texts of advanced level of difficulty

  • increase their lexical knowledge, understand and control elements of language; i.e. lexis, word formation, lexical and grammatical transformations and spelling.

  • analyze and use correctly the advanced grammar points

  • improve their ability to express ideas in coherent, connected speech by initiating, responding and developing the interaction

  • develop their listening skills and pronunciation focusing on sounds, stress and intonation

Prerequisites: It helps students to prepare for the Cambridge certificate in Advanced English examination, level C1, by providing relevant practice in the 4 skills and the sections of :Reading, speaking, language focus, vocabulary, use of English, listening, writing.
Course contents:
Unit 8. Vocabulary. Amount. Verbs formed with up , down, over and under.

Use of English. Gapped sentences

Reading. Gapped text. Unplugged

Writing. Reports.

Unit 9. Going places. Reading: Multiple matching. Going it alone

Vocabulary 1 and 2. Doing things alone. Anger

Listening1 and 2. Sentence completion. Multiple choices.

Language focus. Creating emphasis.

Writing. Contributions: Guidebook entry.

Speaking. Long turn.

Unit 10. House and home. Vocabulary 1 and 2. Describing rooms and houses. Metaphorical meanings. Use of English: Open cloze. Multiple choice cloze.

Reading. Multiple choices: The joy of plumbing.

Language focus: Participle clauses

Listening: Multiple matching. Vocabulary 3: Noise and sound.

Writing. Information sheets

Unit 11. A cultural education. Listening 1and 2. Multiple choice. Sentence completion

Vocabulary 1 and 2. Sight. Read and write

Reading: Gapped text. The trouble with modern audiences

Language focus: Inversion

Speaking 1 and 2: Collaborative task

Writing: Proposals

Unit 12. The world about us. Listening 1 and 2 : Sentence completion. Multiple matching.

Vocabulary 1 and 2: Words with more than one use. Attitude Adverbials.

Use of English1 and 2. Multiple choice cloze. Key word transformation.

Reading: Doing what comes naturally

Languages focus 1 and 2. Conjunctions and linking adverbs. Attitude adverbials.

Writing. Articles

Unit 13. Food for thought. Vocabulary 1 and 2: eating and drinking. Deception.

Speaking. Long turn.

Use of English. Word formation

Writing1 and 2: Informal letters. Reports

Reading. Multiple choice. Extracts

Language focus: Comparisons. Adverbs of degree.

Listening. Multiple choice.

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