Unit I
If art is a free, personal expression, why do we need principles to create art?
3D studio 1
Simoni Limeira-Bonadies
Elements of Art and Principles of Art
2 weeks duration
Common Core/ NGSSS Standard(s):
VA.68.C.1.3 Identify qualities of exemplary artworks that are evident and transferable to the judgment of personal work.
VA.68.F.3.4 Follow directions and complete art tasks in a timely manner to show development of 21st-century skills.
VA.68.S.2.1 Organize the structural elements of art to achieve artistic goals when producing personal works of art.
VA.68.S.2.3 Use visual-thinking and problem-solving skills in a sketchbook or journal to identify, practice, develop ideas, and resolve challenges in the creative process.
VA.68.S.1.4 Use accurate art vocabulary to explain the creative and art-making processes.
VA.68.S.3.1 Use two-dimensional or three-dimensional art materials and tools to understand the potential and limitations of each.
VA.68.S.3.3 Demonstrate understanding of safety protocols for media, tools, processes, and techniques.
VA.68.S.3.5 Apply two-dimensional techniques and media to create or enhance three-dimensional artwork.
Lesson Objective
To provide students with an understanding of the processes involved in creating sculpture as well as study of the defining characteristics of Henry Moore’s sculpture.
The Lesson
Introduction and Lesson Specifics
Bell Work
Essential Question(s)
Who is Keith Haring?
How can I use various materials to create a sculpture?
What is Pop-Art?
Academic Vocabulary
Elements of Art Principles of Design
Thumbnail drawing Movement
Texture Abstract/ Illustration
Media Armature
Pop Art Graffiti
After examining examples of Keith Haring’s work, identify defining characteristics
Students will use thumbnails to plan their sculptures - Know the procedure for contour line drawing.
Students will create sculptures inspired by Keith Haring’s designs
Verbal questioning by teacher to check for understanding of key vocabulary
Group critique
Lesson Calendar
-Students will watch a short documentary about Keith Haring and his work.
Students will be inspired to draw figures with various movements and create designs for the sculpture surface.
-Teacher leads guided practice of drawing techniques including, using thumbnails and planning.
HOTS How do I plan my final draft?
-Students engaged in independent practice selecting and transferring their drawings to a cardboard.
-Teacher circles the room checking for understanding and providing advice.
HOTS How do I engage in independent practice in my sketchbook to create preliminary drawing?
-Students engaged on independent practice cutting all shapes necessary for their sculpture. When the armature is done, students will paint it observing details of their preliminary sketchbook drawing as a guide.
-Teacher circled the room checking for understanding.
- Students engage in constructive criticism of their classmates’ work by providing a “complement sandwich” – by describing two positive attributes, and one area of preceded improvement using the vocabulary specific to the learning unit.
HOTS How do I engage in constructive criticism of my classmates’ work by providing a “complement sandwich”?
-Students use teacher added “areas of improvement” to form a project completion check list which they crossed off as they finish these tasks toward completion.
-Teacher meet with students individually to discuss their final goals for completion.
HOTS How do I use peer provided and teacher added “areas of improvement” to form a project completion checklist?
Differentiation: Advanced Learners
Independent Research * Peer Tutoring *Complete a series of multiple artworks as a deeper investigation into the unit theme
Remediation/ Modifications
ESE: extra time, restate questions in different words, provide copies of power point, preferential seating
ESOL: extra time, preferential seating, sit ESOL students next to bilingual students when necessary
Absent students will take their journals at home to finish the drawings.
Assessment Evidence
Diagnostic Assessment
Oral Assessment/ Discussion Participation
Formative Assessment
Project-Based Presentation/Assessment
Summative Assessment (Final Project)
Selection Assessment
Other Technology Assessment
Learning Log
Research Paper/Documented Essay
Standardized Test Practice Assessment
Performance Writing Task
Analytical Reading Log/Dialectical Journal
Performance Speaking Task
Exit 3-2-1*
Performance Media Task
Digital References: