Subject: First Invitation to Participate in the Study’s Interview Process
Dear UNK Korean students,
Greetings! I hope you had a productive spring semester and are enjoying some well-
deserved relaxation time during this summer.
I am writing to ask if you would agree to be interviewed by me for a research project
entitled “Understanding the Importance of English Education in South Korea and
Exploring the Reasons Why South Korean Students
Come to a University in the
Midwest.” I am hoping to collect information from you to discover the perceptions about
South Korean students who study at the University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK). Your
participation will help me find the reasons why South Korean students choose to come to
UNK and what kinds of challenges Korean students encounter both before they come to
UNK and after they come to UNK.
I will only recruit 30 participants for this study.
In other words, not everyone who
volunteers to participate will be included in this research. The interview will last about
one or two hours. Our discussion will be recorded on an iPad to help me accurately
capture your insights in your own words. All records will be kept confidential in my
secure possession.
In addition, no individual responses will be shared with other parties.
If you agree to participate, please send an email to me using the following address:
. After I receive your email responses, I will respond to your email and
send an invitation for the study’s interview process via email.
If you have any questions regarding this interview and study,
please feel free to contact
me. You can reach me at 308-865-8141 or 308-224-6575.
I appreciate your participation and the time you have given me.
Jaekeun Cho
Graduate Student
The University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Subject: Second Invitation to Participate in the Study’s Interview Process
Dear UNK Korean Students,
Greetings! I really appreciate that you are interested in being a participant in this study by
responding to my first email. Your support will help me develop
this research study
Based upon the criteria of recruiting 30 samples for this study, I would like to let you
know that you were selected as a participant for this study.
The next step you need to take is to contact me about the date, time, and place (Welch
Hall or Calvin T. Ryan Library) when you are available for an interview. If you would
like another location other
than the options listed above, feel free to notify me. We will
definitely find more suitable location for the interview.
I appreciate your participation and the time you have given me.
Jaekeun Cho
Graduate Student
The University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Subject: Third Invitation to Participate in the Study’s Interview Process
Dear UNK Korean Students,
Greetings! I really appreciate that you
informed me about the date, time, and place for
our interview.
Next, please open the attached file, the informed consent form.
The informed consent form includes the following information: title, purpose of the study,
procedures, benefits, risks and/or discomforts,
confidentiality, and so forth. Please read
this document and be ready to sign the form when we first meet for the interview.
If you have any questions regarding this interview and study, please feel free to contact
me. You can reach me at 308-865-8141 or 308-224-6575.
I appreciate your participation and the time you have given me.
Jaekeun Cho
Graduate Student
The University of Nebraska - Lincoln