F–8. Adequate funding a. Are CLP budget requirements adequately identified and documented on a routine basis?
b. Are CLP funding requirements explicitly addressed in annual unit budget planning?
c. Are the CLPM or other CLP council members knowledgeable about procedures to obtain needed CLP funding?
d. Is the CLP involved with and adequately represented in long range budget planning?
e. Are CLP funding requirements separate from other training budgets?
F–9. Access to current regulations a. Are the appropriate regulations and information pamphlets readily available?
b. Is it clear as to where additional or updated regulations can be obtained?
F–10. Utilization and sustainment of unit linguist assets a. Can linguist assets not assigned to the unit (for example, from other companies or battalions) be utilized as
instructors or assistant instructors?
b. Is there a linguist development program in the unit?