shaxsning individual-psixologik xususiyatlari majmui bo‘lib, u kishida faoliyat va xulq-atvorning dinamik va emotsional tomonlari bilan xarakterlanadi
Temperament yavlyaetsya summoy personalnыx psixologicheskыx xarakteristik chelovecheskiy, kotoroe vыdelyaetsya vinamicheskimi i emotsialnыmi storonami deyatelnosti i povedeniya
Temperament is the amount of human’s personal psychological features which is marked with dynamical and emotional sides of one’s activity and behavior
yo‘nalish, kishining tevarak-atrofdagi odamlarga va obektlarga nisbatan qanday munosabatda bo‘lish, ularni idrok qilish, ularga baho berish va ularga nisbatan harakatining tayyorlik xolati.
Stepen gotovnosti – napravlenie i sostoyanie, kotorыe – sposobnost otnosheniy k drugie, voobrajenie i otsenka
The degree of willingness is the direction and state which is the ability of attitudes towards others, imagination and assessment
insongagina xos, ong bilan boshqariladigan ehtiyojlar tufayli paydo bo‘ladigan va tashqi olam bilan kishining o‘z-o‘zini bilishga, uni qayta qurishga yo‘naltirlgan faolligi
Deyatelnost yavlyaetsya aktivnosyu cheloveka, kotorыy napravlyaetsya, chtobы realizovat svyaz mejdu vneshnыm mirom i chelovekom, kotorыe okazыvayutsya potrebnostyami, kotorыe tipichnыe dlya tolko chelovecheskogo, i, kotorыe upravlyayutsya umom
Activity is the activeness of person which is directed to realize the connection between outer world and person which is appeared by needs that are peculiar to only human, and which is controlled by mind
tirik materiyaning umumiy xususiyati, tevarak muhit bilan o‘zaro ta’sirda bo‘lishida namoyon bo‘ladi
Aktivnost – ukazыvatsya, chto – obщaya xarakteristika, jivuщaya masteriam, kotorыy izluchaetsya v protsess so sredoy
Activeness is the state is common feature of living matery and which is emanated in the process of being with the environment
maqsadga muvofiq yo‘naltirilib, ongli ravishda amalga oshiriladigan harakatlar yig‘indisi. H. Ongli faoliyatning tarkibiy qismlari va motivlaridan biridir
Deystvie yavlyaetsya summoy dvijeniy, kotorыe napravlyayutsya dlya opredelennыx seley. Eto – odin iz osnovnыx komponentov i motivov soznatelnoy deyatelnosti
Action is the amount of motions which is directed for the certain purposes. It is one of the main components and motives of conscious activity
ijtimoiy munosabatlarga kiruvchi va ongli faoliyat bilan shug‘ullanuvchi betakror odam
CHelovek – eto kto-nibud, kotorыy prinimaet uchastie v obщestvennoy besede i zanimaetsya soznatelnoy deyatelnostyu
Person is someone who takes part in social conversations and engages in conscious activity
odam va hayvonlarning subektiv ifodalangan ichki va tashqi qo‘zg‘oluvchilar ta’siriga javob reaksiyasi
CHuvstvo – eto reaksiya v otvet na vnutrennie i vneshnie irrigant materialы, kotorыe napravlyayutsya lyudyam i jivotnыm
Emotion is the reaction in reply to internal and external irritant matters which are directed to humans and animals
shaxsning bilim va faoliyat usullarini egallashga hamda uni mustahkam esda saqlab qolish jarayoni
Obuchenie – protsess polucheniya znaniya i deyatelnosti namekov, i pomnya on neuklonno
Studying is the process of acquiring knowledge and activity hints, and remembering them seadily
faoliyat turlaridan biri bo‘lib, bolalarning kattalar faoliyatini, ish harakatlarini aks ettirishda ifodalanadigan va atrofni bilishga qaratilgan faoliyatdir
Igra – eto odna iz deyatelnosti tipov, chto napravlyaetsya, chtobы uznat sredu i vыrazitsya v protsesse v kotorom deystvie detey kak budto oni bыli vzroslыmi
Game is one of the activity types that is directed to know environment and is expressed in th process in which children act as if they were adults
shaxsning ma’lum faoliyatidagi muvaffaqiyatlarini va osonlik bilan biror faoliyatni egallay olishini ta’minlaydigan individual psixologik xususiyati
Sposobnost yavlyaetsya personalnыm psixologicheskim spesifichnost, obespechivaet lyudey, chtobы dostich ix seley i drugix zanyatiy
Ability is the personal psychological peculiarity which provides people to achieve their aims and other dongs
shaxsning o‘zi uchun qimmatli va yoqimli narsa yoki xodisalarga munosabati
Interes yavlyaetsya personalnыmi otnosheniyami k veщam i sobыtiyam, kotorыe – interesnыe ili sennыe dlya nix
Interest is the personal attitudes towards things and events that are interesting or valuable for them
Psixologik takt
muloqotda me’yorni his qilish, odob, nazokat
Psixologicheskiy takt – protsess vejlivыy, regulyarnыy i znachitelnыy v techenie razgovora
Psychological tact is the process of being polite, regular and sensible during the conversation