O‘zbek tilidagi sharhi
Ingliz tilidagi sharhi
Psixologiya fan sifatida psixik faktlar, psixikaning tarkibiy qismlari faoliyat, xulq, muamala, bilish jarayonlari, psixik holatlar, ichki kechinmalar, ijodiy rejalar, ilmiy farazlarning miyada aks etishi, psixik qonuniyatlar va mexanizmlarni o‘rganadi.
yunoncha psyuxe – jon, ruh, logos – fan, ta’limot degan ma’noni anglatadi
science that studies the laws of the origin, development and functioning of the mind and mental activity of the person and groups of people. It combines humanitarian and natural science approaches.
bu tafakkur, sezgilar, hissiyotlar va kommunikativ jarayonlarni o‘ziga jamlashtirgan yaxlit tizimdir. Hozirgi davrda “jon” tushunchasi o‘rniga “psixika” so‘zi qo‘llanilmoqda.
Mentality - a complex concept in philosophy, psychology and medicine.
"The form of the active display subject of an objective reality that occurs in the interaction of highly sentient beings with the outside world and engaged in their behavior (activity) regulatory function."
Narsalarning o‘ziga xos belgi va xususiyatlarini, ular o‘rtasidagi bog‘lanishlarni, narsalarning muhim belgi va xususiyatlarini ajratib olishga qaratilgan fikrlash operatsiyasi. lot. Abstractio mavhumlashtirish
Abstraction - a distraction in the learning process of the non-essential sides, properties, object relationships (object or phenomenon) in order to highlight their essential, of regular features; abstraction - theoretical generalization as a result of this diversion.
- mavjud obraz va tasavvur qismlarini bir - biriga «yopishtirib» qo‘shish asosida yangi obrazlarni yaratishdan iborat xayol faoliyati. Mas., suv parisi obrazi. lot. Agglutinate – yopishtirmoq elimlamoq
It consists of a well-known characters. The current image of the thoughts and slapped kdrug other in connection with this way of thinking to the creation of new images. For example: the image of a mermaid.
shaxs idrokining avvalgi bilim va tajribalariga hamda uning umumiy qiziqish, xavaslariga bog‘liqligi. lot. qarashli, perceptio - idrok
- It is the process by which elements of consciousness are clear and distinct.
One of the fundamental properties of the human psyche, reflected in the conditionality of the perception of objects and phenomena of the external world and the awareness of the general perception of the features of the contents of mental life as a whole stock of knowledge and the specific condition of the individual.
psixik hodisalar orasidagi o‘zaro bog‘lanish, u ma’lum qonunlar bo‘yicha tarkib topadi (jumladan, fazodagi yondoshlik A, xronologik o‘xshashlik A, qarama – qarshilik A va b.) lot. associatio - birlashtirmok
Between related mental events, consists of specific laws such as the study of the cosmos, the chronological coincidence of contradictions.