Organic chemistry deals with substances which are composed in part of carbon, and many of which are associated in some ways with living bodies, plants and animals.
5. Physical chemistry includes many of the principles of physics as well as those of chemistry.
6.Colloidal chemistry is concerned with special properties of substances in a finally dispersed condition.
3.Translate into Uzbek / Russian language:
Property - Mol-mulk
Substance- Modda
Chemist- Kimyogar
Information- Ma'lumot
Important- Muhim
Necessary- Zarur
Continually- Doimiy ravishda
Chemical- Kimyoviy
Composition- Tarkibi
Different- Turli xil
1. Read the text and translate
There are different forms of business organization and ownership. They can be divided into those belonging to the private sector, i.e. in the control of private individuals, and those working in the public sector, i.e. owned by the government. Now many countries have a mixed economy in which business activities take place in both the public sector and private sector. In the private sector, there are various types of business organization. There are sole traders, partnerships, companies and cooperatives. The type of business described as ‘sole trader’ (or ‘sole proprietor’) is one which is owned, run and controlled by one person. It is the most common form of business operating in the service sector, and is typically a small newsagent’s shop or a tradesman’s business plumbing or repairing. Partnership is a form of business organization owned by between two and twenty partners who provide the capital and share the profits. The partner who provides more capital will receive a bigger share of the profits. If otherwise is not specified the profits and losses must be shared equally by the partners. Partnership is the form of business most commonly found in professions such as medicine, dentistry, law, accountancy and professional services such as building. A company is a form of business organization which is owned by its shareholders who appoint the board of directors to control its operation. Funds are raised by shares in the form of small amounts bought by a number of small investors. The public sector is dominated by large nationalized public enterprises. In addition to these nationalized industries, the public sector includes the productive activities of central government departments and local authorities.
Biznes va mulkni tashkil etishning turli shakllari mavjud. Ular xususiy sektorga tegishli bo'lganlarga bo'linishi mumkin, ya'ni.xususiy shaxslar va davlat sektorida ishlayotganlar, ya'ni hukumatga tegishli. Bugungi kunda ko'plab mamlakatlarda tadbirkorlik faoliyati davlat va xususiy sektorda amalga oshirilayotgan aralash iqtisodiyot mavjud. Xususiy sektorda biznesni tashkil etishning turli turlari mavjud. Yakka tartibdagi tadbirkorlar, shirkatlar, kompaniyalar va kooperativlar mavjud. "Yakka tartibdagi tadbirkor" (yoki "yakka tartibdagi tadbirkor") deb ta'riflangan biznes turi bir shaxs tomonidan egalik qiladi, boshqariladi va nazorat qilinadi. Bu xizmat ko'rsatish sohasida ishlaydigan biznesning eng keng tarqalgan shakli bo'lib, odatda kichik gazeta do'koni yoki sanitariya-tesisat sotuvchisi yoki ta'mirlash ishi. Hamkorlik-bu sarmoyani ta'minlaydigan va foyda keltiradigan ikki-yigirma hamkorga tegishli bo'lgan biznesni tashkil etish shakli. Katta kapitalni ta'minlaydigan hamkor katta foyda oladi. Aks belgilanmagan bo'lsa, foyda va zararlar sheriklar tomonidan teng ravishda ajratilishi kerak. Hamkorlik-bu tibbiyot, stomatologiya, huquqshunoslik, buxgalteriya hisobi va qurilish kabi professional xizmatlar kabi kasb-hunarlarda eng ko'p uchraydigan biznes shaklidir. Kompaniya o'z faoliyatini nazorat qilish uchun direktorlar kengashini tayinlagan aktsiyadorlariga tegishli biznesni tashkil etish shaklidir. Mablag'lar kichik investorlar bir qator tomonidan sotib kichik miqdorda shaklida qimmatli qog'ozlar bilan jalb etiladi. Davlat sektori yirik milliylashtirilgan davlat korxonalari tomonidan boshqariladi. Ushbu milliylashtirilgan sanoat tarmoqlaridan tashqari, davlat sektori Markaziy hukumat idoralari va mahalliy hokimiyat organlarining ishlab chiqarish faoliyatini o'z ichiga oladi.
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