1. Who was the first saw and described microorganisms?
- Hippocrates.
+ Leeuwenhoek.
- L. Pasteur.
- R.Koh.
2. Who is the first to prove the cause of fermentation and putrefaction?
- Leeuwenhoek.
- L. Pasteur.
+ R.Koh.
- E.Ru.
3. Who is the first time a theory of phagocytosis?
- L. Pasteur.
- R.Koh.
- S.Vinogradsky.
+ I.Mechnikov.
4. Who first discovered viruses.
- R.Koh.
- And Mechnikov.
- L. Pasteur.
+ D.Ivanovsky.
5. Mikrobiologiya- science that studies:
- Plant physiology.
- The genetics of animals.
- The nature of the environment.
+ Morphology, physiology, genetics, ecology of microbes.
6. For the first time introduced the practice of microbiology solid nutrient media:
- L. Pasteur.
+ R.Koh.
- S.Vinogradsky.
- I.Mechnikov.
7. The founder of soil microbiology:
- L. Pasteur.
- R.Koh.
+ S.Vinogradsky.
- I.Mechnikov.
8. To see the germs used:
+ Microscope.
- telescope.
- phonendoscope.
- probe.
9. The main objective of the bacteriological laboratory:
- The study of the epizootic situation.
- Development of the planned measures.
- Analysis of statistical data.
+ Diagnostics of diseases of humans and animals.
10. Which departments are in the bacteriological laboratory:
- epizootic.
- therapeutic.
+ Bacteriological, serological, virological.
- operational.
11. Diplokokki- spherical micro Location:
- Singly or randomly.
+ Pairs.
- In the form of a bunch of grapes.
- A chain.
12. The morphology of spirochetes bacteria, having the form:
-length, thick sticks with sharp ends,
helical crimped rods with 4-6 coils,
+ cells with long helical thread axis,
-izognutogo cylinder that resembles a comma
13. Micrococci - spherical bacteria located:
- In the form of regular packets 8-16 cells or more.
+ Singly or randomly.
- Pairs.
- Asymmetrical clusters.
14. Micro-organisms that lack a true cell wall, but instead it has a three-layer cytoplasmic membrane, called:
- Actinomycetes.
+ Mycoplasmas.
- Spirochetes.
- Rickettsia.
15. Staphylococci-spherical bacteria located:
- Four cells.
- A chain.
+ In the form of grapes.
- Pairs.
16. As part of the organic substances of microbial cells are the largest number of accounts for:
+ Carbon.
- Oxygen.
- Nitrogen.
- Hydrogen.
17. Mutant microbes, which are partially or completely lost the ability to synthesize the peptidoglycan called bacteria - form.
- S-.
- O-.
- M-.
+ L-.
18. The bulk of the microbial cell protein is:
- Lipoproteins.
- Glyukoproteidy.
+ Nucleoproteins.
- Enzymes.
19. The unicellular microorganisms are Gram-positive, tending to branching, combined titled:
- Rickettsia.
- Mycoplasma.
- Spirillum.
+ actinomycetes.
20. The composition of microbial cells the least amount accounted for:
- Carbon.
- Oxygen.
- Nitrogen.
+ Hydrogen.
21. Streptococci - spherical microorganism is located:
- Pairs.
- Singly, in pairs or randomly.
- In the form of packets and a cell 8-16.
+ As a chain.
22. The content of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in the organic composition of the microbial cells reaches:
- 20-30%.
- 30-40%.
- 60-80%
+ 90-97%.
23. Tetrakokki - spherical bacteria located:
- A chain.
+ Four.
- Singly or randomly.
- Pairs.
24.Ot adverse environmental factors bacilli protected form inside the cell:
- The lysosome.
- Ribosome.
- Vacuole.
+ Dispute.
25. The most representative minerals microbial cells:
+ Phosphorus and sodium.
- Sulfur and calcium.
- Potassium and magnesium
- Iron and chlorine
26. sartsiny - cocci located:
- Pairs.
- Singly and randomly.
- Four cells.
+ In the form of packets on 8-16 cells or more.
27. Monotrihi - bacteria:
+ Flagellum at one end.
- With a bunch of flagella.
- One or more flagella at opposite ends.
- With flagella arranged across the cell surface.
28. cholerae - bacterium shaped:
+ Curved sticks resembling a comma.
- Helical crimp rods with 3-5 turns.
- Long spiral cell with an axial thread.
- Straight or curved rods with a club-bulges at the ends.
29. Lofotrihi -bakterii:
+ With a bunch of flagella.
- One or more flagella at opposite ends.
- With flagella arranged across the cell surface.
- Without flagella.
30. spirillae - micro-organisms:
- A long spiral of cells with an axial thread
- Clavate with thickenings at the ends of rods.
- A filamentous cells.
+ A helically crimped rods with 3-5 turns.
31. Amfitrihi - bacteria:
- With a single flagellum.
+ One or more flagella at opposite ends.
- One or more flagella at one end.
- With flagella across the cell surface.
32. Peretrihi - bacteria:
- With a single flagellum.
- With a bunch of flagella.
- One or more flagella at opposite ends.
+ Co flagella across the cell surface.
33. asexually reproduction is not set in representatives from the class of fungi:
- Chytridiomycota.
- Zygomycetes.
+ Ascomycetes.
- Deytromitsety or imperfect fungi.
34. The protein is synthesized in microbial cells:
- Mesosoma.
- Nucleoid.
- Vacuoles.
+ Ribosomes.
35. Energy Center microbial cells:
- ribosome.
- Vacuole.
- Nucleoid.
+ Mesosoma.
36. What are the micro-organisms are a group of globular:
- Vibrio, spirochetes, spirillum.
- Clostridia, actinomycetes.
Mycoplasma, vibrio, diplococci.
+ Micrococci, diplococci, streptococci, staphylococci.
37. What is represented by the nuclear unit of microbial cells:
- Plasmids polyribosomes.
- Peptidoglycan.
- Nucleoid, vacuoles.
+ Nucleoid, plasmids.
38. The main function of bacterial spores:
- The inclusion of a bacterial cell, giving rise to new cells.
- The structural component of cells, playing the role of reserve nutrients.
+ Conservation of bacteria in unfavorable environmental conditions.
- Organelles carrying out protein biosynthesis.
39. What are the micro-organisms are crimped forms?
- Vibrio, clostridium, bacillus, cocci.
- Streptococci, diplococci, sartsiny.
+ Vibrio, spirochetes, spirillum.
- Mycoplasma, spirochetes, bacteria.
40. What are the bacteria with a flagellum?
- Monotrihi.
- Amfitrihi.
+ Lofotrihi.
- Peritrichous.
41. Characteristics L-forms of bacteria. This bacteria:
- Completely devoid of a cell wall.
- Partially destroyed by the cell wall.
+ lost the ability to synthesize the peptidoglycan cell wall.
- Enclosed in ekzosporium.
42. Morphology diplokokkov. Globular cells located:
- In the form of regular packets 8-16 cells or more.
- A chain.
- Four cells.
- Pairs.
43. What are parasitic microbes inside the cell:
- Actinomycetes.
- yeast.
- Mycoplasma.
+ Viruses.
44. What is the nucleoid:
- Local intussusceptum cytoplasmic membrane.
- Organelles carrying out protein biosynthesis.
- The structural component of cells, playing the role of reserve nutrients.
+ Nucleus in bacteria.
45. What is the main component of the bacterial cell wall:
- Polysaccharides.
- Proteins and proteid.
- Lipoproteins.
+ Peptidoglycan or murein.
46. What is the function of bacterial drinking:
- Organelles movement.
+ Attachment of germs to the substrates and the transfer of genetic material from a donor to a recipient.
- Organelles involved in metabolism.
- Carry out protein biosynthesis.
47. Morphology of Corynebacterium:
+ Direct or curved sticks with club-bulges at the ends.
- Straight, slightly curved rods.
- Sticks with chopped off the ends.
- Ovoid bacteria.
48. Morphology clostridia:
- Nonspore rod-shaped bacteria.
- Sticks, which the diameter of the dispute does not exceed the width of the cell.
+ Sticks, which the diameter of the dispute exceeds the width of the cell.
- Twisted bacteria.
49. The bacterial cells are measured in:
- Centimeters.
- Nanometers.
- Daltons.
+ Micrometers.
50. Viruses are measured:
- Centimeters.
+ Nanometers.
- Daltons.
- Micrometers.
51.Prokariotam include organisms containing:
- core.
+ Non core.
- mycelium.
- Disputes.
52. Eukaryote are organisms that contain:
+ Nucleus.
- Without a nucleus.
- mycelium.
- Disputes.
53. Villi of bacteria are used to:
- Breeding.
- Increase.
- Metabolism.
+ Movement.
54. tinctorial properties, all bacteria are divided into:
- Gram.
- Negative.
+ Gram and gram.
- Gram-positive and negative.
55. In fungi distinguish types of reproduction:
- sexual.
- Budding.
- vegetative.
+ Sexual, asexual and vegetal.
56.Vegetativnoe mushroom body called:
- Capsule.
- Disputes.
- Drinking
+ Thawed.
57. For coloring capsules are used, the following method:
- Gram.
- plain.
- Muller.
+ Mihina.
58. bacillus spores may be placed in a cage:
- Terminally.
- Central, subterminal, terminal.
- Central.
- Superficial.
59. The mycelium is composed of branching filaments called:
- Capsule.
- Disputes.
+ Gifom.
- Villi.
60. staining spores used, the following method:
- negative.
- Gram.
- plain.
+ Moller.
61. The main components of cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria are:
- Lipolisaharid
- Layered peptidoglycan
+ Teichoic acid
- Phospholipids
62. The cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria includes:
- Phospholipids
- Lipolisaharidy
+ Peptidoglycan
- Permiazy
63. microvilli (drinking) are typical:
Gram +
- Gram-negative bacteria
- Mycoplasma
- Acid-fast bacilli
64. The flagella of bacteria provide:
- Conjugation of cells
+ Mobility
- Reception of bacteria to the epithelium
- The penetration of microbes in tissue
65. Power Sources carbohydrate penetrate into the cytoplasm of bacterial cells in the form:
- Polysaccharides
- Lipopolysaccharide
+ Monosaccharides
- Disaccharides
66. Toxic effects on the obligate anaerobes O2 due to accumulation:
- The end products of fermentation
+ Superoxide oxygen
- hydrogen peroxide
- Glitseraldegidfosfata
67. The capsule of bacteria:
- Suppresses phagocytosis
+ Increase osmoustoychivost
- It provides a selective transport of chemicals
- Prevents adsorption of bacteriophages
68. Specify the components that are unique to the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria:
- Phospholipids
+ Lipopolysaccharide
- Peptidoglycan
- chitin
69. invasiveness bacteria provide:
- Neuraminidase
+ Hyaluronidase
- Fibrinolysin
- Phosphatase
70. As part of the nucleotides:
Amino acid +
- Lipid
- Nitrogenous base
- Carbohydrate ribose or deoxyribose
71. The thymus is the site of maturation:
- B-lymphocytes
+ T-lymphocytes
- Plasma cells
- Natural killer
72. T - killers cause:
- The reaction of transplant rejection
- Resentment virus-affected cells
+ Activated effector T DTH
- The reaction of tumor rejection
73.Prikrepleniyu microorganisms to inhibit mucosal epithelium:
- Lysozyme secrets
+ secretory immunoglobulin A (Jg A)
- A high refresh rate of the epithelium
The normal microflora
74. Statement of agglutination provides:
- Heating of the serum for 30 minutes at 56 °
- Use of soluble antigen
- The use of a slurry of bacteria growing in the S-form
+ The use of electrolyte solutions
75. The PHA is used:
- Killed microbial cells
- Extracts of dead microbial cells
+ soluble microbial antigens adsorbed on erythrocytes
- Live microbial cells
76. To put the precipitation reaction is used as an antigen:
- Living cells of the pathogen
- Dead cells of the pathogen
+ Soluble antigen microorganisms
- Soluble haptens pathogen
77. In setting up RSC as antigens used:
- Soluble antigens
- Soluble haptens
- Antigens adsorbed on erythrocytes
+ Whole microbial cells
78. Best fixation test organisms for the production RIF provides:
- Methanol
- A mixture of Nikiforov
+ Simple drying the slurry
- Wiring through the flame
79. The composition of penicillins are:
- A beta-lactam ring
+ Makrolaktonovoe ring
- Carbohydrate residues
- Peptides
80. clostridium include:
- Gram-positive rods
- Catalase sticks
- Oksidazopolozhitelnye sticks
+ Spore-forming bacillus
81. detected in a smear large Gram-positive spore sticks are characteristic of the genus:
- Corynebacteria
Clostridium +
- Actinomycetes
- Leykobaktery
82. The morphology of the cells pneumococcus:
- Large cocci in triads
- Small cocci in chains
+ Diplokokki with lanceolate tips
- Small cocci in triads
83. Specify the Gram-positive rods that do not have mobility:
- Bac.megaterium
+ Bac.anthracis
- Bac.cereus
g) Bac.subtilis
84. Small Gram staining kokkobatsilyarnye biopolyarno microorganisms typical for species:
- Br.melitensis
- F.tularensis
+ Y.pestis
g) Br. abortus
85. Specify the features characteristic of mycoplasmas:
- The smallest size
+ No cell wall
- polymorphism
- The variety of forms of reproduction
86. The main components of cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria are:
- Phospholipids
+ Layered peptidoglycan
- Lipopolysaccharide
- Proteins
87. microvilli (drinking):
- Uniformly distributed over the surface of the cell wall
- Located apical
- Ensure the mobility of cells
+ Offers attachment of microbes to the epithelium
88. Spore formation:
- Takes place under optimum conditions of cultivation
+ It is carried out only under adverse conditions of cultivation
- Intensified under adverse conditions of cultivation
- Is accompanied by inhibition of metabolism
89. The fat source power to penetrate into the cytoplasm of bacterial cells in the form:
+ Lipoproteins
- Fatty acids
- Glycerol
- Lipids
90. Disputes form:
- Treponemy
+ Bacilli
- Enterobacteria
91. Specific structure of Gram-negative bacteria:
- Flagella
+ Periplasmic flagellum
- capsule
- Ribosome
92. Pathogenic bacteria due to:
+ endotoxins
- Capsule
- Resistant microorganism
93. During the multiplication of cells arranged streptococci
- Clusters
- Simple clusters
Chain +
- At an angle to each other
94. Rod Micrococcus included in the group
- Aerobic gram-positive cocci
- Facultative anaerobic gram-positive cocci
- Anaerobic gram-positive cocci
+ Facultative anaerobic gram-negative cocci
95. Describe the main features characterizing the genus Micrococcus
- The ability to grow anaerobically
- Fermentation of glucose anaerobically
+ immobility
- The presence of catalase
96. The bacterial cell wall functions as:
- Osmotic protection
- Selective transport of chemicals
- Energy center cells
+ Mechanical Protection
97. The capsule form of bacteria:
+ Polysaccharides
- Phospholipids
- Polypeptides
- Lipoproteins
98. The functional components of flagella are:
- lipids
+ Flagellin- protein
- Lipoproteins
- Lipopolysaccharide
99. Sexual drinking is characterized by:
- Viruses
Gram +
- Mycoplasma
- Mushrooms
100. The delivery of nutrients into the cytoplasm of bacterial cells is carried out by:
- Phagocytosis
- Pinocytosis
- Transport Transport proteins periplasmic space
+ Permeases cytoplasmic membrane
101. Constitutive enzymes are synthesized:
- In the presence of a specific substrate
+ Fixed
- During DNA replication
- When the metabolites substrate in synthetic processes
102. lipopolysaccharide are a major component:
+ Cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria
- The cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria
- Streptococcal cell wall
- Cytoplasmic membrane
103. The Gram-positive bacteria comprise:
- Layered peptidoglycan
+ Teichoic acid
- Lipopolysaccharide
- The nuclear envelope
104. Virulence:
+ Is a measure of pathogenicity
- The concept of "virulence" and "pathogenicity"
- A specific character
- Increases in the passages on nutrient media
105. Location of bacterial genes:
- Plasmid
- Cytoplasmic membrane
- ribosome
+ Chromosome
106. The central authorities immunogenesis are:
+ Lymph nodes
- Clusters of lymphoid tissue in the submucosal layers
- spleen
- Bone marrow
107. The cytotoxicity of killer T cells due to:
- Speroksidnym oxygen
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Lysosomal enzymes
d) belkami- perforin
- Fatty acids
108. microbial invasion factors are:
+ Hyaluronidase
- Mukopolisaharidaza
- Microvilli
- capsule
109. Positive agglutination is recorded in the case of:
+ Education flakes agglutinate full enlightenment test serum
- Flocculation agglutinate partial enlightenment test serum
- Lack of control in the agglutinate antigen
- Flocculation in the control agglutinate antigen
110. The reaction of precipitation allows you to:
- Identify levels of antibodies in the serum
+ To determine the antigen in tissue extracts
- To identify the species of proteins
- To determine the titer of complement
111. Penicillin break:
- Binding peptide synthesis
- Education glikozidaznoy connection with the synthesis of peptidoglycan
- The synthesis of an intracellular protein
+ Permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane
112. The structure of DNA consists of:
+ Guanine, cytosine, thymine
- Deoxyribose
- Uracil, phosphoric acid
- Ribose
113. What are the differentiating factor, the composition of the incoming medium Endo
- glucose
Lactose +
- Saccharose
- urea
About 114 fresh fecal contamination of water show
+ Common coliforms (bacteria family Enterobacteriacea-
- Thermotolerant coliforms
- Reducing clostridia
- Enteroviruses
115. nodular bacteria include:
- Vibrio
+ Sartsiny
- Diplobakterii
d) spirillum
116. In a chain arranged:
- Staphylococci
+ Streptococci
- Tetrakokki
- Meningococcus
117. In a "grape bunches" are located:
- Meningococcus
- Streptococci
+ Staphylococci
- Tetrakokki
118. Feature lofotrihy:
Have a single flagellum
- Flagella are arranged as bundles at both ends
+ Flagella are arranged as bundles at one end of bacteria
- Flagella are located on the perimeter
119. According to the location of the flagella bacteria are divided into:
+ On amfitrihii
- On diplokokki
- On autotrophs
- By heterotrophs
120. Staphylococci are arranged in the form:
- Packages
- Chains
- Single cells
+ Bunches of grapes
121. Disputes forms
+ Causative agent of botulism
- Typhoid bacillus
- E. coli
- Vibrio cholerae
122. Gram-negative bacteria are stained:
- Methylene blue
- Gentian violet
Magenta +
- Lugol solution
123. In the form of bales or packages are located:
+ Sartsiny
- Miktokokki
- Staphylococci
- Streptococci
124. The rod-shaped are:
- Spirillum
- Sartsiny
+ Bacteria
- Spirochetes
125. To obligate anaerobes include:
- Vibrio cholerae
Clostridium botulinum +
- Meningococcus
- Measles virus
126. Preserving the environment is:
+ Glycerin mixture
- Peptone water
127. Bacteriological method is used to diagnose:
- Hepatitis A
- Influenza
- Measles
+ Cholera
128. For simple environments include:
Saline +
- Endo Agar
- Wednesday, Levin
129. According to the type of food the bacteria are divided into:
- Lofotrihii
+ saprophytes
- Anaerobes
- Dpilobakterii
130. P type respiratory germs are divided:
+ Optional
- Diplokokki
- Heterotrophs
- Streptococci
131. By the nature of power sharing germs:
- Aerobic
- Anaerobes
- Spirillum
+ Heterotrophs
132. For complex environments include:
+ Medium Endo
- saline
133. A soil transmitted infections:
- measles
- rabies
+ Botulism
134. The source of infection is:
- water
- air
+ Dirty hands
Sick animals
135. By the zoonotic infections include:
- flu
- Cholera
- Shigellosis
136. anthroponotic infections include:
+ Shigellosis
- rabies
- glanders
- Salmonellosis
137. After the water is passed:
- Hepatitis C
- malaria
- measles
+ Typhoid
138. The mechanism of transmission is:
- Contact-household
- contact
- Food
+ Water
139. exotoxin released pathogens:
- Influenza
Diphtheria +
- Dysentery
140. anthroponotic infections include:
- Anthrax
- glanders
- Foot and mouth disease
+ Measles
141. Through the air is passed:
- tetanus
- rabies
+ Measles
- Ehsherihioza
142. The source of infection are:
- linens
+ Lice
- Toys
- Bacillicarrier
143. The mechanism of transmission is:
- Food
- sexual
- Airborne dust
+ Transmissible
144. By the bacteria are pathogens:
- Influenza
+ Salmonellosis
- Measles
g) Malaria
145. anthroponotic infections include:
- brucellosis
- rabies
+ Scarlet fever
- Leishmaniasis
146. Pathogenicity - the ability to:
+ Cause infectious process
- Sensitize the body
- To break down glucose
- Break down
147. The mechanism of transmission is:
- Parenteral
+ Airborne
- sexual
- water
148. After the soil is passed:
+ Actinomycoses
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- typhoid fever
149. transmissible transmitted by:
- flu
- angina
- diphtheria
+ Ebola
150. After the food is passed:
- malaria
- measles
- flu
+ Salmonellosis
151. Direct contact is transmitted:
- scarlet fever
- diphtheria
- Salmonellosis
Syphilis +
152. By the bacterial infections include:
- flu
- Giardiasis
hepatitis A
+ Diphtheria
153. exotoxin release:
- E. coli
- Salmonella
+ Tetanus spores
- Foot and mouth disease virus
154. spirochetes cause:
- typhoid fever
Syphilis +
- flu
- meningitis
155. Antibiotics produce:
+ Mushrooms
- Pinworms
- Ticks
g) Mosquitoes
156. chemotherapeutic agents include:
+ Antibiotics
- Vaccine
- Serum
- tuberculin
157. antibiotics include:
+ Penicillin
- Glucose
- Rivanola
- Analginum
158. Viruses cause:
- syphilis
+ Measles
- typhoid fever
- typhus
159. Viruses cause:
Polio +
- Cholera
- Anthrax
- Paratyphoid A
160 simply calls:
- Foot and mouth disease
- Diphtheria
- flu
+ Malaria
161. Mushrooms cause:
+ Mycotoxicoses
- Dysentery
- glanders
- Malaria
162 Method of production of phages are:
- Powders
+ Tablet
- ointment
- Broth
163. Nature phages are:
- Mushrooms
- Bacteria
+ Virus
- Simple
164. Natural active immunity is produced as a result of:
- Administration of the vaccine
+ Myocardial disease
- The introduction of tetanus toxoid
- The introduction of immunoglobulin
165. Natural active immunity is produced as a result of:
- The introduction of serum
- The introduction of antibiotics
+ Myocardial disease
- Recurrent infection
166. Natural passive immunity is produced as a result of:
+ Production of antibodies through the placenta from mother
- Conducting a bacteriophage
- The introduction of serum
- This illness
167. Artificial passive immunity is produced by the introduction of:
- Diphtheria toxoid
+ diphtheria serum
- Tuberculin
- Bifikol
168. To place a serological test laboratory material is used:
- Feces
- urine
- bile
+ Blood
169. Artificial active immunity is developed after the introduction:
- Tuberculin
- Bifikol
- Penicillin
170. For the diagnosis of intestinal infections, laboratory material is used:
- urine
- Cerebrospinal fluid
- sputum
+ Cal
171. By means of immunotherapy are:
- Antibiotics
+ Serum
- Nitrofurans
- Allergens
172. By means of immunotherapy are:
- Sulifanilamidy
- Pritovomalyariynye drugs
Immunoglobulins +
- Vaccine
173. Artificial active immunity is formed after the introduction:
- Gistoglobulina
- Bacteriophage
- Norsulfazola
174. The group of preventative medications include:
- aspirin
+ Vaccine
- Diagnosticums
- Allergens
175. The means of passive immunization are:
- Bifikol
+ Influenza immunoglobulin
176. Active immunity is produced as a result of:
- The introduction of serum
+ myocardial disease
- The introduction of a bacteriophage
- Antibiotic
177. Specific factors include the protection of the body:
- Phagocytes
Antibodies +
- Complement
- The normal microflora of the human body:
178. By the properties of the antigen include:
+ Foreignness
- virulence
- Pathogenicity
- Toxigenicity
179. To the central authorities of the immune system include:
- Spleen
- a heart
+ thymus
- blood
180. To the central authorities of the immune system include:
- blood
- Lymph nodes
- Skin
+ Tonsils
181. By the peripheral organs of the immune system include:
- stomach
+ lymph nodes
- Skin
- Mucosas
182. Cellular factors of nonspecific protection of an organism are:
- Antigens
- Antibodies
- Polynuclears
+ Complement
183. By means of active immunization include:
- Serum
+ vaccine
- Brucellin
- Maleinos
184. For non-specific humoral factors to protect the body include:
+ Macrophages
- Basophils
- Eosinophils
- Interferon
185. The means of immunotherapy is:
- Maleinos
- Antraksin
+ Protivosibireyazvenny globulin
- saline
186. By means of passive immunization include:
- Tularemia vaccine
- Influenza vaccine
- Typhoid vaccine
+ Tetanus toxoid
187. In order to identify infectious allergy allergen is introduced:
- Intramuscularly
- intravenously
+ Intradermally
188. The specificity of the antigen due to the presence of him:
- A heavy chain
- Light chain
- The active center
+ Determinant group
189. The presence of specific antibodies is due to him:
- A heavy chain
- Light chain
+ Active center
- Determinant group
190. Increasing the concentration of Ig E observed at:
- Transplant rejection
+ hay fever
- Hemolytic disease of the newborn
- Serum sickness
191. Virological method used to diagnose:
- Salmonellosis
- Malaria
- Balantidiasis
+ Measles
192. Pathogenicity - this property:
- Biochemical
+ Specifications microbial strains
- Immunological
- Allergy
193. By the bacterial infections include:
- Varicella
- Smallpox
- Malaria
+ Diphtheria
194.Tuberkulin used for production:
+ Mantoux
- Reaction Schick
- Dick's reaction
- Determination of the ESR
195.V the soil for a long time saved:
- Measles virus
- Rubella virus
+ Causative agents of botulism
- Staphylococci
196.Parenteralnym passed by:
- Trichomoniasis
- syphilis
+ Salmonellosis
- typhoid fever
197. transmissible transmitted by:
- flu
- measles
- Encephalitis
198. Food is a factor of transmission:
- Infections of integument
- Blood infections
+ intestinal infections
- Respiratory tract infections
199. Blood - factor of transmission:
- Amebiasis
- Measles
- Scarlet fever
200. parenteral route can be transmitted:
- Measles
- Fever
- Hepatitis B
Hepatitis A +