«Chet tillar» kafedrasimudiri
Ganikhanova M.B.
№____ sonlibayonnomasi
«28» 08_____/2019yil.
Aviakosmik texnologiyalar fakulteti 1-kurs 123-19HHB guruh
Talabasi Abdullayev Muzrobning
Ingliz tili fanidan yakuniy nazorat ishi
Variant 1
1. Read, translate and write your own answer.
What is your area of specialization?
My major is air traffic controller.I have been into collecting old plane models since I was in high school and I think a shift to a field where Biology and advanced technology are associated would be interesting and promising for my future career.
What kind of school did you go to as a child?
Well just like most of the pupils, I spent five years at the government's primary school. It took me only 10 minutes to go to school and I had my parents take me to school every day. Classes start at 8 in the morning and end at 5 in the evening.
What was your favourite subject as a child?
To tell you the truth, I was quite good at Literature back then. Besides, my Literature teacher was really dedicated and caring, thus I always tried my best to get high score and impressed my teacher.
Siz qaysi sohaga ixtisoslashgansiz?
Mening asosiy yo'nalishim havo harakatini boshqarishdir. Men o'rta maktabda o'qib yurganimdan beri eski samolyot modellarini yig'ish bilan shug'ullanaman va biologiya va ilg'or texnologiyalar bilan bog'liq bo'lgan sohaga o'tish mening kelajakdagi faoliyatim uchun qiziqarli va istiqbolli bo'ladi deb o'ylayman.
Bolaligingizda qaysi maktabga borgansiz?
Ko'pchilik o'quvchilar singari men ham besh yilni hukumatning boshlang'ich maktabida o'tkazdim. Maktabga borishga atigi 10 daqiqa vaqtim bor edi va ota-onam meni har kuni maktabga olib borishlari kerak edi. Mashg'ulotlar ertalab soat 8 da boshlanadi va kechqurun 5 da tugaydi.
Bolaligingizda eng sevimli mavzusi nima edi?
Rostini aytsam, o'sha paytlarda men adabiyotni yaxshi bilardim. Qolaversa, mening adabiyot o'qituvchim chinakam sadoqatli va g'amxo'r edi, shuning uchun men har doim yuqori ball olishga harakat qilardim va o'qituvchimni qoyil qoldirardim.
2. Test
There was a nice meal and a band at the wedding Ceremony
I mostly keep in touch with my friends via email.
keep in touch with
Bob has had a very interesting career He has had jobs in many countries and industries.
She’s very successful. Her money has risen a lot in the past few years.
I am very interested in old cars.
d fond
3. Answer the questions.
1. How often do you practice your English?
2. What is the most difficult thing about English?
3. What do you think you will be able to do in English in the future?
1.I get to practice it often because I have a lot of people around me who speak English mainly, including family members and some friends. I honestly would much rather just use my main language all the time if I could but since they are more comfortable with it then I try to oblige. Also debates and technical explanations tend to be easier for me when I use English for some reason.
2. The most difficult thing I think is being scared to make mistakes. English is an easy language to speak badly. A lot of people are being scared of making any mistakes, speaking errors, writing errors, doesn't matter they are still afraid. If you ever want to learn some language as well, you have to forget everything about your native lingo and comparing nothing to it. The English grammar is easy to be learned as well. Just keep going and you will see how well you will progress!
3.From my perspective it is the most important For my future career!I must speak in English fluently!Day by day I am improving my speech and garammar experience!
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