The size and structure of the dissertation.
The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions and recommendations, a list of references and applications. The main text of the dissertation is 167 pages.
I bo‘lim (I chast; I part)
1. Kurbanova A.B. Methodology of Developing Speech Competences of Students in the Process of Mother Tongue Education. Vol. 25, Issue 3, 2021, Pages. 8911 – 8923 .Received 16 February 2021.
2. Kurbanova O.V. Literacy role in formation of the competence management of affairs in a state language at pupils. // European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences. Angliya, 2019.Vol.7 No 3, 59-61 p
3. Kurbanova O.V. The official style of the uzbek language literature and history. Innovatsionnыe podxodы v sovremennoy nauke. sb. st. po materialam LIX mejdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. – № 23 (59). –M., Izd. «Internauka», 2019, S 174-178
4. Qurbonova O.B. Ona tili darslarida o‘quvchilarning nutqiy kompetensiyalarini rivojlantirishda mashq va topshiriqlarning o‘rni. “Xalq ta’limi” ilmiy-metodik jurnali, №2 2020,104-109 betlar
5. Qurbonova O. B. 10-11-sinf o‘quvchilarining nutqiy kompetensiyalarini rivojlantirishda nutqdagi kommunikativ sifatlarning ahamiyati. “TDPU Ilmiy axborotlar” jurnali, №4 2020, 205-210 betlar
6.Qurbonova O. B. Nutqiy kompetensiyalarni rivojlantirishda mashq va topshiriqning ahamiyati. «Mug‘allim hәm үzliksiz bilimlendirio‘» jurnalы, №2 2020 jыl,30-33-betlar
7. Qurbonova O.B. Nutq turlarining ilmiy ifodasi va mazmun-mohiyati. “Xalq ta’limi” ilmiy-metodik jurnali, №6 2020,20-24 betlar
8.Kurbanova O.V. Linguvodactical fundamentals of speech competencedevelopment. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. India. Vol. 10, Issue 6, June 2020.847-51p
II bo‘lim (II chast; rart II)
9. Kurbonova O.B. Formirovanie kompetensii uchenikov.Materialы IX Mejdunarodnoy molodejnoy nauchnoy konferensii 21-22 fevralya 2019 goda.102-106s
10. Qurbonova O.B. “Nutqiy kompetensiyalarini rivojlantirishning nazariy asoslari”. “TA’LIM TIZIMIDA INNOVATSION ISLOHOTLAR: OLIMLAR VA YoShLAR NIGOHIDA” mavzusidagi Respublika ilmiy-amaliy onlayn konferensiyasi. 2020-yil, 17-iyun, 276-280 betlar
11. Qurbonova O.B. “O‘quvchilarni ma’muriy-boshqaruv hujjatlarini yozishga o‘rgatish metodikasi”. TA’LIM, FAN VA INNOVATSIYA. Ma’naviy-ma’rifiy uslubiy jurnal. 2019 y. 4-son. 71-73-b.
12. Kurbanova O.V." The use of speech forms in the development of speech compartments of students in grades 10-11". "MATERIALS OF THE XVIII INTERNATIONAL SCENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE". Angliya.Sheffield science and education LTD.2020. 10 june. P.105-109
13. Qurbonova O.B. “Ona tili darslarida o‘quvchilarning nutqiy kompetensiyalarini rivojlantirish” .”Pedagogika” ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal.2020 yil 6-noyabr.47-49 b.
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