A work of criticism, Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination, was published in 1992. Many of Morrison’s essays and speeches were collected in What Moves at the Margin: Selected Nonfiction (2008; edited by Carolyn C. Denard) and The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations (2019). She and her son, Slade Morrison, cowrote a number of children’s books, including the Who’s Got Game? series, The Book About Mean People (2002), and Please, Louise (2014). She also penned Remember (2004), which chronicles the hardships of Black students during the integration of the American public school system; aimed at children, it uses archival photographs juxtaposed with captions speculating on the thoughts of their subjects. For that work, Morrison won the Coretta Scott King Award in 2005. - A work of criticism, Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination, was published in 1992. Many of Morrison’s essays and speeches were collected in What Moves at the Margin: Selected Nonfiction (2008; edited by Carolyn C. Denard) and The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations (2019). She and her son, Slade Morrison, cowrote a number of children’s books, including the Who’s Got Game? series, The Book About Mean People (2002), and Please, Louise (2014). She also penned Remember (2004), which chronicles the hardships of Black students during the integration of the American public school system; aimed at children, it uses archival photographs juxtaposed with captions speculating on the thoughts of their subjects. For that work, Morrison won the Coretta Scott King Award in 2005.
- The central theme of Morrison’s novels is the Black American experience; in an unjust society, her characters struggle to find themselves and their cultural identity. Her use of fantasy, her sinuous poetic style, and her rich interweaving of the mythic gave her stories great strength and texture. In 2010 Morrison was made an officer of the French Legion of Honour. Two years later she was awarded the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom. Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am (2019) is a documentary about her life and career.
- Morrisonning birinchi kitobi "Eng ko'k ko'z" (1970) - bu oq go'zallik me'yorlariga berilib ketgan va ko'k ko'zlarga ega bo'lishni orzu qilgan, qurbon bo'lgan o'spirin qora tanli qiz haqidagi boshlang'ich roman. 1973 yilda Sula nomli ikkinchi romani nashr etildi; u (boshqa masalalar qatorida) do'stlik dinamikasi va jamiyatdagi muvofiqlik kutilmalarini o'rganadi. Sulaymonning qo'shig'i (1977)ni erkak hikoyachi o'z shaxsini izlab aytib beradi; uning nashri Morrisonni milliy e'tiborga oldi. "Tar Baby" (1981), Karib dengizidagi orolda irq, sinf va jinsdagi ziddiyatlarni o'rganadi. Badiiy adabiyot bo‘yicha Pulitser mukofotiga sazovor bo‘lgan, tanqidiy e’tirofga sazovor bo‘lgan “Sevimli” (1987) filmi qochoq qulning qo‘lga olish chog‘ida go‘dak qizini qullik hayotidan saqlab qolish uchun o‘ldirgani haqidagi haqiqiy voqeaga asoslangan. 1998-yilda ushbu romanga moslashtirilgan film suratga olingan va unda Opra Uinfri rol o‘ynagan. Bundan tashqari, Morrison Margaret Garner uchun librettani (2005), sevikli ilhomlantirgan voqea haqida opera yozgan. 1992-yilda Morrison 1920-yillarda Nyu-Yorkdagi Harlemda sodir boʻlgan zoʻravonlik va ehtiros haqidagi hikoyasi boʻlgan “Jazz”ni chiqardi. Keyingi romanlar Oklaxomadagi qora tanlilar utopik hamjamiyatining batafsil tasviri bo'lgan "Paradise" (1998) va "Sevgi" (2003) sevgining son-sanoqsiz qirralarini va uning qarama-qarshiligini ochib beruvchi murakkab oilaviy hikoyadir. Mercy (2008) 17-asr Amerikasidagi qullik bilan bogʻliq. Qutqaruvchi Uy (2012) filmida jarohatlangan Koreya urushi veteranı uyiga qaytganidan keyin irqchilikka duch keladi va keyin oʻz singlisini qutqarish uchun apatiyani yendi. “Bolaga Xudo yordami” (2015) asarida Morrison ota-onasi ochiq rangda tug‘ilgan qora tanli, qora tanli kelin haqidagi ertak orqali bolalarga nisbatan zo‘ravonlik va e’tiborsizlik oqibatlarini tasvirlab bergan.
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