2. Diagnostics of cognitive processes
6. In the work “Measuring intelligence with the help of a drawing” (1926),
Florence Goodenough (USA) for the first time in the history of psychodiagnostics practically
3. Hans Eysenck intelligence tests (Great Britain). concept and
principles of compiling tests G. Eysenck. Each test consists of 40 tasks and is
limited to 30 minutes of execution.
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"Numerical square" for estimation of volume of distribution and switching
Link's cube to assess the stability of attention, intelligence,
"Finding patterns" to assess RAM and quick wits.
"Simple analogies" and "Complex analogies" for assessing abilities
"Kraepelin account" for assessing stability, volume and dynamic
Psychodiagnostics of memory and mnemonic properties.
"Memory for numbers" to assess the short-term visual memory of her
"Number series" for the assessment of logical and mathematical abilities.
D. Wexler's memory scale (7 subtests: orientation and awareness; orientation in
time and space; mental control; logical memory; reproduction of rows of numbers in
forward and reverse order; reproduction of geometric shapes; reproduction of paired
"Intellectual lability" ("Test of simple orders") for
memorization according to A.N. Leontiev.
assessment of concentration, stability and switchability of attention, mental performance.
Methods for studying the volume of attention.
"Learning syllables" to evaluate the effectiveness of coding a new
Diagnosis of types, properties and operations of thinking. reproductive and
"Arrangement of numbers" to determine the arbitrariness of attention.
dynamic characteristics of attention.
"Face recognition" for assessing memory for faces.
Identification of patterns.
"Combination of cuts" for the assessment of operational and visual memory.
emotional reactions.
establish logical connections and relationships between concepts.
attention characteristics.
Diagnosis of involuntary memorization, short-term and short-term memory, figurative
and semantic memory, verbal-logical memory, retention in long-term memory, learning.
volume and accuracy.
"Schulte Tables" and "Black and Red Tables" by Schulte-Gorbov for
"10 words" for assessing auditory-speech memory, mental performance, attention.
study of concentration of attention and speed of action.
Psychodiagnostics of thinking.
Munsterberg's method for determining the selectivity of attention.
The Pieron-Ruser method for assessing the degree of stability, volume and
productive attention. Diagnostics of objective, symbolic, symbolic and figurative thinking.
The study of critical thinking.
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the ability to generalize and abstract, the ability to highlight essential features.
spatial position, transformation of the structure of the image, changing the position and structure of
the image at the same time).
Diagnostics of the cognitive style of cognitive activity.
"Quantitative relations" for assessing the ability to logical
thinking and creativity.
Diagnostics of imaginative properties: brightness, clarity of representations,
"Cubes" for assessing the ability to mentally rotate an object,
"Classifications" to study the level of processes of generalization and
level of development of constructive thinking.
"Interpretation of proverbs and metaphors" to assess the ability to
the level of formation of conceptual thinking. Definition of concepts.
Masselon's test (three-word method) for evaluating productivity
"Fourth extra" (verbal and non-verbal options) for evaluation
with missing words" to determine the purposefulness of thinking, control and
critical thinking.
Spatial thinking test (STT) to identify the features of spatial thinking in the process of creating
an image (operating with the shape and size of an object) and operating images (changing
"Circles" by E. Wartegg to assess the productivity of non-verbal imagination.
"Relationship of concepts", "Complex associations" to assess the ability to establish logical
Psychodiagnostics of imagination and representation.
"Test E. Wartegg "Circles" for the study of non-verbal components
Cognitive styles as a person's preferred and typical ways of perceiving, remembering, thinking
and solving problems. Diagnostics of cognitive style features: field dependence - field independence
(tests "Masked (included) figures" and "Rod and frames" by G. Vitkin (Witkin), reflectivity - impulsivity
(test "Comparison of similar drawings" Kagan), analyticity - syntheticity (a variant of the method of
free sorting concepts V. Kolg), flexibility - rigidity
"Combinatorial Ability Test" and "Kohs Cubes" for evaluation
view manipulation.
Kraepelin's "mental arithmetic" for assessing the speed of mathematical
The Vygotsky-Sakharov Method and Its Modifications for Research
distractions, sequences of judgments.
mental analysis of their shape and size.
"Identification of essential features", "Exclusion of superfluous",
abstract thinking, its level, purposefulness, criticality.
An associative experiment for diagnosing the peculiarities of thinking.
verbal imagination.
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Test E. Wartegg "Circles" for the study of creativity.
adult personality N.F. Vishnyakova.
flexibility of thinking, sensitivity to problems, originality, ingenuity, constructiveness
in solving them, etc.). E. Torrens added a few more.
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