Question: Think and tell whether or not a knock on the door, a look, a gesture considered a cue? Tasks in teaching dialogue speech:
1. Teach to start a dialogue.
2. Learn to respond to reply.
3. Enjoy the linguistic tools that are needed to continue the dialogue.
In the methods of teaching foreign languages have developed two ways of learning dialogue speech - deductive and inductive. When deductive method is used it starts with a training dialogue model. The dialogue is heard as a whole, memorized, and then there is variation in its lexical content, working elements. Inductive method - suggests the way of mastering the elements of dialogue to self¬management dialogue on the basis of the learning situation.
Monologue speech Monologue - is a form of speech when the person builds speech himself, defining the structure, composition, and language tools. Monologue speech consists of one or series of expressions that is the text reported by the listener.
In the process of communication monologue has 3 main functions:
1. informative - message of new information, knowledge, new information, etc.
2. Impact - persuade the listener to motivation, or to any action.
3. Assessment - evaluation of events, phenomena, actions, expressing their own opinions.
Depending on the nature of the transmitted information are distinguished:
Monologue message
Monologue - description
Monologue - narration
A distinctive feature of the monologue speech is its consistency, logical development of the content, completeness. To master monologue speech needs to develop in students the following skills:
1. Connect with each other to examine proposals to form a message.
2. Understand and remember the pattern expression in the audition.
3. Build a short message on the model and produce transformation (expansion, contraction, substitution).
4. Construct sentences and narrative of a negative character.
5. Building a message with the elements of judgment.
These skills are generated through the use of exercises.
Preparatory and speech exercises.
Exercise training prepared dialogue speech:
- Answers to questions;
- Drawing up of a new (or read) the dialogue on a given topic;
- Addition or modification of the dialogue.
Exercise training prepared monologue speech:
- Preparation of situations or narrative (keyword) in the plan, on a given topic;
- A description of the picture, the film;
- A retelling of the movie.
Speech exercises
- A dialogue in pairs;
- Dramatization listens to or read text
- Preparation of situations or story;
- An expression of opinion.
Method “Make up dialogues”.
Make dialogues. Present it to us in the next way:
• Dialogue between strict teacher and noisy pupil. (at school)
• Dialogue between nervous doctor and chicken-hearted patient. (in the hospital)
• Dialogue between angry boss and indifferent worker. (at the office)
• Dialogue between stupid salesman and clever buyer. (in the shop)
• Dialogue between absent-minded waiter and impatient client. (in I)
• The method of «Outside and inside circle. »
• Rules of the method.
Pupils are to face each other in 2 rounds. Outside and Inside circle. And the team begins to discuss a specific topic in pairs for 2 minutes. On the command “Stop” stops the discussion. Next, students take a step outside the circle to the left, thus changing the conversation. Carried out for 10-15 minutes.
You have just escaped from your sinking ship and are afloat in a lifeboat. Unfortunately, there are too many of you and the lifeboat is also sinking.
Two people must be sacrificed. The two chosen will have to jump overboard.
Play in groups of six to ten.
Each participant will be given a role-card.
Game stages.
Choose your role.
There are 8 roles.
1. Multi-millionaire
2. Widow with 3 children.
3. Doctor.
4. Scientist.
5. Pop-star.
6. President.
7. Inventor.
8. Sailor.
2. Stage.
Express your reasons. (Convince them why you should stay in the lifeboat).
Vote for the persons who must be sacrificed.