^ G(a)\2 I ••• I | H (a, h) 12da ^, /11 = 1 *d=1 where H(a,h)= X /(a^i) ---/(^¾) ae^(li) and ^(/r) is the set of solutions /i of (5.11) with /e = d. By Cauchy's inequality and the arithmetic mean-geometric mean inequality one has, in the notation of Lemma 5.2 and by Lemma 5.2, \H(a,h)\2^B(p,h) £ |/(a,fll).../(a,£is)|2 ae^(fc) ae3B{h) i = 1 Hence ^ <^ p2s~d- 1 Yfa= i /3(a) where Ua) = G(a)y(a,a)2s|da ^, Therefore, there is an a such that i^pt'-'iM. The quantity I3(a) is the number of solutions of the simultaneous equations £ (^z,) - v,(g) 4= 1 s + X ((P«, + ay - (P»r + aY) =0 (1 < j < /c), (5.58) r = 1
Wooley's refinement of Vinogradov's mean value theorem 81 with z91 satisfying (5.52) and (5.57) and u and v satisfying — a/p < w,, vr ^ (Y — a)/p. (5.59) By the binomial theorem t Q(pur + ay(-ay-j=(pur)\ and it follows that each solution of (5.58) satisfies k s X (¢,(2,,) - ¢,((,)) + pl £ K " v'r) (1 < »' < *), (5.60) q = 1 r = 1 where ¢-(^) = i Q ^(z)( - ay -j- Conversely each solution of (5.60) satisfies (5.58). Thus I3(a) is the number of solutions of the system (5.60) with z, t satisfying (5.52) and (5.57) and u and v satisfying (5.59). Moreover, the system 82 Vinogradov's methods and by considering those solutions of the underlying diophantine equation with ur = vr one has - d\s (YX~U) E(a)2 | da ^ ^, E(a)zg(ays \ da ®, Hence h«) nestf(h) Then 2s-d /i ^rs_dK where K = D(a) | #(aKs | da ^,
Wooleys refinement of Vinogradov's mean value theorem 83 By Cauchy's inequality and the notation of Lemma 5.5, pd+i pk /» 0(*K Z ••■ I A{p9h9) Z |£(a,/t)20(a)2s|da ^,1=1 *k = i nejrf(h) J <&k therefore, by Lemma 5.5, Ix ^p2s + M(k.d-l) £ ... £ /ii = l n. = 1 »/ £(a,/i)2^(a)2s | da ^, The lemma now follows easily from this and (5.56). The system of equations (5.51) is now transformed using efficient differences. Lemma 5.7 Suppose that 1 < X6 < Y < X and that the system ® is of type (d9A9X). Let H = Y1 ~ke and pe3?(6). Then there is an h with 1 < h ^ H such that the system 0 given by satisfies ®j(z;h,p) = Aj(j(zy9h9p) (1 < i ^ k) LS(X9 r,0,p,*) < 2kkkXkJs( YX ~d) + 2k + lHkJs{YX ~ e)*Ks(X9 YX ~ *,©)* Moreover, there is a positive number B depending at most onk9A99 such that the system 0 is of type (d + l9B,X). It can be observed that provided that X > X0(k9A96)9 so that p < 2X\ the system 0 will be of type (d + l9k2kA9X). Proof The final part of the theorem is immediate from the definition of &>(0) and (iii) above. Thus one can concentrate on the main inequality. For brevity write L for LS(X9 Y9 69 p,), and it will be useful to put F(*)= Z Z e(a&) x= 1 z^X z~x (mod p) Let 1^ denote the number of solutions of (5.51) subject to (5.52), (5.54), (5.55) and zq ^ tq (1 ^ q < k)9 and let I2 denote the number
84 Vinogradov's methods with z = t for some q with 1 ^ q ^ K. Then by the definition of L, L = IX+L By (5.61), 12 ^ fcX 2s. F(af " 11 #(a) | 2sda, ^, and by Holder's inequality the integral here does not exceed ^, )i - i/fc / >• \ i/fc I 0(a) I 2sda = L1-1/kJ(YX-6)1 Ik Hence, if /2 ^ /l9 then L ^ (2k)kXkJs( YX ~9), and in any case L ^ (2k)kXkJs(YX-e) + 2/x. (5.63) For each solution of (5.51) counted by Ix and each q with 1 ^ q ^ n one has zq = tq (modpk) and zq ^ tq. Therefore, for some hq with 1 ^ I hq I ^ H one has '« = *« + ft«Pk- Let /3(1/) denote the number of solutions of the system of equations X ,,0/z,; fc,, p) + £ W - «i) = 0 (1 < j < fc) (5.64) ¢=1 r = 1 in z,«, v, A and satisfying (5.52),(5.55) and 1 ^ h ^ H (1 ^ q ^ fc) Then /i< I ■• I ^3(1)- rii = ± 1 >7k = ±1 Let #(a) be as in (5.61) but with p = 1, and let z ^ X
Wooley's refinement of Vinogradov's mean value theorem 85 Then n z go/,«,joW)12'd« = 1 /i< H / If Jfk\' (5.67) (5.68)
86 Vinogradov's methods where X = /1(1 - 9,) + k + (2s + \k{k - 1))9,. (5.69) This is established by showing, more generally, that for all systems *P of type (0, l,X) one has KS(X, X,V )(I) to be any p and which satisfy Lemma 5.6. Then in Lemma 5.7 put 6 = 0t + , and ^ = <$>{i) and define ¥(i + X) to be the 0 of that lemma. As a first step it is shown inductively for i = j — 1J — 2,..., 0 that Ls(X,Xr,0r + 1,Pi,<'>MMf+1 (5.71) where Xr = Xl~°l °r. (5.72) The bound (5.71) is immediate from Lemma 5.7 when 0i+ 1 = l//c, and this is certainly so when i = j — 1 and provides the first step in the inductive proof of (5.71). Moreover, in view of this observation, one may always suppose in the inductive step that 6i+ , < l//c, that is, by (5.67), that 2k29i + ! = k + (2s + n(k, i) - k)6t + 2(0^i^j- 2). (5.73) Suppose now that (5.71) holds with i replaced by i + 1 for some i with 0 < i i)ei + 2 + 'Wooley's refinement of Vinogradov's mean value theorem 87 Now take i = 0 in (5.71) and combine with the bound in Lemma 5.6. It follows that when 88 Vinogradov's methods Finally, consider the general situation. Suppose that 7(/ — 1) ^ 2n and i ^j — 1. Then n- = l/k and it easily follows by induction on i = j — 1J — 2,..., 1 that fc + (fc2+ ^(,-1)-,,)/& ^ 2P ^ and U: = r . 2k1 Suppose further that S is a parameter at our disposal with 0<(5< 1 and that j(j-l)^2Sn. Then 0t ^ ^ + t^ + x where t = fc2"^2"^. Hence 0t - \i ^ T(^i + 1 ~~ A*) where [i = fc2 + (i _^. Now either 6{ ^ /i or 6{ > fi in which case Or>jj. for all r with i'^ r ^ 7. Thus 0f — jj. ^ tj " l(£ — /i) and this holds trivially in the former case. Therefore where a = 21 ~ ^/c ~ 2. Hence one may take r\* = (k2 — r])d1 + r\ — k and then „ ^^ (fc2 - >?)/c(l +«) + (>?- /c)(/c2 + (1- %) n " fe2 + (1 - % / 2 - 2 + (l-S)r, ' Hence 77* ^ ^/(1 — 2~k2d) provided that n ^ ^Sk2 and a ^ ^Snk~ 2, i.e., by the definition of a, one has 77 ^ ^Sk2 and 4(5 " 1 ^ 2J. In order for a suitable; to exist it suffices that log(4/(5)/log 2+1^ y/2n. Thus, whenever
Wooley's refinement of Vinogradov's mean value theorem 89 one has 2 - 2(5 rj* ^ r\ I 1 — Choose lx so that 1 / 5V1"1 1 1 / 5Y1"2 2k{k-l\l-4k) <4*fc<2k(k-1)(1"4*J ^^ and let /2 be the smallest /2 ^ /x such that 1,,(,-4-)--^. (,8o, Now define ?/Zfc by (5.78) when / ^ /x and by 1 / 2-2(5Y"Zl ^ = ^Wl-^J (5.81) when /x < / ^ /2. To see that this is permissible one argues as follows. Firstly the case l2 = h is immediate since there are no / with lx < I ^ /2. Secondly, if /2 > /1? then when / = ^ + 1 one has 2Vlog2; ^4 and v\(X_ 1)k < |<5/c2 = »7 say. Thus »7* ^ ^(1 — 1\lb) = ilk and one may proceed by induction on /. When I > l2 one is allowed to take, by (5.77), ** = ^(1-^ + ¾^} (5-82) One shows in this case that mk^ymM-^) * (5-83) where y is the smallest (positive) root of the equation
90 Vinogradov's methods It is shown first by induction on I that for I > l2 one has "» < ^41" Yk) exp{ kW^) J' Clearly, when I > Z2, One has y ^ 1. Thus the case Z = Z2 + 1 is immediate. On the inductive hypothesis, by performing the summation in the exponential term, when I > l2+ 1, it follows that *a-i*<*w(l-^)' ' '«P(3)^3)) Thus for I > l2 + 1 one has «lk < *,- im.^1 - Tk)<*P[ k2{2k_3) ) and so on the inductive hypothesis once more < ^ 3Y~\ A^l'=Ui-Ar-'^ "* ^ ** y-Tk) exp (—kw^)—J as required. The desired conclusion (5.83) now follows easily by summing the series in the exponential. A modicum of computation shows that for k ^ 2 one has y ^ y0 < 7/5 where y0 = exp (y0/3), and so y= 1 +0(/e-2log2(8/<5)). The following theorem has now been established. Theorem 5.5 For each pair of natural numbers /c, Z there exists a positive number C(kJ) such that for every X > 0 J^(X)^C(k9l)X2lk-m+l)f2 + ^
Wooleys refinement of Vinogradov's mean value theorem 91 where " = !*<*-^-Ji)'"1- (5-85> Furthermore, suppose that k ^ 3, S = 1/log k and lx and l2 are given by (5.79) and (5.80). Then the above holds with n = nlk = n^ where nlk satisfies (5.85) when I ^ /l5 ^ = 4^(1 -hk^"^1^1^^ (586) and 7 /log(8togfc)Y / 3V-'2 '» = 101 log2 j I1 " 2*) (/ > ^ (587) Finally, 4k 1 /, = y log(21og/c) - -log(logfc) + 0(1) and ''-'■-'*-"(■- Sit)" ' -((2^'^,8,0^)1 + °"> = /c(log /c — ^ log log /c — log log log k) + 0(k). The following two theorems can now be deduced from the above by arguments concomitant to those used to establish Theorems 5.3 and 5.4. Theorem 5.6 Theorem 5.3 holds with so that 2ak2 log k ~ 1 as k —► oo. Theorem 5.7 Let a0 = max(cr, 21 ~k) and let s0 denote the least integer such that s0 > min^o-1^ + 2kl). i
92 Vinogradov's methods Then the asymptotic formula (2.27) holds whenever s ^ s0. Also s0 ~ 2k2 log k as k —► oo. 5.6 Exercises 1 Show that if if is a sequence of natural numbers lk such that Yuk= l 1/4 diverges, then for every s and /c0 there exists a k1 such that if A(X) is the number of natural numbers n with n^ X which can be written in the form «= I x'' with the xfc non-negative integers, then A(x) > X1 ~L (X > X0(e9 k0)). 2 (Freiman's hypothesis, 1949; Scourfield, 1960). Let 5£ denote a sequence of natural numbers lk. Then show that it has the property that to every k0 there corresponds a k1 such that every natural number n can be written in the form «= z x<- k k0< k^ki with the xk non-negative integers if and only if Y,k= i V4 diverges. 3 Let s0 be as in Theorem 5.4. Show that for 2s ^ s0 one has 1 q z - Z QR:/(x) = e (7 = max/(/), z - Bx and let x0 denote the positive root of the transcendental equation eBx° = A{\ + Bx0).
Exercises 93 Show that where 11 — x0 | ^ 1 and xx lies between x0 and /. Deduce that when B ( ( B2 0 = - —- 1 + 1 + Bx0 \ \log At 6 (Wooley, 1995a). Show that Theorem 5.3 holds with f ok1 log k ~ 1 as k —► 00.
Davenporfs methods 6.1 Sets of sums of /cth powers It was demonstrated in §5.4 that the upper bound for G{k) could be radically reduced by first of all constructing a set Ji of natural numbers m not exceeding Zh which are the sum of t /cth powers. The construction yields card^ > zka, where a = 1 — (1 — l//c)r, and is a slight simplification of one due to Hardy and Littlewood (1925). In fact, in their construction Z} is as above for 7 = 1,. . ., t — 1, but they take Zt = Zt_ 1. The argument proceeds as before until the (t — l)th step, when (5.39) reduces to For each given pair yt-l9yt9 the number of choices for ^t - i> xt is <^ Z\. It follows that X6zM2^z1...zr_1zr1 + m 2 < lez("<) (z1...z,_1zj-T^ m Moreover z^..zt>zk-*-2^-^-\ Hence, by Cauchy's inequality, y 1 > zk~ik~2)(1 _ i/k)t~2 _f m Qz(m) > 0 Let Nt(X) denote the number of natural numbers m not exceeding X such that m is the sum of at most t /cth powers. Then this yields Nt(X)>X«<-£(X>X0(t,e)) (6.1) with ••^-HX1-^"2- (62) Note that a2 = 2/fc.
Sets of sums ofkth powers 95 There have been a number of refinements of this argument, which have been effective in giving improved upper bounds for G(k) when k is relatively small. The following theorem is a generalization of one due to Davenport and Erdos (1939). Theorem 6.1 Let t> 3,6=1- 1/fc, ^ = 1, /e2-flf"3 k2 - k - 1 A2-k2 + k_ke<-3> AJ-k2 + k_ke<-30J (3^7^), and Q(m) denote the number of solutions of x\ + . . . + x* = m with Zx-> < x} < 2ZA-\ (6.3) Then XQ(m)2«ezAl + --- + A< + £. m Corollary T/ie inequality (6.1) toWs wif/i a, = 1 — p where k3-3k2 + k + 2 Qt_3 "-p + e-M-** • (64) The corollary follows by using Cauchy's inequality in the same way as above. Proof of the theorem Let Ms denote the number of solutions of x* + . . . + xks = y\ + . . . + yks (6.5) with ZAj < xpVj < 2ZAj and xs =£ ys. Since M1 = 0, t ZQM2^ Z MsZx>+i+- + x< + ZXl + ~- + \ (6.6) m s = 2 Also M2 is the number of solutions of x\ - y\ = x\ - y\ with x2 =£ y2 and ZA-j < xj5 y^ < 2Zkj. For each given pair x2, y2 with x2^=y2 the number of possible choices for xl5 y1 is <^Z£. Hence M2^Z2A2 + £^ZAl + A2. (6.7) For s > 3, MS = M; + 2M; (6.8)
96 Davenport's methods where M's is the number of solutions of (6.5) with the additional constraint x1 = yl9 and M's' is the number with x1 > y1. Then M's hZk ~ 1. Also s A + X (*5 - ykj) < zkkl- 7=3 Hence 0 < h <£ Zkkl ~k + \ and (6.12) can be rewritten in the form A+(y,+hf-y\Sets of sums ofkth powers 97 Ms < Z2k2 X (1 + zkkl ~k + 2h~ X)ZA3 + ••• + A- i + £. 0 < h < ZkX> ~k + l Thus, by (6.8), (6.9), (6.11), , y2X2rykX2 - k + 1 , V^3 ~k + 2)7*3 + • • • + As - 1 + 2e The theorem now follows from (6.6) on observing that for s = 3,. .., t, (k + 1)X2 - k < ks and A2 + kX3 - k + 1 < As. The following theorem is due to Davenport (1942a). Theorem 6.2 Suppose that l^j^k — 2, 0 < v < 1, s/ is a set of natural numbers a with a^Zv + k~1,S = card s/9 Q(m) is the number of solutions of xk +a = m with Z < x <2Z and aestf, and T = £m2(w)2. Then T<$ZS(l+Zv + £(Z-2+Z-v~j- 'S)2''). Proof Let A7 be as in § 2.2 and write jPj = {h:hj>0; h1 < Zv; h2,. . ., h}< Z). Let Pj(h, m) denote the number of solutions of Aj(xk;h)+a = m with Zj. Since the elements
98 Davenport's methods of j?/ are distinct this is <^ Mj + Mj+V Hence Mj^Zv + j-1S + (Zv + j-1SMj+l)1/2. Thus, by induction on j, M1«Zv + 1"21'-'S + Z(v+1)(1-2"-')-^"-'S1-2'-'M?;J1. (6.19) By (6.17), Mj+ 1 is the number of solutions of Aj+1(xk;h)+a1 =a with Z < x < 2Z, AeJf j+ 1? a1es^/,aes/. By Exercise 2.1, when 7"^ /c — 2, for each pair al9 a the number of choices for x, /r is <^ Z£. Thus Mj+1< S2Z£. The theorem now follows from (6.18) and (6.19) Theorem 6.2 is usually applied iteratively to give lower bounds for Nt(X) for successive values oft. More generally, let jrf denote a strictly increasing sequence of natural numbers a with the property that A(X) = card {a :aes/, a ^ X} (6.20) satisfies A{X)>X«-£ {X>X0{e)), (6.21) where 0 < a < 1, and let N(jtf9 X) denote the number of different numbers of the formx* -fa with xk + a < X andaestf. Let Z = \X1,k. Then, in the notation of Theorem 6.2, N{s/,X)> ^ 1. m Q(m) > 0 and by Cauchy's inequality I 1 Zfilrn)2^ lew >Z2S: m / m \ m Q(m) > 0 where S = A(ZV + k x). Hence, by Theorem 6.2, N(s/, X)> ZS(1 + Zv + £(Z~ 2 + Z~v~j~ 'S)2'Jy'. Thus, by (6.21), N(*f, X)>XP~E (X>X1(e)) (6.22) where /f=I(l+a(fc-l) + T) /c
Sets of sums ofkth powers 99 and t= max sup (min(va, 21 ~J' — v(l — a), 1 ^ j(k— l)a. For such a given value of j the supremum occurs when v is the lesser of the two values given by vcc = 21 ~j — v(l — a), va = 0" + 1)2"j - (k - l)a2"j - v(l - a)(l - 2" j\ i.e. by ; + l-(/c-l)a V = 2 \ V= : . 2J - 1 + a Thus . f j+i-tfc-pa i = a max mm 2 J, : izjzk-2 \ 2J - 1 + a Consider the inequality j + l-(k-iyx ;-(/c-l)a 2j - 1 + a 2j ~ 1 - 1 + a This is equivalent to each of the following inequalities 2l-,-^ + l-(/c-l)« ^ 2-* - 1 + a ' 1 + (/c - l)a > j + 21 " ■'"(l - a). (6.23) The right-hand side of (6.23) is a strictly increasing function of j. Thus if J is the largest value of; such that (6.23) holds, then J+l -(fc-l)a t = a 1 , 2J - 1 + a and if there is no such value of 7, i.e. if a < l//c, then t = a. This establishes the following theorem. Theorem 6.3 Suppose that -$4 satisfies (6.20) and (6.21). Let H = [(/c — l)a], and J = H + \ when 2H((k-l)(x-H)>\-oc and H + 1 ^ k - 2
100 Davenport's methods and J = H otherwise. Then N(,tf, X) satisfies (6.22) with n 1/, ,, , J+l-(/c-l)a p = - l+«fc-l) + « , /c\ 2 — 1 + a when a ^ l//c and /J = 1/fc + a vv/ien a < 1/fc. It is useful, in the case of fourth powers, to have a slight refinement of this. The above argument is not materially altered if Q(m) is taken to be the number of solutions of m = x4 + a with Z < x < 2Z, x = r(mod 16), ae-rf, a ^ Zv + 3. Likewise the argument that gives (6.1) with (6.2) is essentially unchanged when each Xj is restricted to a given residue class modulo 16. Thus Theorem 6.4 (Davenport, 1939c) Let N{th)(X) denote the number of natural numbers n not exceeding X in the residue class h modulo 16 which are the sum of t fourth powers. Then for t^l and 0 ^ h ^ min(t, 16), N[h)(X) >Xa<-e (X> X0(e, t)) (6.24) where 1 _3 + 13ar 2' *' + x ~ 12 + 4ar a2=-, cct +1 = ^ A . (6.25) /m particular, ™ — 12 /v — 331 „ _ 5539 //: 9£\ a3 — 28? a4.— 4.12? a5 — 6268- ^U.Z,U; Davenport (1942a) has given an improvement upon the argument of Theorem 6.2 which is particularly effective when k = 5 or 6. With the same assumptions as in Theorem 6.2, let Q(m) denote the number of solutions of xk + pka = m (6.27) with ZSets of sums ofkth powers 101 where P is the number of primes p with \Zl ~v < pk < Z1 ~v. For a given prime p and integer r with p\r the number of solutions of xk = r(modpk) is 0 or (k, (j){pk)\ Thus the integers x with p\x can be divided into q{p) = (/c, >(pfc)) classes ^1?..., &qip) such that, if x and _y are in a given class ^n then xk = yk (mod pk) if and only if x = y (mod pfc). Let Qr(m, p) denote the number of solutions of (6.27) with Z < x < 2Z, a ^ Zv + k ~ 1, xe$r. Then, by Cauchy's inequality, /q(p) \2 KPZI I Qr(m, p) m p \r = 1 / ^L Iie>,P)2 r = 1 p m where Qr(m, p) is taken to be 0 when r > q(p). The triple sum here is bounded by the number of solutions of x\ -\-pkal =x\ + pka2 with x1= x2(modpk) and xl9 x2, a 1? a2, p' satisfying the same conditions as before. Let Aj be as above and write jfj ={h:hi>0,h1< 2ZV; /i2,. . . , hj < Z}. Let pj(h, m, p) denote the number of solutions of p~kAj{xk; pkh^ h2,. . .,hj) + a = m and put mj = Z Z Z Pjik a> P)- Then, as in the proof of Theorem 6.2, T^PiPZS + MJ and Mj<$Zv + j~1PS + (Zv + j-1PSMj+1)1/2. Thus, if it can be shown that Mj+1<$S2Z\ (6.28) then it follows that T < P2ZS(i +ZV + £(Z" 2 + Z~v-j^1p- 'S)2"J) (6.29) and the extra factor of P~ 1 in the innermost bracket gives an improvement over Theorem 6.2.
102 Davenport's methods It is probable that (6.28) holds whenever j ^ k — 3, but this seems rather difficult to prove in general. However, it can be established for certain values of j. Consider the central difference operator V,- which can be defined in terms of A, by V-(/(a); pi9 . . . , p.) = A;(/(a -^-...- #.); pi9. . . , j?,). Then V/a*;^,.. .,£,.) 01= + 1 0, = ± 1 = 11 ■••! , ,,*' n*-k+JWi-P/ /0 /i /, »o-'l ■* • -'j- 21/! 2pj /o + /i + ... + /j = k = P1...PJ L --L /^(2/, + 1)1...(2/.+ 1)1- /0 + 2(/1 + ... + /j) = fc- j If /c —7 is odd, then /0 > 1 in every term, and so V,V; pi9. . . , j?,-) = ajBi . . . jByp,(a; j?1?. . . , j?,) where Pj(cc; Pl9..., Pj) _ _ k\2lo+1-k + jalopill...p^ f "fr (/0 + 1)1(2/^1)1...(2/,+ 1)1 /o + 2(/i + ... +lj) = k - j- 1 If k —j = 2, then Vy(afc; j»x j87) = j»!...£y||y(12a2 + #+•.+ #)• The number Mj + x can now be reinterpreted as the number of solutions of p~ kVj +1(ctk; hxpk, h2,...,hj+1)+a1=a2 with a = x + \hxpk + . . . + ify + i- When k — j — 1 is odd and positive P"fcVJ+ i(afc; /i1pfc, /i2,. .., hj +1) = a/]1 . . . hj+lpj+l{(x\h1pk, h29 ...,hj+1)
Sets of sums ofkth powers 103 which is positive. Given ax,a2 the number of choices for a, hl9. . ., hj+ 1? i.e. for x, /il9. . ., hj+ 1? is <^ Z£. If moreover /c — j — 1 > 3, then pJ+ x(a; /?l9. . ., j?j+ J is a polynomial in /^ of degree at least 2. Thus given au a2, oc, h1,. . ., hj+ 1? the number of choices forp is < 1. Hence in this case one has (6.28). When k-j - 1=2, p~kVJ+1(<*k;hy, h2,...,hj + J 2^'+1/c! 2*3! = hi---^+i^fcTr(12a2 + P2kh? + hi+... +^2+i). Given a1? a2, the number of choices for /i1?. .., hj + 1 is <^ X€. Then given a1?a2, /il9. . ., hj+ 1? the number of choices for a, p, i.e. for x, p, is again <^ Xs, since the number of solutions of 3u2 + v2 = mis < m£. Thus, if 7 = k — 3, then (6.28) holds once more. This yields Theorem 6.5 (Davenport, 1942a) Suppose that l^j^k— 4 and k —j is even, or thatj = k — 3. Suppose further that 0 < v < 1 and s# is a set of natural numbers a with a^Zv + k~ 1. Let Q(m) denote the number of solutions of xk + pka = m with Z < x < 2Z, aesrf, \Zl "v < pk < Z1 " v, p/x, let T = £m6(m)2, and let S = card j&. Then T
X«< + i-£ {X>X0(t + l,s)) with and aI + 1=-(l+at(fc- 1) + 1,) t ; = a, mm 2 * J, : T - l
104 Davenport's methods This follows from Theorem 6.5 in the same way that Theorem 6.3 follows from Theorem 6.2. Suppose that k = 5. Then (6.2) gives a2 = f, the above corollary gives 16 +85a, 1 , a' + 1=ItT6T5^) when *<««<* and Theorem 6.3 gives 7 + 33a, a, _l 1 = i + 1 c/"7 i - \ w"wi 5 ^ ^r when 1^ a, < 1 5(7 + a,) Hence Theorem 6.6 (Davenport 1942a) W^/zen /c = 5, (6.1) /?o/ds wzf/? n, —2 ~ _5 _569 _6913439 (> C)Q\25^) oc2 — 5, oc3 — 9, oc4 — 845, as — 15161i5{^>v.yiz.jj). Now suppose that /c = 6. Then (6.12) gives a2 = ^, and the corollary to Theorem 6.5 gives 19 19 +120a, , , a,+ !=-—— when T^a, <42 r+1 6(19 +6a,) 3 ' 42 43 +246a, 19 2 <*/+!= 1 — when if <• a, < 4 r + 1 6(43 +6a,) 42 ' 3 and Theorem 6.3 gives 15 +81a, a,x,= t+l~//K , v ™A1WA 3 ^ ^r when 4^ a, < 1. 6(15 +a,) Hence Theorem 6.7 (Davenport, 1942 a) When k = 6, (6.1) /zoWs with „ —I ^ __59_ _ 1661 „ _ 5549 „ _ 575 117 ^2 — 3' a3 — 126' a4 — 2886' a5 — 8379' a6 — 787 182' o/ _ 24 040 980 990 984 981 / ^ p OAfi Q1A a13 — 25 335 323 032 000 606V > V.!7HO yV).
G(4) = 16 105 6.2 G(4) = 16 It is useful to introduce here the generating function /i(a)= Y, e(ccxk) X < x< 2X and the corresponding auxiliary functions w(a) = X -x1//c~ ^(ax) X* < x < (2X)t< k and W(ol, q,a) = q~1S(q, a)xv((x —a/q) where S{q, a) satisfies (4.10). The following lemma is then from Theorem 4.1 on taking n = \2X~\k and n = [X]k. Lemma 6.1 Suppose that (a, q) = 1 and a =a/q + /J. Then /7(a) - W(a, 4, a) ^ 1/2 + £(1 + Xk|j5|) (6.33) and z/ moreover |j8| ^(2kq)~ ^2^)1 ~fc, f/zen /7(a) - W (a, ¢, a) ^ 1/2 + £. (6.34) One reason for this kind of choice for h(cc) is that it fits more readily into the area of ideas used in § 6.1. Another reason is exemplified by the next lemma which shows that h(a/q + /J) decays like || j8|| " 1 as ||/J|| grows, rather than like || j8|| ~ 1/k as for f(a/q + /J) (cf. Lemma 4.6). This is not usually of vital importance, but can often result in a reduction of technical difficulties. Lemma 6.2 Suppose that |j8| ^ \. Then W(P)106 Davenport's methods Theorem 6.8 Suppose that n^O or — 1 (mod 16) and n is sufficiently large. Then n is the sum of fourteen fourth powers. Corollary G(4)= 16. Proof of Theorem 6.8 Choose h1,h2,j so that hi+h2+j = n(modl6), 0^/1^4, 0^/i2^4, 1^^6. Let 243 V = 1567' *-"1/4' (6J5) and let srf(h) denote the set of natural numbers a such that a < X3 + v, a = h(mod 16) and a is the sum of four fourth powers. Further, let ae^(/ir) Then, by Theorem 6.4, 3972 Kr(0) >*"-', /^=^ (6.36) By (6.30) (with k = 4), n |/i(a)K»|2da = XGM2 0 m where Q(m) is the number of solutions of x4 +a — m with X < x <2X and aesrf(hr). Hence, by Theorem 6.2 with k = 4, 7=2, \h(a)Vr(oc)\2 doc <^ AT, (0)(1 + Xv + E(X~ 2 + X~ v" 3 K,(0))1/4). o Hence, by (6.36) and Cauchy's inequality, IMa^K^^K^^Ida^^K^O)^^)^-^, y = ffff. (6.37) o
G(4) = 16 107 Define the major arcs Wl(q, a) by taking P = (2X)/(2k) = X/k and aR(g, a) = {0L:\0L- a/q\ < Pq~ ln~ l}. Let 90¾ denote the union of all the $R(g, a) with 1 ^a ^ q ^ P and (a, ^)=1. Then the Wl(q, a) are disjoint and lie in ^ = (Pn~\ 1+Pn"1]. Let m = JU \SIR. By Weyfs inequality (Lemma 2.4) and the argument used to prove Theorem 2.1, h(oL)<$X1/8 + £ (aem). Hence, by (6.35) and (6.37), |fi(a)6^(^^(aJIda ^ n1/2 "^(0)^(0) (6.38) m where S is a suitable positive constant. In a similar manner to the proof of Theorem 4.4, one has, for 1 ^ m ^ n, h(oc)6e( - am)da = /(w)S(w) + 0(n1/2 ~ d) (6.39) where I(m)= ^ ••• I 4-6(x1...x6)-^ X4n1/2 when \n < m ^ n. (6.40) By Lemma 2.15, when s = 6 and p > 2, one has M*(py) > 0. Moreover, when s = 6, p = 2 and m = j (mod 16) with 1 ^ )^ 6, it is trivial from the definition of M* in §2.6 that M*(2y) > 0. Hence, by Theorem 4.5, <3(ra) > 1 when m =j (mod 16). If m = n — a1 —a2 with ares#(hr), then m satisfies fn < m ^ n and m =7 (mod 16). Hence, by (6.39) and (6.40), h(oc)6VMV2^)e(- ^n)d^ = J(n)+ 0(n1/2 ~dV\(0)V2(0))
108 Davenport's methods where J(n)> ^^(0)^(0). Hence, by (6.38) 6 hioifV^a^i^ei- an)doi o R(n) = satisfies R(n)>n1/2V1(0)V2(0)>0. Hence n is the sum of fourteen fourth powers as required. 6.3 Davenport's bounds for G(5) and G(6) Theorem 6.9 (Davenport, 1942b) G(5)^23, G(6)^ 36. The proof of this is similar to but simpler than that of Theorem 6.8. On this occasion it suffices to adopt the notation of §4.4, so that (4.29),..., (4.32) hold. Let r = 7, t = 8 when k = 5, and r = 10, t = 13 when k = 6. Further, let jrf denote the set of natural numbers a not exceeding j$n for which a is the sum of t /cth powers and write V(ol) = Y, e(ota). ass/ By Theorems 6.6 and 6.7, i |K(a)|2da< K(0)2tt_" o where \i = 0.912 53 when k = 5, and \i = 0.948 91 when k = 6. Let m = ^\9M. Then, by Weyl's inequality (Lemma 2.4), |/(a)'K(a)2|da < nr/k~ ' ~dV(0)2 (6.41) m where S is a suitable fixed positive number. By Theorem 4.4, when 1 ^ m ^ n, I* f((x)re( - am)da = Cmr/k ~ ^(m) + 0(nr/k ~ ' ~d) (6.42) Jan where C is a positive number depending only on k and r. By Lemma 2.15 with s = r, k = 5 or 6 and n replaced by m, one has M*(py) > 0. Hence, by Theorem 4.5, S(ra) > 1. It now follows easily
Exercises 109 from (6.41) and (6.42) that n f(a)rV((x)2e(- (xn)d(x |> nr/k ~ ^(0)2 > 0, 0 and therefore that G(k) ^ r + It when k = 5 or 6. 6.4 Exercises 1 Show that for X > X0 one has N19(X)>X0'9668 when /c = 7, N28(X)>X0-9838 when /c = 8. Deduce that G(7) ^ 53*, G(8) ^ 73. 2 (Davenport, 1939a) Let Q(m) denote the number of solutions of m = x3 + y3 + z3 with Z < x ^ 2Z, Z4/5 < y ^ 2Z4/5, Z4/5 < z ^ 2Z4/5. Show that X6(m)2^Z13/5 + £. m Deduce that (i) G(3) ^ 8, and (ii) almost every natural number is the sum of four positive cubes. 3 (Davenport, 1950) Show that when k = 3 one has N3(X)>X^5*-* (X>X0(e)). 4 (Vaughan, 1985) Let Q(m) denote the number of solutions of m = x3 + y3 + z3 with Z < x ^ 2Z,y ^ Z5/6,z < Z5/6. Show that r1 m JO /i =¾ H where H = Z1/2, A(°o = X e(a(* + ^)3 ~ a*3)> Z < x ^ 2Z g(cc) = £ ^(ay3). y ^ Z5/6 *Note that the claim G(7) ^ 52 of Sambasiva Rao (1941) is based on an arithmetical error.
110 Davenport's methods Show also that whenever (a, q) = 1 and | a — a/q | ^ q ~ 2 one has Z !//,(«) 12 ^ # z2 + 7 + HZl + £ + x8/9-£(X>*0(£)) when /c = 3. 5 (Vaughan, 1989a). Show that when k = 3 one has N3(X)>X19>21-*(X>X0(e)).
7 Vinogradov's upper bound for G(k) 7.1 Some remarks on Vinogradov's mean value theorem For the purposes of this chapter, the notation of Chapter 5 is assumed. By (5.3), J(k)(X, 0, h) is the number of solutions of t(4-yl) = hj (l^j^k) with 0 sXj for some j. Hence, by (5.4), £./ifc)(*, 0, h)< Xkik+ l)/2Js(X). (7.2) h On the other hand, the left side of (7.2) counts all the solutions of (7.1) with h considered as an additional variable. Thus Js(X)^X2s-k{k+i^2. Recall that JS(X) is the number of solutions of t(4~yi) = 0 (\^jv^*- (7.3) r= 1 Obviously the number Ts(x) of'trivial' solutions obtained by taking the yr to be a permutation of the xr satisfies \_XY^Ts(X)^s\Xs. Thus Js(X)p max(A'2s-*(fc+l)/2, Xs) (7.4) which shows, incidentally, that (7.3) has 'non-trivial' solutions whenever s>\k(k + \) and X is sufficiently large. For further comments see §29 of Hua (1956) and Vaughan & Wooley (1995b, 1997). It can be conjectured that, when k ^ 3, as X —► oo JS(X) ~ Cs?fc max (X2s~k{k+ 1)/2, Xs). (7.5) While this probability lies very deep, at any rate it is possible to
112 Vinogradov's upper bound for G(k) establish it when s ^ k + 1 and when s is sufficiently large. The latter is done by adapting the Hardy-Littlewood method to the /e- dimensional unit hypercube tf/k. The minor arcs are dealt with by applying Theorems 5.1 and 5.3 which can be thought of as the analogues of Hua's lemma and Weyl's inequality respectively. For the major arcs it is necessary to develop an asymptotic approximation for the generating function /(«)= X e(ai* + ... + afc:>cfc) (7.6) x< X and to estimate the corresponding auxiliary functions Hfi) = e(Piy + ... + Pkyk)dy,m (7.7) 0 S(q9a) = S(q9al9 . . . 9ak) = £ e^a^x + . . . +akxk)/q). (7.8) x= 1 7.2 Preliminary estimates Much of the material in this section is due to Hua (1940a, 1952,1965). It is convenient here to recall that the polynomial congruence 0(x) = b0 + ^ix + • • • + bkxk = 0 (mod/?) is said to have a root of multiplicity m at x0 when (t>(x) = (x — x0)m(t)1(x)-\- p(t>2(x) with 0i(x) and (j>2(x) polynomials such that plPreliminary estimates 113 p~ l(a1 + 2a2x + ... + kakxk ~ x) = O(modp) and suppose that their respective multiplicities are m1?.. ., mr. Note that r ^ k — 1. Further let m = m1 + . . . + mr. Then it suffices to show that for I — 1, 2,. .. \S(pl, a,,..., ak)\ ^ /c2max(l, w)p'"l/k. (7.9) Since m ^ k — 1 this easily gives the theorem. The case I = 1. The argument in this case is due to Mordell (1932) and gives more, namely that \S(p,a1,...,ak)\^kp1-1/k. (7.10) It can be assumed without loss of generality that p\ak and p > k. Consider T= £ ... £ |S(p, Zl>..., zj2*. (7.11) Z! = 1 Zk = 1 Then, by multiplying out the summand, applying (7.8) and inverting the order of summation, one obtains T = pkM (7.12) where M is the number of solutions of the simultaneous congruences x{ + . . . + x{ ee y[ + . . . + y{{modp) (1 < j^ k) (7.13) with 1 ^ x{ ^ p, 1 ^ y• ^ p. In a similar manner to the proof of Lemma 5.1, it follows that if x^..., xfc, y1?..., >'fc satisfy (7.13), then, for each x, Y\i(x ~ xi) — Y\t(x ~ y;)(m°d pi Thus the x1?..., xfc are a permutation of the yl9. . . , yk. Therefore M ^ k\pk, and so, by (7.12), T^k\p2k. (7.14) When p\u, ux + v runs through a complete set of residues modulo p as x does. Let bj = bj{u, v)= Y, ai[ • JhV"-'. Then \S(p, «!,..., ak)| = \S(p, bl9. . ., bk)|. (7.15) Moreover frfc = akuk and frfc _ 1 = uk ~ 1 (vkak +ak_ x). Thus, as u varies, bk takes on (p — l)(/c, p — 1)" 1 distinct values modulo p, and for a given u, as i> varies, bfc _ x takes on p distinct values modulo p. Hence, by (7.15) and (7.11),
114 Vinogradov's upper bound for G(k) P(P ~ 1) (K P -1) \S(p,au...,ak)\2k^T. Therefore, by (7.14), \S(p9 al9...9 ak)\lk ^ k\2kp2k ~ 2 ^ k2kp2k ~ 2, which gives (7.10) as required. The case I > 1. This is proved by induction on /. Obviously px < k. Thus, when 2 ^ / ^ 2t + 1, (7.9) is trivial. Hence it can be assumed that / ^ 2t + 2. For brevity write <\>(x) = a1x-\-. . .-\- akxk. Recalling that are the distinct solutions of p~x'{x) = 0(modp) one obtains where S{pl9al9...9ak)=T0 + £ 7} (7.16) j= i 7} = X e{{x)p-1) (7.17) X = 1 x = x}(mo6p) and 7o= E ^ e(4>(pl ~* ~ 'z + y)p-l). (7.18) y = 1 z = 1 Since I > 2t + 2 one has 0(p'-T-1z + y)^0(y) + ^-T-1z0'(y)(mod^). Hence the innermost sum in (7.18) is zero. Thus it remains to estimate the contribution to (7.16) from the 7} with j ^=0. When r = 0, i.e. m = 0, there is nothing to prove. Suppose that m > 1. When / < /c, the trivial estimate |7}| ^ p' ~ * in (7.16) gives \S{pl9al9...9ak)\^kpl-1^kpf-lf\ Thus it can be supposed that I > k. Consider the polynomial in x, 4>{px + xj) — (f)(Xj) = b^x + ... + bkxk where Let pp denote the highest power of p dividing (bl9 b2,. . ., bk). Clearly
Preliminary estimates 115 p ^ 1. If p > /e, then and so p|afc, jp|afc_ 1?.. ., p\a1 contradicting (p, k) = 1. Thus p(px + x_y) — {Xj)) = cxx + ... + ckxk. Then, by (7.17), \Tj\ =p»-1\S(pl-p,c1,...,ck)\. (7.20) Since p~ x(j)'{x) = 0(mod p) has a root of multiplicity m} at xy one can write p~x(j)'(x) in the form p~ z(t>'(x) = (x- x -r^!(x) + p02(x) with p/0! (x7) and deg 02 < m7. Now let p* denote the highest power of p dividing (c1, 2c2,..., /ecfc). Then p-axlj'{x) = pl-a-p'{px + xj) + P02(P* +*/))• The coefficients of this polynomial are all integers and at least one is coprime with p. Since deg02 < rrij the coefficient of xmj is so that g + p ^ 1 + t + ra^ Hence, if J > mj? then the coefficient of xd is a multiple of p. Hence p-ar(x)^p1-a-p + t(pmjxm^1(xj) + pcl>2(px + xj))(modp). Therefore the degree of p~a\jj\x\ modulo p, is at most rrij and so the number of solutions of the congruence p->'(x) = 0(modp), counting multiple solutions multiply, is at most my Therefore, on the inductive hypothesis, (7.9), with / replaced by / — p, aj by Cp m by m-} one obtains, via (7.19) and (7.20), \Tj\ ^ k2mjpp ~ V " P)(1 " 1/fc) < k2mjPl" //fc. The desired conclusion, (7.9), now follows from (7.16) on summing over all j > 1.
116 Vinogradov's upper bound for G(k) The following theorem gives the asymptotic expansion for/on the major arcs. Theorem 7.2 Let (Xj = ajq-j + jS,- (j = 1,. . ., k) and suppose that Q — \A\•> • • •>*] and Aj = a^qqj 1. Then f(x) = q-1S(q,A)I(P) + A where A>(modqf) = ^-^(^) + 0(^), one obtains /(<*) = 9-^(4 ,4)( F(X)X- where AWl + F'(y)ydy) + A o / ^+...+ ^/-1^ 0 Integration by parts gives the theorem at once. Theorem 7.3 The auxiliary function I(P) satisfies KPXXii + w^ +.. . + \pt\xkyllk- Proof It can be assumed that for then the general case follows by a change of variable. It can further be supposed that 1^1 + ... + 10^1
Preliminary estimates 117 for otherwise the result is trivial. Let r, = (|j8,| + ... + IM1/k, Pi(a) = Pi + 2^2a + .-. + kfik(xk ~ 1 and j2/ = {a:0 ^2> ^3> • • • as follows. If ^! is empty, then there is nothing more to prove. Thus it can be supposed that there is an ax such that (Xa^l and M«i)l < yi- Now M«i)l ^ \Pi\ ~ kY\ so that if ijSJ > 2kY\, then ^J < fljBJ + 7¾1^ < ((1 + 1/(2^))1^1)^, whence Hence in this case (7.21) is trivial. Thus it can be supposed that, for a suitable number C1 depending at most on /c, one has and |pi(a)| < ClY2 for every ae(^1. Therefore it suffices to show that meas^M Yi 1 where ^1 = {a :0 ^ a ^ 1, |a - aj > Y2 \ ^(a)! < Cx Y2}. Let Pi(a)-Pi(ai) P2(a) = a — cc1 Then Q)l<^(€2 where *2 = {a:0118 Vinogradov's upper bound for G(k) Proceeding in this way, at thejth step one obtains a constant Cj _ 1? a polynomial p -(a) of degree k—j and considers Vj = {oL:0^oi^l9\pj(oL)\<2Cj.lYi}. If Wj is not empty, then there is an a, such that \Pj(olj)\ < 2Cj _ 1 Yj. Defining at each step Pj+M = P-iia)-pjiaj) a-a,- it follows that pM)= lV«* /i = 0 with and Thus k-j Yh — Zj fi+ 1 aj - 1 i = h ti» = (h+i)ph+1. y\P=JPj + 0(\pJ+l\ + ... + \pk\) and so it can be supposed that there is a number C ■ depending at most on /c such that \Pj\^CjYkJ+l (7.22) and \Pj{(x)\ < CjYjj+ 1 for every ae^-. Let ^.= {a :0 7;^, |p.(a)| < C;^ + J. Then, by (7.22), one desires to show that meas(^) <^ Yj~+V The process may stop because, for somej ^ k — 2, <&. is empty or the inequality (7.22) is violated. Otherwise for j ^k — 2 one has <&. a <€. + x and the process continues until one reaches Q)k_ v Now y(ri) = kpk. Thus ®*- i c {« ■ I?? " "fc" 'AT 1+«l< Q- ilftl" 1/k) so that meas(^fc_ x)< Y^1 as required.
An asymptotic formula for JS(X) 119 7.3 An asymptotic formula for JS(X) Theorem 7.4 There are a positive constant C1 and positive numbers 3 (k) and C2(k, s) such that whenever s > /c2(31og/c + log log k + Cx) one has Js(X) = C2(k,s)X2s-k(k+1)/2+0(X2s-k{k+1)/2-d{k)). Note that by using below Theorem 5.5 in place of Theorem 5.1 the lower bound for s can be replaced by 5/c2 29/c2 Ik2 ~Tlog/c + "3(rloglog/c + "T-log log log/c + Ck2. Proof Let X denote a large real number, let X = h 2l=Xl/2' Qj = Xi~k (2^j^k) (7.23) and let %% denote the cartesian product of the intervals (Q J \ 1 +(2/1]. When qx < ^1/2, ^ < X* (2 <; < /c), and 1 ^ a} ^ q} with (qp aj) - 1, let Wl(q, a) denote the cartesian product of the intervals {ccilcc-aj/q^q^Q;1}. The major arcs Wl(q, a) are pairwise disjoint and contained in ^*. Let 3R denote their union. Then the minor arcs m are given by m = ^\«W. By Lemma 2.1, for each ae^f, there exist q, a such that (q^ a}) = 1, la,- — aj/qj\ < q~ 1QJ 1 and q-3 < (¾. Let n denote the set of ae^/jf for which in addition q} > Xk for some j with l^j^k. Then, by Theorem 5.3 with / = [4/c log /c], it follows that there is a positive constant C3 such that /(aHX1"" (aen) with p~ 1 = C3k3 log/c. (7.24) Now let $1 denote the set of ae^f for which there exist q, a such that (^., aj) = 1, |a,- - ^/^| ^ ^ * Q" \ ^ < Ql9 a, ^ XA (2 <; ^ fc). Thus wkjSR = ^1 (although nn^l may not be empty) and sIRc:^R. Let Pj = ccj - aj/qp q = [!, . . . , qk\ Aj = qajqp so that (q,Al9..>,Ak)=l. (7.25) By Theorem 7.2 and (7.23),
120 Vinogradov's upper bound for G(k) f{*)-q-lS{q,A)I{ft) \X1/2. Hence, by Theorem 7.1 and (7.7), q~ 'S(q, A)I(P) 3/c log k + k log log /c one has rj-2mk2p kl with / > 3/c log/c, then |/(a)|2s" 2da <^ X2s~ 2 ~kik + 1)/2 +" 1/,2/1 1 /J,\/ with 77 = ^kz(l — l//c) < l/(2/c) = A. Hence there is a positive number (5 = S(k) such that X 2 - A /(a)|2s"2da^X2s-fc(fc+1)/2-<5. (7.28) * Let An asymptotic formula for JS(X) 121 Hence it \V(x)\2tdxi/h where 00 00 w= Z •• • Z 4i•• - 2/e2 one has (l+PjXj)-2t/k2dPj. 00 00 w< Z • • • Z «i • • • iMi -ik) <°° ^1 = 1 ^k = i and z^ n x_j=x-fc(fc+i)/2. Therefore, for s — 1 > 2/c2, X 2 - A |K(a)|2s-2da<^X2s-fc(fc+1)/2 — / <&, This with (7.27) and (7.28) shows that l/(«)l2sd« = 122 Vinogradov's upper bound for G(k) Note that q~ 1S(q,A1,..., Ak) = (q1 .. .qk)~ 1S(q1 ...qk9al9.. .,ak). Also S < oo, J < oo and so the theorem follows with C2(/c, s) = <3J. The positivity of C2(/c, s) is a consequence of (7.4). For a more precise analysis, and several applications, of the above theorem, see Hua (1965). 7.4 Vinogradov's upper bound for G(k) It can now be shown, as an application of Theorem 7.4, that G(k) limsup — r^2. In many respects the proof builds on the ideas k-oo /clog/C of § 5.4. Let n denote a large natural number, and write JV = [n1/k]. Let K denote a natural number with 2KVinogradov's upper bound for G(k) 123 and the summation is over m1?..., m2r with m1 -\-. . . -\- mr — mr+1— ... — m2r = h. Hence, in the notation of §§4.4 and 5.3, and by Lemma 5.4, W{z)2r CK2\ogK where C is a suitably chosen constant. Then the number Rj of different y in [1, Vj\*r for which Lj(y) lies in a given interval of length jjf~K~1/2 satisfies Rj^VJrUfK . Proof For brevity, drop the parameter). By the binomial theorem, W-lfyu'-iMM where MAy) = y\ +••• + r'2, - y2r +! -... - \V Since je[l, J/]4' and J/ = [C/12] one has £ (^U'-'M^yXU'-^^V2^1 i = 2K + \ \l J Hence it suffices to show that the number K* of different y in [1, V~\ for which lies in a given interval of length l/*~2X satisfies 4r
124 Vinogradov's upper bound for G(k) K*<^ y^-ijji-iK^ (7.33) Consider the number R** of 2K-tuples of integers z1?. .., z2K with zf <^ K1 and for which 2K i = 1 lies in a given interval of length (/~2X. The interval can be written in the form where w and v are integers with 0 < v < Uk~2K. Then z2K =u(modU), z2X_! = (^-¾)^-1 (modify and so on. Thus z2K is determined modulo (7, z2X_! is determined modulo U by z2K, and so on up to z2. Moreover zx is determined uniquely by z2x,. .., z2 since 0 < v < (7*~2X. Hence, on recalling that K2 > (7, one has #** <^ (|/2X (7~ ^(K2*- * IT x). . . (V2U~ x) = yK(2K + l)-lul-2K^ (7J4) By Theorem 7.4, given zx,. . ., z2A:, the number of solutions of /c)M/(j) = zi(1^/^2X) with yell, K]4' is <^ jA-*<2* + 1\ This with (7.34) gives (7.33) and so the lemma. Suppose henceforth that the hypothesis of the lemma holds and let xl,...,xl be a typical solution of (7.31). By (7.32), for jcj+1e[1, Vj+ J4** one has LJ + l(xJ+l). Hence, by (7.29) and (7.30), for aem, WiaXXV, ... vl(X-1Uk + e-{k-1,2H1-*yn*r)Exercises 125 where Now take K- Then, by (7.29), rjl = expl = Ci /log p = log /c], 0-i 1 16r / = 3fc -.); 8r <'-*'■ , r = 1 + [CK2 |«exp(-3[± logK] log/c])< (7.35) where the implicit constants are absolute. Thus, if k is sufficiently large, 1 c{(\ogky say, where Cx is a suitable constant. Thus, in the notation of §5.4 (but with W(cc) as above), f(a)4kH((x)2W((x)e(-(xn)d(x <£ H(0)2W(0)n3 +il ~ 1/kY -a,k. Choosing t optimally so that (1 — 1/kf < a/k gives t ~ k log k. Then the contribution from the minor arcs is | 126 Vinogradov's upper bound for G(k) J3(X)~ CX3\ogX as X -> oo. 3 Let Gx(/c) denote the least s such that almost every natural number is the sum of s /cth powers. Show that limsup — -^ 1. fc-oo /clog/c 4 (Vaughan and Wooley, 1995b) Show that when k ^ 3 as X -> oo.
8 A ternary additive problem 8.1 A general conjecture Suppose that fcl5 /c2,. . ., ks are s integers satisfying s 2 ^ k1 ^ k2 < . .. ^ ks and £ fc/ * > 1. (8.1) j= i Then the arguments discussed above, particularly in Chapters 2 and 4, suggest that the equation s Z xk/ = n (8.2) j= i has a solution in natural numbers xl5.. . , xs whenever (i) for each prime p and large k the equation (8.2) is soluble modulo pk with pKXj for some 7; (ii) n is sufficiently large. There are some exceptions to this, see Exercise 5, but they all seem to have the general property that for some i there is a polynomial sequence of n for which n — xk* has certain multiplicative properties arising from its polynomial factorisation which are at odds with the multiplicative properties of Yj= u» i-vyJ- ^ simplified form of this phenomenon occurs in Exercise 2. Even in these examples it should be true that (8.2) holds for almost all n. There has been a great deal of work on questions of this kind, much of it rather inconclusive in nature because the treatment of the minor arcs in the present state of knowledge generally requires £ kj 1 to be appreciably larger than unity. The smallest value of s for which (8.1) is satisfied is s = 3. Then the only case which has been completely solved is that of kx = k2 = k3 = 2, the classical theorem of Legendre on sums of three squares. However, in all the remaining cases it has been shown that almost all numbers
128 A ternary additive problem can be represented in the form (8.2). The cases with kl = k2 = 2 and with /c! = 2, /c2 = /c3 = 3 are due to Davenport & Heilbronn (1937a, b), the case k1 = 2, k2 = 3,/c2 = 4 is due to Roth (1949) and the case k1 =2, k2 = 3, k3 = 5 is due to Vaughan (1980a). The last case is the hardest, and the remainder of this chapter is taken up with its elucidation. The method can be readily adapted to the other cases. 8.2 Statement of the theorem Let E(X) denote the number of natural numbers not exceeding X and not being the sum of a square, a cube and a fifth power of natural numbers. Theorem 8.1 There is a positive number S such that E(X) < X1 ~(\ In general principle the argument is similar to that of § 3.2. An important feature is that the major arcs can be taken to be longer and more numerous than the presence of the cube and fifth power might suggest. However, a large part of the major arcs is treated, in some respects, more like minor arcs. Another feature of the argument is that there is some difficulty connected with the convergence of the singular series. This is overcome by replacing the singular series by a finite product. 8.3 Definition of major and minor arcs Let n denote a large natural number and write Further, let R(m) = R(m, n) denote the number of representations of m in the form m = x\ + X3 + X5 with Pk < xk ^ 2Pk, and let /(m) = ZZZ^2-1/2^2/3^4/5 (8.3) )>2 )>3 )>5 where the variables of summation satisfy Pl;2 + ^3 + y5 = m-
Definition of major and minor arcs 129 Also define Sk = Sk(q,a) = J e(ark/q\ (8.4) r = 1 A(m,q)= X (l~3S2S3S5e(-am/q) (8.5) a = 1 (a,q)= 1 and <5(m.X)= ^ 4(™,g). (8.6) The first part of the proof of Theorem 8.1 is the establishment of Theorem 8.2 There is a positive constant 6 such that for every sufficiently large n R(m) = I(m)&(m, n1/2) + 0(n1/3° ~s) for all but <^nl ~ d values of m with n < m ^ 2n. Proof Let fck = M«)= I e((tx\ (8.7) Pk < x < 2Pk S = \0~\ P = nl3/30 + 1\ <% = (P/n,l + P/ri]. (8.8) Then R(m) = h2(cc)h3(cc)h5((x)e(— am)da. (8.9) When 1 ^ a ^ q < P and (a, q) = 1, define the major arc 2R(g, a) by 2R(g, a) = {a : |a -a/g| < Pg" xn" *} (8.10) and take 9W to be the union of all the major arcs. As usual, it is easy to show that the 9Jl(g, a) are disjoint, and the minor arcs m are taken to by °u\m. There is an important further subdivision of 90¾. Let n1/12, and let W{q, a) = {a : |a - a/q\ < n3d " 14/15}. (8.11) Now define 9JJ2 to ^e tne union of the 5R(g, a)\9l (g, a) with 1 ^a ^ q < n1/12 and (a, g) = 1. Then, if one writes n = muTO1uaR2 (8.12)
130 A ternary additive problem and R1(m) = the aim is to show that /i2(a)/i3(a)/i5(a)e(-am)da, rt Xl«i(m)|2«n16/15-3d m and I I h2(oc)h3(cc)h5((x)e(— ccm)doc a ^ n1/! 2 a = 1 J (a,q)= 1 91(', (iii) w = v, x = y, z = t. Hence the total number of solutions is
The treatment ofn 131 Similarly \hi\dafc, Afc by k = 0k(a) = Wk(a, ¢, a) (aesJW(g, a)), Afc = Afc (a) = hk - 0k. (8.20) The first step in the treatment of 93^ u9W2 is to replace /i2 by 02. By Theorem 4.1, when ae$ft one has A2(a) <^ P1/2 +£. Also, in a similar manner to the proof of (8.16), |/i2/i2|da<^8/15. o Therefore, by (8.8), lAjfi^lda^n. (8.21) an The next step is to estimate 4>jhihj\d(x. a«i To this end it is first necessary to consider the corresponding integrals
132 A ternary additive problem 2j„4i n„A \J.2l4\ with the integrand replaced by l^^sl and 102^3 By (8.19) and (8.20), \lhl\doL an < I X The treatment ofn 133 the proof of (8.16), c(0) < n2/5+E. Moreover £fcc(fc) < n4/5. Therefore, by (8.8), \(t>22h*\da22h$\d0L and consequently an estimate is required for |0*| da. 2R By (8.20) and Lemma 6.3, an |0f|da< £ q"1 f 1/2 n2(l+nj8)-4dj8, o so that |02|da <^ n 1 +£ 2R Therefore, by Holder's inequality and (8.16), \4>22A3hl\da < (n1 + -)1'V'3 + £)3'4sup |»2A3| an an By Lemmas 6.1 and 6.3, for aesIR(g, a) one has 02(a)A3(a)^M1/V- Hence |^A3/^|da^tt5/4 + 2£. an By Schwarz's inequality, (8.25) and (8.16), |0203A3/i2|da < (n1 + £)1/2(n2/* + £)1/2sup |03A3|, jan 2« and by Lemmas 6.1 and 6.3, when ae$Ji(g, a), 03(a)A3(a) < n1/3q1/6+E< n1/3P1/6+E. (8.25) (8.26)
134 A ternary additive problem Hence, by (8.8), \(t>22(t>3A3h23\d(xjj=! F(ph)<^p~x. Moreover, by Lemma 4.5, F is a multiplicative function of q. Therefore, there is an absolute constant C such that j^n (i+Q-1). Hence, by (8.28) and elementary prime number theory, \(f)22h*\d(x?! Therefore, by Schwarz's inequality and (8.24), |0^^^|da^M16/15 - 3d ««! Hence, by (8.21), \h2h2h2\d(xThe major arcs ${(q, a) 135 Now consider 9ft2- By Lemma 6.3, * f 1/2 |^|da« £ 4"1 9W2 q ^ P 8- 14/15 (1 + nfiY dfi |/i||da ^ n5/3 + £, o \h%\doL<^n 1 +£ 0 Hence, by Holder's inequality, \4>lhlhl\d0L « (M4/5 + £ " ^)l/2(„5/3 + ejl/4(wl + ,)1/4 ^ ^16/15- 3(5 2R; Therefore, by (8.21), \h\h\hM*136 A ternary additive problem Let
2(/?)w3(/?)w5(/?M-/?m)ci/?. By (8.18) and (8.3), /1(m) = /(m), which gives (8.13) as required. 8.6 The singular series The principal difficulty is that Y?=AA(n,q)\ apparently diverges. This is resolved by approximating to 3(m, rc1/12) by a finite Euler product. Theorem 8.3 For all except ^n1 s values of m with n < m < 2n one has 3(m,n1/12)= n ( Z A(m, ph)) + 0(exp(-(logn)3)). (8.30) p^ n \h = 0 / It is possible that one could show under similar conditions that the finite product can be replaced by the infinite product, perhaps by a method allied to that of Miech (1968). However there are attendant difficulties which the method described here avoids. For a further discussion of this matter in the case kl = 2, k2 = k3 = 3, see Davenport & Heilbronn (1937a). By (8.4), (8.5) and Theorem 4.2, A(m, 1)=1, A(m, qXq'1130. (8.31) Thus each of the series on the right of (8.30) converges absolutely. For the proof of Theorem 8.3, precise estimates are required for
The singular series 137 A(m, ph). To this end the following formulae for Sk(ph, a), valid when p\a, are basic. They are consequences of Lemmas 4.3 and 4.4. When p > 2 Cphl2 (2|fc), S2(ph9a)= 3 fp[2,,/31 (/7^1 (mod 3)), S3(/Aa)=<0 (fc = l(mod3),p = 2(mod3)), (8.33) [s3(p, a)p2(fc" 1)/3 (/7 = p = 1 (mod 3)), and when p > 5 pI4fc/51 (/7 #1 (mod 5)), S5(p\a)=<0 (/7=l(mod5),p^l(mod5)), (8.34) S5(p, a)p4(fc ~ 1)/5 (/7 = p = 1 (mod 5)). Also, when k = 3 or 5 and p = 1 (mod k), Sk(p,fl)= Z x(a)T(z) (8.35) where 2). (8.36) Lemma 8.1 Suppose that h > 1 and p > 5. T/rerc ^(m, pfc) = 0 wte/7 h>\ and ph~llm, (8.37) |/l(m, ph)\^8p-[{h-l)i30]-\ (8.38) /l(m,p)= X c(x)x(m) (8.39) /e.s/(p) vv/iere -o/(p) is a collection of non-principal characters modulo p, ktol^P-1 and card s/(p) < 8. (8.40) Proo/ By (8.5), (8.32), (8.33), (8.34) and (8.35), p* /l(m,p*) = X Mz) Z Z(flH-flp"hm) (8.41)
138 A ternary additive problem where stf(ph) is a subset of the set of characters modulo p and the b(x) are suitable complex numbers. When h > 1 and ph~ 1][m the innermost sum is p ph ~1 X x(x)e(-xp~ hm) X e(-yp{~hm) = 0. x = 1 y = 1 This gives (8.37). The proof of (8.38) is by division into eight different cases. (i) Suppose that 2\h, h ¢- 1 (mod 3) and h ¢- 1 (mod 5). Then srf(ph) consists solely of the principal character and, by (8.32), (8.34) and (8.35), one has \A(m,ph)\^p* where X = \h + [2/i/3] + [4/?/5] — 2h. The number X is an integer and does not exceed - fc/30 < - [(¾ - 1)/30] - 1/30. Hence (8.38). In all the remaining cases (8.41) holds with all the elements of jtf(ph) being non-principal characters modulo p. Thus when ph\m the innermost sum is automatically 0 and (8.38) follows at once. Also, by (8.37) it can be supposed that either h = 1 or h > 1, ph ~ l\m and ph\m. In either case the innermost sum in (8.41) is (ii) Suppose that 2|/i, h ^ 1 (mod 3) and h ^ 1 (mod 5). Then >^(ph) consists solely of the quadratic character, and \k(y)\ = phl2 + W^ + W5! - 3h Hence, by (8.42), \A(m, ph)\ = px with X = ±h + [2/i/3] + [4/i/5] -2h-\. The exponent X is an integer which does not exceed — h/30 — \. Thus (8.38). (iii) Suppose that 2|/i, h = 1 (mod 3) and h =k 1 (mod 5). When p ^ 1 (mod 3), (8.33) gives A{m, ph) = 0. Hence it may be assumed that p=l(mod 3). Then card sg(ph) = 2, and 1^1(^,^)1^2^ with X = \h + 2(h — 1)/3 +\ + [4/i/5] —2h—\. The number / is an integer not exceeding — h/30 — f. Therefore (8.38) holds. (iv) Suppose that 2|/i, /7 ^ 1 (mod 3) and /7 = 1 (mod 5). The case p ^ 1 (mod 5) is again trivial, so it may be assumed that p = 1 (mod 5).
The singular series 139 Then \A{m, ph)\ ^ 4pA with a = \h + [2/7/3] + 4(/7 -1)/5- 2/7, and the argument is completed as before. (v) Suppose that 2\h and h = 1 (mod 15). The case /? ^ 1 (mod 15) is trivial, and when p = 1 (mod 15) one obtains |^4(m, ph)\ ^ 8/?A + 1/2 with X = \h + 2(h — 1)/3 + 4(/7 — 1)/5 — 2h. This is again an integer which does not exceed — h/30 — ff < — [_{h — 1)/30] — 1. Hence the exponent a + j satisfies a + \ ^ — [(/i — 1)/30] — §. (vi) Suppose that h = 1 (mod 10) and /7 ^= 1 (mod 3). When p ^ 1 (mod 5), (8.38) is immediate from (8.34), so it may be assumed that /7=1 (mod 5). Then \A(m, ph)\^4px+1/2 with X=\{h-1) + [2/i/3] + 4(/] — 1)/5- 2/7. As in the previous case the exponent does not exceed - [(/7 - 1)/30] -f. (vii) Suppose that h=l (mod 6) and h ^ 1 (mod 5). This can be dealt with in a similar way to case (vi). (viii) Suppose, finally, that h = \ (mod 30). Then A(m, ph) = 0 for p ^ 1 (mod 15). This leaves the possibility p = 1 (mod 15). Then \A(m,ph)\ ^ 8// with A =-^+ 2(fc - 1)/3+i + 4(fc - 1)/5 + i — 2/7 — 2 . Again /I is an integer not exceeding — h/30 — f — \ = -(/7-1)/30-1. The proof of the lemma is now completed by establishing (8.39) with (8.40). When /7=1, (8.32), (8.33), (8.34) and (8.35) give (8.41) with b(x) = 0 unless p = 1 (mod 15). Thus, when p ^ 1 (mod 15) one obtains (8.39) with (8.40) trivially satisfied. When p=\ (mod 15), (8.41) holds with srf{p) consisting of the characters x of the form x = XiX^Xs* where Xk denotes a non-principal character of order k. Thus all the elements of s#(p) are non-principal and cardj^(p) = 8. Moreover, Hx) = s2(P, iHx3Mx5)p~3 Hence, by (8.41) and (8.42), A(m,p)= ^ si(P> 1)?(X3)T(X5)P~3X(- lMx)z(m). X e si (p) If a character x belongs to s#(p) then so does X- Also, by (8.36), one has 152(^1)1(^)1(^)/7-^(-1)1(^=/7-1. This gives (8.39) with (8.40), as required.
140 A ternary additive problem Let the set & consist of 1 and those natural numbers q such that if p\q, then p^n and either p2\q or p^5. Let # denote the set of squarefree numbers all of whose prime factors p satisfy 5 < p ^ n. Finally, let Q) denote the set of natural numbers with no prime factor exceeding n. Then each q in Q) can be written uniquely in the form q = rs with re&, se%> and (r, s) = 1. The next stage of the argument is to estimate Z A(m,q) (8.43) U where (7 = n1/12, K = exp((logn)1+2<3). (8.44) By (8.5) and Lemma 4.5, A(m, q) is a multiplicative function of q. Therefore Z A (m, q) U n80d se<# rs3 + Z \A(m9r)\ r < n80<5 Z A (m> s) U/r < s ^ V/r (8.45) The first double sum is < w-2^Xr1/40|>l(m,r)|Yxi>lKs)l (8.46) The first sum here is OC 00 ]1 1 + I phlM\A(m, p")\ Ml 1 + E Ph/4°\A(m, ph)\ 5
The singular series 141 Hence, by (8.31) and (8.45), X A(m,q) 0, X* Mz)|"<8ro(s)5-A. (8.51) mods Lemma 8.2 Let I denote a natural number. Then, for arbitrary complex numbers b(x), N I vX= 1 I I.*b(x)x(x) «142 A ternary additive problem where \t(x)\ = • Therefore N q N Z c^(x) = t(X)_1 Z X(y) Z cxe(yx/q). y= 1 x = 1 Hence Is X = 1 JV Z cxX(x) x = 1 JV Z xoo Z ^{yx/q) y=1 x=1 ^-T1 I mod mod Hence, by the orthogonality of characters, and (8.52) I Z: q^Q X N modi/ Z CxX(*) x= 1 JV <(N + Q2) £ \c: x= 1 Applying this to the /th power of Z, = i cxX(x) giyes z z* 1^ Q *mod<, /V Z Cx*M X = 1 «(N' + e2)ZK where d,= Z' y ^, wxi ' • • ~x, xi .. .x, = y and Z' denotes that the summation is restricted to Xj with Xj ^ N. Suppose that / > 2. Then, by two applications of Holder's inequality, Wf^d^y) 2 - 2/A r 2/A C C JCi . ..x,= >• and „ , £! \l -2/A / W \2(M ZKI2<( Z ^(y)(2A-2,/(A-2,» ' ^ '-" zi. '3" i ~ — / I ^ i-x y \y = i / \x = l where dt(y) is the number of solutions of x1 .. . xt = y in xl5. . ., xz. Hence, by Theorem 288 of Hardy, Littlewood & Polya (1951), A/(A- 1)\(A- 1)/A Z 1*HX)X(X) N Z ,x = 1 q^Q X modi/ WZ Z*IM%)I 2//(2/ - 1) (2/- 1)/(2/) where modi/ ba = (nz + e2)1/(2Z)( z ^/(y)(2A"2)/(A"2)) ,(1 - 2/1)/(21)
The singular series 143 Let k = 3. Then the lemma follows provided that, for X > 1, X ^bO^XdogXe)'4-1. In fact, it is easily seen by induction on r that dr(xy) ^ dr(x)dr(y) and by induction on s that and I ^(y)^X(log^r-1 y 1 or / = 1. Hence, summing over / with Qx_ x ^ K gives, via (8.44) and (8.53), 2n X F(m) « n47/48. m = n + 1 1_<5 values of m with n144 A ternary additive problem The proof of Theorem 8.3 is completed by examining Z A(m,q). q> V qe& Let X = l/(logtt). Then X \A(m,q)\<: X (q/V)x\A(nu q)\ q > V qe9 qeC/ = V~XY\ (l+ t phX\A(m,ph)\). Hence, by (8.31), (8.38) and (8.44), Z \A(m,q)\ q > I qe'S < exp ( - (log n)2i) ft ( 1 +240 J p<30A ~ Uk + 3(U" ' 5n1/3°. It is trivial that I(m)<£n1/3°.
Completion of the proof of Theorem 8.1 145 Thus it suffices to show that 00 n I A(m, ph))> (log nyc. (8.55) p ^ n \h = 0 / By (8.38), there is a constant C such that oc 11 (Y.A(m,^))> ft (l-Cp-^Xlogn) C < p^ n \h = 0 J C < p< n -C Therefore it is only necessary to show that for each prime p one has OC X A(m,ph)>p~6. (8.56) /i = 0 It is easily deduced from (8.5) (cf. Lemma 2.12) that p2' £ A(m,ph) = M{m,p') (8.57) /i = 0 where M(ra, pr) is the number of solutions of x2 + y3 + z5 = m(mod p') (8.58) with l^x, >\ z^p1. Let y(2) = 3, y(p)=l (p > 2). When p/a the congruence x2 =a{mod pr) has a solution for each f ^ y(p) whenever it has one for t = y(p). Thus if it can be shown that (8.58) is soluble when t = y(p) with p/x, then p2t' 2Hp) different solutions can be produced in the general case t ^ y(p) by taking any y', z with y' = y(mod py(p)), z' = z(modpy(p)). Thus M(m, pr)>p2'~2y(p) which, by (8.57), yields (8.56). It is trivial that (8.58) is soluble with 2\x when p = 2 and t = y(p) = 3. It remains to establish the corresponding result when p > 2. The number of cubic or zero residues modulo p is at least (p — 1)/(3, p — 1)+ 1. Hence the conclusion will follow by the pigeon hole principle if it can be shown that the number N of residues modulo p of the form x2 or x2 + 1 with 1 ^ x ^ p — 1 satisfies
146 A ternary additive problem This is readily done starting from the formula 8.8 Exercises 1 Show that almost every natural number is of the form p + xk. 2 (Babaev, 1958) Show that card {n:n # p + x\n ^ X) p X1/k. 3 Let R(n) denote the number of solutions of x2 + y3 + z6 = n with x > 0, y > 0, z > 0. Show that (ii) r(f)r(f)r® = 0.73..., (iii) x2 + y3 + z6 = n(mod ^) is always soluble with (x, q) = 1. 4 Obtain an asymptotic formula for the number of representations of a number as a sum of two squares, two cubes and two fifth powers. 5 (modified version of Jagy & Kaplansky, to appear) Suppose that p = 3 (mod4), p > 3, v = x2 + y2 = (18p)3 — z9 and u = 18p — z3. Show that z = 3 (mod 4), (2p,u) = 1, (u,v/u)\ 35, u = 3 (mod 4) and 3 divides u to an even power. Prove that there is a prime number q = 3 (mod4) and an odd natural number s such that qs \\ u and q\v/u. Deduce that x2 + y2 + z9 = (18p)3 is insoluble.
9 Homogeneous equations and Birch's theorem 9.1 Introduction Let F(x1,. . . , xs) be a homogeneous form of degree k ^ 2 with integer coefficients. A natural question is to ask whether the equation F(xl9...,xs) = 0 (9.1) has a non-trivial solution, i.e. a solution in integers Xj not all zero. Obviously when k is even the equation may only have the trivial solution. However, when k is odd there is more hope. Lewis (1957) building on earlier work of Brauer (1945) showed that if s is sufficiently large, then any cubic form in s variables with integer coefficients has a non-trivial zero. Shortly afterwards this was extended by Birch (1957) to forms of arbitrary odd degree. Indeed, Birch proved somewhat more than this. The object here is to give an account of Birch's theorem. For references to later work on this and related topics the interested reader should see Davenport's collected works (Davenport, 1977). The proof of Birch's theorem rests on a special case, namely on the solubility of the additive homogeneous equation ^+... + ^ = 0, (9.2) and this can be treated by an application of the Hardy-Littlewood method. 9.2 Additive homogeneous equations The methods of Chapters 2, 4 and 5 are readily adapted to give the following theorem, and so the proof is only given in outline. Theorem 9.1 Let k > 2 and s0 be as in Theorem 5.4, and suppose that s > min(s0, 2k + 1) and s > 4/c2 — k + 1. Suppose further that when k
148 Homogeneous equations and Birch's theorem is even not all of the integers c1, . . . , cs are of the same sign. Then the equation (9.2) has a non-trivial solution in integers x,, . . . , xs. Throughout this section, implicit constants may depend on c c *-" 1J • • • J ^s" If there is ay' such that Cj = 0, then the conclusion is trivial. Thus it may be assumed that, for every j, Cj =£ 0. Also, when k is odd, it can be assumed (if necessary by replacing x1 by — xj that not all the cj are of the same sign. Let R(N) denote the number of solutions of (9.2) with 1 ^ Xj^ N. Then the methods developed in Chapters 2, 4 and 5 give R(N)=&J(N) + 0(Ns-k-d) where OC 3 = n T(p), T(p) = £ S(ph), p /i = 0 q s s($ p>C and that J(N)>Ns~k. Now it suffices to show that T(p) > 0 and, again, this will follow if it is shown that MF{q\ the number of solutions of F(x1? . . . , xs) = cxx* + . . . + csxks = 0(mod q) with 1 < Xj ^ q, satisfies, for t sufficiently large, MF(Pt)>C(p)PHs~1) (9.3) for some positive number C(p) depending only on c1?. . ., cs and p. In order to treat MF it is necessary to transform the variables so as
Additive homogeneous equations 149 to obtain a new form H in which an appreciable number of the coefficients are coprime with p. Choose iy so that plj || Cj and choose hj, lj so that Xj = hjk + \- and 0 ^ \] < k. Then F(x1? . . ., xs) = G(phixu ..., phsxs) where G(xx, . . . , xs) = d1pllx\ +... + dsplsxks with dj = CjPjXj. Now let h = max hy Then F(p*-*%,..., p*-fc-xs) = pfckG(x1,...,xs) and, for t > h, pt - h + hi pt - h + hs MF(P')> I ... Z 1 X! = 1 Xs = 1 phkG(x,, ..,xs) = 0(modp') >MC(p'"*k)n p j=i hk- h + h j whence Mpip^^Mcip1'^). (9.4) The form G can be rewritten as G = G(0) + pG(1) + . .. + ^-^-^ where fc Go-> = GU)(XU-)) = £ ^X*. I = 1 ', = J Clearly there exist i and r with r ^ s/k and G(0 containing at least r variables. Consider the form H(xl9 . . . , xs) = ( £ pJGiS)(px{S)) + X pJGiJ\xiJ)) V \ Now Mc(pr)^Mw(^-') (9.5) and H has the shape H = H{0) + pH(1) + . . . + pk~ lH(k- l) with H{0) containing at least r variables, where r ^ s/k, and all its coefficients relatively prime to p. It can be assumed, if necessary by
150 Homogeneous equations and Birch's theorem relabelling the variables, that H(0) = /j<°>(Xl,. . . , xr) = dxx\ + ... + drxk. By (9.5) and (9.4), to prove (9.3) it now suffices to show that there is a positive number C1{p) such that for t sufficiently large MH(pt)>Cl(p)p^~l\ (9.6) Let t denote the highest power of p dividing k and write y = z + 1 when p > 2 or t = 0, and y = t + 2 when p = 2 and t ^ 1. Then, as in §26, (9.6) will follow on showing that, for each m, d^x\ +...+ drxkr = m(mod py) (9.7) is soluble in x1,. . . , xr with p\xv Let K = py~x~ l(k, px(p — 1)). Then the number of /cth power residues modulo py is (p(py)/K. Hence, by Lemma 2.14, the set M ■ of residues m modulo py which can be written in the form dxx\ + ... +djXkj (pJlXi) satisfies card^> min{pyJ4k, i.e. s > 4/c2 —/c, then (9.7) has a solution of the desired kind, and this completes the proof of Theorem 9.1. Suppose that cl9. . . , cs are integers such that for every q the congruence c^ + . . . + csxks = 0(mod q) has a solution with (xj9 q) = 1 for some/ Then, following Davenport & Lewis (1963) c1?. . . , cs are said to satisfy the congruence condition. They define T*(/c) to be the least s such that every set of s integers c1?. . . , cs satisfies the congruence condition. They further define G*(/c) to be the least number t such that whenever s ^ t the equation cxx\ + . . . + csxks =0 has a non-trivial solution in integers when cx,..., cs are not all of the same sign when k is even and satisfy the congruence condition. The argument above gives T*(/c)^ 4/c2 — k + 1 and G*(/c)^ min(s0, 2k + 1). Davenport and Lewis show (i) that T*(/c)^/c2 + 1, (ii) that r*(fe) = k2 + 1 when k + 1 is prime, and (iii) that G*(fe) ^ k2 + 1 when/c > 18and/c ^ 6. Vaughan (1977b, 1989a) has removed the gap in (iii) by using the methods of Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 12.
Birch's theorem 151 For small values of/c, T*(/c) is known. (See Bierstedt (1963), Bovey (1974), Dodson (1967), Norton (1966).) Also, following earlier work of Norton (1966) and Chowla & Shimura (1963), Tietavainen (1971) has shown that r*(2fe+l) 2 lim sup —— = . k->oc /clog/c log 2 9.3 Birch's theorem Theorem 9.2 (Birch, 1957) Let j, I denote natural numbers and let /c1? . . . , kj be odd natural numbers. Then there exists a number T-(fcl9 ..., fc-, I) with the following property. Let Fx(x), ..., Fj(x) denote forms of degrees /c1? . . . , kj respectively in x = (xl9 . . . , xs) with rational coefficients. Then, whenever ^4^,...,/^,/) there is an l-dimensional vector space V in Qs such that for every xeV Fl(x) = ... = Fj(x) = 0. The first step in the proof is to establish the case when j = 1, F x is additive and k > 3. Lemma 9.1 There is a number <£(/c, I), defined for natural numbers k, I with k odd and k ^ 3, such that, if s ^ 0(/c, /), then for each form cxx\ + . . . + csxks with cx, . . ., cs rational, there is an l-dimensional vector space V in Qs such that for every xeV cxx\+... + csxks=0. (9.8) Proof By Theorem 9.1 there are t = t(k) and yx, . . ., yt not all zero such that cxy\ +. .. + ctyk = 0. Similarly for and so on. Hence, when s ^ It, the point (uxy1, . . . , u^yt, u2yt+ !,..., u2y2v • • • ■> ui);it-> v), . . . , 0) satisfies (9.8) for all ux,. . . , ut.
152 Homogeneous equations and Birch's theorem Proof of Theorem 9.2 Let A: = max/c,-, so that k is an odd positive integer. The proof is by induction through odd values of k. The result for k = \ is straightforward. For k ^ 3 the principal step is to show that if the result holds for systems of forms with max k( ^ k — 2, then it holds for a single form of degree k. The conclusion is then easily extended to a system of forms of degree at most k. For a form F(x) = F(x1,. . . ,.\\s)= ^ <'.-, .vri,> = I uj,---»jk i <■„ >jV ■ ■ ■ c■ ji ./k «1 «k 0 < ./,. < H + 1 Now define e{1) = (1, 0, 0, . . .), e(2) = (0, 1, 0, . . .), and so on, and take u0 = u, j(0) = j, y n = e(1), v(2) = e{1\ .... Then a further regrouping of terms gives F(vy + ule{l) + . . . + un + xe{n+ 1]) k = Z vh Z Uh--uh-kF(y'^h,--*h-h) (99) h = 0 j\....Jk-h 1 < j,. < fl + 1 where F(y;hJ1 Jk-h) is a form of degree h in j = (yx,. . . , vs). The total number of such forms with h odd, 1 ^ h < /c — 2 and 1 ^yr ^ n + 1 does not exceed k(n + l)fc. Hence, on the inductive hypothesis, and provided that s > %(n+1)fc(fc-2,...,/c-2,1), one finds that the corresponding simultaneous equations F(y*Aj1,...Jk-h) = 0 have a non-trivial solution z{0) in Qs. If z(0\ e( l \ . . . , e(" + l > are linearly dependent over Q, then omitting
Birch's theorem 153 one of the e{j) gives a linearly independent set of n + 1 points in Qs. Thus, in any case, by taking one of the uj to be zero in (9.9) and, if necessary, relabelling, one obtains z(0), z(l\ ..., z(n) that are linearly independent and such that k - 1 F(vz{0) + ulzil) + ... + unz(n))=cvk+ ^ vhGh(u) + G0(u) (9.10) /i = 2 h even where Gh(u) is a form of degree k — h in u = (wp . . . , w„). The linear independence of z{0K..., z{n) ensures that, when x = vzi0) + u1zn) + ... + unz{n\ non-trivial choices for (i\ ux,. . . , un) give non-trivial values for x. Consider the system of forms G„(m) = 0, /?even, 2^/?^/c-l. (9.11) The degree, k — h, is odd in each case. Hence, a further application of the inductive hypothesis shows that when n ^ 4/fc(/c — 2,. . ., k — 2, m), i.e. .s^.s0(/c, m), the system (9.11) is soluble for every member u of an m-dimensional vector space U in Q". Let w(1>, . . . , w(m> denote m linearly independent points in U and consider u = wxu{l) + . . . + wmu{m\ The linear independence again ensures that non-trivial w in Qw give rise to non-trivial u in Q". Hence, by (9.10), for non-trivial (r, u'j,. . . , wwi) there are non-trivial jc = (x„ . . . , xs) such that F(jc) = c^ + H(w) where H is a form in w = (w1}..., wm) of degree /c, i.e. F represents ci;fc + //(w). Continued repetition of this argument shows that if s^s{(k, /), then F represents a diagonal form cxv\ + . . . + ctvkt with t = 0(/c, /). Lemma 9.1 now gives the case j = 1, k1 = k of the theorem. To complete the inductive argument, it remains to establish the general case of j simultaneous equations Fx = . . . = Fj = 0 with
154 Homogeneous equations and Birch's theorem max fc, = fc. This is done by subinduction on j. The case 7 = 1 has just been dealt with. Suppose j > 1. Without loss of generality it can be supposed that fc ■ = k. By the case 7 = 1, given m, if s > *¥i(kp m), then there is an m-dimensional vector space U in Qs such that Fj(x) = 0 for every jc in U. The points of U can be represented by where Jt(1),. . . , x{m) are linearly independent points of Q\ For these points the forms F1?. . . , F}_ x become forms in y = (y1, . . . , ym). If max kt < k — 2 1 < 1 < j - 1 then one uses the main inductive hypothesis. If max fc,- = fc 1 < i < j - 1 then one uses instead the subinductive hypothesis. In either case, provided that m ^ 4^ _ 1(kl,. . . , fc;_ 1? /), there is an /-dimensional vector space V in Qm on which each Ft vanishes. This completes the proof of the theorem. 9.4 Exercises 1 Adapt the methods of Chapter 7 to show that limsup — -^ 2. fc^oc fclogfc 2 Adapt the methods of Chapter 6 to show that G*(3)^8, G*(4) ^ 14, G*(5) ^ 23, G*(6) < 36. 3 Show that r*(2) = 5, r*(3) = 7, r*(4)=17, and that r*(fc)^min(50,2fc + l).
10 A theorem of Roth 10.1 Introduction van der Waerden (1927) proved that given natural numbers /, r there exists an n0(l, r) such that if n > n0(l, r) and {1, 2,. . . , n} is partitioned into r sets, then at least one set contains / terms in arithmetic progression. For an arbitrary set ja/ of natural numbers, let A(n) = A(n,^/)= £ I D(n) = D(n, rf) = -A(n) (10.1) a < ii H ae, 0 contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions. An equivalent assertion is that if there is an / such that s4 contains no arithmetic progression of / terms, then d(*t) = 0. The first non-trivial case is 1 = 3. The initial breakthrough was made by Roth (1952, 1953, 1954) in establishing this case by an ingenious adaptation of the Hardy-Littlewood method. By a different method, Szemeredi (1969) proved the conjecture for / = 4, and Roth (1972) has given an alternative proof by an approach related to that of his earlier method. In 1975, Szemeredi established the general case. Unfortunately Szemeredi's proof uses van der Waerden's theorem. More recently Furstenberg (1977) has given a proof of Szemeredi's theorem based on ideas from ergodic theory. Although this does not use van der Waerden's theorem it apparently has a similar structure and so still does not yield the sought after insight.
156 A Theorem of Roth Ideas stemming from the attacks on this problem have enabled Furstenberg (1977) and Sarkozy (1978a, b) to establish that if d{srf) > 0, then the set of numbers of the forma —a' withaeja/, a'eja/ contains infinitely many perfect squares. In this chapter, Roth's theorem is established using his version of the Hardy-Littlewood method, and a proof of the Sarkozy- Furstenberg theorem is developed along the lines of Furstenberg but avoiding the ergodic theory. Throughout this chapter implicit constants are absolute. 10.2 Roth's theorem Let Mil)(n) denote the largest number of elements which can be taken from {1, 2,. . . , n} with no / of them in progression. Let Then Szemeredi's theorem is the assertion lim„^ ^ fi{l)(n) = 0, and this obviously implies the Erdos-Turan conjecture. As the following lemma shows, it is quite easy to prove that the limit exists. Its value is another matter. Lemma 10.1 For each integer /, lim„ _ a fi{l)(n) exists. Also, for m > n one has fi{l)(m) < 2fiil){n). Proof It is a trivial consequence of the definition of M(Z) that M{l)(m + n) ^ M(Z)(m) + M(l)(n). Hence Mil){m)^ m n M{l){n) + Mil)(m-n m n YYl ^-M{l)(n) + n n Therefore fi{l)(m) ^ fi{l)(n) + n/m, so that lim sup fiil)(m) < fi{l){n) m -* oc whence lim sup fiil){m) < lim inf fi{l)(n). m -* oo n -*■ oc Also, when m > n, M{l)(m) < (m/n + l)M{l)(n) ^ 2M{l)(n)m/n.
Roth's theorem 157 The following theorem not only shows that when / = 3 the limit is 0, but gives a bound for the size of M{3)(n). Theorem 10.1 (Roth) Letn>3. Then fi{3)(n) < (loglogn)" K It is henceforward supposed that I = 3, and for convenience the superscript (/) is dropped. Choose M cz {1, 2,. . . , n) so that card^ = M(n) and no three elements of Ji are in progression. Let m € ,Al Then a M(n) /(a)2/(-2a)da (10.3) o since the right-hand side is the number of solutions of m1 + m2 = 2m3 with m-eJi and, by the construction of Ji, such solutions can only occur when m1 —m2 — ra3. Let k denote the characteristic function of Ji, so that /(a) = 5>(xMa*). (10.4) Suppose that and consider m < n, (10.5) v(oL) — fi(m) ]T e(ax) (10.6) X = 1 and Then E(a) = i;(a)-/(a). £(a) = X c(*)e(ax) (10.7) X = 1 with c(x) = fi(m) - k(x). (10.8) The idea of the proof is that, if M(n) is close to n, then 2 /(a)2/(-2a)da 0
158 A Theorem of Roth ought to be closer to M(n)2 than to M(n)(d. (10.3)). To show this, one first of all uses the disorderly arithmetical structure of Ji to replace f by v with a relatively small error. It is a fairly general principle, observable from the applications of the method in previous chapters, that sums of the form Z e(*x) x ^ n X€£j/ tend to have large peaks at a/q when the elements of srf are regularly distributed in residue classes modulo q. Note that v(ol) has its peaks at the integers. Let m - 1 F(a)= X ^(az). (10.9) = = o Lemma 10.2 Let q be a natural number with q < n/m, and for y = 1, 2, . . . , n — mq let m - 1 Q (y =1,2,...,n-mq) (10.11) and n — mq F((xq)E((x)= £ (T(y)e(a(y + mq-q)) + R((x) (10.12) y= i where R(cc) satisfies \R((x)\<2m2q. (10.13) Proof By collecting together the terms in the product FE for which x + zq = /7 + mq — q one obtains n F(aq)E(cc)= Yj e{Roth's theorem 159 contribution from the terms with h ^ 0 and h> n — mq does not exceed, in modulus, m(mq+(m—l)q) <2m2q. For the remaining values of h one has 1 < h + q(m — 1 — z) ^ n for all z in the interval [0, m - 1]. This gives (10.12) and (10.13). By (10.8) and (10.10), m - 1 + *)• x = 0 Then r is the number of elements of .# among y, y + q,. . ., y + (m — i)q. Let these elements be y + xxq,. . ., y + xrq. Then no three are in progression. Hence no three of x1?. . ., xr are in progression. Likewise for l+xl5...,l+xr. Moreover 1+x^ra. Hence r ^ M(ra), which gives (10.11). Lemma 10.3 Suppose that 2m2 < n. Then, for every real number a, |£(a)| < 2n(fi(m) — fi(n)) + 16m2. Proof By Lemma 2.1, there exist a, q such that (a, q) = 1, 1 ^ q ^ 2m and |a — a/q\ ^ l/(2qm). Then F(oLq) = F(xq-a) = F{P) where |j8| ^ l/(2m). Hence, by (10.9), \F(*q)\ = sin rnnfi sinn/l 2m n Thus, by Lemma 10.2, \m\E((x)\ ^-m\E((x)\ 71 < \F(aq)E(oi)\ n — mq < ^ o{y) + 2m2q y= i < mE(0) + 8m3. Moreover, by (10.7) and (10.8) •> £(0)- £ ifi{m) - k(x)) = n(n(m) - n(n)). x= 1
160 A Theorem of Roth The lemma follows at once. Proof of Theorem 10.1. Let '•i I Then, by (10.4) and (10.6), /(a)2r(-2a)da. (10.14) o / = I I /*(»»)• ae M be.At 2\a + b Thus, if Mj is the number of odd elements of M and M2 the number of even elements, so that M1 + M2 = M(n\ then / = n{m){M\ + M\) > ^(m)M(n)2. (10.15) By (10.3) and (10.14), |/(a)|2da. |M(n)-/|^(max|£(a)| o Therefore, by Lemma 10.3 and Parseval's identity, when 2m2 < n one has \M(n) -/I** (2n(fji(m) - ft(n)) + 16m2)M(n). Hence, by (10.15), fi(m)fi(n) <: 4(fi(m) - fi(n)) + 34m2n~ x (2m2 < n). (10.16) Letting n—> oo and then m—► oo shows that t = lim„_+ ^/^(^) satisfies t2 ^ 0. To establish the quantitative version of this, let X(x) = fi(23Xy By Lemma 10.1, it suffices to show that A(2x) <^x~ 1. By (10.16), A(y)A(y + 1) ^ 4(A(y) - A(y + 1)) + 34 x 2" 3>. Dividing by A(_y)A(_y + 1), summing over j/ = x, x + 1,. . . , 2x — 1 and appealing to Lemma 10.1 gives one x < 4A(2x)" x + 200xA(2x)" 22~ 3\ When /l(2x) > 1/x the second term on the right is < \x for x sufficiently large, so that /l(2x) < 8/x, which gives the desired conclusion.
A theorem of Furstenberg and Sarkozy 10.3 A theorem of Furstenberg and Sarkozy 161 Theorem 10.2 Let srf bea set of natural numbers with d(srf) > 0, and let R(n) denote the number of solutions of a—a' = x2 in a, a', x with aesrf, a'estf, a^n. Then \imsupR(n)n~3/2>0. n -»• oo This theorem is somewhat stronger than Theorem 1.2 of Furstenberg (1977). The approach of Sarkozy (1978) is different. He adapts the methods of § 10.2 to show that ifa — a' = x2 has only trivial solutions, then A(n) < n(\og log n)2/3(logn)~ 1/3. Let *y0 denote an infinite set of natural numbers such that lim n~ M(n) = 3(j?/), n -*■ oo let and let Wln(q, a) = {a : |a - a/q\ ^ q~ ln~ 1/2], (10.17) /(a)- £ e(a.a). a < n aesf It is necessary to show that f has fairly orderly behaviour on Wln(q, a). For n ^ 4, /(a)|2da^ Wln(q,a) |/(a)|2da ^ n. 0 Hence \f(a)\2n~lda Wln(q,a) is bounded uniformly in q, a, n. Therefore one may choose infinite sets J^(q, a) of natural numbers such that jV(1, 1) = ^"(1, 0) c.V09 ¥{q + 1, 1) c f(q, q - 1),
162 A Theorem of Roth Jf(q, a') cz ^V(q, a) when l^a q = Q + 1 a = 1 («,«) = 1 Now define /c = (g!)2, P = k100 and henceforth suppose that neJ^(P, P- 1). Then, given choose n0 = n0(>/,X)^X2 1 (10.18) (10.19)
The definition of major and minor arcs 163 so that when n^n o and 1 ^ a ^ q ^ P with (a, q) = 1 the major arcs SRn.xfo fl) = {« : |a - a/q\ < Xq~ ln~ l} are pairwise disjoint, |/(a)|2tt Ma < p(q, a) + f]P (10.20) 9Wr,(4,fl) and 4(n)>fdn. (10.21) By (10.17), 9K„>X(^, a) c <3Rn(q, a) for n 3* n0. Hence, by (10.20), |/(a)|2n_1da
a) Let 5)¾ denote the union of the major arcs WlntX{q,a) with 1 ^ a ^ q < P and (a, g) = 1, and define the minor arcs m by m = {Xn~\l + Xn-^\m. Further define N g(fl= I e(Px2) x= 1 (10.23) where N^(n/k)1/2. (10.24) Then, by (10.19), R{n)^0t where By Theorem 4.1, when (a, g) = 1 n <,(/ca)|/(a)|2da. (10.25) o a g(y) = q~lS(q9 a)h[y--) + 0[ q9,16( 1 + N2 y a q (10.26) where S(q,a)= £ e(ax2/164 A Theorem of Roth 10.5 The contribution from the minor arcs Suppose aem. Choose a, q so that (a, g)=l, g P or |a —a1/q1\> Xn~ 1q^ \ In the first case, by (10.26), g(koc) Xn~ 1q~ 1, so that, by (10.26), (10.27) and Lemma 2.8, 1/2 g(ka). (10.28) m 10.6 The contribution from the major arcs Now suppose that ae^)ln x(q, a) where 1 ^a < q < P and (a, q) = 1 Let qx = q/(q, k\ ax =ak/(q, k). Then, by (10.26), g(ka) = q1 ^(q^ajhlklct a q. a a q + Olq91/16U+N2k The error term here is majorized by P + N2kXn~ *. Hence g(ka)\f((x)\2d(x = MX+ 0(Pn + N2kX) (10.29) 2R where *i= I I q^P a= 1 (a,4) = 1 a ^^(^fli)/! fc a-=))|/(a)|2da.
Completion of the proof of Theorem 10.2 165 By (10.22) and (10.18) the terms here with q ^ Q + 1 contribute an amount which in absolute value does not exceed P q £ X Nn(p(q,a) + r]P~2)<2r]Nn. q = Q + 1 a= 1 ia,q)= 1 Also, when q ^ Q, by (10.19) one has g|/c, so that q1 = 1. Hence >2 + OfoAfa) (10.30) where I I hi ki a q^Q a= 1 Jan„,x(q,a) (a, 4)= 1 a q. ||/(a)|2da. It is easily shown that for every positive number Y a~ 1/2cosada > 0. o Hence, by (10.27), Re/iOS)HjT1/2 rN2\p\ k(x. 1/2cos27rada > 0. (10.31) 0 Therefore, on discarding all the terms in 0t2 with the exception of that with a = q = 1, one obtains ri/4nn Re@i> Re/i(/ea)|/(a)|2da. 1/47TH Also, when |a| ^ l/(4nn), one has /(a) -/(0)= £ 27cix so that x= 1 X6 J2/ ■a e(Px)dp o |/(a)| > /(0)(1 - 27r|a|n) > ±/(0) = ^(n). Therefore ReM2^±A(n): (•1/4-nn Re/i(/ea)da. (10.32) o 10.7 Completion of the proof of Theorem 10.2 By (10.24) and (10.31), Re fc(fca) ^ \N whenever 4nn\(x\ ^ 1. Hence, by (10.32) and (10.21), 32nn 250
166 A Theorem of Roth Thus, by (10.25), (10.28) and (10.30), R(n)>@ = Re@ = Re^2 + 0((Nk~40 + n1/2X~ 1/2 + N3/4)n +rjNn) d2 > nN - C((Nk~ 40 + n1/2X~ 1/2 + N3/*)n + rjNn) 250 (10.33) for a suitable constant C ^ 1. The proof is completed by making suitable choices of the parameters. Let *y= 10" 4a2C_1. This fixes Q = Q0(rj) and so k and P. Note that, by (10.18) and (10.19), k>Q>l/ti. Let X = rj-2k and suppose that n^n0(rj, X) with neJr(P, P— 1). Finally, let N = [(n/fc)1/2], so that (10.24) holds. Now for n ^ n^), C((Nk-*° + n1/2X" 1/2 + N3/4)n + yyNn) < C(rjNn + rjn3/2k~ 1/2 + f/Nn + ^iVn) < 5CrjNn d2 Nn. 2000 Hence, by (10.33), lim sup R(n)n~ 3/2 ^ 32/c" 1/2 > 0 n -* oo 3UU as required. 10.8 Exercises 1 Prove the theorem of Sarkozy stated in § 10.3. 2 Show that if d(s/) > 0 and R(n) denotes the number of solutions of a —a' = p — 1 with aestf, a'estf, a^n, p prime, then limsupJR(n)(logn)n 2 > 0. n -* oo
11 Diophantine inequalities 11.1 A theorem of Davenport and Heilbronn All of the forms of the Hardy-Littlewood method described so far have dealt with the solution of equations in integers. For instance, in Chapter 9 it was shown that if s is large enough, then given integers cl9 . . ., cs (or equivalently given that c1?. . ., cs are all in rational ratio), not all of the same sign when k is even, the equation cxx\+.. .+ csx* = 0 has a non-trivial solution in integers x1,.. ., xs. Now one can ask what happens when the c1?. . ., cs are not in rational ratio. It is no longer sensible to insist that the form represents 0, but one can ask instead that it take arbitrarily small values. In order to answer this question, Davenport & Heilbronn (1946) introduced an important variant of the Hardy-Littlewood method. This enabled them to establish the following theorem. Theorem 11.1 Suppose that s ^ 2k + 1 and tlmt /^,..., Xsare non-zero real numbers not all in rational ratio, and not all of the same sign wlien k is even. Then for every positive number n there exist integers x1? . . . , xs, not all zero, such that 1^+...+^1^. (11.1) It suffices to prove the theorem when n = 1, for it can then be applied with Aj replaced by Aj/rj. Moreover, when k is odd, replacing, if necessary, x\ by ( — x^f enables one to assume in this case also that not all the Aj are of the same sign. By relabelling it can be supposed that kJX2 is irrational. If kJX2 > 0, then consider any j for which ^Jkj < 0. Then, when a^a- is rational, A2/A7 is irrational and negative. In any case, by further relabelling it can be supposed that a1/a2 is irrational and negative. (11.2) In all of the forms of the Hardy-Littlewood method considered so
168 Diophantine inequalities far, the line of attack has been via fourier transforms on the torus T = M/Z. For the present problem it is more appropriate to work on U. The obvious analogue of (1.8) is the identity. <•* / ^sin27ca fl (|jB| < 1), eioLp)— da = < . - x ^ 10 (|/J| > I)- However there are difficulties associated with this transform because the integral does not converge absolutely. It is more convenient, therefore, to use instead /(/0 = 1 *- /sin7iax e(aj8)K(a)da, K(ol)=[ . (11.3) , ticl oc \ A straightforward application of the Cauchy integral formula gives /(/*) = max(l-101,0). (11.4) Lei /(«)= £ e(axk), fj(oi) = f{Aja). (11.5) X = 1 Then for the method to be successful one requires a positive lower bound for R(N) = oc 11 fj(a)\K(a)da, (11.6) - oc \j = 1 / for by (11.4) and (11.5) this is N N £ ••• L max(1-1^+...+^1,0) Xi = 1 xs = 1 which can only be positive if there are x ^,. . . , xs for which (11.1) holds with r\ = 1. Thus Theorem 11.1 follows from Theorem 11.2 Suppose that s > 2k. Then there are arbitrarily large N for which R(N)>Ns~k. Note that throughout this chapter implicit constants may depend on /1? . . ., /s. 11.2 The definition of major and minor arcs The form of the Hardy-Littlewood method used here is somewhat simpler than that described hitherto. The most important
The treatment of the minor arcs 169 simplification arises from the fact that for suitable choices of N the integrand has only one really big peak, that at the origin. This is because the irrationality ofk1/A2 ensures that one of/^ ,/2 is relatively small when a is not near the origin. Let v = 4 P = N«. (11.7) Then R is divided into three regions. These consist of the sole major arc m = {a:\a\^PN-k}, (11.8) the pair of minor arcs m = {a:PAr*<|a|
P}. (11.10) The trivial region can be dismissed quickly. By Hua's lemma (Lemma 2.5), rx +1 \2k \fj(*)rd*170 Diophantine inequalities Lemma 11.1 Let a, q be any pair with (a, q) = 1 and /lx a k2 q 0. N-+ oo N m Proof of Lemma 11.1 Suppose that N ^ N0(/l9... ,/s), let aem and Q = Nk~v/2 and choose qj9 ap in accordance with Lemma 2.1, so that (qj9 aj) = 1, qj < g, \kp - aj/qjl < l/(qjQl The first step is to show that at least one of ql9 q2 is relatively large. If a-} were to be 0, then one would have \oc\^l/(qjQ\kj\)The treatment of the minor arcs 171 On hypothesis, l2 q with |0|<1. Hence a q2a1 - 1 _ „- 2 <^e~ + ^ =4 , 9 «2^1 so that If the left-hand side is non-zero, then |a2 anc* if it is zero, then a/q = (q2a1)/(a2q1), which again implies that \a2qi\f>q- Since a2 = X2VLq2 — 02Q~ 1 <^ q2P it follows that q1q2 f> qP~ *. Therefore, by (11.7), max(^1?^2)>N1/5. (11.13) Now, by Weyl's inequality (Lemma 2.4), for j = 1, 2, fj{*) < N 1 +£ 1 1 , *1 21 ~fc + TT + Hence, by (11.13), minfl/^UAWIMW1-* as required For the remainder of the proof of Theorem 11.2 it will be assumed that N is chosen in accordance with the specialization given in Lemma 11.1. Let m1 = {a :aem, 1/^ (a)| < |/2(a)|}, m2 = m \m1. By (11.3), X(a) <^min(l, a"2). Also the argument that gives (11.11) can be readily adapted to show that rx + i 2*+ 1 n /A*) i = 1 da<^N 2k-k +£ so that m 2k + 1 i = i X(a)da ^ JV 2k-k + £
172 Diophantine inequalities Therefore, by Lemma 11.1, when; = 1 or 2, 2k + 1 n /•(«) Jm i = 1 X(a)da < N 2k+l-k-d + e Thus, there is a positive number 3 such that X(a)da^Ns-fc-^. Jm n m j= i (11.14) 11.4 The major arc In view of (11.12) and (11.14) it remains only to show that, for N sufficiently large, [I fj(*))K(*)daL>N an \j = l s- k (11.15) Let a6¾)¾. By (11.7), (11.8), Lemma 2.7, and the remark after the proof of that lemma, one has /)(01) = Vj(a) + 0(N2V) where e(XjThe major arc 173 Hence, by (11.7) and (11.8), f] v(ol) )K((x)d(x ^ 00 a"s/fcda Nv-k ^ ^y(s-fc)(l-v/fc) Thus 17 ^(a))X(a)da = OR V/ = 1 '00 n Vj(ol) )K(a)da - 00 \j = 1 + 0(Ns-fc-*). (11.18) By (11.16), '00 n Vj{(x) )K(a)da - 00 \j = 1 ■00 rN da — 00 ,/ /*JV dp!.. 0 e((X&+... + Aj?»K(a)dft 0 Since K(a) <^ min (1, a 2) and the integrand is continuous the order of integration may be interchanged. Hence, by (11.3) and (11.4), '00 f] Vj{ol) )K(a)da -00 \j = 1 rN rN dp, o max(l-^/¾+... +A,^|,0)d/S, 0 rN* = k — s rN* dcc1 o (a,... a,)1""1 0 x max(l — \^1oc1 +... + /lsas|, 0)das. It is now that one requires the hypothesis that ^1/^2 < 0- Consider the region & = {(a2,. . . as): 3Nk ^ a2 ^ 23N\ 32Nk ^ a,. ^ 232Nk (3 ^ ; ^ s)}. Then, for 3 sufficiently small, whenever (a2,..., cts)e& one has 232Nk < - {k20L2 + ...+ Asas)A" l < \Nk and so every cc1 with lA^ +...+ AsaJ ^ \ satisfies 32Nk (Nl-kY -00 V/ = 1 da-. . . . da. dax j2/(a2,...,as)
174 Diophantine inequalities where s#(ct2,. .. , as) denotes the interval with end points (— (A2 a2 + ... + Xsas) + |)/l [" *. Obviously the volume of 0& is ^iV^-1. Hence Too / s \ - ao\j= 1 J This with (11.17) and (11.18) establishes (11.15), and thus completes the proof of Theorem 11.2. 11.5 Exercises 1 (Davenport & Roth, 1955; Vaughan, 1974b) Obtain Theorem 11.1 for any s^C/clog/c where C is a suitable constant. 2 Let /l1? /l2, /l3, /i, n denote real numbers with X} =/= 0, rj > 0, Xl/X2 irrational, and kjk2 < 0. Show that there are primes pl9 p2, p3 such that 3 (Baker, 1967; Vaughan, 1914a) Modify the argument used to answer 2 above so as to show that there are infinitely many triples of primes pl9 p2, p3 such that l^iPi + ^iPi + ^3^3 + lA < (log maxpj)~ \ j 4 (Baker)."^" Let F(N)-+0 as N-+oo. Prove that the statement 'for every sufficiently large N there are primes p1, p2, p3 such that pj ^ N and I X1p1 + X2p2 + /l3Jp31 < F(N)' can be false for suitable Al9 A2, A3 with Ai/^2 > 0 and A.JA.2 irrational. tCommunicated in conversation in June 1973.
12 Woo ley's upper bound for G(k) 12.1 Smooth numbers Many of the most recent developments in additive number theory have come about through the multiplicative properties of suitable sets of natural numbers. The progenitors of these methods can be found in Lemma 5.4 and Theorem 6.5. Very effective use has been made of sets of numbers of the form s/(X, Y) = {n ^ X: p | n implies p ^ Y}, (12.1) sometimes called smooth numbers when Y is relatively small by comparison with X. Let A(X, Y) = cardj^(X, Y) (12.2) be their counting function, and define p(u): U —► U to be continuous for all u 7^ 0, differentiate for all u ^ 0,1 and to satisfy p(u) = 0 (m < 0), = 1 (0 < m ^ 1), (12.3) up'(u) = - p(u - 1) (u > 1). (12.4) It is useful to establish a connection between A and p, and some basic properties of p. Lemma 12.1 (i) p is positive and strictly decreasing on [1, oo). (if) There is a real number B > 1 such that for all X ^ 1 and u > 0, | A(X,X1/U) - Xp(u)\ ^ BuX{\og2Xyl. Proof (i) By (12.3) and (12.4), when u ^ 1, up(u) = juu_1 p(v)dv. Suppose that there exist u ^ 1 such that p(u) = 0, and let u0 be the least such u. Then u0 > 1 and 0 = u0p(u0) = \uu°o_ x p(v)dv > 0. (ii) It suffices to show that, for some number B> 1, for each 72 = 0,1,2,..., \A(X,X1/U)-Xp(u)\ ^B^iloglX)-1 (n176 Wooley's upper bound for G(k) The case n = 0 is immediate from the observations - A(X,X1/U) + Xp(u) = {X} < e/2 ^ log2JT The inductive step of the proof uses a special case of the Buchstab identity, namely A(X,X^) = A(X,X^) - £ A(X/p,p) (12.6) X1!" < p^ Xl 1 is by induction on n. When 1 = v < u ^ 2, (12.6) becomes A(X9X1'») = IX]- X [X/p-] xl 1 now follows from (12.5) with v = n and the inductive hypothesis, again by elementary prime number theory, together with some partial summation. This completes the proof of the lemma. It has already been seen in Chapters 5, 6 and 7 that an important role is played in Waring's problem by the number of solutions of auxiliary equations of the form *i + --- + ** = yi + --- + ysfc (12.7) with the variables lying in various subsets of the natural numbers. Here the interest is in the number SS(P,R) of solutions of (12.7) with xpyjes/(P9R)(l ^j^s). (12.8) The aim ultimately is to bound Ss + 1 in terms of Ss. This will be done via a differencing procedure. For simplicity of exposition, as well as
The fundamental lemma 111 for other applications, it is useful to deal with a more general situation. Thus take ^(z, u) to be a polynomial with integer coefficients in the variables z and u = (u1,..., ut) and of degree at least one in z, and denote dx¥(z, u)/dz by *F'(z, u). Further, define SS(P, Q, R) = SS(P,Q,K;*F) = SS(P,Q, £;¥;*) to be the number of solutions of the equation *F(z, uj + xf +--- + xsfc = 4/(w,v) + /1 +---+^ (12.9) with x.,y.G^(g,^)(l <7178 Wooley's upper bound for G(k) Before proceeding with the proof of Theorem 12.1 it is useful to establish the following combinatorial lemma. For a given natural number n let s0(n) = Hp\np denote the squarefree kernel of n. Lemma 12.2 Suppose that r is a natural number and X ^ 1 is a real number. Then for each positive number s, card {n ^ X :s0(n) = s0(r)} <^ XE. Proof Let pl9... ,pt denote the different prime factors of r in increasing order. Then it is necessary to bound the number of choices of natural numbers u1,...,ut such that w1logJp1+ ••• + ut\ogpt ^ logX. Let v be an integer parameter at our disposal. The number of choices for ul9...,uv is at most (logX/log2)v and the number of choices for uv+1,..., ut is bounded by the number of choices with uv + 1 + • • • + ut ^ M where M = [log Ar/log(i; + 1)], and (cf Exercise 1.5.1) the number of such choices is (-l)M-it-v)(-(t-V)-l\ = ( M \<2M { } \M-(t-v) J \t-v)^ A choice such as v — [1/e] gives the desired conclusion. Proof of Theorem 12.1 The proof is divided into four different cases. It is helpful in order to categorise the cases to introduce the notation x@(X)y to mean that there is some divisor d of x with d ^ X such that each prime factor of x/d divides y. Let S(1) denote the number of solutions of (12.9), (12.10), (12.11) for which min{;c;,y;} ^ M (12.14) for at least one j and let S{2) denote the number for which ¥'(2,11) = 0 or *F'(w,v) = 0. (12.15) Further let S{3) denote the number for which x} > M and y, > M for every;, (12.15) does not hold and Xj^iM^'iz^u) or ^(M^'^v) (12.16)
The fundamental lemma 179 holds for at least one j. Finally let 5(4) denote the number for which Xj > M and y} > M for every 7, (12.15) does not hold and (12.16) holds for no j. Then Ss(P,Q,KK4max{S0)}. (i) Suppose that S(1) is maximal, so that SS(P,Q,R) ^ 4S(1). Let f(*9X)= X *(«**) and z, u where the sum is over z and u satisfying (12.11). For brevity write/(a) for/(a,Q). Then 1 s(1> < \ F(a)2f (a,M)f (a)2*-^da. 0 Hence by Holder's inequality, S8(P, 6, R) < S8(P, M, K)1/(2s)Ss(P, g, K)1 " 1/(2s), which gives the theorem in the first case, (ii) Suppose that S{2) is maximal and let G(a)=Ze(aW(z9u)) z,u where the summation is over z, u satisfying (12.11) and *F'(z,u) — 0. Then s{2)< I G(a)F(a)/(a)2s | da 0 and so by Schwarz's inequality SS(P,Q,R)180 Wooley's upper bound for G(k) that x ^ Q and x0(M)*F'(z,u). Let h(ol) = X Z e(axk + aXJ/(z>u))> Z,U X6^"(Z,U) where the summation is over z and u satisfying (12.11) and *F'(z,u)#0. Then s(3U H(a)F(a)/(a)2s_1|cia, o and so by Schwarz's inequality SS(P,Q,R)The fundamental lemma 181 where J(a)= £ G,(a) X I *(«****)• q ^CiPD d^M x^Q/d so(x) = q By Cauchy's inequality /(a)l2^ ( Z 1^)12) z \q**CiPD J q^CxPD X ^ *(«****) d^M x^Q/d so(x) = q By interchanging the order of summation I I I e(ocdkxk) d*k M x^Q/d so(x) = q = I 9«C,PD I I e(«d*x*) x ^ Q d^ M s0(x) = qd^Q/x By Lemma 2.2 the latter expression is <^ X P£M ^ Q/x < 2MP q^CiP0 x^Q so(x) = q 2e Hence S8(P,Q,R)M, yj > M, 4"(z, u) # 0, 4"(w, v) # 0 and neither x^(M)4"(z,u) nor y^(M)4"(w, v). (12.19) Let m be the greatest divisor of Xj with the property that (m, *F'(z,u)) = 1. If m ^ M, then xy®(M)^'(z,u) contradicting (12.19).
182 Wooley's upper bound for G(k) Thus m > M, and since no prime divisor of Xj exceeds R there is a divisor rrij of Xj with M The fundamental lemma 183 where ', = 1 m,l »/ | F(a, a) |2 |//a) 12sda 0 and ^=1 m,l |F(a,b)|2|/s + ,.(a)|2Ma. o ,2s - 1 Clearly neither /. nor J7 exceeds (MK)2s V2 where K2 is the number of solutions of ¥(z,u) + mk(x\ + ... + xk) = *F(w, v) + mk(/i + • • • + }>*) (12.21) with z, w,u,v satisfying (12.11), M < m ^ MK and xpyjEs/(Q/M,R) and 0F(z,u)4"(w, v),m) = 1. Hence Ss(P,Q,R)<(MR)2s-1K2. For a given m, let ^(/i,u) denote the set of solutions of the congruence ^(z, u) = /i (modrafc) with (^'(z, u), m) = 1. Let p be a prime divisor of m and pa \\ mk. Then by Theorem 107 of Hardy and Wright (1979) and repeated application of Theorem 123, ibid., the number of solutions of ^(z^u) = h (mod//7) with p\x¥'(z,u) is bounded by the absolute degree of *F. Hence, by the Chinese remainder theorem, card#(fc, u) <^ m£. (12.22) Obviously in (12.21) xF(z,u) = xF(w,v) (modmfc). Hence each solution of (12.21) can be classified according to the common residue class modulo mk of ¥^,11) and ^(u^v). Let g(cc, x, u; m) = £ ^(avF(z, u)). z = x(mod m )
184 Wooley's upper bound for G(k) Then, by (12.21), V2 < Z V(m), M < m ^ MR where K(m) = G(a,m)|/(mka,Q/M)|2sda (12.23) o and m* G(a,m)= £ /i = l X X #(a,x,u;m) u xe^(/i,u) Hence, by Cauchy's inequality and (12.22), m" G(cc,h)The fundamental lemma 185 0 < fa ^ 1/fc (1 < i < /e), 0>, = 4>l + • • • + 0,-, (12.27) Mj = P*J,Hj = PMr\Qj = P1 ~\Q0 = P. (12.28) Now take <% = % ^ to be the set of h1,..., hp ml9...,mj with 1 ^ ht ^ Hi9 Mf < w£ < MfK. (12.29) Henceforward 77 will be a positive real number, usually sufficiently small in terms of E,k,(j)l,... ,(j)k, and the implicit constants in expressions will possibly depend on rj and (j) 1,..., (j)k as well as k and e. Theorem 12.2 Assume the above notation and put R = Pv. Then for j = 0,..., k- 1 Ss(P,QPR^j)< pE \A HiMiR) Wj + i*)21'' T*(p> Qj> *• mj+i> ^)- Proof The inequality ^-(zjhjm) > 0 holds for all choices of the variables under consideration. Thus in the notation of Theorem 12.1, N = 0. Write SS(P, Mj + 1? R; ^) as an integral via exponential sums. Then by making a suitable trivial estimate SS(P,MJ+i,R;T,.) ,). If P'QjMj +1Ss.t(P,Qj,R;%) < cSs(P,Q},R;¥,), for a suitably small positive constant c, then the proof is complete. Otherwise one may suppose that P'QjMj + XSS _ t(P, QpR;Vj) > cSs(P, QPR\^).
186 Wooley's upper bound for G(k) On writing Ss_ X(P,QpR'^j) as an integral and applying Holder's inequality one has Ss- ,(P, QPR; Vj) < S0(P, Qj,R; Vj)llsSs(P, QJ3 R, T/ " 1,/s. Hence SS(P, QPR; Vj) < (P'QjMj + ^(P,QpR; ¥,) <(P°QjMJ+Jp(f\ H.M.R On the other hand, by considering only the solutions to (12.12) in which xt = yt (i = 1,... , s) and z = w one has by Lemma 12.1 that fl HtMfl)(Mj + ,R)2'~ lT,(P,QpR,Mj+1;4>,) J= 1 / > (f\ H^AiMj^^'-'pffl H1M1r\mj+1R(Qj/Mj+J. This completes the proof of the theorem. 12.3 Successive efficient differences The differencing process continues by relating Ts(P,QpR,Mj + j^j+l) to Ss(Qj+ l9R) and Ss(P,Qj+1,R;x¥j+x). There are many ways of dealing with Ts, as is done, for example, in Vaughan (1989a,fc), Vaughan and Wooley (1993, 1994, 1995) and Wooley (1992, 1995d). The manner chosen is relatively simple, and suffices for the conclusions here. Lemma 12.3 For j = 0,..., k — 1 one has TS(P,Qj,R,Mj+i;Vj) « PMj + iRytl HA mean value theorem 187 (12.12) with 1 ^z,w ^ P,z = w (modmfc), Mj+1 0 there is an rj > 0 such that when R = P*1 one has Ss{P,R)
188 Wooley's upper bound for G(k) This gives a measure of how close ks is to the 'ideal' value ks = 2s — fc. For j = 1,..., k let 1 /1 1 \fk-d\k-j A ^ *'- r^+(* - r^Xin • (1231) It is now proved by induction on j = k — 1,..., 0 that TS(P, Qj9 R,Mj+l)A mean value theorem 189 By (12.27) and (12.31), 1 +2s0J. + 2 + As(l -^ + 2-^-+1) + 2(1 - (k - 1)0,- + x) - 2(1 + ct>j + x) - Xa(l - 0>, + x) = l + (k-8a)j + 2-2kj+1=0. Thus U3 < P{k ~ j)£R2s{k -J)( f] HtMiR ) PMj + ^W si = 1 and (12.32) follows. By Theorem 12.2 and (12.32) with; = 0, SS(P, P, K;*F0) ^P1+(k + 1)£MlsR2{k + 1)eQ\ + E s Thus the following lemma has been established for all s ^ 1. The case s = 0 is trivial from the observation that then X0 = 0, S0 = /c, S1 = k- l,Xx = 1. Lemma 12.4 Suppose that there is a number Xs with 0 < ks ^ 2s such that for each s > 0 there is an n > 0 such that when R = P*1 one has SS(P, R) < PA*+ £. Let Ss = ks — 2s + /c, 1 /1 L_Y—-v-1 k + ds \k k + dj\ 2k 5s+l = <5S(1 — 9) + kd — 1 and Xs + t = 2s + 2 — /c + <5S + l. Then for each £ > 0 there is an n > 0 smc^ that when R = P* one has Ss + l(P,R)
+ e It is useful to state a simple corollary of the above which follows easily by induction on s on noting that 0 ^ £. Many refinements are possible. Theorem 12.3 Let A. = 2s - fc + fc ( 1--
190 Wooley's upper bound for G(k) Then for each e > 0 there is an n > 0 such that when R = P*1 one has Ss(P,R)
0 t/iere is an n > 0 such that when R = P*1 one has Ss(P,R)Wolley's upper bound for G(k) 191 By definition of gs and gs + 1? 2 . G = °s - °s + 1 - log s + 1 fc G& Let ffs ~ ffs + i /J = , V = /J(l + (7S). cr. s The expression cr + log cr is a strictly increasing function of g. Hence 0192 Wooleys upper bound for G(k) Lemma 12.5 Suppose that ol = a/q + /J with | /? | ^ \q ~ xX ~\ q ^ 2Xk, (a, q) = 1, and that when q ^ X one has | /? | > q ~ 1X1 ~ 2k. Then for every e > 0 there is an n > 0 swc/i t/iat when Y = Xv one has h{a)< X1{1 ~ a) + E where g = max 1 k ( 2u — — exp 1 — 4w 4w (12.38) Moreover, g = ( 1 + 0\—i 2/c(l +t)V \fc2logfc where x is the positive root of the transcendental equation (12.39) ex = ke(l + t). (12.40) and 1 G ~ 2/clog/c as k —► oo (12.41) Proof Let weN. By Holder's inequality /i(a)" <^ X u - 1 ■kx < P ^ x Z cme(ccpkm) m where cm is the number of solutions of the equation x\ + • • • + xk = m with x-e j^(X, F). Following the proof of Lemma 5.4 gives \2u ^ \r2u — 1 + k + e V I ^, I 2 /j(a)2" « X I m m and the lemma follows from Theorem 12.4. Theorem 12.5 Suppose that k = /clog^ where g is given by (12.38). Then G(k) < A + 0(k) and X = /clog/c + /cloglogk + 0(k).
Exercises 193 Proof Let ke 2 1,/1 A = ^B = k^ = Bl0" \2AB and choose b, c so that | b — ft | ^ \ and c = [Aexp( - bBJ] + 1. Let s = 4fc + 2b + c and put P = n1/fc, Q = (£)1/fc, X = Q1/2, K — 0*, q arbitrarily small, /(a) = ^ *(««*), fl ^ P 0(a) = X *(<*"*)> W6JJ/(Q,«) /i(a) as in (12.37) and consider /(a)4fc#(a)2[7i(a)ce( - an)da. r(n) = o Now we may proceed much as in §5.4, but via Theorem 12.4 and Lemma 12.5. It follows that G(k) ^ 4/c + 2b + c. Moreover Bb = Bft + 0(B), e-Bb = e-B^{+ 0(B)) =(1+ 0(B)) AB and c = § + 0(1). Thus 2 AB 2 1 2b + c = -log— + - + 0(1) = /clog- + 0(/e) B 2 B a as required. 12.6 Exercises 1 Show that when u > 1 one has wp(w) = j"jj _ i p(u)di;, and that r>+ 1)" 2 ^p(u)^T(u + l)"1. 2 Let Gx(/c) denote the least s such that almost every natural number is the sum of s /cth powers. Show that
194 Wooley's upper bound for G(k) y GX(k) 1 hm sup——-^-. fc-^oo k\ogk 2 3 (Ford, to appear) Show that there is a positive number c such that if I > ck2 log /c, then every sufficiently large number can be written in the form i 4 j = k+l 4 (Vaughan, 198%) Assume the notation of §§12.1 and 12.2. Let f^XtKm) = ^(x,/*, m), /2(x1?x2,/i,m) =/1(x2,fi,w) -/^,/i,m), F((X) = Z Z Z e(a/i(x,fi,w)), h^ H M +£(MRHfS3(P/M,R)\ T2(P,R,M) < PMRS2(P/M,R) + P*+£(MRH)*S4(P/M,R)>, T3(P,R,M) < PMRS3(P/M,R) + P± + £(MRH)*S4(P/M,R)*. Deduce that if /c = 4, then S3(P,,R)^PA + £ where /I = 3 + + 2/jt anc* tnat if & > 5, then S3(P, K) <^ PA3 + £, S4(P, K) <^ PA4 + £ where A3 = 3 + 26/, A4 = (4 + (fc - 3)6/)/(1 - 6/) and 0 is the smallest non-negative root of 63(2k + 32) + 62(l5k - 48) + 0(3/e2 - llfc + 22)-3.
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Index T(k), 24 T*(k), 150, 151 r0(/c), 25 addition of sets of residues, 23 additive homogeneous equation, 147, 151, 167 additive homogeneous equation, non-trivial solution, 148, 151, 167 algebraic numbers, ix, 64 algorithm, Euclid's, 20 Apostol, 22 approximation, diophantine, 4 arc, major, 5, 8, 14, 27, 30, 38, 51, 70, 107, 112, 116, 119, 120, 125, 128, 135, 162, 163, 164, 168, 169, 172 arc, minor, 5, 8, 14, 27, 69, 112, 118, 125, 127, 128, 130, 162, 163, 164, 168, 169 arithmetic progression, 155 asymptotic density, 155 asymptotic density, lower, 155 asymptotic density, upper, 155 auxiliary equation, 176 auxiliary function, 14, 105, 112, 116 Babaev, 146 Bachet, 1 Baker, 174 Bertrand's postulate, 62 Bierstedt, 151 binary Goldbach problem, 6, 33 biquadrate, 1 biquadrates, Waring's problem for, 105 Birch, 147, 151 Boklan, 24 Bovey, 151 Brauer,147 Buchstab identity, 176 Cauchy-Davenport-Chowla theorem, 23 central difference operator, 102 character, 46 Chowla, 23, 151 condition, congruence, 53, 150 congruence condition, 53, 150 congruence, polynomial, 112 congruences, simultaneous, 58, 59, 76, 113 congruences, system of, 76 conjecture, Erdos-Turan, 155, 156 conjecture, general, 127 cubes, 6 cubes, four positive, 109 cubic form, ix, 147 Davenport, ix, 6, 23, 38, 94, 95, 97, 100, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109, 128, 136, 141, 147, 150, 167, 174 density, asymptotic, 155 density, lower asymptotic, 155 density, upper asymptotic, 155 Dickson, 1 difference operator, central, 102 difference operator, forward, 10, 25, 184 difference operator, modified forward, 75 differences, efficient, 75, 83, 177, 186 diophantine approximation, 3, 9 diophantine inequality, 167 diophantine inequality, non-trivial solution, 167 Diophantus, 1 Dirichet, 3, 9, 14 distribution modulo one, uniform, 5 divisors, sum of, 7 Dodson, 151 Ellison, 1 efficient differences, 75, 83, 177, 186 equation, additive homogeneous, 147, 151, 167 equation, additive homogeneous, non-trivial solution, 148, 150, 167 equation, auxiliary, 176 equation, homogeneous, ix, 147 equation, homogeneous, non-trivial
230 solution, 147, 151 equation, homogeneous, trivial solution, 147 equation, transcendental, 69, 92, 192 equations, simultaneous, ix, 57, 60, 61, 78, 80, 151, 152, 153 equations, system of, 112 Erdos, 95, 155, 156 Erdos-Turan conjecture, 155, 156 ergodic theory, 155, 156 Estermann, ix Euclid's algorithm, 20 Euler, 1, 6, 22 Euler-Maclaurin summation formula, 41,44 Euler product, finite, 136 Exodus 24:12, xi Fermat, 1 finite Euler product, 136 Ford, 194 form, cubic, ix, 147 form, general, 7 formula, Euler-Maclaurin summation, 41,44 formula, Fourier's inversion, 15 formula, Poisson summation, 41 formulae, Newton's, 59 forward difference operator, 10, 25, 184 forward difference operator, modified, 75 four positive cubes, 109 four square theorem, 1 Fourier's inversion formula, 15 fourth powers, 100, 105 Freiman's hypothesis, 92 function, auxiliary, 14, 105, 112, 116 function, generating, 14, 38, 105, 112 function, Mobius, 28 function, partition, 3 function, von Mangoldt, 28 fundamental lemma, 78, 177 Furstenberg, 155, 156, 161 g(k), I G(k), 5, 8 G*(k), 150 Gi(fc), 126, 193 Gauss sum, 46, 141 general conjecture, 127 general form, 7 general inequality, 7 generalized Riemann hypothesis, 6 generating function, 14, 38, 105, 112 Index Goldbach, 6, 27 Goldbach binary problem, 33 Goldbach ternary problem, 27 Hardy, ix, 1, 3, 4, 6, 21, 24, 25, 32, 70, 72, 94, 142, 183 Hardy-Littlewood method, ix, 3, 6. 8, 112, 144, 155, 167, 168 Hardy & Wright, ix, 1, 21, 32, 183 Hasse, 141 Heath-Brown, 24 Heilbronn, 38, 128, 136, 167 Hilbert, 1 homogeneous equation, ix, 147 homogeneous equation, additive, 147, 151, 167 homogeneous equation, additive, non-trivial solution, 148, 150, 167 homogeneous equation, non-trivial solution, 147, 151 homogeneous equation, trivial solution, 147 homogeneous form, 147, 151 homogeneous inequality, ix Hua, 6, 8, 38, 111, 112, 122 Hua's lemma, 12, 14, 72, 112, 135, 169 Huxley, 64 hypothesis, Freiman's, 92 hypothesis, generalized Riemann, 6 identity, Buchstab, 176 identity, Vaughan's, 28 Imperial College, ix inequality, diophantine, 167 inequality, diophantine, non-trivial solution, 167 inequality, general, 7 inequality, homogeneous, ix inequality, Weyl's, 5, 11, 14, 17, 27, 55, 107, 108, 112, 131, 171 integral, singular, 4, 18 inversion formula, Fourier's, 15 Jacobian, 75, 76, 77 Jagy, 146 Kaplansky, 146 Karatsuba, 58 kernel, squarefree, 178 Kubina, 2 Lagrange, 1 Landau, ix
Index large sieve, 64, 73, 141 Legendre, 127 lemma, fundamental, 78, 177 lemma, Hua's, 12, 14, 72, 112, 135, 169 Lewis, ix, 147, 150 Linnik, 6, 58 Littlewood, ix, 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 24, 25, 70, 72, 94, 142 lower asymptotic density, 155 Mahler, 2 major arc, 5, 8, 14, 27, 30, 38, 51, 70, 107, 112, 116, 119, 120, 125, 128, 135, 162, 163, 164, 168, 169, 172 Mangoldt, von, function, 28 mean value theorem, 187 mean value theorem, Vinogradov's, 57, 58, 62, 75, 111 mean value theorem, Vinogradov's, non-trivial solution, 111 mean value theorem, Vinogradov's, trivial solution, 111 Meditationes Algebraicae, 1 Miech, 136 minor arc, 5, 8, 14, 27, 69, 112, 118, 125, 127, 128, 130, 162, 163, 164, 168, 169 Mobius function, 28 modified forward difference operator, 75 Montgomery, 6 Mordell, 38, 113 multiplicative number theory, 6 Newton's formulae, 59 non-singular solutions, 77 non-trivial solution, additive homogeneous equation, 148, 151, 167 non-trivial solution, homogeneous equation, 147, 151 non-trivial solution, Vinogradov's mean value theorem, 111 Norton, 151 number theory, multiplicative, 6 numbers, algebraic, ix, 64 numbers, smooth, 175 operator, central difference, 102 operator, forward difference, 10, 25, 184 operator, modified forward difference, 75 231 partititon function, 3 Pillai, 1 Poisson summation formula, 41 Polya, 142 polynomial congruence, 112 postulate, Bertrand's, 62 power residue, 20, 22, 46 powers, sums of, 94, 108, 126 primitive root, 46 problem, binary Goldbach, 33 problem, ternary Goldbach, 27 problem, Waring's 1, 4, 38, 69, 70, 176 problem, Waring's for biquadrates, 105 product, finite Euler, 136 progression, 156 progression, arithmetic, 155 Rademacher, ix Ramanujan, 3 Ramanujan's sum, 7, 32 region, trivial, 169 residue, power, 20, 22, 46 residues, addition of sets of, 23 Rieger, 1 Riemann hypothesis, generalized, 6 Riemann zeta function, 57 Rogovskaya, 125 root, primitive, 46 Roth, 128, 155, 156, 157, 174 Sarkozy, 156, 161, 166 Schmidt, ix, 38 Scourfield, 92 series, singular, 4, 20, 33, 48, 107, 128, 136 Shimura, 151 Siegel, ix sieve, large, 64, 73, 141 simultaneous congruences, 58, 59, 76, 113 simultaneous equations, ix, 57, 60, 61, 78, 80, 151, 152, 153 singular integral, 4, 18 singular series, 4, 20, 33, 48, 107, 128, 136 singular solutions, 77 smooth numbers, 175 solutions, non-singular, 77 solutions, singular, 77 space, vector, 151 square theorem, four, 1 square theorem, three, 127 squarefree kernel, 178 squares, 3, 4
232 Index Stemmler, 2 sum, Gauss, 46, 141 sum of divisors, 7 summation formula, Euler-Maclaurin, 41,44 summation formula, Poisson, 41 sums of powers, 94, 108, 126 sums of three squares, 127 symbol, Vinogradov, xi system of equations, 112 Szemeredi, 155, 156 Szemeredi's theorem, 156 ternary Goldbach problem, 27 three squares, 127 Tietavainen, 151 transcendental equation, 69, 92, 192 trivial region, 169 trivial solution, homogeneous equation, 147 trivial solution, Vinogradov's mean value theorem, 111 Turan, 155, 156 uniform distribution, 5 upper asymptotic density, 155 Vaughan, 6, 24, 55, 109, 110, 126, 128, 150, 174, 186, 194 Vaughan's identity, 28 vector space, 151 Vinogradov, 5, 6, 22, 27, 57, 70, 111, 122 Vinogradov symbol, xi Vinogradov's mean value theorem, 57, 58, 62, 75, 111 Vinogradov's mean value theorem, non-trivial solution, 111 Vinogradov's mean value theorem, trivial solution, 111 Waerden, van der, 155 Waring, 1 Waring's problem, 1, 4, 38, 69, 70, 176 Waring's problem for biquadrates, 105 Watson, 6 Weil, 38 Weyl, 5, 10 Weyl's inequality, 5, 11, 14, 17, 27, 55, 107, 108, 112, 131, 171 Wilson, 64 Wooley, 58, 71, 75, 93, 126, 175, 186, 191 Wright, ix, 1, 21, 32, 183 Wunderlich, 2
The Hardy-Littlewood method is a means of estimating the number of integer solutions of equations and was first applied to Waring's problem on representations of integers hy sums of powers. This introduction to the method deals with its classical forms and outlines some of the more recent developments. Now in its second edition, it has been fully updated; extensive revisions have been made and a new chapter added to take account of major advances hy Vaughan and Wooley. The reader is expected to be familiar with elementary number theory and postgraduate students should find it of great use as an advanced textbook. It will also be indispensable to all lecturers and research workers interested in number theory and it is the standard reference on the Hardy-Lilllcwood method. This series is devoted lo thorough yet reasonably concise treatment of topics m any branch ofmalhcmalics. Typically, a Tract lakes up a single thread in a wide subject and follows its ramifications, thus throwing light on its various aspects Tracts arc expected to be rigorous, definitive, and of lasting value to mathematicians working in the relevant disciplines. Exercises can be included to illustrate techniques, summarize past work, and enhance the book's value as a seminar lexl All volumes arc properly edited and typeset and published, initially at least, m hardback Cambridge UNIVERSITY PRESS www-umfaridge.org ISBN 0-521-57347-5