he said he refuses to let his beliefs become part of his identity. “I
change my
mind at a speed that drives my collaborators crazy,” he explained. “My
attachment to my ideas is provisional. There’s no unconditional love for
Attachment. That’s what keeps us from recognizing when our opinions
are off the mark and rethinking them. To unlock the joy of being wrong, we
need to detach. I’ve learned that two kinds of detachment are especially
useful: detaching your present from your past and detaching your opinions
from your identity.
Let’s start with detaching your present from your past. In psychology,
one way of measuring the similarity between the person you are right now
and your former self is to ask: which pair of circles
best describes how you
see yourself?
In the moment, separating your past self from your current self can be
unsettling. Even positive changes can lead to negative emotions; evolving
your identity can leave you feeling derailed and disconnected. Over time,
though, rethinking who you are appears to become mentally healthy—as
long as you can tell a coherent story about how you got from past to present
you. In one study, when people felt detached from their past selves, they
became less depressed over the course of the year. When you feel as if your
is changing direction, and you’re in the process of shifting who you are,
it’s easier to walk away from foolish beliefs you once held.
My past self was Mr. Facts—I was too fixated on knowing. Now I’m
more interested in finding out what I don’t know. As Bridgewater founder
Ray Dalio told me, “If you don’t look back at yourself and think, ‘Wow,
how stupid I was a year ago,’ then you must not have learned much in the
last year.”
The second kind of detachment is separating your opinions from your
identity. I’m guessing you wouldn’t want to see a doctor whose identity is
Professional Lobotomist, send your kids to
a teacher whose identity is
Corporal Punisher, or live in a town where the police chief’s identity is
Stop-and-Frisker. Once upon a time, all of these practices were seen as
reasonable and effective.
Most of us are accustomed to defining ourselves in terms of our beliefs,
ideas, and ideologies. This can become a problem when it prevents us from
changing our minds as the world changes and knowledge evolves. Our
opinions can become so sacred that we grow hostile to the mere thought of
being wrong, and the totalitarian ego leaps in to silence counterarguments,
contrary evidence, and close the door on learning.
Who you are should be a question of what you value, not what you
believe. Values are your core principles in life—they might be excellence
and generosity, freedom and fairness, or security and integrity. Basing your
identity on these kinds of principles enables you to remain open-minded
about the best ways to advance them. You want the doctor whose identity is
protecting health, the teacher whose identity
is helping students learn, and
the police chief whose identity is promoting safety and justice. When they
define themselves by values rather than opinions, they buy themselves the
flexibility to update their practices in light of new evidence.