Ishlab chiqarish va texnologik
(ishlab chiqarish va texnologik jarayon bilan bog’liq
ko’nikma va malakalar);
(foydalanuvchilar va mijozlar, ijrochilar jamoasi bilan
ishlashni tashkil etish, ishlab chiqarish ishlarini rejalashtirish va tashkil etish, nostandart
vaziyatlarda ishlarni tashkil etishning optimal variantlarini ishlab chiqish, ishlab chiqarish
faoliyatining iqtisodiy samaradorligini baholash jarayonida qatnashish, ishlab chiqarish maydonida
mehnat faoliyatini tashkil etish);
(mutaxassis faoliyati bilan bog’liq mehnat jarayonini
loyihalashtirish va tashkil etish).
Afsuski, ta’lim muassasalarida bugungi kunda ham ta’limni tashkil etishning an’anaviy
shakllari yetakchilik qilmoqda. Natijada hali-hanuz talaba uchun asosiy axborot manbai o’qituvchi
bo’lib kelmoqda. Xatto talabada kasbiy mobillikni shakllantirishga, kasbiy tajribani doimiy
ravishda yangilib borishga qaratilgan innovatsion texnologiyalardan ham an’anaviy ta’lim
konsepsiyasi doirasida foydalanib kelinmoqda. Bo’lajak mutaxassislarni tayyorlash jarayonini
mukammallashtirish, individuallashtirish, ular uchun lokal-modulli texnologiyalarni ishlab chiqish
va amaliyotga joriy etish XXI asrning ta’lim sohasi oldiga qo’ygan qat’iy talabidir.
Kurbonova N.– English Language Chair Teacher,Uzbekistan.
Time is going fast. Every day we can see something new. Such kind of changes is also
appearing in education. If we want to teach students or pupils with the help of traditional ways,
these ways are already boring for the young. They want something new, something very magnetic.
The best way to attract learners is innovation technologies (i.e. Power Point presentations, Internet
resources, etc.).
The learners in different levels show their enthusiasm for innovation technologies. If we
take into consideration upper intermediate level students, using innovation technologies is both
comfortable (upper intermediate level students have enough knowledge and experience) and a bit
difficult. Why? The reason is being creative is required from teachers for using new technologies
during their lessons. Use of technology for English language learning does not appear to be
restricted to any particular age group as is confirmed by the range of chapters offered in this volume
and the case studies presented here suggest that practitioners are increasingly using ICT
innovatively within the early years. In many contexts, learners are being exposed to a range of
technologies from a very early age in the home and by the time they reach nursery age many have
developed at least some of the digital skills that enable them to participate in technology-driven
activities as soon as they start school [Battro, 2004; Facer et al., 2003]. Their choice should not be
too simple, because it was mentioned above those learners who have upper intermediate level can
think, discuss and give their comments about serious and complicated topics. ”English language
learners benefit from the reinforcement of vocabulary and concepts through pictures, graphics and
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