CHAPTER 8 THE ADJECTIVES 1. What are the most important characteristic features of adjectives?
2. Whydo we have to differentiate the qualitative and relative adjectives?
3. How are the comparative and superlative adjectives formed?
4. What adjectives form their degrees by both inflections and words more and most?
5. Are their adjectives that form their degrees of comparison by means of suppletion?
6. What do you understand by substantivization?
7. Are the words "more" and "most" lexical or grammatical means when they form the degrees of comparison of adjectives?
8. What adjectives form their comparative and superlative degrees by root-vowel and final-consonant change?
CHAPTER 9 THE VERB 1. What are the most important features of verbs?
2. Why do some scientists say that verbs are "System of systems"?
3. Why do they say that verbs are morphologically the most developed part of speech?
4. What are the criteria for classification of verbs?
5. What is the difference between finite and non-finite forms of the verb?
6. What verbs are called non-finite?
7. What verbs are called irregular?
8. How many basic forms of the verb do you know?
9. What is the difference between terminative and non-terminative verbs?
10. What is the difference between notional and functional verbs?
11. What functional verbs do you know?
12. What is the difference between auxiliary and link-verbs?
13. What are the peculiar features of modal verbs? Why are they called defective?
14. How many grammatical categories of the verb do you know?
15. Which grammatical category of the verb is the most intricate and why?
16. Do English verbs have the reciprocal and reflexive voices?
Chapter 10 THE ADVERB 1. Why adverbs are said to be a part of speech? What are their the most important features?
2. How many subtypes of adverbs do you know? Try to describe the most important features of each type of adverbs?
3. What do you know about the combinability of adverbs in sentences?
4. What is the difference between adjectives and adverbs?
5. What are the main features of adverbs?
6. Why the term "adverb" chosen to name this group of words?
7. What sub-types of adverbs do you know?
8. Do adverbs have any grammatical category? If the answer is positive which adverbs have it?
9. Why do some grammarians consider such verbal phrases as "give up", "dream about" within the adverbs?
10. What is the main problem within this group of words?