Theme: Checked by: Student: contents chapter I scientific and methodological basis of formation of good reading skills in primary school reading lessons

Chapter I Scientific and methodological basis of formation of good reading skills in primary school reading lessons

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Chapter I Scientific and methodological basis of formation of good reading skills in primary school reading lessons
1.1. Methods and methods used in reading lessons

Reading classes of primary classes occupy a special place in the educational system according to their essence, purpose and functions. Negaki, on its floor stands the basics of literacy and moral-educational upbringing. Therefore, the education of other subjects can not be imagined without reading education. the reader faces the first reading lessons with the correct, quick, understandable reading of the text, mastering its content.

Through reading classes, students will be allowed to acquire educational and cognitive skills and knowledge, which are provided for their mastering in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standards (DTS). In the same reading education, the motivation of a person to strive, first of all, to understand his own, the rest of the world, is given.

To this end, textbooks "reading book" include artistic, moral-Educational, Scientific-popular works designed to give a comprehensive understanding on various topics such as Mother Nature, the world that surrounds us, the history and present appearance of our homeland, the life of adults and children, labor, independence and national-spiritual values, friendship of peoples and peace.

Reading lessons during the period of teaching literacy, students are introduced to syllables, words and sentences and read them, in the style of storytelling on the basis of pictures
if organized, after mastering the reading technique, the reading is conducted on artistic, scientific-popular texts, selected on certain topics.
Implementation of the requirements for reading education in the primary education DTS and the "native language" curriculum is largely dependent on the proper organization of reading in the classroom, the stages, principles and methods of teaching, and, first of all, on the appropriate use of advanced pedagogical technologies. It is known that in the class stand artistic and scientific-popular texts on the basis of reading. Acquaintance of readers with the text begins with the stage of preparation for reading.

The preparatory stage includes issues such as giving information about writers, students perception of the events described in the work, perception of the Paphos of the work, the interpretation of unfamiliar and multi-meaningful words, figurative expressions in a more complex style. If the work is about the seasons, then organizing a trip to nature Bay also serves to ensure the success of reading in the classroom.

After the initial acquaintance with the text, the appeal with the following questions increases the activity of students in the lesson:
1. What episode in the story Do you think is interesting?
2. Which of the heroes of the story Do you prefer the behavior? Which one of them did not like Fe'l-at-heart, self-conduct?
3. Have you met such people in life?
Another of the factors that ensure the success of reading in the classroom is selective reading. For example: in the 3rd grade X. In the process of acquaintance with the story "Hassa" by durabayev, Cain answers the questions of grandfather Shavkat or S. As a result of the selection and re-reading of these places according to the instruction of the teacher on the episode of the children's discussion in the story of anorboev, a deeper mastering of the artistic aesthetic value of these works is achieved.
From the textbooks" the book of reading " there are works on different topics.
Patriotism, the scientist around US, labor vs. reading textbooks are one of the topics of wide coverage, 2-class "my native country - Golden Cradle" section included in the " Uzbekistonim "(H. Imanberdiev), "Istiglal" (J. Jabbarov), "Ylka" (E. Vahidov), "walk to the mountains" (U. Nasir), in the 3-th class "mother one, Vatan one" section "love the motherland" (A. Avlani), "veten Ma" tabardir " (X. Period), "as you know, waiting for you" (Tahir Malik), in the 4th grade "Uzbekistan-my homeland" in the section "Sunshine country" (Z. Land), "Ikbalı büyüksen" (A.Oripov), "Tashkent" (M. On the example of such works as (sheikhzade) is drawn to a thorough analysis.
The scope of the works studied in the reading lessons of the primary classes is quite extensive and is united within the framework of such common themes as Mother Nature, the seasons, the oral creativity of the people, love for Labor, the dates of the main holiday, National Independence and spirituality.
Unlike other stages of continuing education, the formation of reading skills of students in the reading lessons of primary classes, work on the text of the work is the didactic purpose of Education. He is different by working on the texts on the subject, it is closely connected with spiritual-moral, literary - aesthetic education.
Accordingly, the leading feature of reading lessons is aimed at bringing students to the magical world of artistic literature together with the provision of literacy, bringing them up in the spirit of high moral values on the basis of national ideology.
It is not possible to meet the requirements of the program with the help of reading education to acquaint readers with the text only. The educational idea of the negaki text on the floor of the tag opens only as a result of its comprehension, perception. In other words, the charm of magic in any work can attract the attention of the reader when understanding the hidden essence of the text floor. This is achieved by mastering the concepts of literature and theory, forming the skills of literature analysis.
In the process of the analysis of the work, the teacher's answer to the questions in his own words also helps closely to think logically about the events described in the text, to correctly assess the behavior of the heroes. Questions are given consistently on the basis of a firm goal, without resounding and illogical, which makes it possible for readers to deeply understand the essence of the text read. Any response to Negaki dictates independence. It is worth noting that the readers themselves should also be taught to formulate a question. K. D. As ushinsky noted, the correct answer to the question itself is half the answer. When drawing up a question on the text, the attention of the reader to the aspects related to the subject of the lesson opens the way to know the causal links between the events described in the game, to draw vital conclusions. Therefore, drawing up a question on the text leads the reader to a conscious and understandable reading. Its peculiarity is determined by the fact that it focuses on the correct formation of the worldview on the basis of the ideology of national independence by bringing the readers into the magical world of artistic literature.
The topics chosen for the study classes are intended to give knowledge and education to the students both in terms of daily life, strengthening of independence and Human Relations. Among these, themes about independence, vatan, spirituality and nature are distinguished. The purpose of their work is to awaken self-awareness, independence, feelings related to vatan and nature.
With the help of topics related to nature, students acquire knowledge about changes in nature, the exchange of seasons, the animal world. They teach students to be observant, to love nature, to be in the right attitude towards it.
The materials in the textbooks "book of Reading" were taken into account in terms of expansion both in terms of subject and in terms of content, passing from class to class.
Subjects such as "ancestors-pride", "the flash of knowledge", "Emerald spring", "Silver winter", which are taught in the 1st Class, will also be continued in 2-4 classes. As a result, the previous knowledge of the students is replenished and enriched.
Particular attention is paid to the genre coloring of selected texts for each topic in the textbooks, poetic perfection, compliance with the level of knowledge and age characteristics of students.
Topics of socio-historical content give a certain idea of the past of our homeland, the life of our people, the brave struggle, the work carried out by great figures, the historical dates. The texts about Beruni, Amir Temur, Alisher Navoi, Babur and other ancestors are from the following sentence. This kind of works will help not only to acquaint readers with our past, but also to deeply understand the responsibility and responsibility of childhood before Vatan. This is how the feeling of love for the Motherland is formed in them.
In the process of getting acquainted with the works told about the past of our homeland and analyzing them, students will have the opportunity to compare the past with the present. Although briefly about the development of society, they form an understanding. In this regard, especially in relation to national independence H. Imonberdiev's" My Uzbekistan", J. Jabbarov's " Independence "(2nd Class), A. What is the flag of "Rustamov"?", A. Obidjonning " occult generation "(3rd Class), S. Barnoev's works on the topic" Eternity is a day of sweetness", Ullibibi's works on the topic" Honor " (4th class) will help closely.
In the process of working on the text of artistic works, in addition to their genre characteristics, the subject is also implied. For example, when working on texts on the image of nature, a trip is organized to the bosom of nature and children are taught to be observant, if the analysis of works on patriotism is carried out by means of meetings with dongdor people of the homeland or a demonstration of films on the subject, the effectiveness of the lesson is increased.
In general, all the topics in the textbooks "reading book" are aimed not only at teaching and educating students, but also at enriching their vocabulary, the correct formation of oral and written speech, the cultivation of the culture of speech.
Achieving that the students understand the knowledge, skills and skills that will be mastered with the help of textbooks will be necessary in the future life is one of the important tasks before the teachers.
The didactic tasks that are put before the reading lessons are as follows:
1. Good reading qualities in students: the formation of correct, fast, conscious, expressive reading skills.
2. To teach readers to use the book, to acquire the necessary knowledge from it, to instill love in the book; to raise them from an ordinary reader to a level of deep-thinking, creative bookstore.
3. Expansion and enrichment of students ' knowledge about the environment and formation of scientific worldviews.
4. Educate students in a spirit of moral, aesthetically mature and love for work.
5. To develop students ' connected speech and literary aesthetic thinking.
6. Enrich the imagination of readers.
7. Formation of elements of literary imagination.
It should not be forgotten that there are clear and scientific methodological methods of performing each educational task, which are enriched with modern methods of teaching. These tasks are solved by interacting with others and in the process of extracurricular reading lessons.
The creation of advanced pedagogical technologies, modern educational and methodical complexes of education in the"national program of training of personnel", etc., is emphasized as one of the main tasks of general secondary education.
The use of advanced pedagogical technology clearly determines the scope of the activities of the teacher and the pupil.
Reading activities, which are important in the life of a person, are carried out in all subject lessons. But the way to teach to read-the technique of reading develops. The method of reading is improved on the basis of achievements in the field of general development of junior schoolchildren, psychology, private methodology.
The effectiveness of reading lessons depends in many ways on the correct choice of teaching methods.
The term" method " is derived from the Greek language, a set of methods of achieving a certain goal, practical and theoretical assimilation of existence. Consequently, teaching techniques, such as the science itself, will also be in constant development. For example, in old schools, reading is taught on the basis of a dry method of memorization, now it is conducted on the basis of annotated reading. In the method of memorization, to comment on the words in the text, to understand the meaningtirishga, to recapture what is read in general, it is not completely ignored that reading is conscious. More correctly in them it is meant pronunciation, reading with recitation, expressive reading.
Since now the study in schools is conducted on the basis of the method of annotation reading, the question arises as follows: what is annotation reading?
In the 60-70-ies of the XX century, the Russian pedagogue K.D.Founded by ushinsky, he emphasizes the teaching of students "to read consciously, understand and think," and calls it "explanatory reading."
K to annotated reading method.D.The continuation of ushinsky's work introduced News. When Korf and Vakhterev say annotation reading is a means of giving real knowledge to students, Vodovozov and Bunakov put forward the idea that knowledge in the process of reading is given in connection with the analysis of an artistic work and the educational character of the work.
Professor Askar Zunnunov, having thought about the content and methods of teaching, emphasizes that attention should be paid to the assimilation of knowledge before students, and then memorization is called annotation reading in the educational process.
It means that the annotation is said to be a reading that leads to thinking, feeling, full perception of the work, assimilation of the contents of the read. Explanatory reading provides an understanding of the content of the work, an important thought in the work, an understanding of the idea that the writer is proposing.
The annotation reading will be successful only if it is fully followed by the following principles.
1. Organization of studies in connection with life.
2. To be able to be conscious and impactful of Reading based on the students ' life experiences, impressions.
3. Visually organize the reading, organize excursions to nature, historical places, observe the world of animals and plants, get acquainted with pictures, tables, subjects, and carry out the text in the form of expressive reading by the reader.
In the lessons of primary school reading, it is studied mainly by reading poems, parables, fairy tales, stories, proverbs and riddles, scientific and popular works. Naturally, each of them is created in its own unique form, style and content. Therefore, it is necessary to read works belonging to each genre in a specific way.
One of the techniques close to the annotation reading of an artistic work is creative reading. Outstanding Methodist scientist N.I.Kudryashov introduces the following methods of work into the composition of the creative reading method:
a) teachers 'reading by commenting on the artistic text, as well as the students' awareness of the work as much as possible and deeper, emotional awareness of the intended question;
b) to organize a conversation that has the purpose of deepening the impressions received directly from the readers of the Read work and to direct their attention towards the important ideological and artistic characteristics of the text, or to impose an artistic, moral, socio-political problem arising from the Read work;
v) the vocabulary of the teacher, which provides for the purpose of activating the saturated artistic experiences of the students in the process of the study of the work after the reading of the work6.
It turns out that creative reading requires a creative approach to the opening of the essence of direct text, in contrast to annotation reading. For example, in the 4th grade A. In the process of studying the work of oripov "the story of a peasant and thirteen children" on the basis of the method of creative reading, a thorough understanding of the content of the text and the national characteristics associated with the way of life of the population in the regions of our homeland is also given, based on the poet's
In the 2nd Class "The Herbalist", in the 3rd Class sharp Hoshimov's" Khazanchinak", in the 4th Class S.Training of anorboev's works on the basis of the method of creative reading, too, gives positive results.
Expressive reading. In the system of primary education, logical reading (reading the text correctly, comprehending, reading quickly (in moderation)) and literary reading are switched to expressive reading After Perfect mastering. It also includes expressive reading of memorized poetic works. Success of expressive reading
it is connected with the fact that the readers have a certain understanding of the content of the work, its ideological-artistic characteristics.
Tone and intonation is one of the important requirements in the reading of prose works, no matter how important it is in the expressive reading of poetic works.
Before the expressive reading of prose works, it is necessary to determine what idea is being put forward in it. For example, in the 4th grade X.To before the expressive reading of khtaboev's story "the child who understood his mistake", The Readers are given an understanding of who the child who understood his mistake was, what his mistake was, what the bragging was a vice.
It is this requirement that is put before the expressive reading M. Abdurashidkhanov'S" everyone wraps ekkan", SH. Sa'dulla "Lakma it", A. It is also characteristic to read such poetic stories of oripov as "the story of a peasant and thirteen children".
Artistic reading. Artistic reading is a high stage of expressive reading. All components of the word art are involved in it. It requires the reader to completely immerse himself in the spirit of the work, to study as an artist. In artistic reading, the mood of the heroes of the work, their lives can be achieved only if they are fully understood. In preparation for artistic reading, the use of actors ' recorded performances on audio-video tapes is a good effect.
Research method. This method is a method that is widely used in drawing up questions and assignments to students based on events and details in the work, giving an assessment to the heroes.
In the lessons of reading, the reproductive method is also used. For example, in the first lessons the teacher himself will disassemble the text of the work, draw the attention of the reader to the important idea that the writer or poet wants to say, clarify it, reveal the meaning that is imposed on the means of images along with the pupils and help the pupils. All this serves as an instruction for students. After that, the students, with the help of the instructions of the teacher, independently perform the above tasks on their own.
In addition to the above mentioned techniques, it is also good to use advanced pedagogical technology methods such as "smart attack", "networks", "working with groups" in the lessons of Primary School Education.
It should be noted that in each lesson, it is necessary to understand what kind of method is used, what methods are used in the lesson, which should be predetermined and carefully developed by the teacher.

1.2. The qualities of reading skills and ways to improve them in order to fully fulfill and implement the requirements of the program, the first it is necessary to properly and thoroughly master and improve the skills of reading in the queue.
Reading skills are formed in the process of teaching literacy, improving in the later stages of training.
The qualities of reading skills include correct, fast, conscious and expressive reading of the text of an artistic work. In the reading lessons, students ' reading skills are formulated and improved. The qualities of the reading skill are interrelated, the main thing of which is conscious reading: if the reader reads the text quickly and correctly, does not understand or, as a result of his rapid reading, does not understand the content of the text, does not read correctly, does not pay attention to pauses between units of speech, the thought expressed in the Reading at a certain speed and correctly serves as a conscious reading; correct, fast and conscious reading is the basis of expressive reading.
Acquisition of reading skills is an important condition for successful mastering of all subjects taught in school. Reading is a fundamental type of activity and provides a great opportunity for the development of students from the ideological-political, rational, aesthetic and speech side. And this process requires systematic and purposeful work on the development and improvement of reading skills.
Mastering the skills of reading is much more complicated, the formation of which takes a long time. Psychologist T. G. In his work "Ocherki psychologii obucheniya detey chteniyu" Egorov divides the process of formation of reading skills into three stages: the analytical stage, the synthetic stage and the automated stage. The analytical stage corresponds to the period of teaching literacy, in which the skill of analyzing the word by syllable-letter and reading by syllable is formed. For the synthetic stage, it is characteristic to read the word Cedar; bunda is basically compatible with the perception of the word by sight and its pronunciation with the understanding of the meaning of the word. Reading is carried out by understanding the meaning of the word. Students go to the synthetic stage in the 3rd grade. In the following years, reading goes to automation.
It is necessary to organize work on the work in the reading lessons so that the analysis of the contents of the work is aimed at improving the skills of reading.

When reading correctly, it is understood to read without making mistakes, without making mistakes, that is, correct reading is to correctly pronounce the sound-letter composition of the word, without breaking the grammatic forms, without dropping the sound or syllable in the word, without adding a vowel, without replacing the letters, correctly putting the accent on the word. M. Odilova and T. Ashrapova argues that "all requirements to the norms of literary pronunciation are also related to the ability to read correctly." Russian Methodist YAkovleva correctly described the reading as follows:"correct reading is the copying of the material without errors from the sound side and smoothly on the same plane." Hence, the correct reading is to read the sound composition of the word on the basis of literary-orfoepic norms, without violating its grammatic form.

Since there is no thorough synthesis between perception, pronunciation and understanding of the content of the text in primary school students, they make mistakes in reading. This makes it difficult to understand the content of the text.
Correct reading depends on the long-abbreviation of the word, the reader's wealth, that is, how much he knows the lexical meaning of the word, as well as the syllable and morphemic composition of the word. Students often make mistakes for the following reasons:
1.So since there is no thorough synthesis between the pronunciation of Z and the understanding of its meaning, that is, the child sees the sound side before the word, falls in love with its pronunciation. And the meaning of the word is neglected.
2. Because of the complexity of the word's syllable structure. If the word is multi-syllable, the child will make a mistake if he has not heard it before.
3 makes a mistake because of not knowing the meaning of the word.
4. Makes the mistake that I read quickly.
5. Correct reading also depends on the light and the fall of the light.
6. Consonant sounds are difficult to read in closed syllable words, which come in the middle and end of the word.
To prevent error reading, the following are taken into account:
1.Before teaching the text, determine the difficult words, combinations and sentences in it and determine the ways of working on them. Structure exercises the syllable reading of complex words.
2.Before reading the text, explain the lexical meaning of the words, which makes it difficult to understand its meaning. To determine the ways of interpreting the meaning of the word.
3. Giving tasks clear and understandable.
4. Create conditions for them to read the text carefully.
5. First Inside Training, then aloud training.

6.In teaching,it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the students, that is, to distribute the text in advance to the students who will be able to give it strength by determining their place of study in Easy, Medium difficulty and difficult.

7.Regular examination of students ' reading.
8. Depending on the nature of the error, determine the way to correct it from the methodical side.
9.To warn readers of a possible place to make a mistake.
10.Using a letter stick.
11. Error reading will also depend on the reader's personal vision perception. The structure of the teacher it is good that complex words are pre-written on a whiteboard or cardboard as syllables and taught to students as a chorus
gives results.
The error that the students make is corrected in two different ways: 1) if the reader incorrectly reads the suffix at the end of the word, it is possible to correct the error without stopping the reader from Reading; 2) if the error breaks the content of the sentence with reading, then the method of retraining is used.When the Bunda is asked about the text that the reader has read, the reader will read it carefully again.
Fast reading. Fast reading is at normal speed, and the speed of reading should not be separated from understanding the content of the text. The speed of reading should increase in accordance with the speed of understanding the text. Ongoing work
reading, which provides a conscious perception of the content, the content of the text is called fast reading.
With a good mastering of the reading qualities, the reading speed of the readers is somewhat different. It's not that the program did not fulfill its requirements. The speed of reading, corresponding to the speed of oral speech, is considered normal speed. Because both extremely fast and extremely slow reading makes it difficult to master text content.
The speed of reading is determined by the number of words read per minute. In the Reading Program, published in 2005 year, the rate of reading in the 2 - and - a - half year of the 1st Class is 20-25 words (the speed of reading an unfamiliar text is also 20-25 words); 25-30 words at the end of the school year; the speed of reading a text in the 1 - and-a - half year of the 2nd
Experiments show that in a minute the child reads 250 words of text, remembering 200 words in it. If you spell and read aloud, then its focus will be a syllable, not a word. as a result, he can not remember words. (C)G`.Yoldoshev.1992 year "from the speech of creative teachers at the 1st conference in the teachers' house).
This applies to the speed of reading by 4 - graders, it is worth remembering 125 words from 100 words. This makes it possible to achieve high performance.In the 4th grade, there are even 178080 word pupils per minute.
The speed of reading is gradually increasing in relation to correct and conscious reading for four years. When checking the speed of reading, the teacher takes into account the character of the material being read, that is, the ideological thematic complexity, the structure of words and sentences, the extent to which they are used in children's speech, the correctness and consciousness of reading. The reading speed of the readers is different, of course. The task of the teacher is to bring the speed of reading to all the students, as much as possible uniformity. This is achieved mainly by practicing reading the text aloud.
Conscious reading. Conscious reading is the main quality of good reading. Conscious reading is the ability to understand the exact content of the text, the ideological direction of the work, the role of its images and artistic means, as well as to express its attitude to the events described in the work. Conscious reading, in turn, depends on the necessary life experience of students, on the lexical meaning of the word, on the understanding of the connection of words in the sentence and on a number of methodological conditions. Now the term conscious reading is used in literature and in school experience in two meanings: firstly, in the sense of reading techniques in relation to mastering the process of reading, and secondly, in the sense of one of the qualities of reading in relation to reading in a broad sense.
For a conscious reading of the text, students are required to possess the correct, normative reading of the reading qualities and not be tormented by the process of reading. The text is analyzed in terms of content and artistic tools so that students can read the text consciously.
An important condition for conscious reading is the understanding of the construction and content of the work. The teacher evaluates the conscious reading according to the expressive reading of the text (if read aloud) and the correctness of the answer to the questions posed on the content of the work. Conscious reading and expressive reading dictates each other, but does not exactly resemble each other.
For a conscious reading of the text, students are required to possess the correct, normative reading of the reading qualities and not be tormented by the process of reading. The text is analyzed in terms of content and artistic tools so that students can read the text consciously.
An important condition for conscious reading is the understanding of the construction and content of the work. The teacher evaluates the conscious reading according to the expressive reading of the text (if read aloud) and the correctness of the answer to the questions posed on the content of the work. Conscious reading and expressive reading dictates each other, but does not exactly resemble each other.
Expressive reading intonation is the ability to correctly, clearly, express the idea and charm of the work with the help of tone, in accordance with the intention of the writer. "Expressive reading is the first and main form of concrete and visual teaching of literature”" emphasizes the Methodist scientist M.A.Ribnikova.1. to say ”expressive reading is to show the content and emotionality of the work visually to the readers through intonation. The basic principle of expressive reading is an in-depth explanation of the idea and artistic value of the work to be read”2.
Tone is the sum of the combined elements of oral speech: accents, tempo and rhythm of speech, pause, low-altitude of sound. These elements affect each other, and all together represent the content of the work, the idea, the different mood of the heroes, their inner experiences.
Important conditions for students to master the basics of expressive speech include:
1.To correctly take and correctly distribute the breath from the speech process.
2. Master the correct articulation of each vowel and the skills of a clear dictation (speak burro).
3. Mastering the norms of literary pronunciation.
These conditions are not only related to expressive reading, but also to expressive speech, that is, to storytelling. It is necessary that any oral story of the reader is expressive.

One of the main means of expressive reading is sound. The voice is inextricably linked with breathing. Therefore, the teacher begins to work on the expressive speech of children, from teaching them to be able to manage their own breath and use the voice correctly when pronouncing. Sound power is characterized by high-low, long-short, speed (temp), pleasant-unpleasant properties. Students learn to read(speak)loud or low, depending on the content of the text, choose a fast, medium or slow tempo in speech, express a feeling. In teaching expressive reading, students are also introduced to pause and logic accents.

Preparation for expressive reading is conditionally divided into three stages::
1.To understand the exact content of the work, to analyze the behavior of the persons involved in it, to determine the idea of the work, that is, to understand the ideological thematic basis of the work, its images in a holistic way with artistic means.
2. To determine where the text is paused, the position of the logical seed, the pace of reading.
3. Exercise to read. To re-read the text in order to be able to voice the opinion of the author, his attitude to the described events and participants.
The analysis of the content and ideological direction of the work is connected with the teaching of expressive reading. In teaching expressive reading, understanding the content of the text, expressing their attitude to the events that the author tells is the main task. For the formation of expressive reading skills in students, it is important that the work is read by the teacher expressively.

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