The task of it. Let’s imagine for 1 minute that while you are sitting on the couch, the robot brings you coffee, cooks in the kitchen, cleans your house, and greets any visitor at the door
1. IT nima?
2. IT sohasidagi bazibir kasblar .
3. IT davr talabi.
The task of IT. Let’s imagine for 1 minute that while you are sitting on the couch, the robot brings you coffee, cooks in the kitchen, cleans your house, and greets any visitor at the door. Can you imagine, no, this is not an excerpt from an American writer’s work on robots. That's true . So the task of IT is to make the lifestyle easier and add a little bit of convenience to it. IT ning vazifasi.
Keling, 1 daqiqa tasavvur qilaylik, siz divanda o'tirganingizda, robot sizga qahva olib keladi, oshxonada ovqat pishiradi, uyingizni tozalaydi va har qanday mehmonni eshik oldida kutib oladi. Tasavvur qila olasizmi, yo'q, bu amerikalik yozuvchining robotlar haqidagi asaridan parcha emas. Bu haqiqat . Demak, IT ning vazifasi hayot tarzini osonlashtirish va unga biroz qulaylik kiritishdir.
We need to know that IT is not one profession, IT is several online professions total. We don’t need any diplomas to work in IT, which means we can study IT on our own or work as an apprentice to someone. But now it has begun to open with a private university for dog professions. This means that in order to work in the field of IT, we need to either study at a newly opened university or become an apprentice. Bizda hech bo'lmaganda bir oz ma'lumot bor. Keling, IT sohasida qanday ishlashni bilib olaylik
Biz bilishimiz kerakki, IT bitta kasb emas, IT jami bir nechta onlayn kasblardir.
Bizga IT sohasida ishlash uchun hech qanday diplom kerak emas, ya'ni biz IT sohasida o'zimiz o'qishimiz yoki kimgadir shogird bo'lib ishlashimiz mumkin.
Ammo endi u it kasblari uchun xususiy universitet bilan ochila boshladi.
Demak, IT sohasida ishlash uchun yo yangi ochilgan universitetda o‘qishimiz yoki shogird bo‘lishimiz kerak.
Front-end developer - specializes in user interface development. The product of its activities is the part that users see in the browser.
Front-end dasturchi - foydalanuvchi interfeysini ishlab chiqishga ixtisoslashgan. Uning faoliyati mahsuloti foydalanuvchilar brauzerda ko'radigan qismdir.
Back-end developer - as opposed to the previous developer, engaged in the development of the interior of the site or application.
Back-end dasturchi - oldingi ishlab chiquvchidan farqli o'laroq, sayt yoki ilovaning ichki qismini ishlab chiqish bilan shug'ullanadi.
Let's prove the demand for IT in Uzbekistan: An IT specialist is one of the most sought after professions in the world and in Uzbekistan. In an interview with the media yesterday, the Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan Azim Ahmadkhojayev noted that Uzbekistan needs more than half a million specialists in the field of ICT. IT davr talabi O‘zbekistonda ITga bo‘lgan talabni isbotlaylik:
IT-mutaxassis - dunyoda va O'zbekistonda eng ko'p talab qilinadigan kasblardan biri. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Axborot texnologiyalari va kommunikatsiyalarini rivojlantirish vaziri Azim Ahmadxo‘jayev kecha ommaviy axborot vositalariga bergan intervyusida O‘zbekiston AKT sohasida yarim milliondan ortiq mutaxassisga ehtiyoj borligini ta’kidladi.