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In line with the vision of the SDGs, which
anticipates benefits from innovation in
information technologies, the fisheries and
aquaculture sector is rapidly introducing these
technologies to improve economic, social and
environmental sustainability along value chains.
This will result in fully monitored fisheries
and precision aquaculture, with vessels and
farms connected to multiple-sensor networks
generating big datasets that can be used for all
management purposes.
Automatic Identification System, artificial
intelligence and machine learning
With advances in satellite technology, the
tracking of vessel movements around the globe
is well within the realms of technical possibility.
One tracking technology designed for
navigation safety is AIS. Every 10–30 seconds,
it transmits a vessel’s position, identity, course
and speed. The tracking of the movements
of tens of thousands of industrial fishing
BOX 23
While emerging technologies are expected to cause
significant disruption of existing monitoring and
management frameworks, there is an immediate
need to address weaknesses in existing data systems.
Data collection in small-scale fisheries is typically poor
because the fishing activity is usually dispersed along
coasts, and data systems are complex and costly.
The data that are collected are often scattered and
in different formats. The lack of integration remains a
major challenge to sector monitoring and management.
Countries face increasing difficulties in coping with
multiple reporting to international bodies. To help
countries address these issues, FAO has developed two
innovative tools: SmartForms, and Calipseo.
SmartForms is a multilingual application to collect
and review fishery data. The platform allows users to
design forms according to survey needs, to install a
mobile app that implements the forms, and to store,
review and analyse data in a portable database. This
database can be exchanged with any authorized
third-party system such as Calipseo (below).
SmartForms is built on a participatory approach where
stakeholders, such as fishers, scientific observers,
national institutions and intergovernmental
organizations, can share the same app and collect
data under international standards with linkages to
national and regional standards. Conversely, each
survey is autonomous and collects data in a secure and
confidential environment. This new FAO app has also
been released as an open-source application, and
interested organizations are welcome to join and
contribute. SmartForms is expected to enhance data
collection capacity, including by applying international
standards, and should therefore facilitate
harmonization of datasets among data collection
schemes. SmartForms also constitutes an innovative
approach to data collection for sectors that are poorly
documented and monitored (e.g. recreational fisheries,
and socio-economic information).
is an IT solution to integrate and
streamline fisheries data along the national data
supply chain. It is a web-based multilingual
application that can be deployed in the cloud or on
local servers. It has been designed to collect and
manage the various typologies of fisheries data,
including fisheries administrative data (vessel, fisher
and fishing companies records or registries), fishing
activities data (landing forms, logbooks, and purchase
orders from processing plants), statistical survey data
collected through sampling, and biological data
(crucial for stock assessment). The data-processing
engine is customizable and produces reports and
statistics according to the needs of national fisheries
authorities. Data and information can be also shared
according to the standard reporting templates or
models with regional fisheries management
organizations and with international organizations
with a priority for FAO. Following a pilot developed
for the Bahamas, the system has now been deployed
in Trinidad and Tobago.
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vessels, analysed jointly with vessel registers
by machine-learning algorithms enables
predictions of the type of fishing activity, and
quantification of fishing intensity by fishing
gear. Thus, it is possible to create a global
database of fishing effort by gear type with
unprecedented spatial and temporal resolutions.
To this end, FAO and its partners are promoting
the potential of AIS to assist fisheries
management and research around the globe,
and highlight its strengths, limitations and gaps
(Taconet, Kroodsma and Fernandes, 2019).
In 2017, AIS started to be considered a valid
technology for estimating fishing indicators.
It can track most of the world’s large fishing
vessels (those longer than 24 m), especially
distant-water fleets and vessels on the high
seas from upper- and middle-income countries.
However, these larger vessels represent only
2 percent of the world’s total of 2.8 million
motorized fishing vessels (Taconet, Kroodsma
and Fernandes, 2019), and only a small fraction
of the smaller and more coastal fleets carry
AIS. The performance of AIS in tracking
fishing activity varies significantly by fishing
areas. For example, in Europe, where almost all
vessels of more than 15 m in length have AIS, it
provides a good estimate of fishing activity in
the Northern Atlantic. However, in Southeast
Asia, where the proportion of small vessels is
large, where very few of them have AIS, and
where reception quality is poor, AIS reports
only a small fraction of the fishing activity.
The largest discrepancy between AIS-based
information and other fishing data occurs for
fishing activity in the Eastern Indian Ocean.
Although AIS can provide information on
fishing activity much more rapidly than can
logbooks or official assessments via a vessel
monitoring system (VMS), its level of detail
(e.g. number of fishing gear or species captured)
could be insufficient for many other uses, and
compared with a VMS, vessels can easily turn
off their AIS or broadcast incorrect identity
information. Many benefits can be derived from
combining AIS with VMS and logbook data.
The ability of AIS to differentiate gear is
improving, although progress is still needed.
Longliners, with a wide presence on the high
seas worldwide, are the type of vessels best
captured by AIS-based algorithms, to the
point that this technology can be considered
for providing metrics of fishing effort for
stock assessments. The system also captures
well other main fishing vessel types, such
as purse seiners and trawlers, but tends to
under-represent their importance compared
with longliners. However, AIS is still limited in
its ability to discriminate fishing activities for
multi-gear vessels.
Overall, AIS can begin to be considered a
viable technology for near-real-time estimates
of fishing effort and marine spatial planning,
provided it is supported by human verification
(given the variable accuracy of AIS). Many actors
see AIS as a technology that can track illegal
fishing. However, AIS was originally designed
for maritime security purposes – so that ships
are aware of other ships’ positions – and its use
for another purpose is likely to lead to problems
and is not recommended. That said, AIS data
could be used to provide statistical estimates of
illegal fishing in certain situations.
In the future, AIS should be able to support
fisheries management in the face of uncertainty
and changing climate. It, or similar technologies,
should be able to provide near-real-time
monitoring of catch volume by fishery
together with fishing effort. This step requires
improved algorithm performance to integrate
additional data sources, including VMS and
logbooks, and comprehensive knowledge
on species biology, fishing techniques, and
the physical and jurisdictional environment.
Generating intelligence and accurate estimates
of fishing effort and catch of this big data
assemblage will increasingly require AI and
machine learning. Moreover, new infrastructures
will be necessary to fill in the missing data
of currently undetectable fleet segments.
These include low-cost devices installed on
small vessels to transmit their position, which
are already being tested, and newer satellites
that will be capable of detecting smaller
transponders, detecting vessels using radio
frequencies, or combining synthetic-aperture
radar with AIS to identify vessels not using AIS
or a VMS.
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can play a leading role by contributing to the
development of standards, guidelines and best
practices through standard-setting bodies such
as the Coordinating Working Party on Fishery
Statistics (CWP), United Nations Centre for Trade
Facilitation and Electronic Business, and the
Research Data Alliance.
Blockchain has considerable potential to improve
traceability, accuracy and accountability along
fisheries value chains, although significant
constraints remain. It can provide an online
traceability infrastructure for the permanent
storage and sharing of key data elements (e.g.
catch area, species and product type, production
or expiry date) along with critical tracking events
(e.g. fishing vessel operations, landing, product
splits and processing). Blockchain is already used
as a digital ledger for recording transactions of
products between supply chain actors.
Blockchain consists of a linked chain that stores
auditable data in units called blocks (FAO and
ITU, 2019). It can be used to record, track and
monitor physical and digital assets in fish supply
chains. It offers opportunities to integrate and
manage, in real time, processes, product attributes
and transactions that are added by supply-chain
actors and the IoT, i.e. sensors and other devices.
Table 22
illustrates a fish supply chain supported by
blockchain where the end-user (consumer) will be
able to retrieve the full history of the product as
well as its attributes. Data stored in the blockchain
are secure, decentralized and immutable.
Applications of blockchain in food supply chains
can address a wide array of issues (FAO and ITU,
2019; Nofima, 2019; Bermeo-Almeida
et al.
, 2018).
These include: improving food safety, traceability
and transparency; and enhancing performance,
revenue, accountability, data security, and brand
protection. From an operational perspective,
blockchain in fish value chains could provide
incentives for different stakeholders in the
industry. For the private sector, it could improve
operational efficiencies and bolster brands in the
marketplace, while for governmental authorities
it could be a means to verify and validate catch
reports and to document that export market
requirements are met.
Precision aquaculture and
monitoring technologies
In aquaculture, sensors increasingly collect
optical (e.g. by video camera) and physical data to
monitor, for example, fish growth, health and feed
loss reduction. While past innovations focused
on hardware and data collection, the problem
is now the pressure on farmers to consistently
interpret the large amount of data. Here, AI and
data processing can help by identifying patterns
in feeding activities and presenting strategies to
farmers, ranging from cost-efficient use of feed to
maintaining fish welfare.
Genomics is rapidly impacting many facets of
life. In the fisheries and aquaculture sector,
DNA technology has become important in: fish
breeding; the detection of pathogens; early
warning systems for detecting plankton-borne
threats to aquaculture based on environmental
DNA; and fish authentication and provenance,
especially for fish products in international
trade. Moreover, DNA can be used to confirm the
authenticity of specific products, with data also
being stored in a blockchain structure (
Table 22
However, there is no regulatory standard for
DNA-based authentication of fish products,
and an international collaboration based on
industry-agreed systems is needed in order to
make this innovation accessible.
The knowledge needed for developing
aquaculture systems under a blue growth
paradigm requires innovations in monitoring.
This is achievable through intensive data
integration across various scales. Satellites, with,
for example, normalized difference vegetation
index products, can elucidate the location,
number, surface of cages or ponds, and even the
type of aquaculture practised. The IoT provides
this interconnectedness among systems and
across sensors, and enables managers to analyse
data generated by satellite observations jointly
with those provided from electronic fish tags.
The key challenge with all these innovations
is to combine data across data providers and
countries and analyse them in a consistent
way. Cloud computing and AI will benefit if
data are consistent and follow standards for
their collection and processing. Here, FAO
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