Bog'liq The Serious Guide to Joke Writing How To Say Something Funny About Anything ( PDFDrive ) (1)
Exercise 15: Honing Your Jokes This is a distilled version of everything I have written in this chapter. Go through
your notebook picking out anything that is vaguely funny. When you find
something apply the following prompts to hone it...
• Has the joke got a central kernel? If not try running the idea through
another joke writing method to beef it up and find its other funny places.
• Can you add some attitude to the joke? Either your own for stand-up or
the characters attitude for sitcom or sketch. Even cartoon characters can
have attitude.
• Pare it down to its minimum.
• Try adding rhythm and repetition to it.
• Breathe life into the joke. If it's going to be in a sketch, give the joke to a