Subject:Improving the filtration connection of the wellbore using the hydraulic fracturing method ANNOTATION Substantiation and relevance of the topic of the master's dissertation.When hydraulic fracturing of wells is carried out to improve the filtration connection of the wellbore, the flow rate of the well increases sharply. It is based on the use of this method in the revitalization of stagnant wells when oil and gas can not be extracted by traditional methods or has a low flow rate.
At the same parameters of the HF, the cracking of horizontal cracks (in horizontal wells) will be smaller than the cracking of vertical cracks in the area. In this method it is possible to accelerate layers that are small enough (5 m), i.e. in such small layers vertical hydraulic fracturing of the layer is not economical and can sometimes be inefficient. But in large-capacity layers, it is argued that the entire area does not lead to an increase in flow when opened with vertical cracks: some of the cracks extend beyond the boundary of the productive layer, leaving an effective filtration area. The technology of hydraulic fracturing of the formation in vertical and horizontal wells is analyzed.
Object and subject of research. Objects-Shimoliy Ortabuloq mine
Subjects-Improving oil and gas capacity by improving the filtration connection of the wellbore.
Objectives and tasks of the research:Collector property of the bedrock, flow rate, increase the oil and gas capacity by improving the filtration connection of the wellbore and creating a system of cracked channels as a result of hydraulic fracturing of the bed, knowing the depth of location.
1. Expansion of natural cracks by hydraulic fracturing of the layer.
2. Improving the filtration connection of the wellbore.
3. Formation of a system of cracked channels in the layer.
4. Increasing oil and gas capacity.
Research methods. After hydraulic fracturing of the formation, the selected quartz sand driving method is applied together with the liquid to the formed cracks to improve the filtration connection of the wellbore.
Scientific novelty of research results. After the implementation of HF, the filtration connection of the wellbore improves and the flow rate of the well increases sharply. It is used to revitalize stagnant wells when oil and gas cannot be extracted by conventional methods or has low flow rates. In addition, in many oil-producing countries, such as the United States, Russia, Canada, Kazakhstan, and others, low-efficiency or low-flow wells have been the norm since the beginning of operation, not in these old or declining fields. using the methods it is possible to increase the oil and gas transmission capacity through QGYO.
The structure and scope of the work:Dissertation workThe introduction consists of three chapters, a summary and a list of references, the work volume is 81 pages.
The main results of the work done: Improving the filtration connection of the wellbore using the hydraulic fracturing method.
Summary and summary of recommendations: Conclusions and recommendations Hydraulic fracturing of new strata and expansion of old natural fractures to improve the wellbore filtration connection and the formation of a system of cracked channels or to strengthen the inflow system from the productive stratum and the loss of natural energy in closed reservoirs in a confined area. considered.
The method of hydraulic fracturing of the formation - methods of accelerating the work of oil and gas wells, work to increase the capacity of drive wells was analyzed. Problems in the formation of a highly conductive crack channel in the layer to ensure the flow of extracted fluid (gas, condensate, oil and their mixture) have been studied.
Propane-driving is designed to prevent cracks from sticking together once completed. Propane is added to the volatile liquid and pumped along with it into the well. The main function of propane is to keep the layer in a well-opened state after cracking.
Master:Torebaev B