Ko’llar to’plami: the Three Lakes, the Great Lakes
♦ Manzara turlari
the city the land the country the mountains
the plains the desert the seaside the forest
the jungle the tundra the taiga the countryside
♦ Birlashma davlat nomlari va ularnipg qisqartmalari (bunda asosan Kingdom, States, Union, Dominion, Federation, Republic kabi so’zlar ishlatiladi), shuningdek, ko’plikdagi davlat nomlari
the United States (of America) (the US yoki the USA)
the United Kingdom (the UK)
the Republic of Ireland
the United Arab Emirates (the UAE)
the Soviet Union
the Central African Republic
the Netherlands
the Philippines
Yolg’iz ishlatilayotgan davlat va shaxar nomlarida aniq artikl ishlatshshmaydi Lekin ularning ba’zilari aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi
The Argentina
The Hague
The Somaly
The Argentine ( Argentina bo'lsa yo'q )
The Ivory Coast
The Sudan
The Bronx
The Lebanon
The Sudan
The Cameroon
The Lebanon
The Transvaal
The Cameroon
The Mall
The Caucasus
The Midwest
The UK
The Congo
The Netherlands
The Ukraine
The Congo
The Philippines
The Ukraine
The Creamea
The Ruhr
The United Arab Emirates
The Dominc
The Saar
The Dominican
The Senegal
The Far East
The Senegal
The Vatican
The Somaly
The Yemen
Ba’zi joy ko’cha, shaxar yoki o’lkalining nomlari
the Midlands the Middle East the Lake Dictrict
the Crimea the Caucasus the Punjab
the Far East the Riviera the Ruhr
the Transvaal the Tyrol (shaxar)' the Hague (shaxar)
the Strand (Londondagi ko’cha)
the Mall (Londondagi ko’cha)
the Wall Street (Nyu Yorkdagi birjalar va kapa banklar joylashgan ko’cha)
the Rue de Rivoli ( Parijdagi ko’cha)
the via Manzoni ( Milandagi ko’cha )
the High Street (katta shaxarlardagi xar xil tashqilotlar, kimmatbaxo magazinlar,
restoranlar, ko’ngilochar maskanlar | joylashgan asosiy ko’cha)
Eslatma Yuqoridagi nomlar geografik kartalarda berilganda, doimo nol artiklli bo’ladi
♦ Muxim tarixiy voqealar va tarixiy davrlar
the French Revolution
the Renaissance (Uyg’onshi Davri)
the Age of Enlightment (Savodxonlik Davri, Yevropada XV11I asr )
the Dark Ages (Q,orong’lik Davrlari, ya’ni Yevropada VII-VIII asrlardan
oldingi yozma tarixi bo’lmagan davrlar))
the Middle Ages (O’rta Asrlar)
the Ice Age {Muz Davri)
the Stone Age (Tosh Davri)
the Iron Age (Temir Davri)
the Bronze Age (Bronza Davri)
the Copper Age (Mis davri)
♦ So’Ann lar va tarixiy shaxslarning unvoi va laqablari
Alexander I (the first) Paul II (the second) Peter III (the third)
Alexander the Great William the Conqueror Peter the Great
Edward the Confessor the Baron Munchausen the Duke of Kent
the Emperor Napoleon the Reverend Montanelli
the Prince of Wales the Countess of York
Tarixiy xujjatlar
The Declaration of Independence
the Constitution
the Magna Charta
Mahalliy urushlar
the Crimean War the Civil War ,
Ijtimoiy guruhlar, sinflar, tabaqalar,siyosiy partiyalar, taniqli davlat va ijtimoiy tashqilotlari, taniqli ommaviy axborot vositalari
the public (jamoatchilik) the Press (Matbuot) ' the police
the workers the peasants (de^onlar)
the bourgeoisie the capitalists
the United Nations (the UN) the socialists
the League of Nations
the Royal Academy
the London County Counsil
the BBC the CNN the NBC
the CIA the FBI
the Europian Counsel (the EC)
the Europian Union (the EU)
♦ Shahardagi har xil maskan nomlari
Mashxur binolar, davlat va ijtimoiy tashqilotlar binolari, muzeylar, teatrlar, qinoteatrlar, banklar, parklar, zooparkplar, ko’rgazma zallari, mexmonxonalar, restoranlar, klublar, kemalar, yaxtalar, taniqli poezdlar
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