Uzbekistan's natural world is very diverse. It is composed of desert areas and snowy mountains, rivers and completely dry lands.
The most part of its territory lies in the Turon plain, where there are no sudden steep-drops and hills. The Turon plate and mainland, which later became the Tian Shan and Pamir -Alai Mountains, were formed in the Paleolithic period. Later, the sea covered the plate for a long time. The mountain chains are thought to have fully developed during the Alps orogenesis.
The mountain ranges blocked the humidity from the Indian Ocean. It caused considerable climatic change: the weather became dry and huge desert areas appeared. As rivers and winds kept changing their directions, the upper layer of soil was continuously displaced from one place to another. It led to the formation of the Kyzyl Kum and Kara Kum deserts.
Mountains and foothills make up about one-fifth of the territory of Uzbekistan. The highest point is 4,643 meters. Mountains cover the east of the country. Uzbekistan embraces western parts of the Tian Shan and Pamir-Alai mountain ranges, respectively. The mountain ranges are very different: there is a sharp contrast of heights, foothills, canyons, and watersheds. There are also small mountains such as Aktau, Karakchitau and the western part of the Zarafshon mountain range with their smooth shape. Rather big depressions stretch between the mountains: Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, Zarafshon, and Samarkand. The largest depression is the Ferghana Valley - 370 km long and 190 km wide. It is surrounded by mountain ranges on three sides except on the western face. On the border with Afghanistan, there is the huge Amu Darya depression.
Minerals. Numerous deposits of oil and gas have been discovered on the plains such as Gazli, Shakhpakhti, and others, of naturally formed salt in Borsakelmas, and materials used in construction elsewhere.
Deposits of coal (Angren, Shargun, and Boysun), precious, non-ferrous and rare metals, fluorite, and construction materials go back to the early stage of orogenesis.
A distinctive feature of Uzbekistan's natural conditions is that the country is located in a seismologic zone. In the last two centuries the country has experienced numerous of disastrous earthquakes, including in Ferghana (1823), in Andijan (1889 and 1902), and Tashkent (1866, 1868, and 1966). Seismologic movement is more active in mountain areas than in plains. Special construction models are used in buildings in active seismological zones.
Mountains and foothills make up about one fifth of the territory of Uzbekistan. The highest point is 4643 m. Mountains cover the east of the country. Uzbekistan embraces western parts of the Tian Shan and Pamir-Alai mountain ranges, respectively. The mountain ranges are very different: there is a sharp contrast of heights, foothills, canyons, and watersheds. There are also small mountains such as Aktau, Karakchitau, and western part of Zarafshan mountain range with their smooth shape. Rather big depressions stretch between the mountains: the largest depression is Fergana Valley - 370 km long and 190 km wide. It is surrounded by mountain ranges on three sides except on the western face.
Minerals. Uzbekistan is rich in various mineral resources. According to composition and application the natural resources are subdivided into those which are used as metals and non-metals, fuel and power, and for building purposes.
A number of mineral deposits have been found in the country: above a hundred deposits. By the stocks of copper, silver, gold, lead, zinc, tungsten and natural gas and some other minerals Uzbekistan are one of the leaders in the world.
It has big stocks of salts, raw aluminum, precious and semi-precious stones, some rare metals and building raw materials. The Gazgan deposit of marble is well-known. There are also deposits of field spar, coaling, ozocerite, corundum, and others.
Climate. Uzbekistan is double landlocked country - it has no direct access to the sea or ocean. This makes country's climate very dry, hot and sharply continental. Temperature climatic prevails in the north, while subtropical - in the far south.
The most part of the year is quite dry and hot. The daylight in the summer is 15 hours and in the winter it is not less than 9 hours. The winters are rather cold and summers are quite hot in Uzbekistan. The coldest month is January average temperature in the south 8 - 20 degrees Celsius below zero, in the extreme north - 2-10 below zero. However, there are enough warm days throughout the country in wintertime. The hottest summer month is July, average temperature - 30-35 degrees Celsius, in the South - more than 40 - 45. In the summer the ground surface temperature could go up to 60, in the desert areas - up to 70 degrees Celsius. In spring and autumn and part of winter the weather is very variable; the warm days may be followed by chilly and cold days.
Rivers. The country's rivers are fed by mountain snow. It is not a main source for mountain rivers though. During winter, underground waters usually fill the rivers.
Two big rivers flow across the country: Amu Darya and Syr Darya. The middle and lower reaches of the Amu Darya River (about 1437 km) and middle reaches of Syr Darya River (2235 km) run along the territory of Uzbekistan.
Lakes. There are 80 lakes on the territory of Uzbekistan. All of them are small in size. The biggest lake is the Aral Sea, whose southern part belongs to Uzbekistan. Over the last decades the lake has considerably shrunk with water receding hundreds of kilometers from its shores.
Uzbekistan also has much resource of underground water and also a variety of mineral water.
Flora. Due to its various relief features, Uzbekistan has quite diverse flora. More that 3700 types of plants have been recorded on the territory of Uzbekistan. Twenty percent of them grow in Uzbekistan only. Most of them grow in the mountains and only a few in a desert and steppe areas.
Fauna. As for the wildlife on the territory of Uzbekistan, it has formed in concordance with the flora. The fastest animals live in desert areas. Among the fast runners are ground beetles, phalanx, and, particularly, tarantula.
The list of animals and birds that inhabit different areas of the country includes green toad, bear, panther, wolf, Siberian goat, mountain sheep, pheasant, cuckoo, magpie, jackal, black crow, southern nightingale, rat, Bukhara deer, and many others.
Reserves. There are a number of reserves and national parks in the country. Now there are 11 protected natural zones and one ecological center in the country. The total area of reserves is two million hectares, which includes nine in Chatkal mountain ranges, Paighambar Islan, Nurata, Tugay, Zarafshan, Ghyssar, Vardanzy, Kitab, Kyzal Kum, Badai and Kughitan. There are also 10 reserves in the country.
Convenient environmental conditions are an important natural factor for production productivity.
Natural conditions are particularly evident in agriculture, the development of mineral resources and transport comm nication. Mountainous terrain, salt marshes, steppes, takyrs, ravines complicate the economic development of the territory. In dry years, the flow of water in rivers decreases and it becomes difficult to water crops. With the development of science and technology, the dependence of production on nature decreases, and at the same time, the influence of production on nature increases.
Natural resources differ from natural conditions in that they are directly related to production, that is, they constitute its raw material and energy base.
One of the most important natural resources is underground resources (minerals and fuels). They are widely and in large quantities used in industry, in domestic needs.
Uzbekistan has large land resources. But the needs of the country's economy in raw materials and fuel are growing endlessly. Almost half of the natural resources are currently used. Nevertheless, it is necessary to use the reserves of natural resources economically, because terrestrial resources are exhaustible and non-renewable.
The conditions for the rational use of non-renewable natural resources are as follows:
complete extraction of minerals from developed mines; pollution prevention; maximum and comprehensive use of all valuable substances; sequential exploration work; the use of new equipment and technologies that reduce the cost of raw materials and fuel per unit of output.
It is necessary to wisely and rationally use non-renewable resources so that future generations also had the opportunity to benefit them vatsya.
Another most important natural resource is water. A large amount of water is used for agricultural needs. Industrial enterprises also require a lot of water. Water is a renewable natural resource.
Used in agriculture fertile soil (earth), important for the needs of the population of flora and fauna (fish and wildlife), the air required for the life of man, as otno syatsya to exhaustible resources and recoverable. Many companie ment from year to year, "drink" more water than people in big cities. Some industrial centers, such as the cities of Tashkent, Ferghana, Navoi, experience an acute shortage of oxygen in the air. After all, plants that are a source of oxygen have been restored for decades. Soil resources are recovering even more slowly.
Our country has suitable for the production of agricult -agricultural products climatic conditions. These are agroclimatic inexhaustible resources.
Uzbekistan has unlimited solar energy, which is also an inexhaustible resource. A great future awaits the transformation of heat from the sun into electrical energy.
The Republic of Uzbekistan is rich in natural resources, large production and mineral potential, unique agricultural raw materials, significant volumes of semi-finished products obtained in the processing process, developed infrastructure.
Depending on the composition and use of minerals in the sectors of the economy are divided into - metal, non-metal minerals, fuel and energy resources and raw materials for building materials.
In the bowels of Uzbekistan, more than 2700 deposits and promising ore occurrences, various minerals have been identified, including about 100 types of mineral raw materials, of which more than 60 are already involved in production. More than 900 deposits have been explored, with proven reserves estimated at $ 970 billion. The total mineral potential is estimated at more than 3.3 trillion. US $
Currently, the current level of mineral exploration is associated with the development of the richest deposits of non-ferrous, noble and rare metals, all types of fossil fuels: natural gas, oil and gas condensate, semi-coking and brown and coal, uranium, oil shale, many types of raw materials for building materials .
In the bowels of the Republic there are huge deposits of gas and oil. About 60% of the country's territory is considered promising for their production. Large areas of natural gas are Kashkadarya and Bukhara regions. Almost 3/4 of the natural gas produced in Uzbekistan is in the Kashkadarya region.
Uzbekistan places far-reaching prospects on the development of the gas industry and production, which are associated with the processing of natural gas and gas condensate.
Uzbekistan also has large coal reserves and its 2nd geological reserves in Central Asia. Three coal deposits have been discovered in the republic - Angrevskoye in the Tashkent region, Shargunskoye and Baysunskoye in the Surkhandarya region. The most significant of these deposits is the Angren brown coal deposit. It is extracted mainly in a cheap, open way.
According to confirmed reserves of minerals such as uranium, copper. gold, natural gas, tungsten, phosphorites, potassium salts, kaolins, the country occupies leading positions not only in the CIS, but throughout the world.
Thus, the republic holds the fourth place in the world in gold reserves, and the seventh place in terms of its production. Uzbekistan takes the second place among the CIS countries (after Russia) in gold mining and the first in terms of per capita.
In terms of uranium and copper reserves, Uzbekistan is among the top ten countries in the world.
Currently, 40 deposits of precious metals have been explored.
The majority of available mineral reserves not only provide long-term operating mining complexes, but also increase capacity and re-organize the production of a number of the most important minerals - gold, uranium, copper, lead, silver, lithium, phosphorites, potassium salts, fluorspar , wollastonite, agrochemical ores, etc.
The natural opportunities of Uzbekistan for the development of ecotourism are almost unlimited.
According to the press service of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan, biodiversity is an important factor in the development of tourism. Healthy ecosystems attract hundreds of millions of tourists every year. At the same time, tourism, being one of the areas of the economy, plays a significant role in the management and conservation of biological natural resources.
It is ecological tourism, according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), recognized as one of the promising sectors of the economy. This species is a young but effectively developing sector of the industry, the revenues from which account for the bulk of the GDP of several countries of the world.
Ecotourism gives people the opportunity to touch nature that has not experienced anthropogenic impact, at the same time develops environmental knowledge and at the same time contributes to the preservation and maintenance of nature monuments in their original form.
This type of tourism makes a significant contribution to the implementation of nature conservation measures and provides significant financial support for their effective implementation.
The natural resources of Uzbekistan can fully develop almost all types of ecotourism. Among them are agrotourism - acquaintance with the life of the rural population, various hikes, sports , scientific and photo tours of the unique natural sites of our region, including in protected areas, among which there are 9 state reserves, 2 national parks, 9 reserves and 2 state nature monuments.
The rich flora and fauna of the country is of interest to both foreign and local tourists. The unique nature, landscapes, significant archaeological sites, paleontological remains, geological deposits are fertile soil for the development of ecotourism.
To this end, the Executive Committee of the Central Kengash of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan last year developed a tourist route to the ecocenters "Dzheyran" and "Sarmysh" located in the Bukhara and Navoi regions.
The necessary conditions have been created for visitors, allowing them, being on the territory of the ecological center, to get acquainted with its activities, flora and fauna, in particular with rare species of animals specially bred in the center. These are gazelles, kulans, Przhevalsky horses, Bukhara mountain rams.
To visit the Sarmysh gorge, which attracts tourists from all over the world with famous petroglyphs, a bridge made of environmentally friendly building materials was built in conjunction with the administration of the Navoi region.
In the future, it is planned to lay a bypass road, open a visit center, thereby developing this tourist destination. It is impossible not to note the unique natural zones in the Jizzakh region - Zaamin, Bakhmal, in Navoi - Nurat, in Tashkent - Bostanlyk and others.
Currently, unfortunately, ecological tourism in the country has not yet received proper development, despite the existing rich potential. Its thorough propaganda is necessary.
The first step in this matter was the book-album “Nature of Uzbekistan. Published in three languages”. Kashkadarya. " It reflects the country's unique natural sites, picturesque landscapes, mountainsides, gorges. By the way, this publication received a prize in the nomination “Rare Nature” at a prestigious international competition. In the future, books will be published demonstrating the natural wealth of each region and the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
In order to facilitate the training of qualified personnel specializing in environmental topics - guides, guides, guides, and the development of ecological tourism in the country, Ecosarbon LLC was established under the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan. We also consider it appropriate to establish continuing environmental education for the training of highly qualified specialists by opening the corresponding faculties in higher educational institutions.
I am sure that the expansion of cooperation between the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan, NK "Uzbektourism" and local authorities will lead to positive results in creating new environmental routes, promoting ecotourism and improving the environmental education of the population.
The natural resources of Uzbekistan are diverse , large and create favorable conditions for the development of the economy. Their most important components are:
in the industry - large mineral reserves (more than 2700 deposits and promising manifestations of about 100 types of mineral raw materials);
in agriculture, vast tracts of fertile land, pastures, an abundance of solar heat and light, considerable water resources;
in the field of tourism and recreation - beautiful landscapes, a favorable climate, sources of healing mineral waters.
The Republic of Uzbekistan is characterized by rich natural resources, large production and mineral-raw material potential, unique agricultural raw materials, significant volumes of semi-finished products obtained during processing, and developed infrastructure.
The country is rich in various types of minerals. Depending on the composition and use of minerals in the sectors of the economy, they are divided into: metal, nonmetallic minerals, fuel and energy resources and raw materials for building materials.
In the bowels of Uzbekistan, more than 2700 deposits and promising ore occurrences, various minerals have been identified , including about 100 types of mineral raw materials, of which more than 60 are already involved in production. More than 900 deposits have been explored , with proven reserves estimated at $ 970 billion. The total mineral potential is estimated at more than 3.3 trillion. dollars. US
Currently, the current level of mineral exploration is associated with the development of the richest deposits of non-ferrous, noble and rare metals, all types of fossil fuels: natural gas, oil and gas condensate, semi-coking and brown and coal, uranium, oil shale, many types of raw materials for building materials .
In the bowels of the republic there are huge deposits of gas and oil. About 60% of the country's territory is considered promising for their production. Large areas of natural gas are Kashkadarya and Bukhara regions. Almost 3/4 of the natural gas produced in Uzbekistan is in the Kashkadarya region. Uzbekistan places far-reaching prospects on the development of the gas industry and production, which are associated with the processing of natural gas and gas condensate. Uzbekistan also has large coal reserves and its 2nd geological reserves in Central Asia. Three coal deposits have been discovered in the republic - Angrevskoye in the Tashkent region, Shargunskoye and Baysunskoye in the Surkhandarya region. The most significant of these deposits is the Angren brown coal deposit. It is extracted mainly in a cheap, open way.
By confirmed reserves of such minerals as: uranium, copper. gold, natural gas, tungsten, phosphorites, potassium salts, kaolins, the country occupies leading positions not only in the CIS, but throughout the world.
Thus, the republic holds the fourth place in the world in gold reserves , and the seventh place in terms of its production . Uzbekistan takes the second place among the CIS countries (after Russia) in gold mining and the first in terms of per capita.
In terms of uranium and copper reserves, Uzbekistan is among the top ten countries in the world.
In terms of copper reserves, it occupies the tenth - eleventh place;
by uranium reserves - seventh - eighth place , and by its extraction - eleventh - twelfth place .
Currently, 40 deposits of precious metals have been explored .
In the republic, 20 deposits of marble were revealed , 15 - granite and gabbro. Most deposits of decorative stone, ranging in color from white to black, are unique natural storerooms and are the largest in the entire Eurasian zone.
The republic is rich in phosphorites. Uzbekistan has the largest deposits of potash salts, rich deposits of rock salt.
The majority of available mineral reserves not only provide long-term operating mining complexes, but also increase capacity and re-organize the production of a number of the most important minerals - gold, uranium, copper, lead, silver, lithium, phosphorites, potassium salts, fluorspar , wollastonite, agrochemical ores, etc.
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