The language used to describe language items or used in class to give

Parts of sentences that tell us more information about someone or something

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Parts of sentences that tell us more information about someone or something

{=relative clauses



~interjections }
............ are words that they go together with certain other words


~phrasal words

~word combinations

~word formations}
Find the function of this exponent “put it in the bag”

{=giving instructions



The type of planning a lesson in which teacher lists main teaching points for his lesson and goes back and list the inherent challenges in each of these

{=where’s the meat

~running order

~half plan

~flow chart}
Find the functions of this exponents “Surely not!”

“I don’t think you are right”


~giving instructions



Who proposed three concentric circle of English?

{=Braj Kachru

~David Graddol

~Adrian Undehill

~Noam Choamski}
What is lingua franca?

{=a language in common between people from different countries

~Roman-British language family

~Celtic-British language branch

~a language which is specific for a particular area}
Choose authentic exposure example

{=reading magazines, books, articles, product labels

~reading or listening to course book texts designed to present to present features of language

~reading example of language items

~having unusually high quantities of specific target language items}
According to Krashen in order to acquire language, we need to be exposed to........

{=comprehensible input

~authentic output

~authentic output

~restricted out}
The type of planning lesson in which teacher writes his procedure notes in sketch boxes rather than in traditional liner down-the -page fashion

{=flow chart


~where’s the meat

~running order}
What are the principles of planning?

{=aims, variety, flexibility

~variety, durability, accessibility

~flexibility, feedback

~aims, feedback, variety }
What is information gap?

{=it is a technique to give the students complementary information which they have to pool together in the process of communication in order to fulfill the task

~it is a technique that recognizes the necessity to facilitate free and creative development of personality

~it is a way to teach a foreign language with the help of contrastive native communication

~it is a technique and learning foreign language that recognize the primacies of communication as the goal and the media of instruction}
Much traditional language teaching in school worldwide used to be done in this way, and it is still the predominant classroom method in some culture. The teacher rarely uses the target language. Students spend a lot of time reading texts translating them doing exercises and text writing essays. There is little focus on speaking and listening skills.

What kind of teaching method is it?

{=Grammar-translation method

~Audio-lingual method


~Test-based learning}

………. are short games that usually involve movement and imagination.

{=drama games

~role plays


~acting play scripts}
In which learning a course made up of a combination of both face-to-face and online elements?

{=blended learning

~musical learning

~lexical item learning

~false beginner learning
A word that reminds you of one in your own language and misleads you into guessing that it has the same or a similar meaning in the new language.

{=false friend

~false beginner

~information gap

~lexical item}
………. each time you get an answer, ask more, like a miner digging deeper into the situation, moving slowly from the general situation to details and difficulties.

{=dig deeper

~explore wide-ranking detail of the task

~diaries and blogs

~diagrams and models}
The language used to describe language items or used in class to give instruction.



~restricted output

The most prominent syllable in a tone unit.

{=tone syllable

~vowel sound

~tone unit

A way of writing out grammar information as patterns that can be used for generation or further sentences.

{=substation tables

~substation drills

~transformation tables

~true sentences}
What is Grammar?

{= Rules about sentence formation, tenses, verb patterns, etc in a reference book

~ Set of items typically referring to single words

~The study of phonemes , intonation , word stress, sentence stress etc

~ Language system }
Choose the right order of stages in learning a language item:

{=Being exposed; noticing; understanding; try things out; using; remembering

~Being exposed; remembering; noticing; understanding; try things out; using

~Being exposed; noticing; remembering; understanding; try things out; using

~Being exposed; noticing; understanding; try things out; remembering using; }
What does a learner need to do in the stage of noticing a new language item?

{=provide texts, exercises and techniques that help learners notice specific items

~be informed about form, meaning, and use of language

include lots of reading and listening activities

~give many opportunities to practise, speak and write

~offer speaking and writing tasks that allow learners to make use of all the language they know}

What does a learner need to do in the stage of remembering a new language item?

{=pay attention to how they record items and return to items again and again with revision tasks

~give many opportunities to practise, speak and write

~be informed about form, meaning, and use of language

include lots of reading and listening activities

~offer speaking and writing tasks that allow learners to make use of all the language they know}

Which option best describes present practice cycle?

{=input –learning-use


~input use

What types does clarification include?

{=explanation, guided discovery, self-directed discovery

~authentic exposure, presentation, input

~restricted exposure, explanation, input

~authentic exposure, presentation, comprehensible input}
Authentic exposure is…

{=speaking or writing skills work

~listening or reading skills work

~learning based on a real language context

~teaching based on a specific language spheres}
Which option best describes self-directed discovery?

{=the learner tells himself

~teacher helps the learner to tell himself

~teacher tells the learner

~the teacher is to explain a particular item}
Choose restricted output activities.

{=drills, exercises, dialogues and games

~drills, listening podcasts, games and fillers

~reading articles, drills, GTKY activities

~reading magazines, dialogues, drills}
What types of drill are there in ELT?

{=substitution drills, transformation drills, true sentences

~elicited dialogues, before the class, split sentences

~follow-on activities, games, grammar quiz

~questionnaires, growing stories, grammar auctions}
What is RP?

{=received pronunciation, a standard educated British English pronunciation

~received pronunciation, originally from south-west England

~received pronunciation, a USA pronunciation variety

~received pronunciation, used in the territory of Scotland}
A ……. is a poem or dialogue particularly suitable for reciting aloud?


~voice setting


A sentence stress is also called as a……?



~weak form

What is a limerick?

{=a poem which is based on learning pronunciation

~a riddle written in meters to improve fluent speaking

~a short story to tell the learners in an extra time left

~a tongue twister}
Choose the weak form of a vowel sound.



~linking sound

What is elision?

{=sounds get dropped

~sounds get changed

~additional sounds

~weak sounds}
Choose the suitable option for intrusive sounds.

{=additional sounds

~changeable sounds

~weak vowel sounds

~dropped sounds}
What is corpora?

{=large computerized databases of analyzable real conversations and text

~a set of words that are connected in some way

~the most important content-carrying words in a text

~an item that is an example of a particular function}
A word that reminds you of one in your own language and misleads you into guessing that it has the same or a similar meaning in the new language.

{=false friend

~word in disguise

~similar appearance

Someone who has studied the language before, but appears to have forgotten most of it.

{=false beginner

~elementary user

~false friend

~zero user}
Find the appropriate definition for chunk.

{=longer combinations of words that are typically used together as if they were a single item

~the associations and “feelings” that seem to attach to words quite apart from their literal meaning

~the range of words that an item collocates with

~words that are pronounced the same}
What is colligation?

{=the grammatical position in a sentence that the word typically takes

~things that the item cannot used for

~other words related to the word by its topic

~words often do not have a precise correlation}
What are called as things help you remember the word?



~common chunks

~lexical sets}
In this variety of monitoring in classroom management the presence of a teacher cannot be noticed.


~monitor discreetly

~monitor actively

What does eliciting mean?

{=drawing out information, language, ideas, etc from the students

~using comprehensible activities to improve students’ productive skills

~drawing attention from the learners

~the act of developing syllabus}
What is the running commentary?

{=unnecessary action of a teacher in which he talks all about her actions (or upcoming doings) one by one

~a lot of “teacher-help”

~asking a lot of questions from the learners

~commenting very fast}
The funny technique in which learners work at their own speed, controlling the CD player or tape recorder.

{=jigsaw listening

~home recording

~live listening

~the gallery}
What types of listening activities according to the main purpose are there in ELT?

{=understanding the gist of content, finding out specific information

~taking part in a conversation, choose something according to what you hear

~Top-down listening, bottom-up listening

~answering questions, taking notes on what you hear}
Find the right definition for intensive reading.

{=reading for detail


~general understanding

~reading for pleasure}
What does post-reading include?

{=follow-on task, role-play, debate, writing task, closing

~tasks to focus on individual language items, eg. vocabulary or grammar exercises

~tasks to focus on meaning

~tasks to focus on fast reading }
What is extensive reading?

{=reading longer texts, such as a novel, over time

~reading for getting knowledge

~reading for specific information

~short time reading}
What is immersion?

{=picking up a language by living and communicating in a place where the language is used

~learning language by being taught by a teacher

~acquiring a language through the media

~language acquisition type in which learners study themselves}
In this type of teaching the teacher spends quite a lot of class time using the board to explain things/

{=traditional teaching

~entertainer teaching

~performer teaching

~interactive teaching}
Who suggested that there are three core teacher characteristics that help to create an effective learning environment?

{=Carl Rogers

~Dell Hymes


What does respect mean in ELT?

{=a positive and non-judgemental regard for another person

~being able to see things from the other person’s perspective

~support learners’ ideas

~being honest and trustful }
According to Adrian Underhill what categories of teaching styles are there?

{=Explainer, involver, enabler

~respect, empathy, authenticity

~kinesthetic, audio, visual

~authoritative, democratic, liberal}
Choose the right order of an experimental learning cycle.




Define devil's advocate activity.

{=useful intervention based on deliberately taking an opposing or contrasting viewpoint in order to spur on conversation

~a riddle written in meters to improve fluent speaking

~a short story to tell the learners in an extra time left

~the most important content-carrying words in a text}
Find the correct definition for talk-talk loop.

{=you say something, but because there is no response from the learners, you say something else, and again with no response you add something else

~focusing on specific issues when talking

~preventing our talk from being boring and ineffective

~useful intervention based on deliberately taking an opposing or contrasting viewpoint in order to spur on conversation}
What goals are Important when considering speaking lessons?

{=fluency and confidence

~the ability to comprehend the content

~using effective strategies and methods to improve speaking

~speaking as much as possible and get into conversation regularly}
….is an organizational technique that works particularly well with simple problem-based discussions and especially with item-selected tasks.

{=pyramid discussion

~puzzle game

~yes & no questions

~open questions}
What kind of technique simulation is?

{=a large-scale role play, intending to create complex “world”

~a powerful variation on role play, in which situations and one more of the characters are drawn not from cards, but from a participant’s own life

~a play in which learners take a little preparation time and then meet up with other students to act small scenes

~action done according to a role card}
….is a powerful variation on role play, in which situations and one more of the characters are drawn not from cards, but from a participant’s own life

{=real play

~role play


What does scaffolding refer to in teaching speaking?

{=the way a competent language speaker helps a less competent one

~preparing and telling a story with parts that do not match the recording

~teaching about the form

~giving the students chances to use the language being studied}
What categories should we consider when are teaching writing to students?

{=audience and purpose

~coherence and cohesion

~fluency and confidence

~grammar and vocabulary}
…. are mini-programs that can do frequently repeated actions at the press of a button


~lexis box


~NLP Neuro-linguistic programming}
An approach to teaching that aims to minimize use of technology, teaching aids and other excesses and instead emphasize the importance of the learner-teacher relationship and interaction.


~personal methodology

~the natural approach

~The silent way}
Who devised the natural approach?

{=Stephen Krashen

~Dr J.Asher

~Caleb Gattegno

~Jimmie Hill}
The degree to which language teaching materials have the qualities of natural speech or writing….




A type of reading technique which is used when the reader wants to locate a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage is………

{= scanning

~ skimming

~intensive reading

~extensive reading}
What can we call a lesson in which more than one skill plus grammar or vocabulary are taught?

{=an integrated skills lesson

~vocabulary lesson

~grammar lesson

~home reading}
“I always use colored pens to highlight my notes” What kind of learner he is?




The process of learning without being controlled by anyone else ……

{= autonomous learning



~collaborative learning}
The measurement of the ability of a person or the quality or success of a teaching course….




~comparative learning}
An activity where people move and talk to each other …….

{=mingle activity

~lead –in


~language awareness}
Comments or information learners receive on the success of a learning task, either from the teacher or from other learners




A type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task…….


~mingle activity


~pairwork }
Mode of work as individual work, pairwork, groupwork used in learning and teaching is …….

{=interaction pattern


~interaction pattern


{=to make a learning process possible or easier; to work with a group in order to help them to articulate the ideas

~to check students’ knowledge by doing a test

~to make trainers hand in their papers

~to talk during the lesson without stopping }
An activity in which a pair or two groups of students hold different information, or where one partner knows something that the other doesn’t…….. .

{=information gap activity



An activity to make learners feel less nervous or inhibited when they first meet……

{=ice breaker


~mingle activity

~jigsaw }
A device in which the learner is presented with a question along with four or five possible answers from which one must be selected, especially is used in testing or teaching is………

{=multiple choice

~gap fill


Observation of a teacher or trainee by a colleague of equal status is ….

{=peer observation

~peer teaching

~peer observation

…. organizes group learning, observes students, provides consultation, and promotes interaction between groups and among individuals to achieve learning objectives.




This approach incorporates different aspects of the various styles and gives teachers flexibility to tailor a personal style that’s right for their coursework and students.

{= Hybrid, or blended style

~ Developer, or group style

~ Demonstrator, or coach style

~ Authority, or lecture style}
What is a strategy?

{=defines the basic procedure of how the content is elaborated during the teaching process.

~a detailed list of rules or a guideline for any (teaching) activity.

~a description of the way that information or a behavior is carried forward or consolidated during the instructional process.

~a group centered interaction method. }
A lateral thinking tool, is useful for generating fresh ideas or new perspectives during problem solving. It offers new perspectives on a problem, fosters creative leaps, and permits escape from restrictive thinking patterns.

{=random input

~decision Tree


What kind of method slip writing is?

{= this method can gather ideas from large groups, numbering from the dozens to the hundreds. Participants are given slips of paper and asked to write down ideas which are discussed or evaluated.

~ in this exercise in questioning, students create a list of 100 questions.

~can be compared to spreading students’ thoughts out on a wall as they work on a project or solve a problem.

~each student takes the role of a person affected by an issue and studies an issue or events from the perspective of that person. }
B2 is also called as... in CEFR.




Two words that contain all the same sounds except for one, eg pet/pat


{=minimal pairs

~metalanguage doublet


~doublet units}

Ways of finding out what students need to study on a language course /

{=Needs Analysis


~lexical items

~false beginners}
Extra sounds that appear in fluent, connected speech to help link two words.

{=Intrusive words


~weak form

One distinct part of a lesson, usually a single activity.




The basic unit of spoken language, similar to a clause or sentence for written language. A sentence could have one or more than one tone.

{=tone unit

~tonic syllable


A gap fill exercise with regularly spaced gaps (eg every seventh wor~

{=cloze procedure



Questions that focus on the meaning of a language item.

{=concept questions



Repetition of what a student has just said.




~comprehensible input}
An analyzable computer database of real language use, drawn from a range of texts.




Speaking naturally without worrying too much about being 100 % correct.




Which One is the disadvantage of CLT?

{=It is difficult if the level of proficiency of students is low

~Only suitable for beginners of the language

~There are too many grammar structures prevented

~Grammar is more focused on than listening }
Which one is the role of the Teacher in CLT?




~Director }
Which one is not an activity used in CLT?

{=Giving and obeying commands

~Role plays

~Language games

~Scrambled sentences }
______ is knowledge that enabled a person to communicate functionally and interactively.

{=Communicative competence

~Linguistic competence

~Cohesion and coherence competence

~Compression approach }
Which one is not a principle of CLT?

{=Students should learn to answer automatically without stopping to think

~Authentic language should be used

~The target language is a vehicle for classroom communication, not just the object of the study

~The teacher is the facilitator in setting up communication activities }
Which one is not true about CLT?

{=The emphasis in on the mastery of the language forms rather than the process of communication.

~The target language is exclusively used to maintain a cultural island in the classroom

~Grammar is intuitively taught where learners are encouraged to make their own generalization about grammar rules.

~Not only accuracy, but also the fluency is evaluated by the teacher }
A process where learners gather ideas for writing and speaking activities in a fast way….


~Brain training


~Offering ideas}
Students are talking about future verb tenses in small group, teacher is observed them without intervening their discussion. The teacher will provide feedback after the discussion.

{=Communicative language teaching



~The structural approach }
It is based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning.

{=Communicative approach

~Direct method

~Community language learning method

~Grammar translation method }
What does ‘fluency ‘refer to in the second language learning context?

{=The student is comfortable using the SL and is quite easily understood by other speakers of the TL.

~The constitution of understanding of the language thought context

~The student makes very few mistakes when speaking in the SL and is understood perfectly

~The speed with which a student speaks the SL. }
Communicative competence is:

{=The correlation between fluency and accuracy

~Grammatical knowledge

~Students language structural knowledge

~Ability of students SL structure}
What does CEFR stands for?

{=Common European Framework of Reference

~Common English Framework of Reference

~Common English Formation of Reference

~Common European Formation of Reference}
What three tiers are there in CEFR?

{=basic, independent, proficient

~listening, speaking, grammar

~beginner, intermediate, advanced

~breakthrough, waystage, vantage}
In which level language user can easily understand virtually everything they hear or read and can speak and write as well as anybody?




CEFR was developed by … to describe language learners’ ability in European languages.

{=The Council of Europe

~British Council

~European Union

~European Community}
Choose proficient levels.

{=C1, C2

~B1, B2

~B2, C2

~A1, A2}
…….. are things to do as an extra activity when teachers have run out other material.


~lexical games


~word dominoes}
The activity in which teacher reads a text aloud and learners must write it down accurately.




~Kim’s game}
A shorthand description of one way of sequencing stages in a systems-based lesson.


~tone unit


~tonic syllable}
A voiced sound made without any closure, friction or restriction to the flow of air from the lungs


~word stress


~weak form}
Timetable, the plan of work showing lessons as units and identifying what goes on in each one.

{=work plan



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