September 1 Independence Day in Uzbekistan is regarded as one of the most important public holidays in the country.On August 31, 1991, the Republic of Uzbekistan officially declared its independence from the USSR, which by that time had already collapsed. This declaration was only the initial step in the formation of a new country on the world map, however. Mixed feelings overwhelmed the country's population when Uzbekistan gained independence, as a longing for the former country in which they were born and raised competed with expectations for a new and brighter future.The early years of independence were filled with hardships in every post-Soviet nation, and Uzbekistan was no exception. The transition from a planned economy to a market economy, the severance of economic ties with the powerful USSR and the sudden bankruptcy of once influential enterprises proved a difficult test for the young republic. Fortunately, the country has overcome many of its initial trials and continues to respond to the new challenges of our day.Independence Day was the first holiday to be officially recognized after Uzbekistan’s independence in 1991, and it continues to be celebrated with great exuberance each year. In each of Uzbekistan’s 12 regions, special activities reflective of local culture and traditions are prepared for the public. Nowhere is Independence Day celebrated with greater fanfare, however, than in capital city Tashkent. A spectacular show fittingly held at Mustakillik Square (Independence Square) is organized well in advance and typically includes folk performances, sports competitions, special shows and a lively fair filled with the colorful displays of local artisans. Hundreds of participants of all ages, dozens of bands, dance troupes and pop stars converge on the square for an unforgettable performance, which culminates in a spectacular fireworks show in the evening.Of course, no special holiday would be complete without special foods, and on Independence Day the sumptuous national rice dish plov is often prepared and shared with family, colleagues, friends and neighbors.
1 sentyabr kuni O'zbekistonda Mustaqillik kuni mamlakatdagi eng muhim bayramlardan biri sifatida qaraladi. 1991 yil 31 avgustda O'zbekiston Respublikasi rasman o'sha paytga qadar qulab tushgan SSSRdan mustaqilligini e'lon qildi. Biroq, ushbu deklaratsiya dunyo xaritasida yangi mamlakatni shakllantirishdagi dastlabki qadam edi. O'zbekiston mustaqillikka erishgandan so'ng, o'zaro tug'ma va o'sgan sobiq mamlakatga bo'lgan intizor yangi va porloq kelajakni kutish bilan raqobatlashayotgani kabi, mamlakat aholisini aralash tuyg'ular bosib oldi. Mustaqillikning dastlabki yillari har bir postsovet davlatida qiyinchiliklarga duch keldi. va O'zbekiston ham bundan mustasno emas edi. Rejali iqtisodiyotdan bozor iqtisodiyotiga o'tish, qudratli SSSR bilan iqtisodiy aloqalarning uzilishi va bir paytlar nufuzli bo'lgan korxonalarning to'satdan bankrot bo'lishi yosh respublika uchun og'ir sinovni isbotladi. Yaxshiyamki, mamlakat o'zining ko'plab dastlabki sinovlarini engib o'tdi va bugungi kunning yangi muammolariga javob berishda davom etmoqda.Mustaqillik kuni 1991 yilda O'zbekiston mustaqillikka erishgandan so'ng rasman tan olingan birinchi bayram edi va u har yili katta tetiklik bilan nishonlanib kelmoqda. . O'zbekistonning har 12 mintaqasida jamoatchilik uchun mahalliy madaniyat va an'analarni aks ettiruvchi maxsus tadbirlar tayyorlanadi. Mustaqillik kuni hech qayerda katta shov-shuv bilan nishonlanmaydi, ammo poytaxt Toshkentdagidek. Mustaqillik maydonida (Mustaqillik maydoni) uyushtirilgan ajoyib shou oldindan yaxshi tashkil etilgan bo'lib, odatda folklor tomoshalari, sport musobaqalari, maxsus shoular va mahalliy hunarmandlarning rang-barang namoyishlari bilan to'ldirilgan jonli yarmarkani o'z ichiga oladi. Har qanday yoshdagi yuzlab ishtirokchilar, o'nlab guruhlar, raqs guruhlari va estrada yulduzlari maydonda unutilmas chiqish uchun birlashadilar, bu esa kechqurun ajoyib salyut-shou bilan yakunlanadi, albatta, hech qanday maxsus bayram maxsus taomlarsiz bo'lmaydi mustaqillik kunida dabdabali milliy guruchli piyola tayyorlanadi va oila a'zolari, hamkasblari, do'stlari va qo'shnilariga tarqatiladi. Umumshahar miqyosidagi katta bayram yoki oilaviy ovqatlanish bo'lsin, O'zbekistonda Mustaqillik kuni unutilmas va o'ziga xosdir.
The traditions of Uzbekistan are flavoured with holidays and festive dinners. Here are the most important religious and state holidays of Uzbekistan as well as memorial dates that are part of the history and culture of the nation.
This is a popular and beloved state holiday celebrated in whole Uzbekistan. The army marches on the central square of Tashkent and line up to celebrate and accept awards from the president.
Memory and Honor day, 9th of May The countries participating in the Great Patriotic War celebrate the memory and honour day on the 9th of May. Uzbekistan also took part in the war and thousands of Uzbek families lost their beloved ones. Festive concerts are organized on the central Independence Square of Tashkent. The Alley of Fame and Memory is full of flowers on this day. It is used to celebrate the veterans for the victory.
Ramadan Hayit
Ramadan Hayit is a day of moral and spiritual purification. The holiday starts after the Islamic fasting Ruza that lasts for 30 days. It is the fasting to purify the soul. According to fasting month, Ruza or Ramadan from sunrise to sunset Muslims are not allowed to eat and drink, they treat politely and avoid bad thoughts.
All religious holidays start with morning prayer Hayit-namaz. Ramadan Hayit lasts for three days. In Uzbekistan, religious holidays are declared public holidays and the whole country celebrates Ramadan. Arafa is the day before the holiday. On Arafa, Uzbek families prepare traditional dishes kush-tili, Orama, chak-chak, bugirsok and nuts in sugar.
As a tradition on the day of a religious holiday Uzbek families visit a cemetery to honour relatives. Mazars (cemeteries) are tidied up before the holiday. After visiting the cemetery it is used to visit friends and relatives. The house where there are newlyweds, kelin (wife) wears a veil to cover her head and face.
Kurban Hayit
Kurban Hayit is one of the most important holidays in Islam. It is the day of the unity of Muslims, the day of mercy and kindness. It is celebrated 70 days after Ramadan Hayit and the holiday marks the end of the Hajj. Arafa, the day before the celebration, is the day when Muslims get ready for the holiday. In Uzbekistan, every family prepares traditional dishes like chak-chak, kush-tili, bugirsok and nuts for Kurban Hayit. Traditional pilaf is prepared in the evening of Arafa.
O'zbekiston urf-odatlari bayramlar va bayram dasturxonlari bilan bezatilgan. Bu erda O'zbekistonning eng muhim diniy va davlat bayramlari hamda millat tarixi va madaniyatining bir qismi bo'lgan yodgorlik sanalari keltirilgan.
Bu butun O'zbekistonda nishonlanadigan mashhur va sevimli davlat bayramidir. Armiya Toshkentning markaziy maydonida yurib, Prezidentning mukofotlarini nishonlash va qabul qilish uchun saf tortadi.
9-may - Xotira va qadrlash kuni Buyuk Vatan urushida qatnashadigan mamlakatlar 9-may kuni xotira va qadrlash kunini nishonlaydilar. Urushda O'zbekiston ham qatnashdi va minglab o'zbek oilalari o'z yaqinlaridan ayrildi. Toshkent shahrining markaziy Mustaqillik maydonida bayram konsertlari uyushtirilmoqda. Shuhrat va xotira xiyoboni shu kuni gullarga to'la. U faxriylarni g'alaba uchun nishonlash uchun ishlatiladi.
Ramazon Hayit
Ramazon Hayiti - axloqiy va ma'naviy poklanish kuni. Bayram 30 kun davom etadigan Ruza islomiy ro'zasidan keyin boshlanadi. Ruhni poklash uchun bu ro'za. Ro'za oyiga ko'ra, Ruza yoki Ramazon oylari quyosh chiqqandan to quyosh botguniga qadar musulmonlar eb-ichishlari taqiqlanadi, ular muloyim munosabatda bo'lishadi va yomon fikrlardan qochishadi.
Barcha diniy bayramlar ertalab Hayit namozidan boshlanadi. Ramazon hayiti uch kun davom etadi. O'zbekistonda diniy bayramlar dam olish kunlari deb e'lon qilinadi va butun mamlakat Ramazonni nishonlaydi. Arafa - bayramdan bir kun oldin. Arafada o'zbek oilalari qush-tili, Orama, chak-chak, bugirsok va yong'oq kabi an'anaviy taomlarni tayyorlaydilar.
An'anaga ko'ra diniy bayram kuni o'zbek oilalari qarindoshlarini hurmat qilish uchun qabristonga tashrif buyurishadi. Bayramlar oldidan mazorlar (qabristonlar) tartibga keltiriladi. Qabristonga tashrif buyurganingizdan so'ng, do'stlaringiz va qarindoshlaringizni ziyorat qilish uchun foydalaniladi. Yangi turmush qurganlar uyi, kelin (xotin) boshini va yuzini yopish uchun parda kiyadi.
Qurbon Hayit
Qurbon Hayit - Islom dinining eng muhim bayramlaridan biri. Bu kun musulmonlarning birligi kuni, rahm-shafqat va mehr-oqibat kuni. U Ramazon Hayitidan 70 kun o'tgach nishonlanadi va bu bayram Haj nihoyasiga etadi. Arafa, bayram qilishdan bir kun oldin, musulmonlar bayramga tayyorlanadigan kun. O'zbekistonda har bir oila Qurbon hayiti uchun chak-chak, kush-tili, bugirsok va yong'oq kabi an'anaviy taomlarni tayyorlaydi. An'anaviy palov Arafa oqshomida tayyorlanadi.
I wanted to try different professions, because all of them look very interesting. But my vocation is to be a teacher. I have decided that I want to be a teacher of physics. I love children and I am good in physics . Of course I have to learn many things yet and I do my best. There are few teachers in my family and they are happy with this profession. Sometimes children can make them upset and my relatives can be very busy at school but in general this job makes them happy. Actually I would like to be a teacher of mathematics and physics. These two subjects are my favorite ones. If I had a chance I would spend twice more time to study these subjects. At the end of school I have to pass exams and pass final tests to go to university.I think for teacher it’s important to love your subject, to have patience and interest to the children, to explain over and over again. I am this kind of person. I am very attentive to details and I know how to manage with children.From the other side the salary of a teacher in Russia is not so good. Unfortunately some professions without high education is paid better, than profession of a teacher. It’s not fair, but my choice is so. Maybe one day I will change my mind, but today I feel I am able to help our educational system. According me this profession is noble, important and very interesting. It’s not only you gonna be a teacher, but also you have to learn many things from your children. The job has to make you happy and then every day you will wake up and go to work with smile. Teaching is a very specific and responsible job. The success of educating and upbringing of children depends to a great degree on the personality of the teacher, his professional skills, moral principles, erudition and cultural background. This noble and challenging profession demands from a teacher constant creativity, enthusiasm, understanding of children and love for them, complete dedication to his cause.The teacher must be a model of competence, so he is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life. Most jobs can be done within the usual office hours, but teacher's work is never done and evenings are mostly spent marking exercise-books and preparing for the next lesson. It is also a stressful job because you have to encourage your pupils and keep them interested.A good teacher treats his pupils with respect and values them as individuals. He understands that each child is unique and has special talents and capabilities. That's why he educates each pupil with special attention to his or her interests and encourages each one to be the best he or she can be. He helps children to develop their critical and creative thinking, to form their views and characters, their attitudes to life and to other people. He teaches them to work independently and cooperatively, to be helpful and useful.A good teacher will do his best to bring up honest and considerate, patient and tactful, self-confident, objectively-minded and self-disciplined people.
Men turli kasblarni sinab ko'rmoqchi edim, chunki ularning barchasi juda qiziqarli ko'rinadi. Ammo mening kasbim o'qituvchi bo'lishdir. Men fizika o'qituvchisi bo'lishni xohlaganimga qaror qildim. Men bolalarni yaxshi ko'raman va fizikani yaxshi bilaman. Albatta, hali ko'p narsalarni o'rganishim kerak va qo'limdan kelganicha harakat qilaman. Mening oilamda o'qituvchilar kam va ular bu kasbdan mamnun. Ba'zan bolalar ularni xafa qilishlari mumkin va mening qarindoshlarim maktabda juda band bo'lishlari mumkin, ammo umuman bu ish ularni xursand qiladi. Aslida men matematika va fizika o'qituvchisi bo'lishni xohlardim. Ushbu ikkita mavzu mening sevimli mavzularim. Agar imkonim bo'lsa, men ushbu fanlarni o'rganish uchun yana ikki marta vaqt ajratar edim. Maktabni tugatgach, men universitetga kirish uchun imtihonlarni topshirishim va yakuniy testlarni topshirishim kerak, menimcha, o'qituvchi uchun mavzuni sevish, bolalarga sabr-toqat va qiziqish, qayta-qayta tushuntirish muhim. Men bunday odamman. Men tafsilotlarga diqqat bilan qarayman va bolalar bilan qanday ishlashni bilaman, boshqa tomondan Rossiyada o'qituvchining maoshi unchalik yaxshi emas. Afsuski, ba'zi ma'lumotlarga ega bo'lganlar, o'qituvchilik kasbidan ko'ra ko'proq maosh olishadi. Bu adolatli emas, lekin mening tanlovim shunday. Balki bir kun kelib fikrimni o'zgartirarman, lekin bugun o'zimning ta'lim tizimimizga yordam bera olaman deb o'ylayman. Mening fikrimcha, bu kasb olijanob, muhim va juda qiziq. Siz nafaqat o'qituvchi bo'lasiz, balki farzandlaringizdan ko'p narsalarni o'rganishingiz kerak. Ish sizni xursand qilishi kerak, keyin har kuni siz uyg'onasiz va tabassum bilan ishga ketasiz. O'qitish juda aniq va mas'uliyatli ishdir. Bolalarni o'qitish va tarbiyalashning muvaffaqiyati ko'p jihatdan o'qituvchining shaxsiyati, uning kasbiy mahorati, axloqiy tamoyillari, bilimlari va madaniy ma'lumotlariga bog'liq. Ushbu olijanob va mashaqqatli kasb o'qituvchidan doimiy ijodkorlikni, g'ayratni, bolalarni tushunishni va ularga bo'lgan muhabbatni, o'z ishiga to'la fidoyilikni talab qiladi.Oqituvchi kompetentlik namunasi bo'lishi kerak, shuning uchun u hamma narsani o'rgatadigan va o'rganadigan kishidir. uning hayoti Ko'pgina ishlarni odatdagi ish soatlarida bajarish mumkin, ammo o'qituvchilarning ishi hech qachon bajarilmaydi, kechqurunlari asosan mashg'ulotlar kitoblarini belgilash va keyingi darsga tayyorgarlik ko'rish bilan o'tkaziladi. Bundan tashqari, bu og'ir ish, chunki siz o'quvchilaringizni rag'batlantirishingiz va ularni qiziqtirishingiz kerak. Yaxshi o'qituvchi shogirdlariga hurmat bilan qaraydi va ularni individual sifatida qadrlaydi. U har bir bolaning o'ziga xosligini va alohida iste'dod va qobiliyatlarga ega ekanligini tushunadi. Shuning uchun ham u har bir o'quvchini o'z qiziqishlariga alohida e'tibor berib tarbiyalaydi va har birini eng yaxshi bo'lishga undaydi. U bolalarning tanqidiy va ijodiy fikrlashlarini rivojlantirish, ularning qarashlari va xarakterlarini, hayotga va boshqa odamlarga munosabatlarini shakllantirishga yordam beradi. U ularni mustaqil va hamkorlikda ishlashga, foydali va foydali bo'lishga o'rgatadi.Yaxshi o'qituvchi halol va xushmuomala, sabrli va xushmuomalali, o'ziga ishongan, ob'ektiv fikrlaydigan va o'zini tuta oladigan, ko'pchilik bilan uchrashishga qodir insonlarni tarbiyalash uchun qo'lidan kelganicha harakat qiladi.
According to official sources, about 60 percent of Uzbekistan's population is covered under the system of education. The earlier educational system required 11 years of compulsory schooling for both men and women. In 1992 the policy decision was made to change from 11 to 9 years of compulsory education. After nine years of compulsory schooling, students can prepare for higher education in tenth or eleventh grade or turn to vocational training. After graduating from any type of secondary education, an individual can enter a higher education institution to obtain a bachelor's degree and continue study toward a master's or doctoral degree.Budget constraints and other transition problems following the collapse of the Soviet Union, have made it difficult to maintain and update educational buildings, equipment, texts, supplies, teaching methods, and curricula. Foreign aid for education is desperately needed, but has not been sufficient to compensate for the loss of central funding.
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