The Holton Recorder

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11763. Blandin. Mr. Wells went to Emmett Wednesday to take Mr. Shopteese to see his brother, who was very ill and has since died. He was buried Sunday in the Holy Cross cemetery. The Holton Recorder, January 26, 1922.
Nocks Creek. Francis Shopteese, better known as Noz-wen, passed away at his home in Emmett. The Holton Signal, February 2, 1922.
11764. Robert Figley died at his home east of Goff, Saturday, January 21, 1922. Mr. Figley formerly lived near Soldier, The Soldier Clipper, February 1, 1922.
The relatives who were here to attend the funeral of Robert Figley Tuesday were: Mrs. Frank Greer and son George and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Figley of Horton, R. J. Figley, Portis; Dick Spencer, Circleville; Mr. and Mrs. John Grey, Holton; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Spencer of Ontario. - Goff Advance. The Holton Signal, February 2, 1922.
11765. Pottawatomi Mission. Peter Thompson died Friday night at the home of Pax Waubunsee. Mr. Thompson was somewhat along in years. It is said that he, too, succumbed to pneumonia. Interment was in the Shipshe cemetery. … The Holton Recorder, February 2, 1922.
11766. Pottawatomi Mission. William Lacey, a respected white man living one mile west of the Blandin school house, died Friday night of pneumonia. Mr. Lacey was about 40 years old. He had lived on the reservation a number of years. Mrs. Lacey has also been quite sick, but was getting better Sunday. Mr. Lacey’s funeral was held at Emmett by the Catholics. The interment was at St. Marys; where his father lives. The writer has known Mr. Lacey ever since he came to the reservation. In fact, he was one of the first to do him a kindly deed, by helping a balky Ford up Chaney’s hill. …
Blandin. Another death which is deeply mourned here occurred Friday night when W. H. Lacey passed away, a victim of influenza and pneumonia. … Mrs. Lacey is also sick with pneumonia, and we understand both children are sick. Her parents arrived from Old Mexico Saturday night. …
Mayetta Department. Will Lacey died at his home on the reservation Sunday, January 29, 1922, of pneumonia … The Holton Recorder, February 2, 1922.
Wm. H. Lacey, age 34 years and six months died of pneumonia at his home 10 miles west of Mayetta on Friday, January 27, 1922. … He is survived by his wife and two small children, a son and daughter, his aged parents, five brothers and three sisters. He worked four years as a nurse in the Santa Fe Hospital in New Mexico, in which state he was married and has been engaged in farming on the reservation the past five or six years. The Holton Signal, February 9, 1922.
Emmett. … Burial was made in the Holy Cross cemetery. Our sympathy is extended to his wife and family also to his father, mother, brothers and sisters. The Holton Signal, February 2, 1922.
11767. Joseph Yeager was born in New York City, New York, January 9, 1850. He died January 23, 1922, at the age of 72 years and 14 days. Mr. Yeager was united in marriage to Miss Melinda Yeager at Creston, Illinois, September 11, 1877. Eight children were born to this union, one dying in infancy, the other seven remaining to mourn his loss with their mother, two brothers, eighteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. The children are: Mrs. C. F. Runion, Spencer, Iowa; Mrs. G. W. Harmon, Holton, Kan.; Elmer E., Udell, Iowa; Walter E., Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. W. S. Roblin, Whitewater, Kan.; Ralph H., of Topeka, at whose home he died, and Mrs. Walter Spannagel, of Topeka. Two brothers - George of Topeka and John H. of Brooklyn, N. Y. - also survive him. His father died in 1856 and his mother died in 1882. Mr. Yeager came to New Rochelle, Ill., with his brother George, in 1862. He made his home with Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle and family, and George lived with a brother of Mr. Boyle, until they were 21 years of age. While a young man he united with the Presbyterian Church of Rochelle, and later transferred his membership to the Methodist Episcopal Church … Burial took place in the Topeka cemetery. The Holton Recorder, February 2, 1922.
Joseph F. Yeager, an old resident of Kansas, died Monday at the home of his son, Ralph Yeager, 500 Wabash Avenue, where he had made his home for more than a year ... four daughters, Mrs. Charles Runyon, Spencer, Iowa; Mrs. G. H. Harmon, Holton; Mrs. W. F. Roblin, Whitewater, and Mrs. Walter Spannagel, Oakland. … Topeka Capital. The Holton Recorder, January 26, 1922.
11768. Pottawatomi Mission. Charles Benick, Sr., also passed away, his death occurring Saturday last, at his home west of the Brewer school house. Mr. Benick also died of pneumonia, it is said … The Holton Recorder, February 2, 1922.
Nocks Creek. Father Bennick as he was familiarly called was laid to rest Monday in the family lot at his home. He leaves two sons and his aged wife to mourn.
O. Bennick, one of the first settlers of the Potawatomie died at his home Saturday morning at 5 o’clock, reaching close to 100 years of age. The Holton Signal, February 2, 1922.
11769. William Seymour, the oldest child of John Seymour, died at this father’s home, on Little Soldier Creek, at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon. William had tubercular for some time, and his condition had caused alarm, but is death was not expected so soon. Probably he caught cold, which hastened the end. … In a very short time he has lost his wife and two boys. Three children - a girl and two boys - yet remain … the interment was in the Shipshe burying ground. The Holton Recorder, February 2, 1922.
Nocks Creek. … the young man suffered with the white plague. The Holton Signal, February 2, 1922.
11770. Thomas Jefferson Kolb was born in Prairie Grove, Arkansas, May 31, 1884, and departed this life Saturday morning, January 28, his age being 37 years, 7 months and 27 days. When he was a boy 11 years old he was taken by his parents to Pawnee, Okla., where he resided until November, 1908, at which time he moved to Whiting. He was married to Miss Lottie May Haverstock at Pawnee, Okla., on Christmas day of 1904. Their home was blessed with the birth of one child, a son, Melvin Thomas, who is now 12 years old. He was preceded in death by his father, mother, two sisters and one brother. He is survived by a brother, Mr. A. H. Kolb of Pawnee, Okla.; four sisters, Mrs. James F. Porter of Hot Springs, Ark., Mrs. George Wheeler of Pawnee, Okla., Mrs. A. M. Dever of Muskogee, Okla., and Mrs. G. C. Parker of the same city; a brother-in-law and family, Mr. Earl Baggat of Netawaka, also one nephew, Maynard Kolb, of Marysville, Kan., all of whom were present. Mr. Kolb was a member of Liberty Grange north of Holton and belonged to the M. W. A. at Netawaka. The Methodist church was his preference. … the Kolb family lived in their present home only about three years … The presence of the following members of Mrs. Kolb is especially helpful at this time: Her parents, who reside in Netawaka, and her brother Earl of Netawaka, Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ball and Dorothy of White City, Kan., Mr. Carl Ball of Topeka, Mrs. James Newlin of Peabody, Alva and Harold Haverstock of Topeka, and Mrs. Ada B. Amon of Holton. … the burial services in the Netawaka cemetery were conducted by the members the Modern Woodmen of America. The Holton Recorder, February 2, 1922.
11771. Word has been received by Mrs. John M. Kaul of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Harriett E. Milam, which occurred at Oakland, Calif., January 20, aged 87 years and 4 months. Mrs. Milam was one of the early settlers of Jackson county, having come here in 1854 with her husband, Moses S. Milam, and her father, Thos. Stokes, and her brother, William P. Stokes. These parties pre-empted land just east of Holton, where they resided for some years. Later Mr. and Mrs. Milam moved into this city, living here for many years, and until they removed to Oakland, Calif. Her only son, Thomas, and her husband died some years ago, since which time, Mrs. Milam has made her home with her daughter-in-law. While living in Holton she was a member of the Presbyterian church … The Holton Recorder, February 2, 1922.
11772. Muddy Creek. The death of S. H. Chaney marks the passing of one of the landmarks of out little city. For years Mr. Chaney engaged in the real estate and insurance business, has been one of our leading men. He was one of the last of the old G. A. R. men in this community, and was highly honored among them. After a long illness he passed away Tuesday morning, and was laid to rest in the Meriden cemetery. The Holton Recorder, February 2, 1922.
11773. Elmont. We are sorry to report the death of little Clyde Brewer, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brewer, last Thursday … his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Weeks, Belvue. Burial was in the Belvue cemetery. The Holton Recorder, February 2, 1922.
11774. Wm. McAdam has fallen heir to $5000 through the death of a cousin in Scotland. His brothers, George and James McAdam, near Holton, and his sisters, Mrs. Jean Drummond and Mrs. Nellie Drummond, Elmdale have each received $5000. All five brothers and sisters are well to do. The sisters own gas and oil producing farms. - Effingham New Leaf. The Holton Signal, February 2, 1922.
George McAdam of Holton made his annual visit Tuesday to the graves of his parents in the Evergreen cemetery. Effingham New Leaf. The Holton Signal, June 7, 1923.
11775. Pottawatomi Mission. Frank Wilmot, who has been ill for some time, died Tuesday, January 31, at the home of Al Linsacum. He was buried in the Shipshe cemetery Thursday, the Catholics having charge of the funeral. Wimot, whose Indian name was Wah-goose, was a native of Oklahoma. He was 66 years of age. His brother, Mitchell, came on for the funeral. The Holton Recorder, February 9, 1922.
Nocks Creek. Francis Wilmot passed away at the home of his niece, Mrs. Ann Linsacum last Tuesday morning, January 31. Born near Sugar Creek, Mo., 80 years ago. His parents moved to the western part of Shawnee county on the Kaw about 65 years ago. He came to Lincoln township, this county, living here a number of years. The Holton Signal, February 9, 1922.
11776. Mayetta Department. Alfred Peterson, age 31 years, died at his home, one-half mile north of Mayetta, Monday evening, January 29, at 7:30. Mr. Peterson had been sick for sometime but not seriously until about three or four days before he passed away. He suffered terribly and the pain that he went through no one can tell. He came to this community some two years ago and lived at that home until his death. He attended the Christian church here … the body was taken to Morrill, Kansas, in Brown county, for burial, at his old home. At the time of his death his wife was very ill. She and the little boy have the sympathy of the entire community.
Cedarvale and Vicinity. Alfred Peterson died Monday evening and was buried at his old home in Nebraska Wednesday. He leaves a widow and one son, Alfred Junior … The Holton Recorder, February 9, 1922.
Mayetta Department. The funeral of Alfred E. Peterson … Mrs. Peterson who has not been feeling well went to Fairbury, Nebr., Monday with her son, where they will visit indefinitely. The Holton Signal, February 9, 1922.
11777. Soldier. Grace Mantie, the ten-days-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wykert, died on Thursday. … Burial in the Soldier cemetery. The Holton Recorder, February 9, 1922.
11778. Ethel Mae McLin died at St. Francis Hospital in Topeka, January 25, 1922. She was taken to the hospital January 22, to undergo an operation for appendicitis. She recovered from the effects of the operation for a time and her parents and friends hoped she would recover her health, when she was suddenly stricken and died before her parents could reach her … Interment was made in the Hoyt cemetery. Ethel Mae was born in Edwardsport, Indiana, December 31, 1899. She came with her parents to Jackson County, Kansas, in 1901. They located about six miles east of where Delia now stands, where she lived until her departure, closing a life which extended over a period of twenty-two years and twenty-five days. She graduated from Rossville High School with the class of 1919 and has been a successful teacher since, teaching in the Hoyt School when she died. The Holton Recorder, February 9, 1922.
11779. Blandin. The young child of Alex Ongewa died Sunday night. The Holton Recorder, February 9, 1922.
11780. Claudius M. Wylie, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wylie, was born October 23, 1904, at Holton, Kansas, and passed away very suddenly at his home, 1421 West Twenty-third street, Oklahoma City, January 29, 1922, at the age of 17 years, 3 months and 6 days. Claudius’ first seven years were spent in Holton, then with his parents moved to Beatrice, Neb., where he resided until December 1, 1919. The following seven months were spent in Durant, Okla., where he attended Southeastern State Normal. There he completed his freshman year and entered the Oklahoma City High School September 1, 1920, and had just completed the first semester of his junior year. Claudius was a charter member of the Order of DeMolay of Oklahoma City and a member of the Boy Scouts … The Holton Recorder, February 9, 1922.
… Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wylie … Mr. and Mrs. Wylie formerly lived in Holton … The Holton Signal, February 2, 1922.
11781. David Powell Fletcher was born in Holton, Kansas, March 17, 1886. When he was but two years of age his parents moved to California, and lived there a short time, returning to Kansas and location on the farm south of Circleville. The farm was purchased from the grandfather, David Meyers. Dave, as he was called, stayed with his parents until he was about twenty years of age, and then went south, living in various southern states. During the World War he joined the Red Cross and was sent to the border of Mexico. He was married to Frances Bledsoe, of Jefferson City, Mo., May 5, 1916. To them were born two children, Hazel Bernice and David Powell Jr. In November, 1921, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, with the children, came to Circleville, Kan., from Louisiana, to stay with Mr. Fletcher’s mother, as his health was very poor. David Powell Fletcher passed away at the family home January 20, 1922 … The body was laid beside his father in the Circleville cemetery. Those who are left to experience the separation are his wife and two little ones, his mother, Mrs. Julia Fletcher, his brothers, Chris D. and Robert N., Frank L., Mrs. F. M. Moyer and Mrs. J. A. Reed, all of Wyoming, Mrs. A. C. Doty of Denver, Colo., Charley M., and Paul F. Fletcher of Circleville. The Holton Recorder, February 9, 1922.
Circleville. Word was received by relatives here of the death, November 29, of Mr. Doty of Denver, Colo. Mrs. Doty was formerly Miss Mayme Fletcher. The Holton Recorder, December 7, 1922.
Circleville. Mrs. Julia Fletcher received word that her daughter, Grace’s husband, Mr. Doty had died … The Holton Signal, December 7, 1922.
11782. Netawaka. Mrs. Bareiss’ mother, Mrs. Eberwine of Wetmore, died at her home in Wetmore Sunday morning.
Eureka. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eberwine of Lawrence came Monday evening to attend the funeral of Mr. Eberwine’s mother at Wetmore today. (Tuesday) They are at the Emil Zwonitzer home for a short visit. [Later in column.] Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zwonitzer will attend the funeral of Mr. Zwonitzer’s aunt, Mrs. Eberwine at Wetmore today. (Tuesday) The Holton Recorder, February 9, 1922.
Eureka. … will be buried in the Wetmore cemetery. The Holton Signal, February 9, 1922.
11783. Mrs. A. E. Johnson received word a few days ago of the death from small pox of her brother, Frank Taylor, at Portland, Oregon. Mrs. Johnson expects to start for Portland as soon as the quarantine is raised. The Holton Recorder, February 9, 1922.
11784. Witchewah. This community was shocked last Sunday when the sad news spread of the death of Mrs. Josie Noice Akins, who died of pneumonia. Her infant daughter, Agnes Marie, three weeks old, will be cared for by her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Akins. The Holton Recorder, February 9, 1922.
Nocks Creek. Mrs. Anna Aitkens Moore, of Oklahoma, and Mrs. Mary Aitkens Newberry of Topeka, were here to attend the funeral of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Josephine Aitkens. The Holton Signal, February 16, 1922.
Witchewah. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Decora were called to the home of Jonnie Niose to see their sister, Mrs. Niose, who was very sick and grief stricken over the death of her daughter, Mrs. George Akins. The Holton Recorder, February 23, 1922.
Nocks Creek. George Aitkens spent a night at Joseph Noctonick’s. His baby, now a month old, is growing fine. The infant’s mother died a few weeks ago. The Holton Signal, March 9, 1922.
11785. Banner Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Hamm, who have been visiting in the family of his sister, Mrs. Robert Armstrong, for sometime, were called home last Wednesday by the serious illness of Mrs. Hamm’s mother, who died on the following day. The Holton Recorder, February 9, 1922.
11786. The body of Mrs. P. A. Osborn was shipped from Enid, Okla., February 4 and burial was made in the Buck’s Grove cemetery. The Holton Recorder, February 9, 1922.
Mrs. P. W. Osborn …
Mayetta Department. Fred Osborn received a telegram Sunday from Oklahoma stating that his mother had died and that burial would take place on Tuesday. The Holton Signal, February 9, 1922.
11787. Mayetta Department. Mr. and Mrs. George Trotter have been in Girard the past week attending the death and burial of the latter’s father. The Holton Signal, February 9, 1922.
11788. Grandma Harrington went to St. Joe Thursday, having received word of the death of her brother-in-law Samuel Nash. Her grandson, Carl Wilkerson accompanied her. The Holton Signal, February 9, 1922.
11789. Pleasant Valley. Lee Able attended the funeral of his nephew at Silver Lake last Thursday. He died of pneumonia following the flu. The Holton Signal, February 9, 1922.
11790. One week ago last Sunday Mrs. P. H. Reed was called to Kentucky on account of the death of her mother, Mrs. Hon. Her son Thomas accompanied her.
Bancroft Items. Mrs. P. H. Reed and son, T. L., returned from Kentucky Sunday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Lee Huddleson, of Kansas City, and a cousin from Kentucky. The Soldier Clipper, February 15, 1922.
11791. Bancroft Items. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kranzinger and daughter attended the funeral of an uncle in Sabetha on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Mohringer will also attend the funeral. The Soldier Clipper, February 15, 1922.
Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kratzinger … The Holton Signal, February 16, 1922.
11792. Miss Margaret Cross, telephone operator here for the past twenty years, died suddenly at 2 o’clock Wednesday morning. She had been suffering from the flu for a few days and had been confined to her bed only since Monday. Her sister, Mrs. James Brennan of El Dorado, Kan., was expected to arrive last night and funeral arrangements are with-held until her arrival. The Holton Recorder, February 16, 1922.
Margaret Cross, daughter of Garrett and Annie Cross, was born October 20, 1883, at Goff, Kansas. While just an infant six months old her mother died. Later her father married again and she was affectionately cared for by her step-mother until grown. In 1900 she came to Holton and attended Campbell University. The following year she began her work as operator for the Holton Telephone Company and remained with this company until her untimely passing. … She was a faithful and ardent communicant of the Catholic Church … She leaves, besides her friends here, one sister, Mrs. C. R. Barigar, of Deeth, Nev.; her step-mother, Mrs. M. C. Richards, of Cassoday, Kan.; two half brothers, Garrett Cross of Cassoday, Kan.; and James Cross, of Custer, Mont., and five half sisters, Alice Cross of Wichita, Etta and Mayme Cross and Mrs. James M. Brennan of ElDorado, Kan., and Mrs. P. A. Shepard of Seattle, Wash. … Interment made in Coal Creek cemetery near Corning, by the side of her father. The Holton Recorder, February 23, 1922.
Mayetta Department. … died on Wednesday, Feb. 15. The Holton Signal, February 23, 1922.
11793. Denison Department. Edna Housh was born at Denison, Kansas, November 18, 1886. She was married to Harry B. Owen August 31, 1910. To this union were born two children, Harry Owen Jr. and Edith. After a short illness she suddenly passed away February 10, 1922, aged 35 years, 2 months and 22 days. At an early age she gave her life to Christ … Those left to grieve at the separation are the husband, Harry B. Owen; the two children, Harry and Edith; her father, W. D. Housh; two brothers, Ralph and William Housh; one sister, Mrs. Will Brown of Sabetha, besides a number of more distant relatives … Thanks … death of our loved one. - H. B. Owen and Children, J. W. Owen and Family, H. D. Housh and Family. The Holton Recorder, February 16, 1922.
11794. Joseph Edward Cann, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cann, Sr., was born at Audubon, Iowa, June 1, 1897, and died February 9, 1992, his age being 24 years, 8 months and 9 days. During the World War he was a private in the medical corps, stationed at Camp Grant, Ill. While in service he was severely afflicted with the flu. He never saw service in France. About the time he had recuperated enough from the effects of the flu and was ready for service, the armistice was signed. On August 11, 1919, he was married to Miss Ida Aubine Brown of Arrington, Kansas. To the union a daughter, Vivian, was born. His wife, daughter, father mother, five sisters and two brothers are left to mourn his loss. One brother, Louis Arthur, died in the service of his country. He was member of the navy and died of pneumonia in 1918. The cause of Joseph’s death was inflammatory rheumatism. He contracted this on May 9, 1921, and has never been able to be about since. He spent the time of his illness at home in his invalid chair, except for one month, when he was at a St. Louis hospital. … He was a member of the K. of P. and Red Man lodges and took a great interest in the American Legion. … Interment was made in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Recorder, February 16, 1922.
11795. Bancroft. This community was saddened to hear of the death of Grandma Vanote, who died of heart failure last Friday night. … she made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Lee Riggs. The Holton Recorder, February 16, 1922.
Lydia Ann White was born in Michigan, Nov. 6, 1842, and died at her home five miles northwest of Soldier, Feb. 11, 1922, aged 79 years, 3 months and 5 days. She was married in Iowa on April 4, 1856, to John N. Vannote, and six children were born to them, one boy and five girls. They came to Kansas in 1860 and settled near America City, later moving to the home farm on Soldier Creek, where they spent most of their days. Mrs. Vannote united in an early age with the United Brethren church … Mr. Vannote died some years ago, her daughters Flora and Anna died in infancy her daughter, Mrs. Ella Wilcox, died in Kansas City in 1913. She leaves to mourn her loss, two brothers, two sisters and three children. The children are Mrs. Sarah Shaffer, of Burr Oak, Kans., Frank Vannote, of St. Joe, Ark., and Nettie Riggs, of Soldier. … burial was made in the America City cemetery beside her husband and children. Those present from a distance to attend the funeral of Mrs. Vannote, were Frank Vannotte, of St. Joe, Ark.; Mrs. Sarah Shaffer, and Mrs. Nora Fringer, of Burr Oak, Kans.; Lew Swartz, J. E. Wilcox, and Mrs. Clyde Wilcox, of Kansas City; Mrs. Eph. McKee, of Havensville; Mr. and Mrs. Colwell, William and Chas. White, of Manhattan. The Holton Recorder, February 22, 1922. (cont’d)
11795. (cont’d) Soldier Creek. Mrs. Lee Riggs attended the funeral of an uncle at Havensville Thursday. The Holton Recorder, April 5, 1923.
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