Samarkand that day.
LESSON 5 What’s your favourite mass media?
1 a R ead a n d s a y w h a t “ te ll a fr ie n d ” s tr a te g y is.
L e d e (L e a d )
The lede (or lead) of a news article is the firs t sentence, usually written as
one paragraph, that tells the m ost im portant inform ation of the story. When
w riting a lede, it is helpful to use the “tell a frie n d ” strategy. Imagine you
should tell your friend a story in one sentence. How would you say what
happened in one sentence? A s to ry’s lede gives an answer with the “ Five
W s” in a specific order: Who? What? When? Where? Why?
For example:
Gwinnett County Public Schools were awarded $250,000 early W ednesday
as a finalist fo r w h a t’s considered the Nobel Prize of public education.
WHO: Gwinnett County Public Schools
WHAT: was awarded $250,000
WHEN: W ednesday
WHERE: Gwinnett County
WHY: a finalist fo r w hat’s considered the Nobel Prize of public education.
W o rk in p a irs . L is te n to th e n e w s and
c o m p le te th e ta b le .
W o rk in p a irs . C h o o se o n e a n d w r ite a le a d to it.
e .g . Guests from different countries come to
Samarkand to visit the International Festival
Sharq Taronalari which is held every two years.
2 Read and c o m p le te th e p y ra m id .
In v e rte d p y ra m id
News articles are w ritten in a structure known as the “ in
verted pyram id.” In the inverted pyramid form at, the most
im portant inform ation goes at the beginning of the story
and the least im portant inform ation goes at the end.
After your s to ry’s lede, order the inform ation that follows
from most im portant to least im portant.
3 Read and w r ite in fo rm a tio n w ith a q u o te .
im portant
im p o rta n t
fa c ts
In te g ra tin g q u o te s
The first tim e a source is introduced in an article, you should use that
so u rce ’s full name and title. After this initial reference, use the last name
only. For example:
“The swine flu vaccine is an incredible advance in modern m edicine,” said
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
When introducing a direct quote, always use the verb “said” and never any
other verbs such as “explained,” “w hispered,” etc. It is also more common
to use the form at “XXX said” instead of “said XXX.” For example:
“The housing crisis is growing out of co n tro l,” Bernanke said.
Even when inform ation from a source is not used in a direct quote and is
paraphrased instead, it still must be related to that source. For example:
Bernanke said the crisis is probably over.
The crisis will most likely begin to go down in six to eight months, Bernanke
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