Body language which are nonverbal tricks are absolutely effective.
Range of intonation, eye contact, teacher’s appearance can give a lot of information.
Observation Form Date: ____________ Observed teacher’s name: _________________
Observer’s full name: Makhsumova Xonzodabegim Learner’s grade and level: 5 Observer’s group:1909 Length: 45min
Subject: English Topic: Countryside and animals
The best things during the lessons is the homeworks are always checked by the teacher.
And it helps to improve pupil’s knowledge.
Observation Form Date: ____________ Observed teacher’s name: _________________
Observer’s full name: Makhsumova Xonzodabegim Learner’s grade and level: 6 Observer’s group: 1909 Length: 45min
Subject: English Topic: What is your future plans?
Evaluation: 3- Strong 2- Apparent 1- Not displayed
The teacher plans effectively and sets clear objectives that are
Aims/Objectives are communicated clearly at the start of the lesson
Materials are ready (prepared for class)
There is structure of the lesson and time management (between activities)
The lesson is reviewed at the end
Written comment:
I comprehended that, all of the lessons are clearly for the pupils.
A myriad of lesson objectives and plans are also brilliant.