Ушбу назорат тури аудиторияда академик гуруҳнинг барча талабалари иштирокида қуйидаги шаклларда ўтказилади:
Ушбу назорат тури аудиторияда поток ёки академик гуруҳдаги барча талабалар иштирокида қуйидаги шаклларда ўтказилади:
Ушбу назорат тури аудиторияда поток ёки академик гуруҳнинг барча талабалари иштирокида “Ёзма” тартибида ўтказилади. “Таржима назарияси” фани бўйича жами вариантлар сони 12 та. Ҳар бир вариантда 2 та топшириқ бор. 1-топшириқ назарий савол, 2-топшириқ берилган матнни тилдан-тилга таржима қилиш.
“Таржима назарияси” фани бўйича рейтинг жадваллари, назорат тури, шакли, сони ҳамда ҳар бир назоратга ажратилган максимал балл, шунингдек жорий ва оралиқ назоратларининг саралаш баллари ҳақидаги маълумотлар фан бўйича биринчи машғулотда талабаларга эълон қилинади.
Фан бўйича талабаларнинг билим савияси ва ўзлаштириш даражасининг Давлат таълим стандартларига мувофиқлигини таъминлаш учун қуйидаги назорат турлари ўтказилади:
жорий назорат (ЖН) – талабанинг фан мавзулари бўйича билим ва амалий кўникма даражасини аниқлаш ва баҳолаш усули. Жорий назорат фаннинг хусусиятидан келиб чиққан ҳолда амалий машғулотларда оғзаки сўров, тест ўтказиш, суҳбат, назорат иши, коллоквиум, уй вазифаларини текшириш ва шу каби бошҳа шаклларда ўтказилади;
оралиқ назорат (ОН) – семестр давомида ўқув дастурининг тегишли (фанларнинг бир неча мавзуларини ўз ичига олган) бўлими тугаллангандан кейин талабанинг назарий билим ва амалий кўникма даражасини аниқлаш ва баҳолаш усули. Оралиқ назорат икки марта ўтказилади ва шакли (ёзма, оғзаки, тест ва ҳоказо) ўқув фанига ажратилган умумий соатлар ҳажмидан келиб чиққан ҳолда белгиланади;
якуний назорат (ЯН) – семестр якунида муайян фан бўйича назарий билим ва амалий кўникмаларни талабалар томонидан ўзлаштириш даражасини баҳолаш усули. Якуний назорат асосан таянч тушунча ва ибораларга асосланган “Ёзма иш” шаклида ўтказилади.
ОН ўтказиш жараёни кафедра мудири томонидан тузилган комиссия иштирокида мунтазам равишда ўрганиб борилади ва уни ўтказиш тартиблари бузилган ҳолларда, ОН натижалари бекор қилиниши мумкин. Бундай ҳолларда ОН қайта ўтказилади.
Университет ректорининг буйруғи билан ички назорат ва мониторинг бўлими раҳбарлигида тузилган комиссия иштирокида ЯН ни ўтказиш жараёни мунтазам равишда ўрганиб борилади ва уни ўтказиш тартиблари бузилган ҳолларда, ЯН натижалари бекор қилиниши мумкин. Бундай ҳолларда ЯН қайта ўтказилади.
Талабанинг билим савияси, кўникма ва малакаларини назорат қилишнинг рейтинг тизими асосида талабанинг фан бўйича ўзлаштириш даражаси баллар орқали ифодаланади.
Я.Н.-30 балл, қолган 70 балл эса Ж.Н.-35 балл ва О.Н.-35 балл қилиб тақсимланади.
Талабанинг “Таржима назарияси” фани бўйича ўзлаштириш кўрсаткичи қуйидаги мезонлар асосида баҳоланади
Талабаларнинг ўқув фани бўйича мустақил иши жорий, оралиқ ва якуний назоратлар жараёнида тегишли топшириқларни бажариши ва унга ажратилган баллардан келиб чиққан ҳолда баҳоланади.
- фан бўйича ўзлаштириш даражаси (балларда).
Фан бўйича жорий ва оралиқ назоратларга ажратилган умумий баллнинг 55 фоизи саралаш балл қисобланиб, ушбу фоиздан кам балл тўплаган талаба якуний назоратга киритилмайди.
Талабанинг семестр давомида фан бўйича тўплаган умумий балли ҳар бир назорат туридан белгиланган қоидаларга мувофиқ тўплаган баллари йиўиндисига тенг.
ОН ва ЯН турлари календар тематик режага мувофиқ деканат томонидан тузилган рейтинг назорат жадваллари асосида ўтказилади. ЯН семестрнинг охирги 2 ҳафтаси мобайнида ўтказилади.
ЖН ва ОН назоратларда саралаш балидан кам балл тўплаган ва узрли сабабларга кўра назоратларда ўатнаша олмаган талабага ўайта топшириш учун, навбатдаги шу назорат туригача, сўнгги жорий ва оралиқ назоратлар учун эса якуний назоратгача бўлган муддат берилади.
Талаба назорат натижаларидан норози бўлса, фан бўйича назорат тури натижалари эълон қилинган вақтдан бошлаб бир кун мобайнида факултет деканига ариза билан мурожаат этиши мумкин. Бундай ҳолда факултет деканининг тақдимномасига кўра ректор буйруғи билан 3 (уч) аъзодан кам бўлмаган таркибда апеллятсия комиссияси ташкил этилади.
Апеллятсия комиссияси талабаларнинг аризаларини кўриб чиқиб, шу куннинг ўзида хулосасини билдиради.
Якуний назорат “Ёзма” шаклида ўтказилиши белгиланганлиги учун у максимал 30 баллик тизимда ўтказилади.
Якуний назорат “Ёзма иш” шаклида амалга оширилиб, “Таржима назарияси” фанидан синов “ 12 вариантли усулда ўтказилади. Ҳар бир вариантда 2 та топшириқ бор. 1-топшириқ назарий савол, 2-топшириқ берилган матнни тилдан-тилга таржима қилиш. Назарий саволлар фанлар бўйича таянч сўз ва иборалар асосида тузилган бўлиб, фаннинг барча мавзуларини ўз ичига қамраб олган. Фан учун ҳар бир назарий саволга ёзилган жавоблар бўйича ўзлаштириш кўрсаткичи 0-10 балл оралиғида баҳоланади. Талаба максимал 30 балл тўплаши мумкин.
Ёзма синов бўйича умумий ўзлаштириш кўрсаткичини аниқлаш учун вариантда берилган саволларнинг ҳар бири учун ёзилган жавобларга қўйилган ўзлаштириш баллари қўшилади ва йиғинди талабанинг якуний назорат бўйича ўзлаштириш бали ҳисобланади.
Дастурнинг информацион-методик таъминоти
- таржима назарияси асослари бўлимига тегишли маъруза дарсларида замонавий компьютер технологиялар ёрдамида тақдимот ва электрон дидактик технологиялардан;
- таржима назариясидан амалий машғулотларда ақлий ҳужум, ҳамкорлик педагогик технологиялардан;
- матн таржимасининг турл усуллари, амалий машғулотларда кичик гуруҳлар мусобақалари, ҳамкорлик педагогик технологияларини қўллаш назарда тутилади.
1. Буронов Ж. Сравнительная типология английского и тюркских язьков. М., Высшая школа 1983.
2. Азнаурова Э.С., Абдурахманова Х.И. Теории практика перевода. Т.: Ўқитувчи, 1989.
3. Komissarov V.N. Koralova A.L. A Manual of translation from English into Russian M., Higher school, 1990.
1. Буронов Ж. Инглиз ва узбек тиллари киёсий грамматикаси. Тошкент, «ўкитувчи» 1973.
2. Аракин В. Д. Сравнительная типология английского и русского язьков. М, 1990.
3. Юсупов Ў. Инглиз ва ўзбек тилларининг чоғиштирма лингвистикаси. Тошкент, Академнашр, 2013
4. Бархударов Л.С. Язык и перевод. М., 1975.
5. Швейцер А.Д. Теория перевода: статус, проблемы, аспекты. – М.: Наука, 1988.
6. Левицкая Т.Р. Фиттерман А.М. Проблемы перевода М., 1976
7. Саломов Г. Таржима назарияси асослари. - Т., 1990.
8. Мусаев К. Лексико-фразеологические вопросы художственного перевода. - Т.: Ўқитувчи, 1980.
9. Мусаев К. Таржима назарияси. - Т., 2003.
10. Peter Newmark. A Textbook of Translation. Prentice International (U.K) LTD. 1988.
Интернет сайтлари
1. Website dedicated to linguistics: www.linguist.org
2. Русский филологический портал: www.philology.ru
3. www.natlib.uz
4. www.dissercat.ru
5. www.nauka.ru
6. www.dissorg.com
7. www.uzscience.uz
Number; cardinal number; ordinal number; odd number; even number; whole number; digit; figure; numerals; Arabic numerals; Roman numerals; quantity; symbol; function; variable; expression; formula multiplicand; multiplier; coefficient; dividend; devisor; fraction; item minuet; difference; denominator; umerator; common denominator power; root; square root; cue root; logarithm; differential; integral.
Worker, industrial and office workers; volunteer; self-employed person; professional; business man; breadwinner; salary earner; wage-earner; employee; employer; brain-worker; piece-worker; laborer; skilled worker; semi-skilled worker; unskilled worker; agricultural laborer; artisan.
Party; political party; right; left; center; coalition; popular front; bloc; political bloc; syndicalism; anarchist; right-winger; left-winger; rightist; leftist; moderate; centrist; party man; party member; politician; Conservative; Tories; Unionists; Liberals; Radicals; Democrats; Republicans; Falangists;
Spiritual values; national self-consciousness; building up state system; defensive capacity; shaping of market relations; formation of the class of owners; geo - strategical potential; national and raw material resources; human potential; social and industrial infrastructure; large scale transformations; integration with the world community; market economy; subsistence economy; diversified economy; economic indicators; artisan industry; processing industry; extracting industry; capital industry; consumer-goods industries; productive capacities; indusuies operatmg to full capacity; idle capacities; expansion of productive capacities; capital stock; fixed assets; current assets; capital intensive industries; labor intensive industries; capital investment; industrial expansion; employment opportunities; surplus manpower; shortage of manpower; idle manpower; dormant labor; upturn in economic activity; downturn in economic activity; grass national product lONP); demand and supply; fiscal policy; fiscal year; austerity policy; 'economic management; economic mismanagement; cost of living; living standards; purchasing poser; domestic situation; economic efficiency.
Zamonaviy axborot tеxnologiyalari, kompyutеrlashtirish va kompyutеrlar tarmoqlari nеgizida ta'lim jarayonini axborot bilan ta'minlash rivojlanib boradi. Ta'lim jarayonida ommaviy axborot vositalarining mavqеi oshib boradi. Tеlеvidеniya va radioning ta'lim dasturlari intеllеktuallashuvi ta'minlanadi. Fan va ta'limning nashriyot bazasi rivojlantiriladi, o’quv, o’quv-uslubiy, ilmiy, qomusiy adabiyotlar va ma'lumotnomalar bilan ta'minlashning barqaror tizimi shakllantiriladi.
Insoniyat mamlakatlar va xalqlar hayotida 20 asr poyoniga еtmoqda. Ishonchim komilki, bizni hozirgi O’zbеkistonda istiqomat qiluvchilarning ko’pchiligi tirikchilik tashvishlari chin voqе'lik muammolari bilan birga. «Bu yorug’ olamda biz kimmiz, nе bir sir sinoatimiz qayoqqa qarab kеtayapmiz? Insoniyat yangi - 21 asrga qadam qo’yganda bizni o’rnimiz qaеrda va qanday bo’ladi?» - dеgan savollar o’ylantirishi tabiiy.
Biz yashayotgan davr qanday xususiyatlarga ega? So’nggi vaqtlarda jahonda yuz bеrgan dunyoning jug’rofiy-siyosiy tuzilishi va xaritasini tubdan yangilagan o’zgarishlar hozirgi zamon va kеlajak uchun qanday tarixiy ahamiyatga molik. Bular haqida mulohaza yuritish va ularga to’g’ri baho bеrish juda muhim.
polyak, ingliz, daos, gaiti, irland, marokka, bolgar, Tanzaniya Madagaskar, rumin, Nigеriya, italyan, shvеd, yapon, frantsuz, Daniya, bеlgiya, kuvayt, Shvеytsariya, golland, afgon, rus, Gvinеya, yaman, tunis, chеx, argеntin, somali, turk, Filippin, ugand, mongol.
Many of the more enterprising traders operate at LIFFE _____ London future national Financial Futures and Options Exchange____ the largest exchange outside Chicago. Financial futures and options, part the group of instruments know as derivatives, are the business international finance, and the trading pits at are so hectic that active dealers arrive early to a place to deal in money market, fixed income equity derivatives denominated in sterling, dollars, yen, lira, ECU, francs and D-Marks.
In the history of our people there started quite a new era. The way of development of our country has been definitely specified. This way has been recognized by the people themselves who cast their votes the independence, sovereignty of Uzbekistan, market relation and radical changes at large, who have given their support to all foregoing. Unanimity and adherence of the people look trust fully and hopefully at their elected deputies, the member of their Government and all those who bear exclusive responsibility for the fate of the reforms. So, dear friends, let us be worthy of our people’s high trust and confidence.
1. juda ham mazali bo’lgan ovqat
2. xoxlagan va rozi bo’lgan
3. bir yilda bir marta bo’ladigan
4. biror narsa bo’ladi dеb o’ylamoq
5. biror kimni hafa qilib qo’ymoq
6. uzr so’ragandеk o’zini sеzadigan
7. noqonuniy ishlarga aralashgan inson ekanligini ko’rsatmoq
8. maqsadga muvofiq emas
а. amenable
b. ambrosia
c. apologetic
d. annoy
e. implicate
f. inadequate
g. annual
h. anticipate
Tarjima qiling
It is my sad duty to inform our Assembly of the untimely death of the Head of State of the Republic of X, His Excellency N.N. It is with deep sorrow that I have learned of the death of N.N., who always stood for the cause of peace and understanding and for self-determination and development, that is, for the cause of our organization. On behalf of all of us I request the representative of X lo convey our condolences to the government and people of X and to the bereaved family. I now invite members of this Assembly to stand and observe a minute of silence in tribute to the memory of N.N.
What do you do if you have already congratulated them and only now realize the mistake? Well, why not congratulate them for the spirit with which their people and government had faced the terrible earthquake? If sense is in our minds, it will somehow manage to come out of our lips.
1. “Tarjima” deganda nimani tushunasiz?
A) barcha javoblar to’g’ri
B) Tarjima natijasi
C) Tarjima jarayoni
D) Transletologiya
2. Transletologiyada qanday metodlar bor?
A) barcha javoblar to’g’ri
B) Componentlarga ajratish
3. Fonetik qiyinchiliklar qanday bartaraf etiladi?
A) tabiiy va notabiiy tovushlarni tarjima qilish
B)Notabiiy tovushlarni tarjima qilish
C)tabiiy tovushlarni tarjima qilish
D)Faqat unli harflarni tarjima qilish
4. Og’zaki tarjimani qanday turlari bor?
A) izchil va sinxron
5. Qanday tarjima birliklari bor?
A) barcha javoblar to’g’ri
B)leksema, frazema
C)sintaksema, tekstema
D)fonema, morfema
7. “Mahinaviy tarjima” nima?
A) B, C
B) computer tomonidan qilingan tarjima
C)mashina tomonidan qilingan tarjima
D) tarjimon tomonidan qilingan tarjima
8. Tarjimada qanday ma’no turlari bor?
A) barcha javoblar to’g’ri
9. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: He is Jack of all trades.
A) U har bir sohani ustasi.
B)U hunarmand.
C)U usta.
D)U mash’ur.
10. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: I am said to meet with Bill Clinton.
A) Menga Bill Klinton bilan uchrashishni aytishdi.
B)Menga Klinton bilan uchrash deyildi.
C)Men Klintonni ko’raman
D)Men Klinton bilan uchrashaman.
11.Tick the right answer:
What meaning may not and cannot be transformed into the target language?
A) intralingual
B)stylistical, phraseological
C)referential, phonetical
D)phraselogical, pragmatical
12.What is the object of analysis of translatology?
A) existing translations and interpretations
B)criticism of the existing translations
C)Existing prose and poetic literature
D)different approaches to translations
13.What types of translation do you know as to the character of the materials involved in translation?
A) written-oral oral-oral
14.What is an adequate translation?
A) 100 percent translation
B)translation exceeding 100 percent
C)translation lower than 100 percent
D)translation based on detailed comments
15.What is your approach to 100% translation? Is it real
A) yes, if it is a scientific-technical style
B)yes, that depends on who is translating
C)yes, if it is not a fiction translation
D)no, it isn’t because 100% is impossible
16.What transformations are observed in translation?
A) lexical, syntactical
grammatical phonetical, phraseological, paralinguistical, interlingual
B)syntactical, grammatical
C)phonetical, phraseological, paralinguistical, interlingual
D)paralinguistical, phraseological
17.What is a transformation-delition?
A) Both mentioned two follow
B)unnecessary omission in translation
C)necessary omission in translation
D)Types of translation styles
18.What is a compensation?
A) method of translation when no translation-matches are found
B)method of paraphrasing
C)Method of commenting for lack of adequate means of translation
D)all the above mentioned
19. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: She nodded her head.
A) kishi boshini irg’adi
B)Kishi yo’q dedi
C)Kishi ha dedi
D)Kishi boshini sarak sarak qildi
20. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: The man shook his head.
A) Kishi boshini silkitdi
B)Kishi yo’q dedi
C)Kishi ha dedi
D)Kishi boshini sarak -sarak qildi
21.Tick the right answer: What is the subject matter of translatology?
A) scientific study and description of translations
B)promoting translation
C)promoting interpretation
D)both promoting translation and interpretation
22.What are the main parts of translatology
A) All the four mentioned All the four mentioned
B)History of translation
C)Theory of translation
D)Introduction to translatology
23.What is an analogical translation?
A) one which is analogical both in identical translation unit types and meaning
B)one which is analogical in meaning only
C)one which is analogical in translation unit types
D)No correct answer
24.What meanings are dealt with in translation?
A) pragmatic
D) paralinguistic
25.What is an authorized translation?
A) translator is authorized to translate some writer’s works
B) writer-polyglot’s translation of his own writings from one language into the other
C)some writer authorizes some translator to carry translations
D)translator made translationas a writer
26.What ways of translating of realemes are there?
A) all three mentioned follow
27.What branches of translation can make best use of machine translation?
A) scientific-technical
28.What transformations are observed in translation?
A) lexical, syntactical
B)syntactical, grammatical
C)phonetical, phraseological
D)Paralinguistical, phraseological
29. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: The steed is beautiful.
A) Saman ot chiroyli.
B)Po’lat chiroyli.
C)Pari chiroyli.
D)Qiz chiroyli.
30. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: It is high time we went home.
A) Uyga ketishni ayni payti.
B)Uyga ketamiz.
C)Ketishga vaqt bo’ldi.
D)Uyga ketib bo’ldik.
31.Tick the right answer: Is translatology a linguistic science?
A) yes, it is.
B)No, it is not.
C)no, science at all.
D)It is a psychological science
32.What is the theoretical basis for translatology?
A) literature
B)comparative linguistics
C)general linguistics
33.What is an antonymical to the original in form but not in meaning
A) translation antonymical to the original in form but not in meaning
B)translation antonymical to the original only in meaning
C)translation antonymical to the original only in form
D)translation including all the 3 above mentioned features
34.What is a free translation?
A) translation done as to the demands of free thinking and translating
B)translation done during a free time
C)translation done under no pressure
D)No answer
35.What is a translatory transcription?
A) translating smth by way of transcription
B)translating smth by keeping the exact pronunciation of the original
C)translating smth by way of transliteration
D)No answer
36.What is the main problem for machine translation?
A) language homonymy
B)language antonymy
C)language synonymy
D)language paranomy
37.What does “Introducing to Translatology” study?
A) fundamentals of translatology
B)theoretical questions
C)practical questions
D)all questions possible
38. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: No pains, no gains
A) Toqqa chimasang do’lona qayda, dard chekmasang janona qayda?
B)G’am yo’q hasrat yo’q.
C)Tog’ning do’lonasi yurtning janonasi.
D)To’g’ri tarjima berilmagan.
39. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: The shack has never been lived in
A) Kulbada hech qachon hech kinsa yashamagan edi.
B)Kulba bo’sh edi.
C) Hech qachon kimsa yashamagan.
D)Uy bo’m-bo’sh edi.
42.What types of translation do you know as to the character of the materials involved in translation?
A) oral-written
C) oral-written
43.What is an adequate translation?
A) 100 percent translation
B)translation exceeding 100 percent
C) translation lower than 100 percent
D)translation based on synonymous constructions
44.What is an authorized translation?
A) translator is authorized to translate some writer’s works
B)translator to carry literary translations
C) some writer authorizes some translator to carry translations
D)translator to carry translations
45.What ways of translating of realemes are there?
A) All three mentioned follow
C) comments
46.What is the theoretical basis for translatology?
A) literature
B)comparative linguistics
C) general linguistics
47.What is an antonymical translation?
A) translation antonymical to the original in form but not in meaning
B)translation antonymical to the original only in meaning
C) translation antonymical to the original only in form
D)translation including all the 3 above mentioned features
48. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: You should lay on the gen.
A) Qarisan qartasan asli zotingga tortasan
B)Sizni genningizga bog’lq
C) Sizning avlodingiz.
D)Sizning zotingiz.
49. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: I am against your going there alone.
A) Men sizni u erga yolg’z borishingizga qarshiman
B)Men yolg’z borishga qarshiman
C) Men u erga borishga qarshiman
D)Men yolg’z borishga roziman
50. What is interlingual communication?
A) Is a international exchange of linguistic phenomenon
B)Exchange of translations
C) Exchange of cultural things
D)Is a international exchange of thoughts
51. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: She relies on your being supported by your team.
A) U sizni komandangizni qo’llab quvvatlashingizga ishonadi.
B)U sizni qo’llab quvvatlashingizga ishonadi.
C) U sizni komandangizga ishonadi.
D)komandangizni qo’llab quvvatlashingizga ishonadi.
52. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: I insist on the goods being imported immediately.
A) Men tovarlarni darhol import qilinishiga qaeshi emasman.
B)Men tovarlarni zudlik bilan import qilinishi trafdoriman.
C) Men tovarlarni jo’natilishi trafdoriman.
D)Men tovarlarni zudlik bilan jo’nataman.
53. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: Why should you risk going there at night?
A) Nima uchun tunda u erga borishga tavakkal qilishingiz kerek ekan?
B)Nima uchun tunda tavakkal qilishimiz kerek ekan?
C) Nima uchun u erga borish kerek ekan?
D)Nima uchun tunda u erga borish kerek ekan?
54. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: The man was seen cooking smth.
A) Kishi bir narsa pishirayotganday ko’rindi.
B)Kishi bir narsa pishirayotganday tuyildi.
C) Kishi bir narsa pishirardi.
D)Kishi bir narsa pishirayotganday edi.
55. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: The woman was seen cooking smth.
A) Ayol bir narsa pishirayotganday ko’rindi.
B)Ayol bir narsa pishirayotgan edi.
C) Ayol bir narsa pishirardi.
D)Ayol bir narsa pishirayotganday edi.
56. Gapning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping: He left the city, never to come back again.
A) U shahardan bosh olib ketdi.
B)U shahardan qaytib kelmaydigan bo’lib ketdi.
C) U shaharni butunlay tark etdi.
D)U shaharga qaytmaydi.
57. Find correct translation of the given sentence: Never say too much of a good thing.
A) Oz so’yla ko’p ishla.
B)Yaxshi narsa haqida ko’p gapirma
C) Hech qachon ko’p gapirma.
kam so’yla ko’p ishla.
58. Find correct translation of the given sentence: It’s an early bird that catches the fly.
A) Qaldirg’och bahorning elchisi.
B)Ilk parvozi
C) Ko’kka ilk uchgan qush
D)Kalavaning uchi
59. Find correct translation of the given sentence: We shared food and blanket with him.
A) Bir mayizni qirq kishi bo’ishib eyishdi
B)Biz ko’rpa va ovqatni birga baham ko’rdik.
C) Ovqat va joy barchamizga etdi.
D) D)Biz oziq-ovqat va o’rinlarni almashdik.
60. Find correct translation of the given sentence: The room being tiny, we could not all go in.
A) Xona biz hammamiz kira olmas darajada juda kichkina edi.
B)Xona kichik edi va biz kira olmadik.
C) Xona jajigina edi va biz kira olmadik.
D) Xona kichik edi va biz sig’madik.
62. Find correct translation of the given sentence: He knows a thing or two.
A) U ozgina narsani bilardi.
B)U u yoki bu narsani biladi.
C) U biladi.
D) U narsani bilar edi.
63. Find correct translation of the given sentence: The market was at a stone throw.
A) Bozor juda gavjum.
B)Bozor o’ta qimmat.
C) Bozor gavjum
D) Bozor tirband edi.
64.Find correct translation of the given sentence: They marched onto the city.
A) Ular shahar boylab yurishdilar.
B)Ular qadam tashladilar.
C) Ular shaharda yurdi.
D) Ular yugurdilar.
65.Find correct translation of the given sentence: Choose the right word for the sentence, translate and write what meanings are inherent here.
A) Gapni kerakli to’g’ri so’z bilan to’ldiring, tarjima qiling va ma’nosini tushintiring.
B)Gapni to’ldiring va ma’nosini tushintiring.
C) Kerakli to’g’ri so’z bilan to’ldiring, tarjima qiling.
D) Gapni to’ldiring, tarjima qiling va tushintiring.
66. Find correct translation of the given sentence: The Indian woman taking my request (nodded, shook).
A) Hind ayoli meni iltimosimga rozi bo’ldi.
B)Hind ayoli meni taklifimga bosh silkitdi.
C) Hind ayoli meni taklifimga rozi bo’lmadi.
D) Hind ayoli meni taklifimga bosh irg’di
67.Find correct translation of the given sentence: He has come earlier today?
A) U bugun ertaroq keldi-mi?
B)U erta keldi.
C) U bugun keldi.
D) U bugun erta kelaman dedi.
68. Find correct translation of the given sentence: He is a teacher of what nots.
A) U bilimdon o’qituvchi.
B)Uni bilmagan narsasi yo’q.
C) U tajribali o’qituvchi.
D) U tajribasiz o’qituvchi.
69. Find correct translation of the given sentence: The boy has a swim every day.
A) Bola har kuni cho’milardi.
B)Bola har kuni cho’mililar edi.
C) Bola har kuni cho’miladi.
D) Bola har kuni cho’mildi.
70. Find correct translation of the given sentence: You are thought to have lost smth.
A) Siz biror narsani yo’qotdim deb o’yladingiz
B)Siz biror narsani yo’qotdingiz deb o’ylaysiz
C) Bir narsa topdim deb o’yladingiz
D) Siz biror narsani yo’qotdingiz.
71. Find correct translation of the given sentence: She is believed to have been born earlier than that.
A) U o’shandan ertaroq tug’ilgan ekanligiga ishondi.
B)U o’shandan ertaroq tug’ilgan ekan.
C) U undan avval tug’ilganligiga ishon hosil qildi.
D) U undan avval tug’ildi.
72. Find correct translation of the given sentence: The delegation is reported to visit Egypt.
A) Delegatsiyani Misrga tashrifi haqida habar qilindi.
B)Delegatsiya Misrga tashrif buyurdi.
C) Delegatsiyani kelishi aytildi.
D) Delegatsiyani etib kelishi
habar qilindi.
73. Find correct translation of the given sentence: You are thinking too big of yourself.
A) siz haddingizdan oshyapsiz.
C) Siz o’zingiz haqingizda juda baland o’ylayapsiz.
D) Siz o’zingizni katta oylayapsiz
74. Find correct translation of the given sentence: Why should you rack my brains on that.
A) Nima uchun siz fikrimni chalg’ityapsiz.
B)Nima uchun siz fikrimni chalg’ityapsiz.
C) Nima uchun siz jahlimni chiqaryapsiz.
D)Nima uchun siz chalg’ityapsiz.
75. Find correct translation of the given sentence: Talk of the devil and it is sure to appear.
A) Bo’rini gapirsan, qulog’I ko’rinadi.
B)Shaytonni eslasang paydo bo’ladi.
C) Shaytonni ko’rsang etib keladi
D)Bo’rini gapirsang etib keladi.
76. Find correct translation of the given sentence: men maktabda o’qiyman.
A) I am at school.
B)I go to school
C) I study at school.
D)I left the school.
77.What is the art of translatology?
A) different approaches to translations
B)criticism of the existing translations
C) Existing prose and poetic literature
D)Existing translations and trascriptions
78.What is the History of translatology?
A) history of the subject and one of the main branch of traslatology
B)criticism of the existing translations
C) Existing prose and poetic literature
D)different approaches to translations
79.What is the critical analysis of translatology?
A) criticism of the existing translations and different opinions given by translators
B)existing translations and interpretations
C) Existing prose and poetic literature
D)different approaches to translations
80.What is the object of theory and practice of translatology?
A) studying basic know ledges of the subject and existing translations and interpretations
B)criticism of the existing translations
C) Existing prose and poetic literature
D)different approaches to translations
81. Can you present the stages of educational translation?
A) Translation theory and practice, Art of
translation , History of translation,
Critical translation
B)Translation theory and practice
C) Art of
D)History of translation
82. Should the syntactical structure of the source text be always changed in translation?
A) Yes it changed.
B)No it should not changed
C) It depends to the translator
D)It depends to the text or contextual structure
83. Must the translator understand the original text before he begins to produce his text in TL?
A) Yes ,of course.
B)It does not matter
C) Never
D)It depends to the translator’s ability
84. What specific problems emerge in translating film scripts and commercial advertisements?
A) Psychological problems and lack of words
B)Technical problems
C) No problems
D)Lack of words
85. Where can the translator find the necessary information of what a segment of the text really means?
A) from context
C) Real life
D) Asking others
86. Does the translation theory dictate strict rules to the translator?
A) No it does not
B)Yes it does
C) It belongs to the translation process
D) It depends to translator
87. How can pragmatic considerations influence the translating process? For example Hand
A) Organ of body
Clock hands
Handle of the door
Master of job etc.
B)Organ of body
C) Clock hand
D) Artificial
88. Which science plays a leading role in translation studies today?
A) Literature and linguistic, all branches of science
B)History and linguistic
C) Literature and art
D) Psychology and language
89.In what way can grammatical units be transformed in the translating process?
A) Translating all grammatical features (gramemas) of given language
B)Translating nouns
C) Translating verbs
D) Translating adverbs
90.What is TT?
A) Translated text
B)Target text
C) Given text
D)No answer
91.What is ST?
A) Translating text
B)Source text
C) Basic text
D)No answer
92. What type of informative translations plays an especially important role in the modern world?
A) Mashine translation
B)Non fiction
C) Adequate
93. What are the main types of translation?
A) All two mentioned follow
B)Written and oral
C) Literary
and informative
D)Only literary
94. Find the correct synonymous translation of the sentence: U qiz chiroily.
A) All mentioned three follow
B)She is pretty.
C) She is attractive
D)She is beautiful.
95.Find the correct antonymous translation of the sentence: U yosh.
A) She is not old.
B)She is young.
C) She is not young.
D)She is old.
96. What is the technique
of antonymous translation?
A) Giving antonymic translation: opposite meaning
B)Giving B)synonymic translation
C) Real translation
D)Translating by meaning
97. How can a word-for-word transfer be used in the translating process?
A) Translating by the help of transcription and transliteration methods
B)Only making the transcription
C) Only transliteration way
D)By exchanging the words
98. What types of transformations can be used in the translating process?
A) Lexical and syntactical
C) Lexical
99. What is traditionally meant by "translation"?
A) O’girmoq, chevurmoq, almashmoq,o’zgurmoq va hakazo
B)Tarjima qilmoq
C) O’girmoq
100. What is the practical aspect of studying the translating process?
A) Literature and linguistic sciences
B)Literature and linguistical areas
C) Literature and history
D)Literature and art
101. Find correct translation of the given sentence: The stranger shook his hand.
A) Notanish odam qo’lini silkitdi
B)Notanish odam qo’lini sal;omlashdi
C)Notanish odam boshini silkitdi
D)Notanish odam silkitdi
102. Find correct translation of the given sentence: The boy began to grub.
A) Bola ming’irlay boshladi
B)Bola kula boshladi
C) Bola yiig’lay boshladi
D)Bola gapira boshladi
103. Find correct translation of the given sentence: This museum is considered to have been built in the XVII century.
A) bu muzey o’n ettinchi asrda qurilgan deb hisoblanadi
B)bu muzey o’n ettinchi asrda qurilgan
C) bu muzey o’n ettinchi asrda qurildi
D)bu muzey o’n ettinchi asrda qurilganligi aytildi
104. Find correct translation of the given sentence: We have known him to be a traitor.
A) bizga uni o’z so’zida turmasligi allaqachon ma’lum
B)biz uni o’z so’zida turmasligini bilamiz
C) U yolg’onchi ekanligini bilamiz
D)U yaxshi ekanligini bilamiz
105. Find correct translation of the given sentence: I demand that the books be brought here.
A) men kitoblarnini bu erga keltirilishini talab qilaman
B)men kitoblarnini olib kelishni talab qilaman
C) men kitoblarnini bu erga olib kelaman
D)men kitoblarnini bu erga keltirilishini xohlayman
106. Find correct translation of the given sentence: Had I known this, I wouldn’t have gone there.
A) shunisi menga ma’lum bo’lgandan so’ng u erga bora olmayman
B)Bilganimda u erga bormayman
C) Bilganimda u erga bormas edim
D)Bilsam u erga borar edim