Tablecloth Dasturxon
Lay the table Dasturxon yozmoq
Tea-pot Choynak
Brew Damlamoq
Tissue Salfetka
Charger Zaryatchik
Charge Zaryatkaga quymoq
Plate Tarelka
Prepare food Ovqat qil
Prepare/Make (Breakfast/lunch/dinner)-Ovqat qil
Make tea Choy taxlamoq
of course albatda
sweep the room Xonani supurmoq
Clean the room Xonani tozalmoq
Lay down bed Joyingni yig’
wash the dishes idishlarni yuv
Duty man navbatchi
Salt tuz
Put the salt tuz solmoq
Pour tea choy quymoq
Potato kartishka
Tomato pamidor
Onion Piyoz
Pillow yostiq
Spoon qoshiq
Knife pichoq
Fork vilka
Egg-plant Baqilajon
Cot qazon
Big/ Tea Bowl Kosa
Off/on the light svetni o’chir/yoq
Accelerate tezlashtir