DID Description R/W Data Type Len $DB
EndModelPartNumberAlphaCode R/W
This DID contains the 2-character representation of the Alpha Code (or Design Level suffix) associated
with the EndModelPartNumber (stored in dataIdentifier $CB).
W 10 = This DID may or may not be updated at the conclusion of a programming event based on
divisional practices. This DID is not required to be writeable if divisional practices do not require
this part number to be updated after module programming.
1 2 ---
RS ---
Hex value
52 53 ---
Table C35: Definition of Base Model Part Number Alpha Code dataIdentifier DID Description R/W Data Type Len $DC
BaseModelPartNumberAlphaCode R
This DID contains the 2-character representation of the Alpha Code (or Design Level suffix) associated
with the BaseModelPartNumber (stored in dataIdentifier $CC).
1 2 ---
BaseModelPartNumberAlphaCode RS ---
Hex value
52 53 ---
Page 313 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3110 Table C36: Definition of Software Module Identifier dataIdentifiers DID Description R/W Data Type Len $DD
SoftwareModuleIdentifierDataIdentifiers (SWMIDID) R
2 to 40
If an ECU supports more than ten software/calibration modules, then this DID shall be used to retrieve
the list of additional DIDs (in the application specific range) that the tester must retrieve in order to
determine the SWMI and SWMIAC for the 11
through the n
software/calibration module(s).
The DID numbers for the additional modules shall be transmitted in pairs with the DID number for the
SWMI transmitted first followed by the DID number for the SWMIAC.
The definition and the content (data type, length, format) of the data reported when a tester requests
one of the DIDs provided in this list can be found in the definition of the corporate common Data
Identifiers $C1thru CA (SWMIs of the first ten modules).
If an Alpha Code (or Design Level Suffix) is not supported, then the position byte for the alpha code
shall contain a value of $00.
There are a maximum of twenty (20) additional software/calibration modules possible (30 total modules
for an ECU including those provided with DIDs $C1 thru $CA). The relationship between the additional
SWMI/SWMIAC and the application specific DID number is as follows:
Position #1: SoftwareModule_11_DID
Position #2: SoftwareModule_11_AlphaCode_DID
Position #3: SoftwareModule_12_DID
Position #4: SoftwareModule_12_AlphaCode_DID
Position #5: SoftwareModule_13_DID
Position #6: SoftwareModule_13_AlphaCode_DID
Position #7: SoftwareModule_14_DID
Position #8: SoftwareModule_14_AlphaCode_DID
Position #9: SoftwareModule_15_DID
Position #10: SoftwareModule_15_AlphaCode_DID