8.14.7 Node Verification Procedure. Procedure 1: 1. Send a $3B message for each $dataIdentifier supported including good data and verify positive response
message (test data formatting).
Procedure 2: 1. Send a $3B message with an invalid $dataIdentifier parameter and verify the negative response ($7F $3B
$31 - RequestOutOfRange).
2. Send a $3B message with no data included after the Service Identifier and verify the negative response
($7F $3B $12 - InvalidFormat).
3. Send a $3B message with a valid dataIdentifier and an invalid number of data bytes after the dataIdentifier
and verify the negative response ($7F $3B $12 - InvalidFormat).
4. Repeat step 3 for each dataIdentifier supported.
Procedure 3: (If ECU implements this RC_).
1. Send a $3B message with a valid dataIdentifier and associated data bytes at a time when ECU internal
conditions would not allow the data to be written (e.g., EEPROM failure) and verify that the ECU sends the
correct negative response ($7F $3B $22 - ConditionsNotCorrect).
Procedure 4: (If ECU supports secure DIDs).
1. Send a $3B message with a secured dataIdentifier and associated data bytes after the data - parameter to
a secured ECU and verify the negative response ($7F $3B $31 - RequestOutOfRange).
2. Send a $3B message with a secured dataIdentifier and associated data bytes after the dataIdentifier when
the manufacturers enable counter > $00 or vulnerability flag = $FF and security has not been accessed
(SecurityAccess ($27) request has not been sent) and verify the negative response ($7F $3B $31 -
3. Send a $3B message with a secured dataIdentifier and associated data bytes after the dataIdentifier when
the manufacturers enable counter > $00 or vulnerability flag = $FF and security has been accessed
(SecurityAccess ($27) request has been sent) and verify the positive response (to unlock an ECU see
SecurityAccess service).
4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each DID that requires security.
Procedure 5: (If ECU implements this RC_).
1. Send a $3B message with a dataIdentifier and associated data bytes after the sub-parameter to the ECU
when the ECU needs more than P2
ms to write data bytes to memory and verify the negative response
($7F $3B $78 - RequestCorrectlyReceived-ResponsePending) within P2
ms and eventually a positive
response message.
Procedure 6: (If applicable).
1. If the ECU does any type of validity checks on the data being written, send a request with invalid data and
verify the $7F $3B $31 negative response.