Stanwood NMTP Advisory Committee Meeting #2 | 5.12.16
Field Tour Summary Notes
Stanwood Senior Planner; Carly Ruacho, Advisory Committee; Jan Williamson, Adam Goldstein, Marshall Will, Bob Hitz, Scott Lankford, Alta; Nora Daley-Peng, Katie O’Lone, TSI, Inc.; Victor Salemann
Based on the project team’s existing conditions field inventory, public feedback received at the April 28th Community Workshop, and survey data collected thus far; the areas indicated on the attached map were identified as areas of concern and/or opportunity. On May 12, 2016, we conducted a field tour of these areas with the Stanwood Non-Motorized Transportation Plan Advisory Committee to discuss specific challenges with existing conditions and brainstorm possible solutions.
2:00pm to 2:10pm Field Tour Overview (meet at Stanwood City Hall)
2:15pm to 3:45pm Field Tour (see stops below)
3:45pm to 4:00pm Recap Key Observations/Next Steps
4:00pm Adjourn
Site (Area of Concern/Opportunity)
Why we are visiting the site?
Intersections: 270th & 102nd (Old Pacific Hwy) and 271st & 102nd (Old Pacific Highway)
Discuss crossing busy street and connections to Stanwood Elementary
Problem – cars back up during rush hour at the signalized Highway 532 intersection and block the 4 way stop intersection at 270th. Drivers are focusing on the traffic signal at the intersection of Highway 532 instead of stopping at the 4 way stop.
Design solution can work with the existing offset intersection
Improvements ideas discussed include: “Paint the box” at intersection, add curb bulb outs, and gateway treatments.
Improving ped/bike safety and flow at the intersection would be a great connection to the Old Brick Road (270th) that is programed as a Festival Street on Saturdays during the Summer.
A lot of people cut across north of intersection
Dance classes nearby leads to people crossing
Road cyclists generally bypass 102nd (Pacific Hwy) because it doesn’t have bike lanes or shoulders.
Make sure school signs flash
271st is more crucial than 270th because more students are crossing
271st is missing crosswalks
273rd – recommendation for RRFB; raised crosswalks
273rd – busier; more crucial; kids crossing – little kids walking by themselves to Stanwood Elementary School.
Crosswalk and sidewalk is missing on west side of Old Pacific Hwy between 272nd and 273rd.
272nd and 102nd – no crosswalk; no sidewalk on west side of 102nd
School zone sign doesn’t flash on south side; school sign should be moved south to extend south zone
Consider a series of RRFB, bump outs and/or raised crosswalks along the Downtown Stanwood portion of Old Pacific Hwy to calm traffic and create a gateway to Stanwood
271st St (Drive from 102nd to Amtrak Station)
Study adding of bike lanes on 271st
Wayfinding to QFC and Food bank
RRFB at crossing
Guidelines to when to mark/not mark crosswalks
Remove turn lane? Otherwise no room for bike lanes
Crosswalk on 2 corners only
Intersection: 271st St & 84th Ave NW
Discuss how to make that a safe crossing
Jay walking is common
Bump outs to make pedestrian crossing visible to drivers
Bulbs outs, pedestrian island, and/or RRFB at 271st? Use decision matrix to study impact of various improvements
Head in parking encourages jay walking; would like to see back-in parking instead; will slow people down
Study back-in parking. Would need to add curb stops
Parking – no parking loss allow but could put compact car parking at corners
Hitch on trucks can be hard for back in parking
Crucial crossing for cyclists traveling n/s on 84th Ave NW
Need crosswalk from parking lot to Amtrak
Study bump outs at 84th for crossing
Connection from Downtown to residential area up the hill (Cedarhome Dr. intersection & bridge)
Discuss topography change, existing stairs, safety of intersection, ped/bike improvements along Pioneer Hwy
Add median and/or candles east of railroad crossing to clarify circulation. Increases safety of people not going around gates
Consider Painted fog line with vibration
Get rid of Triangle Road and make for non-motorized use
Need to fix both crosswalks and stairs Keep actual costs in mind for topography challenges, etc.
Add stop signs at south
Add sidewalk improvements to one side of the bridge
Brick road – could have better, wider sidewalks, but difficult to bike
Most people walk on gravel path on Triangle Road
Have to dismount off bikes
Need ADA compliant ramps
Deep ditch at Les Schwab would require sub surface pipe if sidewalk was installed
Can you keep the sidewalk on the south side?
80th Ave NW (Drive) – Focus on area between 276th and Wahl Rd
Discuss safety and access to schools
Shoulder opportunities?
Additional sidewalks likely need to wait until properties are developed.
Need sidewalk on one side; suggest the west side which is more well-used and has a 500 foot stretch with sidewalk
Study short and long term solutions
Intersection: Wahl & Cedarhome Rd
Discuss safe access to new grocery store
Reference Safe Routes to School project with tie into intersection
Need sidewalk to connect to existing walks to the west
Striped no-parking zone north side of the road along the grocery store is confusing for pedestrians and cyclists
Cedarhome & Wahl – drive thru for café window
Drivers leaving drive-thru window have to get into the crosswalk to see past the building
Kids were walking on Wahl where there isn’t a sidewalk
Grocery store is getting a bike rack
At least 9 kids on bicyclists observed crossing the intersection
Crossing guard was crossing kids on Cedarhome Rd
Lindstrom Loop
Discuss connecting the loop and wayfinding
Good start on the loop trail (Lindstrom Village Loop Trail)
Close the loop
Idea for Geocaching
Add mileage markers
Need mowing agreement
Jack Ganner – artist/mural in cinema
Needs improved signage/wayfinding
Add signage/public art to identify trail entries
Need to define trail through parking lot
Add walkway connection along the north loop road
Fix what has been done and close the loop
Recap/Next Steps:
Advisory Committee liked brainstorming solutions for the stops that we visited during the field tour
Idea to advertise for Workshop #2 at car show (6/26)
Park levy coming up. Consider nexus between non-motorized transportation improvements and parks
Discussion about upcoming Workshop #2 and prioritization process with Advisory Committee
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