St. Paul’s Lutheran Church,
417 Howertown Rd,
Catasauqua, PA 18032
Fax: 610-264-5732
Child Care: 610-264-0190
Sunday Worship
8:00 am Holy Communion
9:00 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship
1st & 3rd Sunday Holy Communion
Summer Worship - June 15
Services in Chapel
8:00 am Holy Communion
9:15am Worship
1st & 3rd Sunday Holy Communion
Church Office Hours
Monday-Friday 9:00am-3:00pm
Sunday School
September-May 9:00am
Child Care Center
Monday-Friday 7:30am-5:30pm
Church Staff:
Pastor: Rev. Gary Walbert,
Pastor Emeritus:
Rev. Dr. Hartland H. Gifford
Dir. Music: open
Office Admin: Charleen Burik
Treasurer: Paul Peters
Financial Sec: Debbie Stewart
Dir. Child Care: Margaret Bossons
Sexton: Norbert Huber
Congregation Council
Robert Bastian
Tom Danner
Helene Sterner - Secretary
Kerry Lewis – Vice President
Kay Muehlberger
Doug Newhard- President
Laurie Perna
Robin Ruch
Helene Sterner
(4) Open
The Epistle
June & July, 2014
Brothers and Sisters in Jesus,
In Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, we read, “There is an appointed time for everything, and a season for every affair under the heavens.” In listing the many events and activities we participate in, this passage tells us there is a particular time for everything in life.
My dear friends, it is time for me to move on, to begin a new chapter in my ministry. I have received and accepted a call to be the Pastor at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Kreidersville. I am therefore resigning from my call at St. Paul’s effective June 30, 2014. My last Sunday with you will be June 29, 2014.
This has not been an easy decision for me to make, but God is leading me into new pathways. I realize that this new call will provide me with new and exciting opportunities to share the Gospel of our Lord with others and to walk with others as together we journey with Jesus.
As I reflect on my years here at St. Paul’s, memories come flooding back. There were all those joyous celebrations of baptisms, confirmations, and weddings. Then there were times of grief and great sadness when together we grieved the loss of loved ones. Weeklong VBS’s had fellowship hall ringing with the laughter of children and I can never forget the spirit-filled retreat weekends with our youth. One major highlight for me was our excellent music ministry. We were truly blessed with beautiful concerts and cantatas. It has been a privilege and an honor to have been able to share these special moments with you.
Most importantly, I will remember and cherish the wonderful friendships I have made while I’ve been here. These are like precious jewels to me. Even though I may not be your Pastor, I will always be your friend. I will continue to pray for you and ask that you do the same for me.
As always,
In His hands,
Pastor Gary
Rev. Gary L. Walbert
407 Bridge Street
Catasauqua, Pa 18032
May 28, 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I have received and accepted a call to be Pastor at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Kreidersville, Pa. Therefore, I hereby resign as Pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Catasauqua, Pa, effective June 30, 2014. My last Sunday with you will be June 29, 2014.
It has been a privilege to serve as your Pastor. I will continue to pray for you. I ask you to do the same for me.
Yours in Jesus,
Pastor Gary L. Walbert
Treasury Report
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver - 2 Corinthians 9:7
Jan-April YTD Financial Update
Weekly Envelopes
Budgeted: $37,632
Received: $30,248
Actual YTD
Income: $183,458
Expense: $187,024
Endowment Fund Loan: $63,339
Balance: $46,502
Council Highlights
* A motion was made and carried to approve the following students to receive HYFAD awards of $50.00 each. They are Jacob DeAngeles, Libby Buss and Lauren Dixon. Awards will be awarded on June 1.
* A motion was made and carried to approve the following student’s to be confirmed on June 8: Allison Dixon, Linda Houck, Madison MacHose, Hannah Matchette,
Brittain Shander, Bree Sheldon and Carol Williams.
* A motion was brought forth by the Property Committee to approve the renewal of the
annual H.T. Lyons boiler service contract at a cost of $3,408. Motion was seconded and
approved by Council.
* A motion was brought forth by the Property Committee to approve the grass cutting
contract to be awarded to Boyer Lawn Service. Motion was seconded and approved by Council.
* A motion was made and carried to put Preliminary Parsonage Study in next Epistle newsletter with request to have any questions be submitted in writing, signed and forward to council.
Child Care Center News
June has arrived and our summer begins. We say “Good-bye” to a few of our friends and Welcome back some old friends.
During the month of June we will hold Kindergarten Graduation on Wednesday, June 4th, with a Program of song & poems by our Graduates. Their parents will join us for hotdogs and cake after the program. Our Summer Program begins on Monday, June 16th, which means all of the children will enjoy the sprinklers or the Catty Pool. Our PreK class will hold a Carnival this month. All the classes will have a specified time to go to the PreK class to play their Carnival games. This month also holds a special day for our dads, so I want to wish them a Happy Father’s Day.
During the month of July, we will celebrate Independence Day by wearing RED, WHITE, & BLUE! Our School Age Class will hold a Fiesta; they will be busy making Piñatas. We cannot forget celebrating Christmas in July, Santa will send special little gifts for the children and we will make a Christmas Craft, eat Chocolate Chip cookies, and drink Chocolate Milk, while we listen to a Christmas story.
Summer is the time for all of our Children to enjoy the outdoors and to relax. We want to wish everyone a very pleasant summer, won’t complain about the heat because we don’t want a repeat of last winter
Happy Father’ Day and have a safe and enjoyable Summer.
Margaret Bossons
For more information about our Child Care Center, go to our website and click on Child Care Center button. Also there, you can check out their link to their new Facebook page.
Fundraising Committee
The fundraising committee is about halfway through the year with its fundraisers. We have been very successful so far only because of all of you great members who are willing to give of your time, talents and financial resources. St. Paul’s is very grateful for all of your efforts. We have made on approximate profit of around $5,000 thus far.
Thanks again.
As we enter the second half fundraising phase, we are looking forward to much of the same and then some. Coming up on the 14th of June is our annual Yard Sale from 8:am to 1pm. You may park your car in the back of your assigned space. Please bring your own table and chairs. We cannot provide electricity. Items can be donated to our church to benefit the church. The church will have many items for sale such as tables, chairs, electric typewriter, typewriter stand, plus much more. There will be refreshment available. In the event of inclement weather, we’ll move into the Fellowship Hall. Contact the church office for a registration form at 610-264-3221.
Looking ahead: Please reserve the following dates as we have a fantastic lineup of fundraisers.
September 13: 3rd Annual Apple Fest. 10am-2pm.
Octobert 4: 2nd Annual Chicken Dinner Theatre. 4:30-6:30pm with entertainment starting at 6:30pm
October 12: Longaberger Basket Bingo
November 23: Thanksgiving Basket Raffle
November 29: Annual Holly Fair. 9am-2pm
December 21: Christmas Basket Raffle
Congratulations to Holly Cope – the winner of our Memorial Picnic Raffle.
On June 8th, our church will confirm 7 young adults into the membership of St. Paul’s. Through their confirmation process, these young teenagers will not only become members of our church; but they will become members of the Body of Christ.
So, it is with great honor that we welcome the following into our fold as full members of the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and wish them well as they now embark on a lifelong journey following Jesus.
Allison Dixon, Linda Houck,
Madison MacHose
Hannah Matchette, Brittain Shander
Bree Sheldon, Carol Williams
HYFAD Awards
On May 19, the following students have been selected to receive a HYFAD (Helping Youth Find A Direction) award:
Elizabeth Buss, Lauren Dixon,
Jacob DeAngeles
Deadline: July 11
Epistle Volunteers: July 18
If you would like to put an article or announcement in our newletter, please contact Charleen. Request: If you are able, please E-mail your articles to Charleen, Office Admin at
E-Mail me the Epistle!
Help us cut down the cost of postage by getting your Epistle newsletter by e-mail Just send your request via an email to church office at
For all you Smartphone users: We can easily email your Epistle directly to your smartphone (PDF format) so you can enjoy it anytime, anywhere. Just email us at or call church office and let us know where you want us to send it.
Don’t forget you can also get our EPISTLE newsletter and up-to-date church information on our website too ……and…….
check St. Paul’s Facebook page too!
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed, John 8:36
St. Paul’s 2014 Yard Sale
& Bake Sale
Saturday, June 14, 2014
St. Paul’s Church,
417 Howertown Rd., Catasauqua
8:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Set-Up Begins @ 6 AM
Sales Start @ 8 AM
The St. Paul’s Fundraising Committee is holding a Yard Sale and Bake Sale on Saturday, June 14. We’ll also be selling breakfast and lunch items from our kitchen. The sales will be held in our parking lot and on the front lawn of the church. In the event of inclement weather, we’ll move indoors to Fellowship Hall. Proceeds will benefit the St. Paul’s General Fund and the Salvation Army in Allentown.
Yard Sale. The cost to rent one space in our lot is $15.00. Almost anything goes, but we are limiting the number of commercial vendors (i.e. Longaberger, Pampered Chef, etc.) You may park your car in the assigned parking space then set up your wares in front of your car. Please bring your own table and chairs as St. Paul’s will NOT be providing them or electricity. We’ll be advertising this event in local newspapers, on various social media sites, and posting flyers at area businesses. If you would like to rent a space, please complete the Yard Sale Registration Form along with your payment to the Church Office (417 Howertown Rd) Attention: Bob Bastian - OR - you may put your completed Registration form with your payment attached in the offering plate.
Bakers - we need you Too!! If you would like to donate some of your delicious, homemade baked goods to our Bake Sale, please bring them to the Chapel Breezeway the morning of Saturday, June 14th, between 6 a.m. and 7:30 a.m.
If you have any questions, please call Bob Bastian (610-266-4287)) or the Church Office
(610-264-3221). Thank You!!
Upcoming Events
June 8: Confirmation
June 14: St. Paul’s Yard Sale,
June 15: Father’s Day - Summer church worship schedule begins. Service will be at 8:00am & 9:15am in the chapel.
June 27- July 6: Catasauqua Old Home Week. Sunday, June 29: The Catasauqua Park will be the site of crafters, art, music, and community worship Svc.
July 4: Church Office Closed
July 11: Epistle Deadline
July 18 Epistle Volunteers:
Chapel Worship Service Survey
Recently, people have inquired about time change for our second worship services in the chapel during the summer months. Please note this survey does not affect our 1st worship service at 8:00am.
Which service time would you be in favor of? Please check box below with your preference.
_______ 9:15am
_______ 10:30am
Return survey in collection plate or any council member.
Thank you for your consideration in this
Helene Sterner,Council member
July 27 –August 1: VBS
St. Paul’s 2014 Yard Sale Registration Form Saturday, June 14, 2014 St. Paul’s Church, 417 Howertown Rd., Catasauqua 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM Set-Up Begins @ 6 AM Sales Start @ 8 AM
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________ City ___________________ State/Zip _____________
Phone: ________________________ Email: __________________________________________
Description of Notable Sale Items: (We do NOT guarantee inclusion of your items in our ads): ____________________________________________________________________________________
The cost to rent one 9’ x 10’ space in our parking lot is $15.00. You may also park your car in our lot behind your assigned space. Please bring your own tables and chairs as St. Paul’s will NOT provide them or electricity. We’ll be advertising this event in local newspapers, on various social media sites, and posting flyers at area businesses. In the event of inclement weather, the Yard Sale will be moved indoors. Your set-up time will be provided by or before June 13th.
Space rented to Commercial Vendors (Longaberger, Pampered Chef, etc.) is limited. In order to participate as a Commercial Vendor, you must have products on hand to sell. You may not take orders at the Yard Sale, but feel free to hand out your business cards.
Registration Fees:
#_______ of Spaces @ $15/each: $_______________ Total Amount Due: $_______________
Please make check payable to: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. All Proceeds benefit the St. Paul’s General Fund and the Salvation Army in Allentown.
Please Mail Completed Registration and Payment to:
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church 417 Howertown Road Catasauqua, PA 18032
If you have not provided an email address, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your completed Registration so we may mail you Yard Sale Rules & Info.
Registration deadline is Friday, June 6, 2014 If you have questions, please contact Bob Bastian at 610-266-4287 or or Church Office at 610-264-3221.
Thank You
Summer is very nearly upon us! It’s just about time to make the transition to our summer schedule here at St. Paul’s church.
Our summer worship services will begin on Sunday, June 15th. From then until Labor Day, all worship services will be held in our air-conditioned and wheelchair-accessible chapel.
Spoken Holy Communion will still be celebrated every Sunday at 8:00 a.m.
Second worship service will be held at 9:15 a.m.
Holy Communion for this service will continue to be celebrated on the first and third Sundays of each month
Hospital Visits
If you or someone you know is admitted into the hospital, it is very important to notify the church as soon as possible. You can do this by either calling the church office directly or informing the hospital upon admittance that you are a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and they will list you under our Pastoral Code 312. If you are admitted into a Rehabilitation facility, please inform the church office as well. Without either of these notifications, Pastor will not know to visit you and you will not be added on to our prayer chain
Honor a loved one, give thanks for an anniversary or accomplishment, or commemorate a loved one’s birthday or death by sponsoring flowers for our altar or by sponsoring our church bulletins. If you would like to celebrate in this way, please fill out a Altar Flower and/or Bulletin Dedication form along with payment of $40/$15 & submit to church office. Dedication forms are in the Narthex
6/1 open open
6/8 Stauffer open
6/15 Spieker open
6/22 open open
6/29 Younger open
St Paul‘s Committees &
Volunteer Directory
Acolytes: Laurie Perna
Altar Guild: Jackie Younger
Child Care: Kay Muehlberger
Christian Ed: Amanda Dungan
Communion Assist: Laurie Perna
Epistle: Charleen Burik
Finance: Brynn Layton
Fundraising: Bob Bastian
Greeters: Kay Muehlberger
Lectors: Judy Donchez
Memorials: Betty MacHose
Prayer Chain: Bette MacHose
Property: Bob Bastian
Scouts: Al Renn/Mark Weaver
Social Ministry/Evangelism: June Hahn
Stewardship: Laurie Perna
Worship: Kerry Lewis
7/6 open open
7/13 open open
7/20 open open
7/27 open open
2 Corinthians 3:17: Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
Ways to help St. Paul’s & Our Community
Drop in at Redner’s in Whitehall or Northampton and get a free Save-a-Tape card. Present it at the register when you pay for your purchases, then bring your receipts to the church. Every $5,000 in Redner’s receipts earns St. Paul’s Church $50!
Volunteer Coordinator: Julie Stauffer
Inkjet Cartridges: Help St. Paul's itself by bringing in your used printer & fax machine cartridges! We trade them in & receive store credit-$2.00 for every qualifying print cartridge. Not only will it contribute to fundraising at St. Paul's, but it keeps these things out of landfills & helps protect the environment! Everyone wins!
Volunteer Coordinator: Susan Vrablic
On May 8, we received a check from Redners for $160.91 Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!
Miller Keystone Blood Center
Is currently experiencing lower than normal inventory levels due to the inclement weather and illness. We are in need of all blood types.
We want to thank Warren Winch and Jacqueline Younger who donated recently. Remember to say you’re giving for St. Paul’s whenever you donate blood!
Soda Tabs: For the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House. The PRMH provides housing to the families of patients in the local children's hospitals, and the soda tabs are a huge boost to the charity's finances. Bring your tabs to worship on Sundays, or to the church office any day of the week, and help with this important program!
[Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Drawing Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.]
Catasauqua Food Bank Needs:
* Baby food * Diapers * Wipes
Drop off your donations for the Food Pantry in the shopping basket in the Church Narthex St. Paul’s can earn a donation every time you search the Internet and shop online! Search the web with Yahoo-powered and they’ll donate a penny to our church each time you search! Shop at more than 600 merchants including Amazon, Best Buy, Toys R Us, and others, and a percentage of each purchase will go to our church! For searching go to:
Celebrations June & July
Jesus said, “I am the Light of the World”.
May the birthday candles that represent the years of your life be a reflection to others of your love for Christ.
6/2 Amy Heffner
6/4 Jeremy Fye
6/4 Robert Zakos
6/6 Allison Gillette
6/6 William Lower Sr
6/6 Alison Mengel
6/7 Michael Burgher
6/7 Jesse Buss
6/7 Tina Dixon
6/7 Kathy Horvath
6/7 Traci Reitz
6/8 June Hahn
6/9 Adam Dumbach
6/9 Elijah Sutter
6/11 Amy Hillegass
6/11 Bonnie Kelly
6/13 Lewis Heller
6/13 John Kalynych
6/15 James Alexander
6/15 Ryan Frantz
6/15 Laura Gerhard
6/15 Victoria Huggan
6/15 David Spieker
6/16 Erica Wassum
6/17 Kayla Carl
6/17 Robert Shipe Jr.
6/19 Alicia Kesack
6/20 Deborah Frey
6/20 Sheri Karnish
6/21 Tricia Huber
6/23 Stephanie Shook
6/24 Ashley Romig
6/25 Steven Bowen
6/28 Austin Phillips
6/29 Isabella Casner
6/29 Ronald Sandt
7/1 Gary Walbert
7/3 Jane Breslin
7/3 Michael Younger
7/4 Ryan Huber
7/4 Judith Taniser
7/5 Gary Bowen
7/5 Carol Kindt
7/6 Kayla James
7/6 Joann Lambert
7/6 Olivia Matchette
7/6 Aaron Smith
7/6 Courtney Vanek
7/7 Tabitha Dawkins
7/7 Audrey MacHose
7/8 Linda Lambert
7/9 Cynthia Bass
7/10 Jaxon Cole
7/11 Kristine Garner
7/11 Kaylah Hoh
7/11 Jordan Nichols
7/12 Elizabeth Buss
7/12 Brian Panasik
7/12 Denise Reiner
7/12 Lauren Wassum
7/13 Heather Ackerman
7/14 Alexa Bailey
7/14 Jamie Klaum
7/14 Elijah Voorhees
7/16 Norbert Huber
7/17 Gavin Frankenfield
7/17 Nathan Scholl
7/19 Nicole Massey
7/21 Jill Hersh
7/21 Katie Hirner
7/21 Carter Weinhofer
7/22 Gregory Hoch
7/23 Angela Shook
7/24 Patricia Gillette
7/24 Carol Hartranft
7/24 Ashley Heffner
7/24 Robert Zakos
7/25 Thaddeus Karnish
7/26 Barbara Keiser
7/26 Dennis Liberto
7/26 Faye Steckel
7/27 Amanda Dungan
7/27 Jean Golomb
7/28 Calla Shander
7/28 Matthew Steidel
7/29 Michelle Sparacello
7/30 Edward Weinhofer
7/31 Sarah Oplinger
7/31 Gary Wassum
Special Birthdays
A few of our seniors will be celebrating birthdays this month. Please take the time to remember them with a card or note
6/11 William Shipe 91 4801 NW 34th St, Apt. 405, Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33319
6/12 Paul Strausser 97 32 Bayberry Road, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
6/14 Elizabeth MacHose 90 534 Third St, Apt. 612, Catasauqua, PA 18032
6/17 Frank Peck 98 841 North 24th Street, Allentown, PA 18104
6/21 Morris Bartholomew 81 731 Second Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032
6/22 Richard Lambert 78 4572 Greenfield Road, Bethlehem, PA 18017
6/30 R. William Younger 79 316 St. John Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032
7/2 Shirley Boyer 79 1029 6th St. Apt. 112, Whitehall, PA 18052
7/5 Donald Lafaw 77 300 Adriana Court, Northampton, PA 18067
7/6 Lee Schleicher 81 308 Walnut Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032
7/11 Mary Gries 93 2157 Lincoln Avenue, Northampton, PA 18067
7/13 Eli Lambert Jr 86 546 Fourth Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032
7/14 Darlene George 76 RD #4 1579 E Race St, Allentown, PA 18103
7/15 Joan Bartholomew 77 731 Second Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032
7/29 Earl Spengler 80 515 Penn Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032
6/6 Rebecca & James Urban 5
6/7 Richard & Joann Lambert 56
6/8 Robert & Coreena Sterner 12
6/9 Scott & Debra Stewart 30
6/16 Gary & Stefanie Wassum 2
6/18 Raymond & Diane Laubach 48
6/21 Kathy & John Horvath 39
6/24 Barry & Faye Steckel 53
6/26 Douglas & Diane Newhard 26
6/28 Warren & Debra Hoffman 28
6/28 Clinton & Diane Phillips 23
7/1 David & Heather Hudson 8
7/9 William & Marie Lower Sr 54
7/10 Debra & Ravi Shankar 16
7/19 Willet & Catherine Thomas 34
7/21 Scott & Jean Golomb 24
7/24 Glenn & Angela Shook 10
7/28 Walter & Gloria Jones 52
7/28 Edward & Janet Searfass 58
7/30 James & Donna Williams 27
Sharing the Good News!
Do you have any good news in your family? Any news, any exciting happenings? What do I mean - births, engagements, a new job, a great accomplishment for one of your family members. Tell us so we can celebrate with you. Good News is not for offering thank you’s, rather it is an opportunity for you to let us know about the joyful things in your lives.
Libby Buss graduated from Liberty High School and will be attending college at American University in Washington DC to major in Business & Marketing
Lauren Dixon graduated from Northampton Sr. High School and will be attending college at DeSales University
Jacob DeAngeles graduated from Northampton High School and will be attending college at Temple University to get a B.S. in Business specializing in Tourism and Hospitality.
Amanda DeAngeles graduated in December 2013 from Kutztown University with a B.S. in Anthropology and Sociology and is attending Kutztown University for her Masters’ in Education.
Bruce Bastian, a Deputy Sheriff with Lehigh County was recently promoted to Sergeant. Bruce is the son of Robert Bastian.
Kitty Williams on the birth of great-grandson, Gavin Jude Groff, born on May 9, 2014. Gavin is the son of Jennifer & Nathan Groff.
Emily Golden & Jeff Synder on the birth of her daughter Claire Reily Snyder on April 29
A special prayer for God’s loving
guidance, blessings and happiness as
Claire Reily Synder is to be baptized
Cradle Roll.
"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it"
(Proverbs 22:6).
Our newest inductees is:
Claire Reily Synder
8:00 Comm
10:30 Comm
7p Worship
7pm Scouts
7pm Property
8 Pentecost
8:00 Comm
7p Stewrdship
7pm Scouts
7pm Finance
7pm Cub Pack
6:30 Fundraising
Yard Sale
8am -1pm
15 Holy Trinity
8:00 Comm
9:15 Comm
Father’s Day
7pm Scouts
7pm CYSA
7pm Child Care
7pm Cub Pack
8:00 Comm
9:15 Worship
7pm Council
7pm Cub Pack
9:15 Worship
7pm Property
4 church office closed
8:00 Comm
9:15 Comm
7pm Finance
6:30pm Fundraising
Epistle Deadline
8:00 Comm
9:15 Worship
7p Stewardship
7pmpm Child Care
9am Epistle Volunteers
8:00 Comm
9:15 Comm
7pm Council
8:00 Comm
9:15 Worship
6:00pm - 8:00pm Vacation Bible School
Don’t forget you can view our calendar on-line by visiting our website and click on Calendar link
Serving at St. Paul's
June & July
Worship Services
June 1 7th Sunday of Easter
8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion
10:30 a.m. – Holy Communion
June 8 Day of Pentecost
8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion
10:30 a.m. – Holy Communion/
Confirmation Day
Services held in Chapel
June 15 The Holy Trinity
Father’s Day
8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion
9:15 a.m. – Holy Communion
June 22 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion
9:15 a.m. – Worship
June 29 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
9:15 a.m. – Holy Communion
July 6 4th Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion
9:15a.m. – Holy Communion
July 13 5th Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion
9:15 a.m. – Worship
July 20 6th Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion
9:15 a.m. – Holy Communion
July 27 7th Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion
9:15 a.m. – Worship
God Gives More than Enough
It is the "first day of the week" (John 20:19), the day of the new creation, but to those locked away in the upper room in fear, the world is as it always has been. So entrenched are they in the ways of grief and guilt that the Risen One in their midst needs to offer his life-giving invitation twice: "Peace be with you." The logic of the new age is peace, not retribution; forgiveness, not vengeance. With the invitation to new life comes also the means: the gift of the Holy Spirit, breathed upon them and within them. Just as the Father sent Jesus into the world, so now are these disciples sent as witnesses to God's saving work.
Pentecost is therefore the crowning achievement of the Jesus story. Now, more than ever, these huddled disciples would have just cause to sing the "Dayenu" ("It would have been enough") verses from the Passover seder meal, but revised: It would have been enough for the Word and wisdom of God to have been born in the flesh . . . Dayenu! It would have been enough for the Word to grow to adulthood and share his stunning parables about God's gracious activity in the world . . . Dayenu! It would have been enough for this Word to say to his enemies, "Father, forgive them" . . . Dayenu! It would have been enough for this Word to have died on a cross for us . . . Dayenu! It would have been enough that he rose again in blessing, not vengeance ... Dayenu!
But now, beyond what we would even expect—the Word becomes our word and it is written on our hearts at Pentecost . . . Dayenu! It is enough, and more than enough to enflame our ministry of reconciliation in a world in need of a healing word
Summer, 2014
June & July
A monthly publication of
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
417 Howertown Road
Catasauqua, PA 18032
Church Office Hours Sunday School Child Care Center
Monday-Friday September-June Monday-Friday
9:00am-3:00pm 9:00am 7:30am-5:30pm
May the hammock be soft and the book absorbing
Have a happy and safe summer, St. Paul’s Church Council
If you move, changed phone or cell numbers, email addresses, or add members to your household, it is very important that you let the church office know so we can update all our information! It’s costly to have mail returned to the church due to incorrect or insufficient addresses. Even if the mail is forwarded, the church will be billed for the forwarding process. If you need to update any of your information, please stop by church office or call 610-264-3221
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
417 Howertown Rd, Catasauqua, Pa
JULY 27 – AUGUST 1, 2014 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Gangway to Galilee VBS will take us on and around the Sea of Galilee with five accounts of Jesus’ ministry there. By grace through faith, Jesus, God’s own Son our Savior, calls us, teaches us, keeps us safe, saves us, and provides all we need now and forever. That’s amazing grace!
Registration is open for ages PreK – 6th graders who will attend VBS from Sunday, July 27th to Friday, August 1, 2014, 6:00 – 8:00pm and dinner will be available to any child from 5:30 to 6:00pm. Don’t miss the boat! Set sail with us to sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more. Plus, you’ll learn all about Jesus our Savior and His amazing grace! Can’t wait to see you there!
Register now for Gangway to Galilee Vacation Bible School! Fill out the registration form in this newsletter and return to church office. For information, contact Diane Newhard at 610-442-6610 or call church office at 610-264-3221, or go to our website:
Connect Children with God’s Eternal Good News at VBS: Every child needs to hear the Good News that Jesus their Savior calls us, teaches us, keeps us safe, saves us, and provides all we need by His amazing grace through faith. At Gangway to Galilee VBS, you will connect children with the most important message of their lifetime: the miraculous story of what Jesus did for us what we could never do for ourselves. If you can help full or part time, we have many ways to be involved to suit your schedule and interests. Call Diane Newhard at 610-442-6610 for more information. Join us for an Amazing Grace Adventure!
We appreciate your prayers for Gangway to Galilee, our Vacation Bible School. Ask God to bring children to our program so they can know and grow in Jesus, our Savior! Ask God to provide leaders and helpers for this important mission. You can also help us by donating supplies, snacks and financial donations will be greatly appreciated.
Help: We need a Boat! Do you have a row boat or a kayak that our VBS committee can borrow during VBS week If so, please contact Diane Newhard at 610-442-6610 and she will even arrange for it to be picked up and returned to you. With your help and donations, we are planning on transforming St. Paul’s into an amazing Galilee adventure the kids will never forget!
Registration Form
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
417 Howertown Rd, Catasauqua, PA 18032 - Phone: 610-264-3221
Sunday, July 27st – Friday, August 1st, 2014
5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
A meal will be supplied nightly for the children.
Name(s)/ Age(s): Grade Attending in the Fall:
Street address:
City: State: ZIP:
Home telephone: (_______) Cell phone:
Home e-mail address:
Number of family members participating in VBS: ____________
Will parents be helping in other areas of VBS?___________Where?
In case of emergency, contact:
Allergies or other medical conditions:
Home church:
Group name (for church use only):
Name of a special friend your child might like to be with:
Return for to church office
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