“digested” metadata information. Again, you can find the full list of objects and their detailed descrip-
tions in SQL Server Books Online, but here are a few examples. The sp_tables stored procedure returns
a list of objects (such as tables and views) that can be queried in the current database.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Fundamentals
The sp_help procedure accepts an object name as input and returns multiple result sets with
general information about the object, and also information about columns, indexes, constraints, and
more. For example, the following code returns detailed information about the Orders table.
EXEC sys.sp_help
@objname = N'Sales.Orders';
The sp_columns procedure returns information about columns in an object. For example, the fol-
lowing code returns information about columns in the Orders table.
EXEC sys.sp_columns
@table_name = N'Orders',
@table_owner = N'Sales';
The sp_helpconstraint procedure returns information about constraints in an object. For example,
the following code returns information about constraints in the Orders table.
EXEC sys.sp_helpconstraint
@objname = N'Sales.Orders';
One set of functions returns information about properties of entities such as the SQL Server
instance, database, object, column, and so on. The SERVERPROPERTY function returns the requested
property of the current instance. For example, the following code returns the product level (such as
RTM, SP1, SP2, and so on) of the current instance.
The DATABASEPROPERTYEX function returns the requested property of the specified database
name. For example, the following code returns the collation of the TSQL2012 database.
The OBJECTPROPERTY function returns the requested property of the specified object name. For
example, the output of the following code indicates whether the Orders table has a primary key.
OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(N'Sales.Orders'), 'TableHasPrimaryKey');
Notice the nesting of the function OBJECT_ID within OBJECTPROPERTY. The OBJECTPROPERTY
function expects an object ID and not a name, so the OBJECT_ID function is used to return the ID of
the Orders table.
The COLUMNPROPERTY function returns the requested property of a specified column. For ex-
ample, the output of the following code indicates whether the shipcountry column in the Orders table
is nullable.
COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(N'Sales.Orders'), N'shipcountry', 'AllowsNull');